10-09-01 Minutes - DRC TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR, OCTOBER 9, 2001 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 9:00A.M. by Chair Baily. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner Imad Bayashi, Assistant Engineer Joel Paulson, Assistant Planner Julie Linney, Fire Department ITEM 1: 14801 Los Gatos Blvd. and 16185 Burton Road (Revised Plans) a. Zone Change Application Z-01-2 b. Architecture and Site Application S-00-100 c. Negative Declaration ND-01-2 Request for approval of a zone change from R-1:8 to CH to and for approval to demolish a single family residence to construct a commercial building on property zoned CH and R-1:8. No significant environmental impacts have been identified as a result of this project, and a Negative Declaration is recommended. PROPERTY OWNERS: William Errico, Dennis Chegwin and Eugene J. Gonzales, Trustee APPLICANT: William Errico Deemed incomplete by Planning Division. Does not need to return to DRC. Parks & Forestry comments not available. Matter already scheduled for Planning Commission meeting as a continued item. ITEM 2: 16060 Cerro Vista Drive (Revised Plans) Architecture and Site Application S-01-80 Requesting approval of a grading permit for retaining walls and cleaning the top soil on property zoned HR-1. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Bo and Kristina Brezoczky Deemed incomplete by Engineering & Planning Divisions. Parks & Forestry comments not available. Must return to DRC. ITEM 3: Reservoir Road (Revised Plans) a. Architecture and Site Application S-01-77 b. Subdivision Application M-01-13 c. Negative Declaration ND-01-11 Requesting approval of plans to remove the existing reservoir and facilities and a four lot subdivision on property zoned R-1:20. If no significant environmental impacts are identified as a result of this project, a Negative Declaration will be recommended and an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: San Jose Water Company Deemed incomplete by Engineering & Planning Divisions. Parks & Forestry comments not available. Does not need to return to DRC. Once complete, environmental review process will commence. ITEM 4: 17101 Hicks Road & 14045 Shannon Road (Revised Plans) a. Development Application DEV-99-002 b. Environmental Impact Report EIR-00-2 c. Architecture and Site Application S-99-5 Requesting approval of (1) a Planned Development to change the zone from RC and prezoned HR-5 to HR-2 1/2:PD to allow 19 single family lots. (2) a General Plan amendment to change the land use designation from Agriculture to Hillside Residential and (3) Architecture and Site approval to demolish three single family residences. This matter may have a significant impact on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared as required by the California Environmental Quality Act PROPERTY OWNER: The Dagney Group, LLC APPLICANT: Greenbriar Land Company Deemed incomplete by Engineering & Planning Divisions. Parks & Forestry comments not available. Does not need to return to DRC. Once complete, matter will be scheduled for the next available Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:10 A.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Development Review Committee is Tuesday, October 16 , 2001 Prepared by: ________________________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner −3− N:\DEV\JDFLDER\AGDDRC\Min2001\oct9.wpd