08 Attachment 5 - Bellaterra_MarketHallTDMPlan_2020_08_pdf-TLGTransportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan North FortyPrepared by Prepared for Town of Los Gatos 160 W Santa Clara St #675 San Jose, CA 95113 408.278.1700 Robert Eckols R.Eckols@FehrandPeers.com 408.645.7021 August 2020 ATTACHMENT 5 North Forty Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan Bellaterra and Market Hall Prepared for: SummerHill Homes August 2020 SJ17-1760.01 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Background ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 TDM Goal .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Overall Site Description ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2. TDM Network ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Pedestrian Facilities ............................................................................................................................................. 6 On-site Pedestrian Facilities and Other Amenities ...................................................................................... 6 Bicycle Facilities ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Types of Facilities .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Existing and Planned Off-site Facilities ...................................................................................................... 11 On-site Bicycle Facilities .............................................................................................................................. 11 Transit Service .................................................................................................................................................... 14 On-site Transit Facilities .............................................................................................................................. 17 Other Measures .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces and Clean Air Vehicle Spaces .............................................................. 17 Traffic Calming Measures ........................................................................................................................... 17 Wayfinding ................................................................................................................................................... 19 3. TDM Measures and Strategies .........................................................................................................21 Bellaterra Residential TDM Measures .............................................................................................................. 21 Market Hall Commercial TDM Measures .......................................................................................................... 25 Description of Measures .................................................................................................................................... 28 Comparison to COA and Specific Plan Measures ...................................................................................... 28 4. Future or Alternative TDM Measures and Strategies .......................................................................30 New Shuttle Service ........................................................................................................................................... 30 Additional Financial Incentives .......................................................................................................................... 30 New Technologies ............................................................................................................................................... 30 5. Transportation Coordinator Duties ...................................................................................................31 Bellaterra ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Market Hall ......................................................................................................................................................... 32 6. Annual Monitoring Reports ..............................................................................................................34 Common TDM Monitoring and Reporting Requirements ................................................................................. 34 Overall Monitoring Process - Questionnaires ............................................................................................. 34 Monitoring Report Content ......................................................................................................................... 34 Additional TDM ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Monitoring Report Submittal Deadline and Penalty .................................................................................. 35 Bellaterra TDM Monitoring ................................................................................................................................. 35 Trip Reduction Goal ..................................................................................................................................... 36 Analysis of Survey Results .......................................................................................................................... 36 Market Hall TDM Monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 36 Trip Reduction Goal ..................................................................................................................................... 36 Analysis of Survey Results .......................................................................................................................... 36 TDM Measure Effectiveness ......................................................................................................................... 5 Appendices Appendix A: Vehicle Trip Generation Estimates Appendix B: List of Nearby Employers Appendix C: Estimated TDM Measure Effectiveness Appendix D: Example Questionnaires List of Figures Figure 1: Site Location................................................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2: Bellaterra Site Plan with On-Site TDM Measures and Amenities .............................................................. 7 Figure 3: Market Hall Site Plan with On-Site TDM Measures and Amenities ........................................................... 8 Figure 4: Existing and Proposed Bicycle Facilities ................................................................................................... 13 Figure 5: Existing Transit Service .............................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 6: New Transit Service Plan ........................................................................................................................... 16 List of Tables Table 1: TDM Plan-Related Trip Generation Estimates and TDM 15% Goal Trip Reductions ................................. 4 Table 2: Existing Nearby Transit (Bus) Service ........................................................................................................ 14 Table 3: Future Nearby Transit (Bus) Service .......................................................................................................... 14 Table 4: Residential TDM Measures for Bellaterra .................................................................................................. 22 Table 5: Commercial TDM Measures for Market Hall ............................................................................................. 25 Table 6: Comparison of TDM Measures ................................................................................................................... 29 Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 1 1. Introduction Bellaterra and Market Hall are part of Phase 11 of the North Forty mixed-use development located to the west of Los Gatos Boulevard and to the north of Lark Avenue in the Town of Los Gatos. The site location is illustrated on the map in Figure 1. As proposed, Bellaterra will contain 253 for-sale residential units and Market Hall will contain approximately 21,000 square feet of food and beverage-related commercial space. The purpose of this Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan is to reduce the amount of vehicle traffic generated by Bellaterra residents and Market Hall2 employees with measures, strategies, and incentives to shift them from driving alone to using other travel modes including transit, carpooling, cycling, and walking. The TDM Plan includes attributes of the site’s location, descriptions of existing and planned bicycle facilities and transit service in the area, TDM measures that encompass physical improvements at the site, and programmatic TDM measures that reduce the occurrence of drive-alone trips. The TDM Plan will be included in the CC&Rs for Bellaterra and permits/agreements plus tenant leases for Market Hall to ensure its implementation. Background The TDM Plan is required per North 40 Phase 1 Condition of Approval 115 and the TDM Chapter from the Specific Plan. Conditions of Approval 115 states: “TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM) PLAN: The applicant shall prepare a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan for the residential and commercial uses for Town of Los Gatos approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. The TDM shall include a minimum of those measures identified in the Specific Plan such as: ▪ Bicycle facility provisions ▪ Transit passes and subsidies ▪ Carpool incentive ▪ Reserved car share parking 1 There are other properties in Phase 1 remaining to be developed. This Plan will be expanded, updated, or amended to include these developments and other developments in future phases. 2 The senior housing portion of Market Hall is not directly included in the TDM Plan as seniors generate little traffic and therefore would not be affected by TDM strategies. However, vehicle trips generated by the senior housing component would be reduced due to the mixed-use nature of the development, nearby retail and restaurant uses, and the added bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. The TDM Plan is also not directly applicable to Market Hall customers as it would be difficult to control their travel behavior. Plus, many of their trips to the site will be pass-by trips and will not constitute new traffic on the roadway system. Los Gatos Creek TrailWi mbl e do n Dr Wedgewood Ave Sa maritanDr W Parr Ave WestchesterDrWoodard RdCapri DrLa R inconada DrNat iona l Ave Carlton Ave UniversityAveWinchester BlvdPollard Rd Lark A v e WinchesterBlvdL o s G a tos AlmadenRd W Valley Fwy Burto n R d Camden Ave Blossom Hill Rd S Bascom AveLos Gatos Blvd|}17 |}17 |}85 |}85 V a s o n a L a k e C o u n t y P a r k L o s Gatos Creek TrailLos Gato s Cr e e k GoodSamaritanHospital SutterUrgent Care Dailey Method Fitness Clinic Netflix Netflix Panera Bread Office Depot Los Gatos AceHardware Trader Joe's Los Gatos Cafe UptownNob Hill Foods Baskin-Robbins Blvd Coffee McDonald's Lou's Restaurant ZoomCaffeStarbucks Orchid Cleaners Baja FreshMexican Grill To DowntownLos GatosN:\Projects\_SJ17_Projects\SJ17_1760_North_Forty_Design\Graphics\GIS\MXD\SJ17-1760_Fig01_Site_Location.mxdSite Location Figure 1 1 MILE North Forty Vasona Light Rail (Future) Vasona Light Rail Station (Future) Employment Centers Medical/Health Facilities Retail and Restaurants Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 3 ▪ Electrical car charging stations ▪ Coordination with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to decrease headway times to connect to regional destinations, etc. The TDM shall include a TDM coordinator who will submit a TDM effectiveness report to the Town annually. The TDM shall be modified accordingly when commercial tenants change.” The TDM chapter from the Specific Plan states: “4.10 TRANSIT DEMAND MANAGEMENT The Specific Plan Area is currently located outside of an established core or transit station area which will make it challenging to attract a significant share of residents, employees and visitors to use transit. Therefore, Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs are required for each application within the Specific Plan Area. The effective TDM programs can help address both the roadway congestion and Vehicle-Miles-Traveled (VMT) generated by the development in the area and may include: ▪ Parking cash-out. ▪ Financial incentives for taking alternative modes. ▪ Transit fare incentives such as Eco Pass and Commuter Checks. ▪ Preferentially located carpool parking. ▪ Bicycle lockers and bicycle racks. ▪ Showers and clothes lockers for bicycle commuters. ▪ On-site or walk-accessible employee services (day-care, dry-cleaning, fitness, banking, convenience store). ▪ On-site and off-site shuttle services.” TDM Goal The goal of the TDM Plan is to reduce daily and PM peak hour vehicle trips generated by Bellaterra residents and Market Hall employees by 15 percent. A spreadsheet showing the baseline daily and PM peak hour estimates based on rates used in the North Forty transportation impact analysis (TIA) is included in Appendix A. They are based on rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and include the TIA’s reductions to account for internalized trips due to the mixed-use nature of the development (at buildout), and pass-by trips for Market Hall’s retail and restaurant uses. Approximately 15 percent of the Market Hall trips are estimated to be generated by employees. The vehicle trips that are subject to the TDM Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 4 Plan (all of the “external” trips generated by Bellaterra and the Market Hall employee) are presented in Table 1. Trip reductions associated with the 15 percent TDM trip reduction goal are also presented. Table 1: TDM Plan-Related Trip Generation Estimates and TDM 15% Goal Trip Reductions Daily PM Peak Hour Bellaterra External Vehicle Trips 1,333 122 TDM-Related Reduced Trips 200 18 Market Hall Employee Vehicle Trips 400 35 TDM-Related Reduced Trips 60 5 Sources: Fehr & Peers and Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Monitoring will be conducted to measure progress towards achieving this goal and these trip reductions. The monitoring and reporting process is discussed in Chapter 6. It should be noted that some of these vehicle trips, especially those generated by Bellaterra residents, will either remain within North Forty or be converted to walk or bike trips as other complementary land uses (such as office space) are constructed thus reducing the number of vehicles added to the surrounding roadway system. Plus, as more development occurs, economies of scale would occur making TDM measures more affordable and more effective. Overall Site Description North Forty comprises two districts, the Lark District and the Transition District. The Lark District is located on the southern portion of the site and includes the Bellaterra residential units (rowhomes, garden units, and condominiums). The Transition District is located to the north of the Lark District and also includes Bellaterra residential units, as well as the Market Hall. The two districts are connected by a network of pedestrian paths, paseos, and sidewalks to facilitate pedestrian circulation. Multi-use paths through the site, along Lark Avenue, and along Los Gatos Boulevard will be used by pedestrians and cyclists traveling through the site, around the site, and traveling to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. An internal roadway system which includes sharrows provides internal circulation for vehicles and cyclists and has access to both Lark Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard. An on-site shuttle stop is located on South Turner Street adjacent to the demonstration garden, a gathering place for transit riders. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 5 Bellaterra’s amenities include an outdoor movie area, passive green space, community farm tables, fire pits and outdoor grills, fruiting orchard trees, and community gardens. Bicycle parking, a bicycle maintenance station and bicycle repair vending machine will also be provided. Market Hall contains a community room, bicycle parking, and designated parking for electric vehicles and clean air vehicles, including vanpools and carpools. North Forty is located near existing restaurants and retail uses such as Panera Bread, Starbucks, ZoomCafe, Office Depot, Ace Hardware, and Orchard Cleaners and numerous health-related uses which are easily reachable by walking or cycling. Downtown Los Gatos is accessible by the nearby Los Gatos Creek Trail. The site location near these uses supports its ability of reduce vehicle trips. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 6 2. TDM Network This chapter describes all of the components of the TDM Network including pedestrian facilities, bicycle facilities, transit services and facilities, and other physical attributes of the site that contribute to its vehicle trip-reducing potential. A multi-use path will be constructed along the north side of Lark Avenue to provide a pedestrian and bicycle connection to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. It will also enhance the bus stop along the site frontage on Los Gatos Boulevard to improve transit facilities in the vicinity. The site amenities provide opportunities for residents and employees to participate in some of their daily activities on-site, thereby reducing the need to make a vehicle trip offsite. The existing pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities and services and planned improvements support walking, bicycling, and transit use by residents, employees and visitors. Residents that work for the same employers are rideshare candidates. A list of nearby employers is included in Appendix B. There are numerous restaurants, stores, and other destinations in the area that are within an easy walking distance as shown on Figure 1. Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian facilities comprise sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian signals. Existing and planned off-site and on-site pedestrian facilities are provided as part of the development. Sidewalks are provided on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard for the entire length of the North Forty site. As part of the project, these sidewalks will be widened and landscaping will be added. There are existing sidewalks on the south side of Lark Avenue. Existing sidewalks on the north side of Lark Avenue are discontinuous. Bellaterra will add a multi-use path on the north side of Lark Avenue to accommodate both pedestrians and bicyclists. This path will provide a pedestrian connection to sidewalks on Lark Avenue that provide access to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Pedestrian crosswalks are provided on at least one leg at all the signalized intersections on the perimeter of the site. Pedestrian signals are provided at each of these crosswalk locations. On-site Pedestrian Facilities and Other Amenities The multi-use paths on the north side of Lark Avenue and through the site will accommodate pedestrians in addition to bicyclists. Pedestrian sidewalks, pathways, and crosswalks will be located throughout the site as shown on the site plans on Figure 2 and Figure 3. These figures also show the locations of other on-site amenities, which include green space, community garden plots, seating areas, fire pits, and fruiting orchard trees. Bellaterra Site Plan with On-Site TDM Measures and Amenities Figure 2 SJ17-1760_Fig02_Bellaterra_SitePlan_TDMMeasures_Amenities.ai SHUTTLE STOP/PASSENGER LOADING AREA Source: Van Dorn Abed, Landscape Architects, Inc. 2019Lark AvenueLos Gatos Blvd South Turner StreetBriggs CourtShore StreetSepulveda CircleBartlett StreetMcMillan CourtHamsher CourtGellatt CourtConnor CourtBartlett CourtStanley StreetWalker StreetNorth Turner StreetBartlett Street Watkins WayShore Way McCobb Way Sackett Court Mill Street Market Hall Site Plan with On-Site TDM Measures and Amenities Figure 3 SJ17-1760_Fig03_MarketHall_SitePlan_TDMMeasures_Amenities.ai   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These facilities are described and illustrated below: • Class I Bikeways (Shared-Use Paths) provide a completely separate right-of-way and are designated for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians. • Class II Bikeways (Bicycle Lanes) are dedicated lanes for bicyclists generally adjacent to the outer vehicle travel lanes. These lanes are typically five (5) feet wide and have special lane markings, pavement legends, and signage. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 10 • Class III Bikeways (Bicycle Routes) are designated by signs or pavement markings for shared use with motor vehicles, but have no separated bicycle right-of-way or lane striping. Bike routes serve either to a) provide a connection to other bicycle facilities where dedicated facilities are infeasible, or b) designate preferred routes through high-demand corridors. • Class IV Bikeways (cycle tracks or “separated” bikeways) provide a right-of-way designated exclusively for bicycle travel within a roadway and are protected from vehicle traffic by physical barriers, including, but not limited to, grade separation, flexible posts, and inflexible vertical barriers such as raised curbs or parked cars. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 11 Existing and Planned Off-site Facilities The Los Gatos Creek trail, a Class I paved bicycle path and recreational facility, connects Los Gatos to the Willow Glen neighborhood of San Jose. Lark Avenue provides access to the trail. Class II bicycle lanes are provided on Los Gatos Boulevard to the south of Lark Avenue, on Los Gatos- Almaden Road, on Lark Avenue between Oka Road and Winchester Boulevard, and on portions of Winchester Boulevard. North Forty is adding Class II bicycle lanes on Lark Avenue connecting the site to the Los Gatos Creek trail. The Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, adopted in March 2017, contains several proposed bicycle facilities that will enhance bicycle access to the site. These proposed facilities include: • Class IV cycle track on Lark Avenue, extending between Winchester Boulevard and Los Gatos Boulevard • Class IV cycle track on Los Gatos Boulevard between Lark Avenue and Blossom Hill Road • Class II bike lanes on Los Gatos Boulevard between Samaritan Drive and Lark Avenue Figure 4 shows existing and proposed bicycle facilities near the site. On-site Bicycle Facilities The on-site bicycle TDM-related facilities and amenities are also illustrated on Figure 2 and on Figure 3. North Forty will add multi-use paths along the project frontage, on the north side of Lark Avenue and on the east side of Los Gatos Boulevard. The multi-use path on Lark Avenue will connect bike lanes that provide access to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Another multi-use path will provide bicycle and pedestrian access and circulation through the site. South Turner Street will be designed with traffic calming features to slow traffic and will have shared lane markings (“sharrows”) to designate the preferred bicycle path of travel. Bicycle Parking Spaces There are two types of bicycle parking spaces: Class I (secure spaces that are protected from the weather such as bike lockers or bicycle storage rooms) for long-term parking and Class II (bike racks) for short-term parking. According to the VTA Bicycle Technical Guidelines, it is recommended that multi-family dwellings provide a minimum of 1 Class I space per 3 units and 1 Class II space per 15 units, retail uses provide a minimum of 1 Class I space per 30 employees and I Class II space per 6,000 sf, and restaurants provide a minimum of 1 Class I space per 30 employees and I Class II space per 3,000 sf. The Green Building Code requirements are short-term bicycle storage for at least 2.5% of all peak visitors, but no fewer than four Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 12 storage spaces per building, and long-term bicycle storage for at least 30% of all regular building occupants, but no less than one storage space per unit for multi-family residential units and long-term bicycle storage for at least 5% of regular building occupants, but no fewer than two storage spaces per building, and at least two short-term bicycle storage spaces for every 5,000 square feet, but no fewer than two storage spaces per building. Bellaterra Each unit will have a private garage with a bike rack for a total of 253 Class I spaces. Twenty-one bicycle racks, located throughout Bellaterra, will provide 42 Class II spaces for short-term bicycle parking for visitors to the site. The VTA recommended minimum bicycle parking for Bellaterra would be 51 Class I spaces and 17 Class II spaces. The Green Building Code requirement would be 253 Class I spaces and 7 Class II spaces (based on 2.5% of 253 peak visitors). Bellaterra will meet or exceed these minimums. In addition, a bicycle repair and tune-up station will be provided to support bicycle use by residents and visitors. Market Hall Long-term parking for employees will be provided in a locked bike room that will be shared with the senior housing with space to park 28 bicycles. Bike racks accommodating 12 bicycles are provided on the Market Hall site. The VTA recommended minimum bicycle parking for Market Hall would be 2 Class I spaces and 7 Class II spaces. The Green Building Code requirement would be 5 Class I spaces and 5 Class II spaces. Therefore, Market Hall will exceed these minimums. Wi mbl e do n D r C a m D e l S o l Vasona Ave Woodard Rd Westchester DrCapri DrSamaritan Dr W Parr Ave Nat i onal AveUniversity AveC a r lt o n A v e Po l l a r d R d L o s G a t o s A l mad en RdWinchester BlvdLark A v e WValleyFwy SBascomAveLos Gatos BlvdLos Gatos Blvd|}85 |}85 |}17 |}17Netflix Netflix GoodSamaritanHospital SutterUrgent Care Fitness Clinic Dailey Method Panera BreadOffice Depot Los Gatos Ace Hardware Trader Joe's Los Gatos Cafe UptownNob Hill FoodsBaskin-Robbins Blvd Coffee McDonald's Lou'sRestaurant ZoomCaffeStarbucks Baja FreshMexican GrillLos Gatos C re e k TrailLos Gatos Cree k Trail 1 mile0.5 mile SJ17-1760_Fig04_Existing_Proposed Bicycle Facilities.aiExisting and Proposed Bicycle Facilities Figure 4 North Forty Existing Bike Facilities Class I - Multi-Use Trail Class II - Bike Lanes Proposed Bike Facilities Class II - Bike Lane (Proposed) Class III - Bike Route (Proposed) Class IV - Cycle Track (Proposed) 1 MILE Vasona Light Rail Station (Future) Employment Centers Medical Facilities Retail and Restaurants Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 14 Transit Service The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) provides bus and light rail transit (LRT) service in Santa Clara County. Three bus routes currently serve North Forty, with two bus stops located on both the east and west sides of Los Gatos Boulevard and two on Samaritan Drive to the east, as shown on Figure 5. Table 2 describes these bus routes, their hours of operation, and their service frequencies. Table 2: Existing Nearby Transit (Bus) Service Route Origin Destination Via Frequency (weekdays) Hours of Operation (weekdays) 27 Good Samaritan Hospital Kaiser Hospital San Jose Samaritan Drive and Blossom Hill Road 30 minutes 6:00 am - 8:00 pm 49 Winchester Transit Center Los Gatos Civic Center Los Gatos Boulevard/ Bascom Avenue and Camden Avenue 30 minutes 6:30 am – 8:30 pm 61/62 Good Samaritan Hospital Piedmont Hills High School via Downtown San Jose Los Gatos Boulevard/ Bascom Avenue and Taylor Street 30 minutes 6:00 am – 9:45 pm Source: Santa Clara County VTA; Fehr & Peers, 2017. The VTA is restructuring its local and community bus routes as part of the New Transit Service Plan. Route 49, which operates on Los Gatos Boulevard near the site, will be combined with Route 48 and be renumbered as Route 27, which will be extending to Winchester Transit Center via Los Gatos Boulevard, downtown Los Gatos and Winchester Boulevard. Route 61 will be changing alignment from Mabury Road to Berryessa Road between Berryessa BART Station and Capitol Avenue. Route 62 will be replaced with Route 61. The bus route map under the Next Network is shown on Figure 6. Future bus service is summarized in Table 3. Table 3: Future Nearby Transit (Bus) Service Route Origin Destination Via Frequency (weekdays) Hours of Operation (weekdays) 27 Good Samaritan Hospital Winchester Transit Center Los Gatos Boulevard, downtown Los Gatos and Winchester Boulevard 30 minutes 5:30 am - 10:00 pm 61 Good Samaritan Hospital Piedmont Hills High School via Downtown San Jose Berryessa Road between Berryessa BART Station and Capitol Avenue 15- 30 minutes 5:30 am – 12:00 am Wi mbl e do n Dr C a m D e l Sol Vasona Ave Woodard Rd Westchester DrCapri DrW Parr Ave Nat i onal AveUniversity AveC a r lt o n A v e !27 !62!61 !61 Po l l a r d R d Winchester BlvdL o s G a t o s A l mad en Rd Lark A v e WValleyFwy S Bascom AveLosGatosBlvd|}85 |}85 |}17 |}17&102 &102 &102 "49 "49 "49 "48 "48 "49 Los Gatos Cr e e k V a s o n a L a k e C o u n t y P a r k Netflix Netflix GoodSamaritanHospital SutterUrgent Care Fitness Clinic Dailey Method Panera BreadOffice Depot Los Gatos Ace Hardware Trader Joe's Los Gatos Cafe UptownNob Hill FoodsBaskin-Robbins Blvd Coffee McDonald's Lou'sRestaurant Baja FreshMexican Grill ZoomCaffeStarbucks Orchid CleanersLosG atosCreekTrailLos Gatos Creek Trail1 mile0.5 mile SJ17-1760_Fig05_Existing_Transit.aiExisting Transit ServiceFigure 5 North Forty Existing Transit Routes Community Bus Service Express Bus Service Local Bus Service 1 MILE Bus Stop Category Community & Local Bus Service Community Bus Service Local Bus Service Vasona Light Rail Station (Future) Employment Centers Medical Facilities Retail and Restaurants 1 mile0.5 mileWimbl e do n Dr C a m D e l Sol Vasona Ave Woodard Rd Westchester DrCapri DrW Parr Ave Nat i onal AveUniversity AveC a r lt o n A v e Po l l a r d R d WinchesterBlvdL o s G a t o s A l mad en Rd Lark A v e W Valley Fwy Burton Rd S Bascom AveLosGatosBlvd|}85 |}85 |}17 |}17 Los Gatos Cr e e k &102 &185 &102 &185 &102 &185 !61 !61 !61 !27 !27!27 !27 !27 !27 V a s o n a L a k e C o u n t y P a r k LosGatosCreekTrailLos Gato s Creek Tra ilNetflix Netflix GoodSamaritanHospital SutterUrgent Care Fitness Clinic Dailey Method Panera BreadOffice Depot Los Gatos Ace Hardware Trader Joe's Los Gatos Cafe UptownNob Hill FoodsBaskin-Robbins Blvd Coffee McDonald's Lou'sRestaurant ZoomCaffeStarbucks Baja FreshMexican Grill SJ17-1760_Fig06_new_Transit_Service_Plan.ai2019 New Transit Service PlanFigure 6 Project Site 2019 New Transit Stops 27 61 2019 New Transit Routes 27 102 61 185 Vasona Light Rail (Future) Vasona Light Rail Station (Future) Employment Centers Medical Facilities Retail and Restaurants 1 MILE Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 17 On-site Transit Facilities An on-site shuttle stop is located on the east side of South Turner Street within North Forty. It is designated with a sign and is located adjacent to the demonstration garden that has space for shuttle riders to gather as they wait. A bench will also be provided for waiting passengers. During non-commute periods it will be designated as a passenger pick-up/drop-off area and can be used by transportation network companies (TNCs) such as Uber and Lyft. The VTA bus stop on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard near the medical offices will be improved with a new concrete bus pad and a new bench. Other Measures North Forty includes some additional measures that will support walking, biking, transit, and other sustainable transportation choices. These measures are described below. Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces and Clean Air Vehicle Spaces Within the guest parking area of Bellaterra, three electric vehicle (EV) chargers will be provided, allowing charging at four wheelchair-accessible and two non-accessible parking spaces. The 253 Bellaterra residential unit garages will be equipped with EV chargers. Market Hall will include a total of 29 charging and clean vehicle spaces, including one electric vehicle (EV) space and one EV American with Disabilities Act (ADA) van accessible space for seniors, one clean air vehicle ADA van accessible space, 15 spaces for clean air vehicles or carpools/vanpools, 10 EV spaces in the retail area, and one retail EV ADA van accessible space. The locations of some of these spaces are shown on Figure 3. Traffic Calming Measures Traffic calming measures will be provided along South Turner Street and Walker Street, as required by the Conditions of Approval for North Forty: Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 18 South Turner Street The following traffic calming measures will be provided on South Turner Street: • Speed Limit Signage – A ”25 MPH Speed Limit” sign will be placed on the east side of South Turner Street just north of the entrance from Lark Avenue to inform drivers of the lower speed on South Turner Street compared to Lark Avenue. • Raised Intersection with Decorative Paving – The intersection of South Turner Street and Shore Street will be constructed as a raised intersection with decorative paving. Intersection approaches will be designed as ramps and the center of the intersection will contain a flat raised area with decorative paving. By modifying the level of the intersection and adding decorative paving, the entire intersection will be more readily perceived by motorists as a pedestrian space. • Raise Crosswalk with Decorative Concrete Paving – A raised crosswalk with decorative paving will be provided on South Turner Street between Shore Street and Stanley Street. Raised crosswalks provide pedestrians with a level street crossing and act as speed tables to slow auto speeds. By raising the level of the crossing to the curb level, pedestrians are made more visible to approaching motorists. The textured material on the crosswalk creates a surface that is noticeable for motorists traversing the crosswalk and emphasizes the pedestrian crossing. Pedestrian ramps will lead to the raised crosswalk on South Turner Street. • Traffic Circle – A traffic circle is proposed at the intersection of Stanley Street / South Turner Street. Traffic circles are raised islands, placed in intersections, around which traffic circulates. Circles prevent drivers from speeding through intersections by impeding the straight-through movement and forcing drivers to slow down to yield. Drivers must first turn to the right, then to the left as they pass the circle, and then back to the right again after clearing the circle. The traffic circle slows auto traffic through the intersection, which improves comfort for people walking and biking. Sharrows and “Bikes May Use Full Lane” signs will be provided at the exit of the traffic circle. A multi-use path will cross the traffic circle, with decorative pavement to distinguish crossings. • All-Way Stop Controlled Intersection – The all-way stop controlled intersection at South Turner Street and Walker Street prevents drivers from passing through the intersection at high speeds. Along with these traffic calming measures, the parallel parking and curb extensions along South Turner Street will narrow the street to 22 feet wide (11 feet for each lane), which encourages drivers to lower their speed. Shared lane markings (“sharrows”) and “Bikes May Use Full Lane” signs along South Turner Street also inform drivers to share the road with bicyclists. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 19 Walker Street The following traffic calming measures will be provided on Walker Street: • Crosswalk with Decorative Paving – Decorative paving with crosswalk pavement striping is proposed at the east leg of Walker Street / Los Gatos Boulevard. The textured material on the crosswalk creates a surface that is noticeable for motorists traversing the crosswalk and emphasizes the pedestrian crossing. • Speed Limit Signage – A “25 MPH Speed Limit” sign will be placed on the north side of Walker Street near the entrance from Los Gatos Boulevard to inform drivers of the lower speed on Walker Street compared to Los Gatos Boulevard. • Angled Parking – Angled parking will be provided along Walker Street. Angled parking reduces speeds by narrowing the width of roadway available for travel lanes. It also makes entering and exiting parking spaces easier for motorists. Wayfinding Wayfinding signage will be provided throughout the site to direct pedestrians and bicyclists to the surrounding roadways, Los Gatos Creek Trail, bus stops, on-site amenities, and nearby retail areas. Conceptual designs for the wayfinding signage are shown below. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 20 Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 21 3. TDM Measures and Strategies There are numerous measures and strategies that will be used to encourage Bellaterra residents and Market Hall employees to use modes of transportation other than driving alone and therefore reduce the number of vehicle trips they generate. Some strategies are incorporated into the development’s design such as the extensive internal pedestrian and bicycle circulation system, ample bicycle parking, and on-site amenities. These strategies were discussed in the previous chapter. Others are policies and programs that are provided by the Bellaterra homeowners association (HOA), the Market Hall building/property manager, and individual Market Hall employers such as providing subsidized transit passes and encouraging carpools by supporting rideshare matching programs and having designated carpool spaces. Two lists of TDM measures3 are provided, one for Bellaterra and one for Market Hall. Many of the TDM measures will overlap between the sites and are included on both lists. Brief descriptions of the measures are provided with an explanation of how they reduce traffic. The physical measures are depicted on Figure 2 and Figure 3. More detailed information regarding the management measures is presented after the tables. The duties and responsibilities of the Transportation Coordinator are included in a subsequent chapter. Bellaterra Residential TDM Measures The TDM measures and strategies for Bellaterra are summarized in Table 4. The measures that are incorporated into the site design are presented first, followed by policies and programs that will be implemented by the HOA and Transportation Coordinator. The Transportation Coordinator role will include conducting TDM-related marketing and promotional activities, acting as a transportation resource to the HOA, and conducting the annual monitoring activities. A resident transportation committee will be formed to market and implement some of the TDM measures. 3 The two-sets of measures form a cohesive package of strategies to reduce vehicle trips. Some of the measures are shared between to two developments. Their order in Table 4 and Table 5 do not denote level of importance or priority. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 22 Table 4: Residential TDM Measures for Bellaterra TDM Measure Description Measures Incorporated into the Site Design Mix of Uses within North Forty and Nearby At buildout, North Forty will include a variety of uses including residences, retail uses and restaurants. Some of these uses will be included in Market Hall to be constructed concurrently or soon after Bellaterra. In addition, there are numerous retail uses, restaurants, and health-related uses nearby. Locating residences near services, retail establishments, and restaurants allows residents to walk or bike for some of their shopping and eating out trips which reduces vehicle trips. Residents can also stop at retail areas on their way home from work (or other location) which increases traveling efficiency and minimizes added vehicle trips. Proximity to Transit Two VTA bus stops (one northbound and one southbound) for Route 49/future Route 27 are located on Los Gatos Boulevard adjacent to the site; they are easily accessible by walking or biking. The southbound stop adjacent to the site will be enhanced with a new concrete bus pad and a new bench, to provide a more comfortable waiting environment. The site’s proximity to these stops makes taking the bus an attractive alternative to driving. Transit Visibility On-site signage will be added to enhance the visibility of the VTA stops near the site to encourage bus ridership. On-Site Shuttle Stop/Passenger Loading Area An on-site stop for private shuttles, such as those operated by high-tech companies, will be provided on the east side South Turner Street next to the demonstration garden. It will include a sign and a bench for waiting passengers. During non-commute times, it will be a designated passenger pick-up and drop-off area and can be used by transportation network companies (TNCs) such as Uber and Lyft. Wayfinding Signage Wayfinding signage will be provided within the site to direct pedestrians and bicyclists to the surrounding roadways, Los Gatos Creek Trail, bus stops, on-site amenities, and nearby retail areas. Improved Pedestrian Access Pedestrian access to the site will be improved by the added multi-use paths and landscaping on the north side of Lark Avenue, on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard, and through the site. On-Site Pedestrian-Friendly Environment Pedestrian paseos and sidewalks on the internal street network will be provided to accommodate pedestrians. Wider sidewalks, trees, furnishings, lighting, curb extensions, and specialized crosswalk paving will be used to enhance pedestrian safety and appeal. Traffic calming measures which slow vehicular traffic such as narrow street sections, a traffic circle, a raised intersection, street trees and planting strips, and decorative paving will enhance pedestrian safety. Improved Bicycle Access Multi-use paths will be constructed along the Lark Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard frontages and will improve bicycle access to the site. On-Site Bicycle Facilities The on-site multi-use paths will provide access through the site for pedestrians and bicyclists on a facility that is separated from vehicle traffic. Shared lane markings (“sharrows”) will be provided on the major internal circulation roadways to indicate that vehicles must share the travel lane with bicyclists. The paths and sharrows will enhance bicycle travel within the site. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 23 Table 4: Residential TDM Measures for Bellaterra TDM Measure Description Bicycle Parking The 253 resident garages will be equipped with a rack for long-term bicycle parking. Twenty-one bike racks accommodating 42 bicycles will be provided throughout the site for short-term parking. Bicycle parking facilities support bicycling as a mode choice. Bicycle Maintenance Service and Station Beeline Bikes, or similar mobile bike repair shop, will conduct on-site bike repair and maintenance services. These services will be provided via scheduled events coordinated by the HOA or resident transportation committee. The on-site bicycle maintenance station will further support bicycling by providing tools for residents to perform routine maintenance on their bicycles. It will include a vending machine with supplies like inner tubes. On-Site Amenities On-site amenities, such as green space, community gardens, fire pits and outdoor grills will provide gathering places for residents and allow them to exercise their pets without traveling off-site thus reducing vehicle trips. Car Share Spaces Parking spaces in the Market Hall parking structure, as shown on Figure 3, are reserved for car share vehicles. The number and exact location will be determined in conjunction with input from the carshare company. The carshare vehicles will be available to Bellaterra residents. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Three electric vehicle (EV) chargers will be provided in the guest parking area allowing charging at four wheelchair-accessible and two non-accessible parking spaces. The 253 Bellaterra residential unit garages will be equipped with EV chargers. HOA Measures Transportation Coordinator The HOA will retain a professional Transportation Coordinator who will provide TDM-related services. They will conduct TDM promotional and annual monitoring activities. TDM Promotional Activities: New resident orientation packet: Each new resident household will be provided with a packet of information regarding transit service, bicycle facilities, and ridesharing services. It will include the HOA website which will have links to transportation resources. The purpose of the packet is to introduce new residents to these resources to establish commute alternatives early. Website articles and emails: The Transportation Coordinator will promote the TDM Plan via articles which the HOA will disseminate to residents via the Bellaterra website and/or via emails to keep information about the TDM measures in front of residents on a regular basis. Free Transit Passes The HOA will allocate $3,000 to an annual fund for bus passes to be provided to homeowners upon request. Any funds not used by the end of the year will be allocated towards the next year’s annual fund amount of $3,000. Town-wide TDM Funding The HOA will provide annual funding to the Town for implementing Town-wide TDM programs. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 24 Table 4: Residential TDM Measures for Bellaterra TDM Measure Description Coordination with VTA The HOA will coordinate with VTA regarding reducing headways on bus routes serving Bellaterra and the rest of North Forty and regarding bus service to the Vasona LRT station once the LRT extension is constructed. Website A page on the Bellaterra HOA website will include transit and commute alternatives information and links. It will be updated and maintained by the HOA manager. Ridesharing Programs Rideshare matching programs help carpools to form by matching drivers and passengers. Information about Scoop and Waze apps, and other ridesharing resources will be disseminated to residents in their orientation packages and on the HOA website. Car share Residents who bike, walk, use transit or carpools, or who do not have access to a vehicle could utilize a car share vehicle for errands, meetings, and occasional weekend outings. SummerHill will work with carshare companies at buildout to determine viability. The Transportation Coordinator will provide information to Bellaterra residents regarding provided car share services Bellaterra residents will have access to the car share spaces provided in the Market Hall parking structure Additionally, there are other car share services that would allow residents to offer their own vehicles as part of a peer-to-peer car sharing service such as Getaround, and Turo (formerly Relay Rides). Residents will be informed of these options in their orientation packet. Bikeshare Bikeshare is a program where bicycles are provided for short-term rental. Since bikeshare is not currently provided in Los Gatos, SummerHill will provide each new residential unit with a $100 gift card to a local bike shop for use in purchasing a bicycle and/or bicycle accessories. TMA Membership Bellaterra will join a North Forty Transportation Management Association (TMA) should one be formed. Source: Fehr & Peers, 2019. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 25 Market Hall Commercial TDM Measures The TDM measures and strategies for the commercial portion of Market Hall are summarized in Table 5. The measures that are incorporated into the site design are presented first, followed by policies and programs that would be implemented by the property manager for the retail/restaurant uses, individual retail/restaurant tenants/employers, and the Transportation Coordinator. Table 5: Commercial TDM Measures for Market Hall TDM Measure Description Measures Incorporated into the Site Design Mix of Uses within North Forty and Nearby Locating retail establishments and restaurants near residences and other similar and complementary uses supports trips to be made by walking or biking which reduces vehicle trips. Proximity to Transit Two VTA bus stops (one northbound and one southbound) for Route 49/future Route 27 are located on Los Gatos Boulevard adjacent to the site; they are easily accessible by walking or biking. The southbound stop adjacent to the site will be enhanced with a new concrete bus pad and a new bench, to provide a more comfortable waiting environment. The site’s proximity to these stops makes taking the bus an attractive alternative to driving. Transit Visibility On-site signage will be added to enhance the visibility of the VTA stops near the site to encourage bus ridership. On-Site Shuttle Stop An on-site stop for private shuttles will be provided on the east side South Turner Street next to the Demonstration Garden. It will include a sign and a bench for waiting passengers. Passenger Loading Area A passenger pick-up/drop-off area is located on South Turner Street in front of the senior housing lobby. It can be used by private vehicles and by TNCs such as Uber and Lyft. Wayfinding Signage Wayfinding signage will be provided within the site to direct pedestrians and bicyclists to the surrounding roadways, Los Gatos Creek Trail, bus stops, on-site amenities, and nearby uses. Improved Pedestrian Access Pedestrian access to the site will be improved by the added multi-use paths and landscaping on the north side of Lark Avenue, on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard and through the site. On-Site Pedestrian-Friendly Environment Pedestrian sidewalks on the internal street network will be provided to accommodate pedestrians. Wider sidewalks, trees, furnishings, lighting, curb extensions, and specialized crosswalk paving will be used to enhance pedestrian safety and appeal. Improved Bicycle Access Multi-use paths will be added on the north side of Lark Avenue on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard. These facilities will improve bicycle access to the site. Bicycle Parking Bike racks accommodating 28 bicycles will be provided at Market Hall. Employees can use the locked bike room shared with the senior housing for long-term bike parking. It will accommodate 28 bicycles. Bicycle parking facilities support bicycling as a mode choice. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 26 Table 5: Commercial TDM Measures for Market Hall TDM Measure Description Bicycle Maintenance Station The bicycle maintenance station at Bellaterra can be used by Market Hall employees. It will further support bicycling by providing tools for residents to perform routine maintenance on their bicycles. It will include a vending machine with supplies like inner tubes. Car Share Spaces Parking spaces in the Market Hall parking structure, as shown on Figure 3, are reserved for car share vehicles. The number and exact location will be determined in conjunction with input from the carshare company. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Clean Air Vehicle Spaces (including Carpool/Vanpool spaces) Electric vehicle charging stations will be provided on-site to encourage the use of clean-air vehicles. Market Hall will include one electric vehicle (EV) space and one EV American with Disabilities Act (ADA) van accessible space for seniors, one clean air vehicle ADA van accessible space, 15 spaces for clean air vehicles or carpools/vanpools, 10 EV spaces in the retail area, and one retail EV ADA van accessible space. Showers and Clothes Lockers Shower facilities will be included in the Market Hall. Details on the location of these facilities will be on the future Market Hall Tenant Improvement plans. There will be secured locations for Market Hall employees to keep their personal belongings reflected on these same plans. Property Management Measures Transportation Coordinator The property management team will retain a professional Transportation Coordinator who will be responsible for many of the TDM related services. They will conduct TDM promotional and annual monitoring activities. TDM Promotional Activities: New employee orientation packet: Each new employee will also be provided with a commute alternatives information packet. It will include a link to the Market Hall website which will have links to transportation resources. The purpose of the packet is to introduce new employees to these resources to establish commute alternatives early. The packet will be prepared by the Transportation Coordinator and disseminated by the property manager to tenants for their use. Website articles and emails: The Transportation Coordinator will promote the TDM Plan via articles on the Market Hall website and via emails to keep information about the TDM Plan in front of employees on a regular basis. Financial Incentives The property manager will coordinate with employers to provide financial incentives, e.g., gift cards, for employees who travel to work via a non-SOV mode (i.e., walking, biking, riding transit, or ridesharing). Town-wide TDM Funding The Property Management will provide annual funding to the Town for implementing Town-wide TDM programs. Coordination with VTA The property manager will coordinate with VTA regarding reducing headways on bus routes serving Market Hall and the rest of North Forty and regarding bus service to the Vasona LRT station once the LRT extension is constructed Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 27 Table 5: Commercial TDM Measures for Market Hall TDM Measure Description Commuter Information Center/Website A commuter information center will be provided on-site with bike maps and transit/shuttle schedules. A page on the Market Hall website will include transit and commute alternatives information and links. It will be updated and maintained by the property manager. Ridesharing Programs Rideshare matching programs help carpools to form by matching drivers and passengers. Information about the Scoop and Waze apps and other ridesharing resources will be disseminated to employees in their orientation packages. The Transportation Coordinator will also facilitate carpool matching for employees. Car share Employees who bike, walk, use transit or carpools, or who do not have access to a vehicle could utilize a car share vehicle for errands, meetings, and occasional weekend outings. SummerHill will work with carshare companies at buildout to determine viability. Two car share spaces will be provided in the Market Hall parking structure. TMA Membership Market Hall will join a North Forty Transportation Management Association (TMA) should one be formed. Source: Fehr & Peers, 2019. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 28 Description of Measures The TDM Plans would be overseen by Transportation Coordinators whose role and responsibilities are discussed in Chapter 5. The measures incorporated into the site designs shown on Figure 2 and Figure 3 will be constructed concurrently with the site construction and will not require further management. Other management-related measures are described below. The anticipated effectiveness of the TDM measures in terms of reductions in vehicle trips is presented in Tables C-1 and C-2 in Appendix C. Commuter Information Center The Bellaterra HOA and Market Hall websites will contain transit information such as current VTA bus routes and schedules, links to ridesharing companies, and links to bike facilities maps to encourage transit ridership, ridesharing, and bicycle commuting. A service such as TransitScreen could be used to display live feeds of timetables for VTA buses and comparative driving times within Market Hall. Ridesharing (Carpool) Programs Carpools in the Bay Area consist of two or more people riding in one vehicle for commute purposes. The HOA and Market Hall websites will include an internet link to the 511.org rideshare website to access ride matching services. Information regarding peer-to-peer matching programs such as ZimRide, UberPool, Scoop, Waze Carpool, Duet, and Carma Carpooling will also be provided. Car Share Spaces for car share vehicles will be provided in the Market Hall parking structure. The exact number and locations will be determined by the property manager in conjunction with the carshare company. These discussions will occur after Market Hall is constructed and fully occupied and the market for car share services is known. Comparison to COA and Specific Plan Measures The conditions of approval (COA) and the specific plan identify several TDM measures. A comparison of those measures and the measures included in this TDM Plan are presented in Table 6. It should be noted that this plan includes numerous measures not identified in either document. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 29 Table 6: Comparison of TDM Measures Measure Mentioned in COA Mentioned in Specific Plan Provided for Bellaterra Provided for Market Hall Comments Bicycle facility provisions X X X Provided Transit passes and subsidies X X X X Provided Carpool incentive X n/a X This measure is an employee-focused measure and therefore not applicable to Bellaterra. However it should be noted that many trips made by residential are in carpools regardless of an incentive program. Reserved car share parking X X X Provided Electrical car charging stations X X X Provided Coordination with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to decrease headway times to connect to regional destinations, etc. X X X Provided Parking cash-out X n/a This measure is where employees are essentially paid to not drive and park. Therefore, it is not applicable to Bellaterra. Market Hall employees will be provided with financial incentives to not drive alone to work, but this is not precisely a parking cashout program. Financial incentives for taking alternative modes X X X Provided Preferentially located carpool parking X n/a X This measure is an employee-focused measure and therefore not applicable to Bellaterra. Bicycle lockers and racks X X X Provided Showers and clothes lockers for bicycle commuters X X X Provided On-site or walk accessible employee services X X X Provided On-site and off-site shuttle services X X X Shuttle service may be provided under the Town-wide TDM programs with contributions from the development. Source: Fehr & Peers, 2019. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 30 4. Future or Alternative TDM Measures and Strategies Future TDM measures and strategies may be implemented if the demand for the measures changes or the goals described in this report are not met. New Shuttle Service The North Forty Specific Plan discusses potential future shuttle bus service to the Vasona LRT extension. The EIR identifies working with the Town and VTA to provide this shuttle service. This is a potential future TDM measure for conditions if the LRT line is extended from Winchester to Vasona. Additional Financial Incentives There are a variety of financial incentives that can be used to increase alternative mode shares and reduce the numbers of vehicle trips generated by Bellaterra residents and Market Hall employees. Potential financial incentives include subsidized car share memberships, subsidized bikeshare memberships, and increased funding for the Bellaterra bus pass program. A guaranteed ride home program (e.g., free Lyft or Uber ride home) for employees who use transit or rideshare to work, but transit or the rideshare is not available for their trip home and/or they need to get home in an emergency, is another financial incentive. New Technologies New TDM measures are constantly being created with new technology advances. The Transportation Coordinators will keep up to date with TDM innovations and implement new measures as appropriate. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 31 5. Transportation Coordinator Duties The Bellaterra HOA and the Market Hall property manager will hire professional Transportation Coordinators from consulting firms with experience in TDM to oversee implementation and monitoring of the TDM Plan. The HOA and property manager will provide the Town of Los Gatos with the name and contact information for the Transportation Coordinators once they are selected. The Transportation Coordinator is responsible for the day-to-day management, operation, and monitoring of the TDM Plan, programs, and services as well as the implementation of new programs and services with a special emphasis on reducing single-occupancy vehicles. This will involve developing managing, and marketing programs to educate residents, employees, customers, and visitors about the various transportation alternatives and working facets of transportation infrastructure. The Coordinator is also responsible for the overall direction of the program including: planning, marketing and promoting the programs; data management; performance reporting on TDM activities; researching and developing proposals on TDM measures; and evaluating, adjusting, and incorporating new TDM strategies and programs as needed to achieve the trip reduction goal. Bellaterra The Bellaterra Transportation Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the TDM Plan, including implementation of associated measures and programs to reduce single-occupancy vehicles generated by residents. Their duties include: 1. Developing commuter materials (new resident commute resource flier with transit, bike, carpool, and walking information, posters, and new resident engagement survey) and a list of nearby convenience services to educate residents about the various transportation alternatives and reduce their need to drive. 2. Establishing commuter program policy guide and application forms to describe benefits of the transit subsidy program. 3. Providing commuter resource content for Bellaterra resident and HOA community social media page or resident dashboard and prepare short transportation article or blog comments for inclusion in HOA newsletters 4. Conducting transportation promotions and campaigns to increase resident awareness regarding alternative transportation options that may coincide with Earth Day, Bike to Work Day or other resident events and may be integrated with regional and local activities. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 32 5. Providing commuter resource content to residents via presentation, emails, and direct engagement: a. Responding to residents interested in carpool matching assistance, transit trip planning, and bike options b. Managing responses from new resident onboarding commute surveys c. Promoting carshare resources d. Promoting 511.org incentives and benefit to residents 6. Developing and managing the resident transportation database and analyzing it to develop new TDM measures and programs. 7. Monitoring TDM infrastructure and facilities and overseeing repairs. 8. Researching and developing proposals on TDM measures. 9. Conducting monitoring activities and preparing and submitting the annual monitoring reports. 10. Evaluating TDM measures, adjusting existing measures, and implementing new measures. These activities for Bellaterra will be supplemented by the HOA and resident transportation committee. Market Hall The Market Hall Transportation Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the TDM Plan, including implementation of associated measures and programs to reduce single-occupancy vehicles generated by employees. Their duties include: 1. Developing commuter resource content for the tenants (employers) and their employees, including transit, bike, carpool, and walking materials, via in-person meetings/presentations, outreach calls and emails, and direct employee engagement to educate employees about the various transportation alternatives and reduce their need to drive. 2. Developing new tenant (employer) materials: a. Commuter program policy guides b. Employee transit subsidy reimbursement program (i.e. financial incentives) c. Bike storage room application form d. Employee commute resource flier Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 33 3. Coordinating employee distribution and management of monthly gift card incentives for transit riders. 4. Preparing short transportation articles or blog comments for inclusion in Property Management newsletters. 5. Conducting transportation promotions and campaigns to increase employee awareness regarding alternative transportation options that may coincide with Earth Day, Bike to Work Day or other events and may be integrated with regional and local activities. 6. Coordinating with property management team to implement the following TDM measures: a. Be primary contact for employees interested in carpool matching assistance, transit trip planning, and bike options b. Managing responses from new employee onboarding commute surveys c. Promoting carshare resources d. Promoting 511.org incentives and benefit to residents 7. Developing and managing employee transportation database and analyzing it to develop new TDM measures and programs. 8. Monitoring TDM infrastructure and facilities and overseeing repairs. 9. Researching and developing proposals on TDM measures. 10. Conducting monitoring activities and preparing and submitting the annual monitoring reports. 11. Evaluating TDM measures, adjusting existing measures, and implementing new measures The property management team for Market Hall will also provide supplementary TDM services. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 34 6. Annual Monitoring Reports Annual monitoring reports that evaluate the effectiveness of the TDM Plan and its ability to meet the trip reduction goal will be submitted by the Transportation Coordinators of each site to the Town. Components/requirements of the monitoring process that are common to both sites are discussed first, followed by components/requirements related to each site individually. Common TDM Monitoring and Reporting Requirements The overall monitoring procedure, monitoring report contents, submittal deadline, and penalty for not submitting the reports on time are discussed below. Overall Monitoring Process - Questionnaires The TDM Plan focuses on reducing vehicle trips generated specifically by Bellaterra residents and by Market Hall employees, since the travel behavior of Market Hall customers will be difficult to influence or control and many of the customer vehicle trips will be pass-by trips and therefore not new vehicle trips added to the roadways system. Also, the Bellaterra and Market Hall related applications are a part of the North Forty mixed-use development that has an internally connected roadway system, which makes it very difficult to differentiate between traffic generated by Bellaterra versus Market Hall and between traffic generated by Market Hall customers versus Market Hall employees. As a result, driveway counts would not be able to capture the trip reductions associated with Bellaterra residents and with Market Hall employees. Town staff have concurred the driveway counts are not required. Therefore, the monitoring procedure uses questionnaires to survey the travel behavior of Bellaterra residents and Market Hall employees in lieu of driveway traffic counts. Examples are presented in Appendix D. Monitoring Report Content The monitoring reports for each site will contain the following information: 1. Project description (number of total units and occupied units at Bellaterra and list of tenants at Market Hall) 2. The survey questions, number of questionnaires distributed, number of responses received (and response rate), summary of results, and comparison to goal 3. Description of TDM measures in place and any changes from previous report a. Including efforts and activities within the year, such as research and coordination by TDM Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 35 Coordinator, number of VTA passes provided, financial incentives offered, financial incentives accepted, car share issues, etc. 4. Description of changes to TDM measures to be implemented Additional TDM The project, through entering agreements that result in future assessments on property owners, will provide funding for future Townwide TDM initiatives, such as a Town-operated shuttle. The program will accumulate these assessments until sufficient funds are available to begin implementation of said initiatives. For the North 40 project, funds will begin to accumulate once occupancy thresholds are reached for the development. The threshold for the Bellaterra residential component is issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the 190th unit, whereas for the Market Hall commercial element, payment will be due after occupancy for the resultant tenant improvements. Monitoring Report Submittal Deadline and Penalty The Transportation Coordinators will distribute the questionnaires during the September/October period each year and submit the draft TDM Monitoring Reports to the Bellaterra HOA and Market Hall property manager by November 1 of that year. The draft reports will then be submitted to the Town by December 31. Any report not received by Town staff by January 31 of the following year will incur a $500 penalty, to be increased by $500 for each additional week, until the report is submitted. The penalty will be paid to the Town by the HOA for late Bellaterra reports and by the Market Hall property manager for late Market Hall reports. Annual reports will be submitted until the TDM goal is reached for three consecutive years. Then the monitoring frequency will be reduced to every three years. If the goal is met during the triennial report, then the frequency will reduce to every six years. The Town may elect to remove and resume the monitoring requirements at any time. The Bellaterra HOA, Market Hall property manager, and TDM Coordinators shall continue the TDM efforts, enhance and implement the TDM programs even if the frequencies of monitoring reports are reduced or eliminated. In no event shall the reduction of monitoring frequency imply the reduction or termination of TDM programs. Bellaterra TDM Monitoring The monitoring and reporting requirements will be included in the HOA formation documents and the CC&Rs. The TDM monitoring process will begin once occupancy reaches 85%. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 36 Trip Reduction Goal The trip reduction goal for Bellaterra is to reduce PM peak hour vehicle trips by 18. Progress towards meeting this goal will be measured via a questionnaire to assess the travel modes that each adult resident uses to commute to work (e.g., drive alone, carpool, vanpool, company shuttle, VTA bus or light rail, bicycle, walk, or work from home). (An example is included in Appendix D.) The questionnaire may also be used to gather information regarding their use of available TDM measures and barriers to using alternative modes. Analysis of Survey Results Each adult that responds that they use a company shuttle, VTA bus or light rail, walk, bike or work from home will count as 1 vehicle trip credit towards the PM peak hour trip reduction goal. Trip credits for respondents that carpool will be based on the number of residents in that carpool. Carpools with two residents will count as 1 credit and carpools with three residents will count as 2 credits. If the goal is not achieved, the Transportation Coordinator will suggest enhancements to existing TDM measures, adjustments to the TDM marketing activities, and/or additional measures to be implemented. Market Hall TDM Monitoring The monitoring and reporting requirements will be included the tenant leases. The TDM monitoring process will begin once occupancy reaches 85%. Trip Reduction Goal The trip reduction goal for Market Hall is to reduce PM peak hour vehicle trips by 5. Progress towards meeting this goal will be measured via a questionnaire to assess the travel modes that each employee uses to commute to work (e.g., drive alone, carpool, vanpool, company shuttle, VTA bus or light rail, bicycle, walk, or work from home). (An example is included in Appendix D.) The questionnaire may also be used to gather information regarding their use of available TDM measures and barriers to using alternative modes. Analysis of Survey Results Each employee who responds that they use VTA bus or light rail, walk, or bike to or from work during the PM peak period (4:00 pm to 6:00 pm) will count as 1 vehicle trip credit towards the PM peak hour trip reduction goal. Trip credits for respondents that carpool will be based on the number of employees in that carpool. Carpools with two employees will count as 1 credit and carpools with three employees will count as 2 credits. Bellaterra and Market Hall Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan August 2020 37 If the goal is not achieved, the Transportation Coordinator will suggest enhancements to existing TDM measures, adjustments to the TDM marketing activities, and/or additional measures to be implemented Appendix A: Vehicle Trip Generation Estimates Total In Out Total In Out Total In Out 932 Restaurant High Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant Average Rate 21.0 ksf 2,670 1,335 1,335 242 126 116 234 138 96 400 200 200 36 19 17 35 21 14 210 Residential Single-Family Detached Best Fit 18 Units 215 108 107 22 6 16 22 14 8 230 Residential Residential Condominium/Townhouse Best Fit 235 Units 1,353 677 676 102 17 85 121 81 40 1,568 785 783 124 23 101 143 95 48 (235) (118) (117) (20) (3) (15) (21) (14) (7) 1,333 667 666 105 20 86 122 81 41 Note:1. The TDM Plan is related to these trips.2. Reduction based on VTA TIA guidelines: 15% of residential trips (resdiential portion only) Market Hall Employee Trips (15%)1 North Forty Trip Generation Table: Bellaterra and Market Hall Retail (Summary) ITE#Main LU Type Sub LU Type Method Size Type Weekday AM Peak PM Peak Bellaterra Residential Subtotal Mixed Used Reduction2 Net-Added Bellaterra Traffic1 Appendix B: List of Nearby Employers Table B-1: List of Nearby Employers Employer # of Employees Netflix 100 Winchester Cir, Los Gatos, Ca 95032 5,400 Roku, Inc. 150 Winchester Circle, Los Gatos, CA 95032 817 Buongiorno USA Inc 485 Alberto Way # 210, Los Gatos, CA 95032 659 El Camino Hospital, Los Gatos 815 Pollard Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 560 Courtside Tennis Club 14675 S Winchester Blvd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 440 Safeway (3 locations) 314 Los Gatos Elementary School District 17010 Roberts Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 273 Vasona Creek Health Care Center 16412 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 233 Good Samaritan Regional Cancer Center 15891 Los Gatos Almaden Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 200 Whole Foods Market 15980 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 179 Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School District 17421 Farley Rd W, Los Gatos, CA 95030 157 Town Of Los Gatos 17 N Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, Ca 95030 152 Columbia Health Care/Mission Oaks Hospital 15891 Los Gatos Almaden Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 2,000 Alain Pinel Realtors 750 University Ave #150, Los Gatos, CA 95032 220 Monolithic Power Systems 79 Great Oaks Blvd, San Jose, CA 95119 136 Source: TDM Specialists Appendix C: Estimated TDM Measure Effectiveness TDM Measure Effectiveness The estimated TDM measure effectiveness in achieving TDM trip reductions are presented in Table C-1 (Bellaterra) and Table C-2 (Market Hall). The reduction percentages are estimates as currently there is no published research on TDM reductions for residential or retail developments. Table C-1: Estimated Effectiveness of TDM Measures for Bellaterra TDM Measure Description Vehicle Trip Reduction % Measures Related to All Modes Transportation Coordinator The HOA will retain a professional Transportation Coordinator who will conduct marketing and implementation activities. The Transportation Coordinator will conduct the monitoring and recommend Plan modifications. 4% TDM Promotional Activities: New resident orientation packet: Each new resident household will be provided with a packet of information regarding transit service, bicycle facilities, and ridesharing services. It will include the HOA website which will have links to transportation resources. The purpose of the packet is to introduce new residents to these resources to establish commute alternatives early. Website articles and emails: The Transportation Coordinator will promote the TDM Plan via articles which the HOA will disseminate to residents via the Bellaterra website and/or via emails to keep information about the TDM measures in front of residents on a regular basis. Commuter Information Center/Website A commuter information center will be provided on-site with bike maps and transit/shuttle schedules. A page on the Bellaterra HOA website will include transit and commute alternatives information and links. It will be updated and maintained by the HOA manager. Walking-Related Measures Improved Pedestrian Access Pedestrian access to the site will be improved by the added multi-use paths and landscaping on the north side of Lark Avenue, on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard, and through the site. 0.5% On-Site Pedestrian-Friendly Environment Pedestrian paseos and sidewalks on the internal street network will be provided to accommodate pedestrians. Wider sidewalks, trees, furnishings, lighting, curb extensions, and specialized crosswalk paving will be used to enhance pedestrian safety and appeal. Traffic calming measures which slow vehicular traffic such as narrow street sections, a traffic circle, a raised intersection, street trees and planting strips, and pervious paving will enhance pedestrian safety. Table C-1: Estimated Effectiveness of TDM Measures for Bellaterra TDM Measure Description Vehicle Trip Reduction % Biking-Related Measures Improved Bicycle Access Multi-use paths will be constructed along the Lark Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard frontages and will improve bicycle access to the site and connection to Los Gatos Creek Trail. 1% On-Site Bicycle Facilities The on-site multi-use paths will provide access through the site for pedestrians and bicyclists on a facility that is separated from vehicle traffic. Shared lane markings (“sharrows”) will be provided on the major internal circulation roadways to indicate that vehicles must share the travel lane with bicyclists. The paths and sharrows will enhance bicycle travel within the site. Bicycle Parking All of the resident garages will be equipped with a rack for long-term bicycle parking. Twenty-one bike racks accommodating 42 bicycles will be provided throughout the site for short-term parking. Bicycle parking facilities support bicycling as a mode choice. Bicycle Financial Support Bikeshare is a program where bicycles are provided for short-term rental. Since bikeshare is not currently provided in Los Gatos, SummerHill will provide each new residential unit with a $100 gift card to a local bike shop for use in purchasing a bicycle and/or bicycle accessories. 1% Bicycle Maintenance Service and Station Beeline Bikes, or similar mobile bike repair shop, will conduct on-site bike repair and maintenance services. These services will be provided via scheduled events coordinated by the HOA or resident transportation committee. The on-site bicycle maintenance station will further support bicycling by providing tools for residents to perform routine maintenance on their bicycles. It will include a vending machine with supplies like inner tubes. Carpooling Measures Ridesharing Programs Rideshare matching programs help carpools to form by matching drivers and passengers. Information about Scoop and Waze apps, and other ridesharing resources will be disseminated to residents in their orientation packages and on the HOA website. 4% Table C-1: Estimated Effectiveness of TDM Measures for Bellaterra TDM Measure Description Vehicle Trip Reduction % Transit Measures Free Transit Passes The HOA will allocate $3,000 to an annual fund for bus passes to be provided to homeowners upon request. Any funds not used by the end of the year will be allocated towards the next year’s annual fund amount of $3,000. 1% Proximity to Transit Two VTA bus stops (one northbound and one southbound) for Route 49/future Route 27 are located on Los Gatos Boulevard adjacent to the site; they are easily accessible by walking or biking. The southbound stop adjacent to the site will be enhanced with a new concrete bus pad and a new bench, to provide a more comfortable waiting environment. The site’s proximity to these stops makes taking the bus an attractive alternative to driving. 1% Transit Visibility On-site signage will be added to enhance the visibility of the VTA stops near the site to encourage bus ridership. Source: Fehr & Peers, 2019. Table C-2: Estimated Effectiveness of TDM Measures for Market Hall TDM Measure Description Vehicle Trip Reduction % Measures Related to All Modes Transportation Coordinator The property management team will retain a professional Transportation Coordinator who will conduct marketing and implementation activities. The Transportation Coordinator will conduct the monitoring and recommend Plan modifications. 5% TDM Promotional Activities: New employee orientation packet: Each new employee will also be provided with a commute alternatives information packet. It will include a link to the Market Hall website which will have links to transportation resources. The purpose of the packet is to introduce new employees to these resources to establish commute alternatives early. The packet will be prepared by the Transportation Coordinator and disseminated by the property manager to tenants for their use. Website articles and emails: The Transportation Coordinator will promote the TDM Plan via articles on the Market Hall website and via emails to keep information about the TDM Plan in front of employees on a regular basis. Commuter Information Center/Website A commuter information center will be provided on-site with bike maps and transit/shuttle schedules. A page on the Market Hall website will include transit and commute alternatives information and links. It will be updated and maintained by the property manager. Financial Incentives The property manager will coordinate with employers to provide financial incentives, e.g., gift cards, for employees who travel to work via a non-SOV mode (i.e., walking, biking, riding transit, or ridesharing). 3% Biking-Related Measures Improved Bicycle Access Multi-use paths will be added on the north side of Lark Avenue on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard. These facilities will improve bicycle access to the site and provide access to Los Gatos Creek Trail. 1% Bicycle Parking Bike racks accommodating 28 bicycles will be provided at Market Hall. Employees can use the locked bike room shared with the senior housing for long-term bike parking. It will accommodate 28 bicycles. Bicycle parking facilities support bicycling as a mode choice. 1% Bicycle Maintenance Station The bicycle maintenance station at Bellaterra can be used by Market Hall employees. It will further support bicycling by providing tools for residents to perform routine maintenance on their bicycles. It will include a vending machine with supplies like inner tubes. Showers and Clothes Lockers Shower facilities will be included in the Market Hall. Details on the location of these facilities will be on the future Market Hall Tenant Improvement plans. There will be secured locations for Market Hall employees to keep their personal belongings reflected on these same plans. Table C-2: Estimated Effectiveness of TDM Measures for Market Hall TDM Measure Description Vehicle Trip Reduction % Carpooling Measures Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Clean Air Vehicle Spaces (including Carpool/Vanpool spaces) Electric vehicle charging stations will be provided on-site to encourage the use of clean-air vehicles. Market Hall will include one electric vehicle (EV) space and one EV American with Disabilities Act (ADA) van accessible space for seniors, one clean air vehicle ADA van accessible space, 15 spaces for clean air vehicles or carpools/vanpools, 10 EV spaces in the retail area, and one retail EV ADA van accessible space. 1% Ridesharing Programs Rideshare matching programs help carpools to form by matching drivers and passengers. Information about the Scoop and Waze apps and other ridesharing resources will be disseminated to employees in their orientation packages. The Transportation Coordinator will also facilitate carpool matching for employees. 1% Transit Measures Proximity to Transit Two VTA bus stops (one northbound and one southbound) for Route 49/future Route 27 are located on Los Gatos Boulevard adjacent to the site; they are easily accessible by walking or biking. The southbound stop adjacent to the site will be enhanced with a new concrete bus pad and a new bench, to provide a more comfortable waiting environment. The site’s proximity to these stops makes taking the bus an attractive alternative to driving. 1% Transit Visibility On-site signage will be added to enhance the visibility of the VTA stops near the site to encourage bus ridership. Source: Fehr & Peers, 2019. Appendix D: Example Questionnaires Market Hall is conducting this survey to better understand how employees commute to and from work during the weekday evening peak period (4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This information will be kept confidential and will only be used to improve our commuter programs. 1. What is your home postal zip code? __________ 2. What is the distance one-way from your home to the Market Hall? __________ miles 3. If you arrived or departed work between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm, how did you travel? (Please place a check next to your primary travel mode. If you use more than one means of transportation, check the option that accounts for the longest segment of your trip.) ☐ a. Drove Alone ☐ d. Public transit (bus) ☐ g. Bicycle ☐ b. Carpooled ☐ e. Public transit (LRT) ☐ h. Walk ☐ c. Got dropped off ☐ f. Motorcycle/Moped ☐ i. Other (describe) _______________________________ 4. What factors do you consider when choosing your means of transportation to work? (Check up to three) ☐ a. Travel time ☐ e. Reducing carbon footprint ☐ b. Cost ☐ f. Ability to make stops to and from work ☐ c. Convenience/flexibility ☐ g. Stress ☐ d. Comfort and safety 5. If you drive alone to work, what is preventing you from carpooling, riding transit, bicycling, or walking? (Check up to three) ☐ a. Transit service is not convenient ☐ d. Cannot get home in an emergency ☐ b. Difficult to find others to carpool ☐ e. Need to make stops on the way to and from work ☐ c. Work irregular hours ☐ f. Need my car for work Employee Transportation Survey Bellaterra is conducting this survey to better understand how residents commute to work. This information will be kept confidential and will only be used to improve commuter programs for our community. 1. Where do you work? (provide the company name and address, or zip code) _____________________________ a. Do you work from home? How often? __________________________________________________________________ 2. What time did you usually start work? _______AM _______PM End work? _______AM _______PM 3. How do you typically travel to work? (Please place a check next to your primary travel mode. If you use more than one means of transportation, check the option that accounts for the longest segment of your trip.) ☐ a. Drive Alone ☐ d. Public transit ☐ g. Uber, Lyft, or similar service ☐ b. Carpool ☐ e. Employer Shuttle ☐ h. Bicycle ☐ c. Get dropped off ☐ f. Motorcycle/Moped ☐ i. Walk ☐ j. Other (describe) __________ 4. If you commute in a carpool, how was it organized? ☐ a. 511.org ☐ b. App (such as Scoop or Lyft Line) ☐ c. Other (please describe) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Does you employer provide commute assistance? (For example, commuter checks or shuttles) ________ a. Do you participate in the program? Please describe____________________________________________________ 6. What factors do you consider when choosing your means of transportation to work? (Check up to three) ☐ a. Travel time ☐ e. Reducing carbon footprint ☐ b. Cost ☐ f. Ability to make stops to and from work ☐ c. Convenience/flexibility ☐ g. Stress ☐ d. Comfort and safety Resident Transportation Survey 7. If you drive alone to work, what is preventing you from carpooling, riding transit, bicycling, or walking? (Check up to three) ☐ a. Transit service is not convenient ☐ e. Employer does not provide commute services or incentives ☐ b. Difficult to find others to carpool ☐ f. Use my car on the job ☐ c. Work late/irregular hours ☐ g. Need to make stops on the way to and from work ☐ d. Cannot get home in an emergency ☐ h. Prefer to drive my own car 8. If you drive alone to work, would you be willing to use any of the following commute alternatives? (Check all that apply) ☐ a. Carpool ☐ e. Bicycle ☐ b. Vanpool ☐ f. Walk ☐ c. Employer Shuttle ☐ g. Telecommute (work from home) ☐ d. Public bus ☐ h. Other ___________________________________________ 9. If you drive alone to work, which of the following would encourage you to use a commute alternative? (Check up to three) ☐ a. Subsidized or free light rail or bus pass ☐ d. Employer shuttle ☐ g. Flexible work schedule ☐ b. Assistance with transit information ☐ e. Bicycle lockers and showers at work ☐ h. More on-site services (e.g. fitness center or childcare) ☐ c. Assistance finding carpool/vanpool ☐ f. Guaranteed ride home in an emergency ☐ i. Awards/prizes ☐ j. Other (describe) __________