Item 4 - Exhibit 03 - VMT threshold path TC presentationTown Council Meeting 2/18/2020 CEQA Transportation Analysis Transition EXHIBIT 3 1 Background on SB 743 (refresher) Lead Agency Discretion VMT Thresholds Los Gatos Context Two Options for SB 743 Implementation Recommendation Next Steps OUTLINE Senate Bill 743 CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITION2 Legislative Intent 1.Ensure that the environmental impacts of traffic, such as noise, air pollution, and safety concerns, continue to be properly addressed and mitigated through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 2.More appropriately balance the needs of congestion management with statewide goals related to infill development, promotion of public health through active transportation, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on September 27, 2013 SENATE BILL 743 3 DOES Eliminates vehicle delay (i.e., LOS) as basis for determining significant CEQA impacts Recommends VMT as the most appropriate measure of transportation impacts Other considerations may include transit and non-motorized travel DOES NOT Affect planning, design, or development review, except for the CEQA process Change the General Plan or Congestion Management Plan process Change CEQA disclosure standards 4 Legislation Sets intent and goals CEQA Statute Sets legal requirements for adequate environmental analysis Technical Advisory Offers advice for compliance SENATE BILL 743 LEAD AGENCY DISCRETION 5 Metric Method Threshold Mitigation THRESHOLDS 6 Threshold Setting Options: OPR Technical Advisory Consistent with lead agency air quality, GHG reduction, and energy conservation goals Consistent with the General Plan future year VMT projections by jurisdiction or region Based on baseline VMT performance by jurisdiction THRESHOLDS 7 “OPR recommends that a per capita or per employee VMT that is fifteen percent below that of existing development may be a reasonable threshold.” (page 10 of OPR Technical Advisory) Los Gatos Context 8 Suburban community within an urban region Baseline VMTs above regional averages No rail or frequent bus service or major transit investments in near term TDM is applied to some projects Mature land use and few large parcels for (re)developments CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITION BASELINE VMT: BAY AREA, COUNTY AND SELECT CITIES 9 13.1 13.3 17.3 13.7 17.5 18.0 11.3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Nine County Bay AreaCoutywide AverageLos GatosCampbellMonte SerenoSaratogaHome VMT per Resident (VTA Model) Fifteen Percent Below Countywide Average 16.5 16.6 17.4 14.6 21.2 24.3 14.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Nine County Bay AreaCoutywide AverageLos GatosCampbellMonte SerenoSaratogaWork VMT per Worker (VTA Model) Fifteen Percent Below Countywide Average Source: VTA, January 2020 TOOLS TO REDUCE VMT 10 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Site Design Location Efficiency Regional Policies Regional Infrastructure VMT Mitigation Actions: Transportation-Related GHG Reduction Measures Source: Fehr & Peers, 2020; California Air Pollution Control Officers Associate (CAPCOA) Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures, 2010. Considerations 11 Project specific TDM measures have limited town-wide VMT reduction potential Statewide VMT rate increasing Is 15% reduction an achievable and defensible threshold? Lead agencies can choose a different threshold if: It is backed by substantial evidence Corresponding analysis of VMT effects is adequate and complete CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITION Two Options for SB 743 Implementation 12 Option 1: Rely on the OPR Technical Advisory thresholds Option 2: Set thresholds consistent with the General Plan future year VMT projections CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITION Two Options for SB 743 Implementation 13CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITIONSubject Option 1: Rely on the OPR Technical Advisory thresholds Option 2: Set thresholds consistent with the General Plan future year VMT projections Thresholds Residential: 15% reduction from Town baseline Employment: 15% reduction from County or regional baseline Other land use types: TBD Set baseline and cumulative VMT thresholds based on long-term General Plan expectations for air quality and GHG emissions. Metrics Partial Project generated VMT for most projects. May need Total VMT and/or boundary VMT for projects that don't screen out or for unique land uses. To be determined (TBD) based on above analysis. Method Most likely the VTA Travel Forecasting Model TBD based on above mentioned analysis. Method would be aligned with Metrics decision(s). Two Options for SB 743 Implementation 14CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITIONSubject Option 1: Rely on the OPR Technical Advisory thresholds Option 2: Set thresholds consistent with the General Plan future year VMT projections Mitigation Actions Options: Project-by -project mitigation measures or a Town- wide VMT reduction program Most likely a Town-wide VMT reduction program (e.g., VMT fee, VMT Bank, or VMT Exchange). Relationship to General Plan Update (GPU) Overriding considerations required if the VMT reduction in the General Plan update (GPU) is higher than the OPR thresholds. The GPU CEQA analysis is consistent with the VMT significance thresholds. No overriding consideration needed. Evaluation of Development Projects Project-by -project VMT analysis with VMT screening. Most projects will likely have significant transportation impacts. CEQA streamlining provision: All projects consistent with the General Plan will be considered to have less than significant impacts. Examples San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, and a few others Pasadena, Woodland RECOMMENDATION 15 Option 2: Set thresholds consistent with the General Plan future year VMT projections Mature land use and few large parcels for (re)developments “Game Changer” type developments not consistent with the GP Achieving 15% reduction would be challenging Take advantage of the CEQA streamlining provision CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITION NEXT STEPS 16 Determine metric, method, thresholds and mitigation recommendations Develop Transportation Analysis (TA) Guidelines General Plan Update CEQA Analysis Update local transportation analysis policies CEQA TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS TRANSITION This Page Intentionally Left Blank