Staff Report PREPARED BY: Monica Renn Economic Vitality Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/17/2019 ITEM NO: 20 DATE: December 12, 2019 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive an Update on the Parklet Pilot Program and Provide Direction on: a. Parking Space Usage for Specific Parklet Applications Along W. Main Street and Montebello Avenue, and E. Main Street b. Maximum Number of Spaces Allotted Per Business Parklet and the Related Maximum Number of Parking Spaces Removed from the Parking Inventory; c. Future Parklet Applications; and d. Any Additional Pilot Program Input. RECOMMENDATION: Receive an update on the Parklet Pilot Program and provide direction on: a. Parking space usage for specific parklet applications along W. Main Street and Montebello Avenue, and E. Main Street b. Maximum number of spaces allotted per business and the related maximum number of parking spaces removed from the parking inventory c. Future parklet applications; and d. Any additional pilot program input. BACKGROUND: At its February 5, 2019 meeting, the Town Council unanimously voted to approve a pilot parklet program as a public-private parklet partnership for Downtown along Main Street and N. Santa Cruz Avenue. On May 7, 2019, the Council voted to expand the pilot further to include side streets within the C-2/Downtown zone given the business interest in the program. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON PARKLET PILOT PROGRAM DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2019 DISCUSSION: Since the adoption of the parklet pilot program, staff has worked closely with businesses and property owners to answer questions, process applications, and issue building permits. During this summer’s one-way pilot program on N. Santa Cruz Avenue, many businesses experienced how the community embraced the parklets and this further encouraged restaurants to participate in the parklet pilot program. To date, staff has received seven applications, three of which have been issued building permits. The remaining applications are at various stages in the process. There are an additional three to four businesses that have contacted staff and reported that they intend to submit applications soon. Below is a summary of the applications received and their status. Staff has found that the interest from businesses is high, and most businesses are looking to occupy as many parking spaces as possible that extend in front of their businesses’ building frontage. With such a high interest and desire for maximum parking s pot occupation, staff felt it appropriate to check in with the Town Council to understand if there is a desire to modify any of the parameters of the parklet pilot program or cap the number of parklets that may participate in the program at this time. Staff would also like to receive direction from the Council on a particular parklet proposal that presents a unique situation. There is an active application for a parklet at 145 W. Main Street. This is a new restaurant that would occupy the former Le Bou langer space and expects to open Business Address Business Name # of Spaces Application Status 81 W. Main St Zona Rosa 2 Building permit pending 109 W. Main St Centonove 2 Under construction 217 N. Santa Cruz Ave Rootstock 3 Under construction 9 N. Santa Cruz Ave Pizza My Heart 2 Building permit pending 145 W. Main St Vacant/fully leased to new restaurant Requested 4 spaces* First comments issued, applicant preparing resubmittal. *Requested four continuous spaces on Montebello, second option, two spaces on Montebello and two spaces on Main. 27-35 E. Main St 27 - Southern Kitchen 29 - Billy's Boston Chowder House 33 - Vacant 35 - Namaste 4 First comments issued, applicant preparing resubmittal 21 N. Santa Cruz Andale 2 Building permit pending PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON PARKLET PILOT PROGRAM DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2019 DISCUSSION (continued): in spring/summer of 2020. There are six on-street parking spaces located directly in front of the business, two parallel parking spaces along W. Main Street and four diagonal spaces along Montebello Avenue. The business has expressed their understanding and appreciation for maximizing both outdoor seating and parking availability within downtown and thus applied for a parklet on four of the six spaces that front their building. The application originally requested the use of four spaces for two parklets utilizing two spaces on Montebello Avenue and two spaces on W. Main Street. Through discussions with the applicant, the request currently proposes a single parklet that would occupy all four of the spaces in front of their restaurant on Montebello Avenue. The use of four spaces on Montebello Avenue provides the ability for the restaurant to serve patrons most efficiently and provides for a larger outdoor eating area and community gathering space in front of Plaza Park. It should be noted that this does create a particular challenge given that the Farmer’s Market occupies these spaces on Montebello Avenue each Sunday and has expressed some concern with relocating the booths that currently occupy these four spaces. Staff attempted to re-connect with the Farmer’s Market to understand if there continues to be a concern with losing this real estate for the market and at the time of this staff report has not received any additional response. Allowing the business to occupy two of the spaces on Montebello Avenue may be the most desirable way to provide support of both programs; however, the staff looks forward to the Council’s discussion and direction on this. While the parklet application at 145 W. Main presents a unique situation, it also speaks to a larger question in which the staff is seeking direction. Would the Council like to implement a per parklet cap on the number of parking spaces that may be occupi ed, and/or a total cap on number of parking spaces that may be removed from the parking inventory for the use of parklets? Another pending parklet application is for one large parklet divided into four spaces in front of the Beckwidth Building, located at 27-35 E. Main Street. In this case, the building owner is the applicant for the parklet and is requesting to remove all of the parking in front of the building (four spaces) to construct a large parklet divided into four sections to serve the restaurant spaces within the building. Staff is seeking the Council’s input on these items so that clear direction may be provided to the applicants, and so that the Council is fully aware of the interest and investment that is being received regarding this pilot program. In addition, many stakeholders are asking for a clearer idea of the duration of the parklet pilot as they weigh the investment that is required to build and maintain them. Through applicants, staff has learned that the cost associated with planning and implementing each parklet ranges from $50,000 to $100,000 before they are furnished. As a result of these inquiries, would the Council like to provide direction or expectations on the minimum duration of the pilot? Additionally, are there other parameters PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON PARKLET PILOT PROGRAM DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2019 that the Town Council would like to consider implementing, or a benchmark in which staff should return to the Council with further updates? CONCLUSION: After receiving and discussing this staff report, staff is recommending that the Town Council provide direction on the following items, and any additional provisions that are desired: • Would the Council like to cap or temporarily cap the number of parklet applications accepted? If so, what number? • Would the Council like to cap the number of parking spaces that any given business or property owner may occupy? o Specifically, would the Council like to provide direction on the following applications: ▪ The corner of Montebello Avenue/W. Main Street ▪ 27-35 E. Main Street • Would the Council like to cap the total number of spaces that may be removed from the parking inventory for the use of parklets? If so, what would be the maximum number of spaces? • Would the Council like to provide direction or expectations on the minimum duration of the pilot? • What other input or direction the Council would like to provide to staff? FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from this action. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required.