09-12-06 Minutes - DRCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM . b y Chair Baily. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner Julie Linney, Fire Department Fletcher Parsons, Associate Engineer Roshan Mehdizadeh, Engineering Intern Guido Persicone, Assistant Planner PUBLIC HEAR INGS NONE OTHER BUSINESS ITEM 1:15545 Los Gatos Blvd. Conditional Use Permit U-07-05 Requesting approval to operate a Yoga studio in conjunction with retail sales on property zoned CH.. APN 424-22-030. PROPERTY OWNER: Barry Swenson APPLICANT: Yoga Source Partners Deemed complete. Tentatively scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting of October 11, 2006. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:15 A.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the De ve lo pm en t R ev ie w C om mi tt ee is th e f ol lo wi ng Tu es da y. ________________________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner N:\DEV\DRC\Min2006\September\9-12-06.wpd