Attachment 4 - Public Comments received by 1100 am 12-16-19Dear Council members, The parking study appears to have overlooked handicapped parking. No mention appears in the presentation. Los Gatos is a handicapped unfriendly town. All the handicapped parking is rather far from N. Santa Cruz Ave businesses. This was brought home to me a few years ago when I was in crutches for a while. Most handicapped people are able to walk, but not far. A block can be a long painful forever trek to someone with pulmonary disease, cardiac problems or a bad back or legs. I would ask you to add considerations for the handicapped in your future plans. In particular, N. Santa Cruz should be considered one big parking lot with the same minimum number of handicapped parking spots as you would require for any commercial parking lot. Such spots should be scattered along the street, e.g. maybe one per block on alternate sides. Thanks and Regards, Robert Lipp From: Robert Lipp <ebob@2lipps.com>  Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2019 3:06 PM To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov>; Town Manager <Manager@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Handicapped Parking ATTACHMENT 4 From:Jamie Palasky To:Parking Study Subject:High school Area Permit Parking Date:Tuesday, December 10, 2019 8:46:35 PM I would not be opposed to the Town issuing a limited number of permits to allow high school students to park in permit areas as long as there is increased enforcement to prevent illegal parking. Residents need the parking we pay for, but I realize that there might some parking that could be made available for students. This might mean changing the 90-minute parking to “permit only.” Jamie Palasky 181 Villa Ave Los Gatos 95030 Sent from my iPad ATTACHMENT 4 From:Alice A Miano To:Parking Study Subject:Input re: parking study Date:Thursday, December 12, 2019 1:54:32 PM Hello, I am a longtime Los Gatos resident (over 50 years) and currently reside in the Almond Grove at 55 Tait, where I've been for 22 years. I write to oppose any proposal to permanently make Santa Cruz Ave. a one-way street. While the parklets were a nice addition, as the report notes, they did not have their desired effect-- we did not get more foot traffic downtown. What the report does not mention, however, are the traffic issues that increased on side streets like mine, the safety concerns of our neighbors on University who were impacted with greater traffic and less mobility, the general inconvenience to all, and the unsightly signs and street markings that damaged the 'look' of an otherwise charming downtown. Add a few parklets if you like, but please don't go back to making our downtown look like a construction zone. Thank you, Ali Miano _________________________________ Alice A. Miano, Ph.D. Coordinator, Spanish Language Program Stanford University ATTACHMENT 4 From:frank Pollesel To:Parking Study Date:Saturday, December 14, 2019 3:31:41 PM I pay for a parking permits every year but why should I when you don't enforce the laws. I live on Nicholson Avenue and haven't seen anyone get a ticket for parking on my street after 6pm for at least a year. ATTACHMENT 4