03-27-01 Agenda - DRC N:\DEV\DRC\AGENDAS\AGENDA 2000 - 2009\AGENDA 2001\MAR-01\MAR.27.WPD AGENDA TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 2001 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. -- TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 110 MAIN STREET -- TOWN HALL (408) 354-6872 Please be seated in the Council Chambers. If no one is present to represent your project when the item is called, the matter will be automatically continued. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (Three-minute time limit per subject not scheduled for discussion on the agenda) --------------------------------------------------------------9:00 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 226 Vista Del Monte (Revised Plans) Architecture and Site Application S-01-2 Requesting approval of a (partial) demolition of a single family residence and the construction of a new residence on property zoned R-1:8. PROPERTY OWNER/Applicant: Carl and Sheryl Palmer Final action by Development Review Committee PLANNER: Steve Kowalski -------------------------------------------------------------9:10 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 2. 111 Lausen Court Architecture and Site Application S-01-37 Requesting approval to construct a new two story single family residence on property zoned R-1:8. PROPERTY OWNER: Union Avenue Development LLC APPLICANT: TS/Civil Engineering, Inc. Final action by Development Review Committee PLANNER: Joel Paulson -------------------------------------------------------------9:20 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- N:\DEV\DRC\AGENDAS\AGENDA 2000 - 2009\AGENDA 2001\MAR-01\MAR.27.WPD 3. 16401 Blossom Hill Road Architecture and Site Application S-01-38 Requesting approval to demolish a single family residence and to construct a new residence with a detached structure over 450 square feet in area on property zoned R-1:8. PROPERTY OWNER: Hong Nguyen APPLICANT: Daryl Fazekas Final action by Development Review Committee PLANNER: Joel Paulson -------------------------------------------------------------9:30 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 14855 Oka Road Conditional Use Permit Application U-01-10 Requesting approval to install temporary portable classrooms and offices during the construction of the new school which is pending approval on property zoned R-1:8. PROPERTY OWNER: Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center APPLICANT: Dennis Kobza & Associates Final action by Planning Commission PLANNER: Sandy Baily -------------------------------------------------------------9:40 A.M.------------------------------------------------------------- 5. 16 Lyndon Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-01-39 Requesting approval to reconfigure a commercial parking lot and to reduce the parking to meet the requirements for disabled parking on property zoned C -2. PROPERTY OWNER\APPLICANT: Suzanne Frazer Final action by Development Review Committee PLANNER: Sandy Baily ------------------------------------------------------------9:50 A.M.--------------------------------------------------------------------- DRC AGENDA - 3 - March 27, 2001 N:\DEV\DRC\AGENDAS\AGENDA 2000 - 2009\AGENDA 2001\MAR-01\MAR.27.WPD 6. Corner of Kennedy and Shannon Roads (Revised Plans) Architecture and Site Application S-00-40 Negative Declaration ND-00-8 Requesting approval to construct a new single family residence on property prezoned HR -20. No significant environmental impacts have been identified as a result of this project and a Negative Declaration is recommended. PROPERTY OWNERS: Rich Forest and Lou Chetaud APPLICANT: Mark McKinney Final action by Planning Commission PLANNER: Sandy Baily ------------------------------------------------------------10:05 A.M.--------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. 17975 Foster Road (Revised Plans) a. General Plan Amendment GP-00-2 b. Hillside Specific Plan Amendment HS-00-1 c. Development Application DEV-98-009 d. Architecture and Site Application S-00-52 e. Negative Declaration ND-98-0015 Requesting approval of : 1) a General Plan amendment to delete the private access requirements to Guadalupe College from Limekiln Road; 2) a General Plan and Hillside Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Open Space to Hillside Residential and to modify the trail locations; 3) a Planned Development to change the zoning designation from RC and HR-5 to HR-2 1/2:PD and RC:PD to create six home sites and 4) approval to demolish a residence and buildings associated with Guadalupe College. No significant environmental impacts have been identified as a result of this project and a Negative Declaration is recommended. PROPERTY OWNER: McCarthy Land Co. LLC APPLICANT: TS/Civil Engineering, Inc. Final action by Town Council PLANNER: Sandy Baily NOTE: The Development Review Committee (DRC) is a technical committee charged by the Town with reviewing plans for compliance with all Town Codes, policies, and the California Environmental Quality Act. While the DRC will review plans for compliance with the Town's policies on architecture and design, it does not act as an architectural review board. The Planning Commission and Town Council will respond to issues of the appropriateness of architecture and other design features as part of their discretionary review of an individual project if they are the deciding body. DRC AGENDA - 4 - March 27, 2001 N:\DEV\DRC\AGENDAS\AGENDA 2000 - 2009\AGENDA 2001\MAR-01\MAR.27.WPD Each proposal is given an estimated time allowance. It is requested that you and/or your representative be present at this meeting in order to respond to questions that may be asked. The purpose of this meeting is to determine what deficiencies, if any, exist in the proposal and to prepare a recommendation to the Planning Commission. The Town of Los Gatos has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6; litigation challenging a decision of the Council must be brought within 90 days after the decision is announced unless a shorter time limit is required by state or federal law. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Sandy Baily at (408) 354-6873. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the Town to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR Section 35,102 -35.104]