12-17-02 Minutes - DRC TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR DECEMBER 17, 2002 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Chair Baily. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner Steve Lynch, Assistant Planner Joel Paulson, Assistant Planner Julie Linney, Fire Department Fletcher Parsons, Associate Engineer ITEM 1: 16495 Ferris Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-02-75 Requesting approval to demolish an existing residence, construct a new residence, and construct a detached accessory structure with reduced side and rear yard setbacks on property zoned R-1:8. PROPERTY OWNER: Denis Politi APPLICANT: Vladimir Frank Deemed incomplete by Planning division. Does not need to return to DRC, plans will be reviewed by consulting architect. Matter will either be approved by DRC pending notification of neighbors or will be scheduled for a Planning Commission Meeting. ITEM 2: 15047 Los Gatos Blvd. and 16426 Bennett Way Subdivision Application M-02-19 Consider a request for approval of a zone change for approximately 3,250 square feet of property from RC to CH and a lot line adjustment between two parcels currently zoned RC and CH. PROPERTY OWNER: Tom Yuki APPLICANT: Craig Hulse et al Deemed complete. Matter tentatively scheduled for the Planning Commission of February 12, 2003. ITEM 3: 339 Bella Vista Avenue Project Application PRJ-98-139 Negative Declaration ND-99-6 Requesting Architecture and Site approval to construct a new single family residence with a reduction in the front and rear setbacks on a nonconforming lot and approval to merge two lots on property zoned R-1:8. If no significant environmental impacts are identified as a result of this project, a Negative Declaration will be recommended and an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Hamid F. Ghazvini Representative not present. Application denied due to lack of progress. Appeal rights will be sent to applicant. ITEM 4: 17101 Hicks Road Subdivision Application M-02-18 Requesting approval of a 14 lot residential subdivision on property zoned HR-5:PD. PROPERTY OWNER: The Dagney Group, LLC APPLICANT: Greenbriar Homes Deemed complete once reductions are submitted. Matter tentatively scheduled for the Planning Commission Meeting of January 22, 2003. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:50A.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Development Review Committee is the following Tuesday. ________________________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner N:\DEV\DRC\Min2002\Dec\12-17-02.wpd