Exhibit 6 - Applicant’s Response to the Consulting Architect’s Report, dated September 30, 2020September 30, 2020 ITEM: 14300 Lora Drive Architecture and Site Application S-20-019 Requesting approval for construction of a new single-family residence on property zoned R-1:8. APN 409-15-028. PROPERTY OWNER : A. Chaube APPLICANT : Krislani Mulia PROJECT PLANNER : Jocelyn Shoopman LAST REVIEWED BY STAFF: Second Review RESPONSE TO NEIGHBORHOOD Architecture comments My immediate neighborhood has 2 very large multifamily apartment complex along with single story and double story houses. These are Wedgwood Manor (14225 Lora DR) and Lora Manor (14245 Lora Dr.) I have attached another plan for the consulting architect to consider. These should be taken into account while comparing the houses in the immediate neighborhood as they are the dominant presence on the street, have the largest square ft, accommodate the most no of people, have the greatest number of parking spaces and cars parked on the road, and are not of any particular style. ARCHITECT CONSULTANT RESPONSE: Responding Architecture Consultant Review, written by Larry L. Cannon from Cannon Design Group, dated September 8, 2020. Carefully studied the recommendation, we decided to implement EXHIBIT 6 APPROACH 2 (page 6 on the letter), which stated: “Revise the design to simplify the building and roof forms to be consistent with the version of the Mediterranean Style that emphasizes more formality”. All recommendation No. 1-10 as stated and illustrated in the Architecture Consultant letter on Page 8-9, are implemented and followed: 1. Simplify the front façade form to allow a building envelope more typical of the formal Mediterranean Style. Response: The simplified front building envelope resulted into clearer and simpler architectural mass and manages to avoid complex roof forms to be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.3.1. (Develop the house plans and elevations together). The simplified front façade eliminates a more irregular front profile on the original design and also eliminates the need for first floor roofs which is inconsistent with the chosen Approach 2 (Formal Mediterranean Style). Some plan modification on the area that got affected by the changes resulted into a slightly larger GFA of 4,342 S.F. compare to the original of 4,195 S.F. that the owner has agreed to compromise in compliance to the Architecture Consultant recommendation. The increase GFA is reflected in Project Data on the revised Sheet A-1. Architecture Consultant recommendation The modified Plans Summary of the Revised Design:  Overall massing: 1’ less overall massing height, with Level 1 height got reduced from 11’ to 10’ to create a less bulky massing and better proportion.  Simpler architectural mass.  Elimination of first story roofs to avoid complex roof.  More uniform windows height and style.  Projecting Porch massing also got increased to create more prominent entrance as an important central axis of the Formal Mediterranean Style (refer to Left/Right Elevation for clarity). 2. Select windows with substantial sash and wood or cast stone trim width to match traditional windows appropriate to the style. Response: All windows sash (from 1.5” to 2.5”) and trim width (from 3” to 6”) has been substantially increased as reflected in all our revised elevations to match the intended architecture style and consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. (Design for architectural integrity) and 3.7.4. (Design the windows with attention to matching the traditional details of the architectural style). Architecture Consultant recommendation 3. Provide cast stone projecting trim below second floor windows on all four sides of the house. Response: A suitable profile projecting trim is added below second floor windows on all four sides of the house to provide visual relief for two story walls which is especially common in Formal Mediterranean Style. The added element is also responsive to Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3. (Provide visual relief for two story walls). Front Elevation 4. Use arched window forms on all front elevation first floor windows and doors. Response: All front elevation first floor windows and doors have been modified with arched forms. We implemented ‘segmented arch’ top compare to the Architecture Consultant illustrated ‘half arch’ top, as it is aesthetically preferred by the owner. Knowing ‘segmented arch’ top is also common practice in Mediterranean Style. This implementation is consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. (Design for architectural integrity). Front Elevation 5. Add exposed rafter tails at the roof eaves. Response: Rafter tails which are common practice in Mediterranean Style are added into the roof design. This implementation is consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. (Design for architectural integrity). 6. Eliminate the rear elevation bay window. Response: The rear elevation bay window is changed into regular window similar to other windows design. This approach is to achieve clearer intended architectural style without mixing inconsistent architectural elements. This implementation is consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. (Design for architectural integrity). 7. Revise the design and supports for the second floor balcony to better relate it to the overall house design. Response: The design and supports for the second floor balcony has been revised to be consistent with the overall house design and style, with dimension that are large enough to clearly provide structural support for the balcony. This implementation is consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. (Design for architectural integrity) and 3.10.2 (Balconies). Rear Elevation 8. Revise side elevation to match front and rear elevations. Response: Left and right elevations have been revised to be consistent with the front and rear elevations. This implementation is consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. (Design for architectural integrity). Left Elevation Right Elevation 9. Add additional architectural detail appropriate to the architecture style. Response: For roof material, Spanish colonial concrete style will be used. Mediterranean style light lanterns are included into front porch design. This implementation is consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. (Design for architectural integrity). 10. Add buffer landscaping in side and rear setback. Response: Buffer landscaping in side and rear setback is always intended to be incorporated as part of the new house complete design. Sincerely, Krislani Mulia (Designer)