02-28-06 Minutes - DRCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR FEBRUARY 28, 2006 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM . b y Ch ai r B ai ly. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Joel Paulson, Associate Planner Julie Linney, Fire Department Anthony Ghiossi, Senior Building Inspector ITEM 1:101 Sund Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-05-080 Requesting approval to add onto a single family residence on property zoned HR-1. APN: 529-39-102 PROPERTY OWNER: Jim Barton APPLICANT: Gridley Company Deemed complete after two full-size and 25 reduced sets of plans are submitted. Tentatively scheduled for April 12, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. ITEM 2:589 University Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-06-037 Requesting approval to construct a commercial building on property zoned LM. APN 529-07-091. PROPERTY OWNER: Wayne Tannehill APPLICANT: Dave Flick Deemed complete after arborist and architect peer review are completed. Scheduled for next available Planning Commission meeting when complete. Item 3:303 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Conditional Use Permit U-06-013 Requesting approval to modify a Conditional Use Permit for a re st aur ant /b ake ry (La Maisson Du Croissant), to increase the number of seats, hours of operation and to serve beer and wine for a new restaurant (James Randall), on property zoned C-2. APN 510-14-048 PROPERTY OWNER: Bert Millen APPLICANT: Brenda Hammond Deemed complete. Scheduled for March 8, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. DRC Agenda February 28, 2006 -2- ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:20 A.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the De ve lo pm en t R ev ie w C om mi tt ee is th e f ol lo wi ng Tu es da y. ________________________________ Joel Paulson, Associate Planner N:\DEV\DRC\Min2006\February\2-28-06.wpd