05-11-04 Agenda - DRCN:\DEV\DRC\Agenda2004\May\05-11-04.wpd AGENDA TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI TTEE TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2004 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M . -- TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 110 MAIN STREET -- TOWN HALL (408) 354-6872 If no one is present to represent your project when the item is called, the matter will be automatically continued. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (Three-minute time limit per subject not scheduled for discussion on the agenda) ------------------------------------------------9:00 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 1.140 S. Santa Cruz Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-04-036 Requesting approval to modify the front and rear elevations on property zoned C-2:PD. APNS 510-45-064 and 065. PR OP ER TY O WN ER /AP PLIC ANT : To ll Hou se H ot el, LLC Final action by Development Review Committee PLANNER: Sandy Baily ------------------------------------------------9:15 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 2.15350 Suview Drive Architecture and Site Application S-04–44 Requesting approval to construct a new single family residence on property zoned HR-2 ½. APN 537-24-013. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Charles Hackett Final action by Planning Commission PLANNER: Rachel Bacola/Suzanne Davis ------------------------------------------------9:30 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 3.45 Wadsworth Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-04-042 Requesting approval to construct a swimming pool on a parcel with a slope greater than 10 percent on property zoned HR-1. APN 510-41-040. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Catherine and Michael Conrad Final action by Planning Commission PLANNER: Jennifer Castillo DRC AGENDA - 2 - N:\DEV\DRC\Agenda2004\May\05-11-04.wpd ------------------------------------------------9:45 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 4.16370 Lilac Lane Architecture and Site S-04-41 Requesting approval to construct a second story addition on property zoned R-1:8. APN 523- 13-027 PROPERTY OWNER: Debbie and Wesley Leong APPLICANT: Wade Construction Final action by Planning Commission PLANNER: Jennifer Castillo ------------------------------------------------10:00 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------ 5.14700 Winchester Blvd Building Permit BO4-000327 Review of building permit to resurface an existing parking lot. Applicant: Santa Clara County Fire Department Each proposal is given a n estima ted time allowa nce. It is requ ested that you a nd/o r your re prese ntative b e pre sent at this meeting in order to respond to questions that may be asked. T he purp ose of this meeting is to determine what deficie ncies, if any, e xist in the p rop osal an d/or to pre pare a reco mm end ation to the Pla nning C omm ission. The Town of Los Gatos has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6; litigation cha lleng ing a decision of the C ounc il must be br oug ht w ithin 90 d ays afte r the de cision is ann ounc ed un less a shorter time limit is required by state or federal law. In com plianc e with the Am erican s with D isabilities A ct, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Sandy Baily at (408) 354-6873. Notification 48 h ours b efore the me eting will en able the Town to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR Section 35,102-35.104]