05-01-01 Minutes - DRCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR May 1, 2001 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. by Suzanne Davis. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner Steve Kowalski, Assistant Planner Tim Boyer, Parks and Forestry Division Willie Dones, Engineering Division Julie Linney, Fire Department VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS: Ray Davis noted that applicants have not been following the direction of the Planning Commission or Town Council and that the DRC should support an applicant’s compliance with direction of an approving body. ITEM 1: 14880 & 14890 Los Gatos Blvd., 14950 & 14960 Terreno de Flores Lane (Revise d Plans) a. Planned Development Application PD-00-2 b. Architecture & Site Application S-00-26 c. Negative Declaration ND-00-3 Request for approval of a zone change from R -1:8 and RM:5-12 to C-H:PD to (a) construct an office building, six apartments and 12 single family residential units and (b) to demolish four residential units. No significant environmental impacts have been i dentified and a Negative Declaration has been recommended. PROPERTY OWNERS: Mark & Debbie Tanner and Avi Myers APPLICANT: Cupertino Development Corp. The plans were deemed incomplete by Planning and Parks, with minor deficiencies being noted by both. It was noted that the traffic analysis is being updated by the Town Traffic Engineer, TJKM. The applicant submitted information to Engineering on the existing storm drain and Engineering did not have any other outstanding issues. The Fire Department provided comments that can all be attached as conditions of approval. The project will not return to the DRC as it is scheduled for the May 9, 2001 Planning Commission meeting. ITEM 2: 17101 Hicks Road & 14045 Shannon Road (Revised Plans) a. Development Application DEV-99-002 b. Environmental Impact Report EIR-00-2 c. Architecture and Site Application S-99-5 Requesting approval of (1) a Planned Development to change the zone from RC and prezoned HR-5 to HR-2 1/2:PD to allow 19 single family lots. (2) a General Plan amendment to change the land use designation from Agriculture to Hillside Residential and (3) Architecture and Site approval to demolish three single family residences. This matter may have a significant impact on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared as required by the California Environmental Quality Act PROPERTY OWNER: The Dagney Group, LLC APPLICANT: Greenbriar Land Company Parks did not receive the tree plan, but was given a plan at the meeting. The applicant summarized the changes that had been made to the plan and stated that the number of trees proposed for removal is 59, and that 316 new trees are proposed to be planted . Parks requested that these numbers be added to the plans. The Fire Department requested additional information including a driveway profile for lot 19 and demonstrated compliance with the requirement that the bridge over the creek be able to support a 40,000 lb. vehicle. Other Fire Dept. comments can be included as conditions of approval. The plans were incomplete due to the above noted deficiencies, but the project will not return to the DRC as the EIR will be considered by the Planning Commission on May 23, 2001, and the Town Council will be considering the project in June 2001. Ray Davis expressed a concern about traffic and pedestrian/bicycle safety on Hicks and DRC Minutes May 1, 2001 Shannon Roads. He believes that both of these roads should be widened. He suggested that the developer post some large signs on the project site that are visible to people driving by informing the public of the public hearing dates. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Development Review Committee is Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Prepared by: ____________________________ Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner N:\DEV\JDFLDER\AGDDRC\Min2001\may.1.wpd