10-01-02 Minutes - DRC TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR OCTOBER 1, 2002 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. by Chair Baily. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner Steve Lynch, Assistant Planner Joel Paulson, Assistant Planner Imad Bayashi, Assistant Engineer Julie Linney, Fire Department Verbal Communications: Ray Davis stated for the record that he did not have his walking stick. He also commented that he was interrupted at the last DRC meeting during his comment period. ITEM 1. 20 S. Santa Cruz Avenue #107 Conditional Use Permit U-02-15 Requesting approval to operate a music school on property zoned C-2. PROPERTY OWNER: John Feece APPLICANT: Hannh Nguyen Deemed complete. Application tentatively scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting of November 13, 2002. ITEM 2. 340 Johnson Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-02-062 Requesting approval of an unlawful demolition and to construct a new single family residence on property zoned R-1:8. PROPERTY OWNER: Beth and Chris Wright APPLICANT: JCA Architects Deemed complete. Application was approved pending notification. ITEM 3. 16731 Hicks Road Architecture and Site Application S-02-34 Requesting approval to construct an accessory structure over 450 square feet within the required setbacks on a nonconforming lot zoned HR Action is for denial due to lack of progress. Denied due to lack of progress. ITEM 4. 17150 Mill Rise Way Architecture and Site Application S-00-105 Appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission denying a request to remodel and add a new second story to a single family residence and a grading permit to accommodate the first floor addition on property zoned HR-1. Action is for denial due to lack of progress. PROPERTY OWNER: Pat and Anne Romano APPLICANT/APPELLANT: Sal Caruso Denied due to lack of progress. ITEM 5. 16035 Camino Del Cerro Architecture and Site Application S-02-020 Requesting approval to construct a new single family residence on property zoned HR-1. Action is for denial due to lack of progress. PROPERTY OWNER: Hai McKinney APPLICANT: Joe Varda Denied due to lack of progress. ITEM 6. 17889 Wedgewood Avenue (Lot 1) Architecture and Site Application S-99-20 Requesting approval to construct a new single family residence and a detached garage which exceeds 450 square feet in area on property zoned R -1:8. Action is for denial due to lack of progress. PROPERTY OWNER: Los Gatos Wedgewood Road LLC APPLICANT: Stern & Champion Homebuilders APPELLANT: Dori Fontaine Denied due to lack of progress. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:25 A.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Development Review Committee is Tuesday, October 8, 2002. −3− ___________________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner N:\DEV\DRC\Min2002\Oct\10-01-02.wpd