Attachment 3 - Second Parking Study Survey97.34%183 2.66%5 Q1 Do you live in the Town of Los Gatos? Answered: 188 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 188 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 1 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 33.33%60 66.67%120 Q2 Which area best describes where you live? Answered: 180 Skipped: 9 TOTAL 180 North of Highway 9 South of Highway 9 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES North of Highway 9 South of Highway 9 2 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 28.81%34 8.47%10 25.42%30 0.85%1 11.86%14 10.17%12 10.17%12 4.24%5 Q3 Which Residential Parking Permit Area do you live in? Answered: 118 Skipped: 71 TOTAL 118 Almond Grove Broadway Edelen/Universi ty Olive Zone Villa/Main Street Distr... High School Area (Alpine... None Other (please specify) 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Almond Grove Broadway Edelen/University Olive Zone Villa/Main Street District High School Area (Alpine, Johnson, Pleasant, Loma Alta, Stacia, etc.) None Other (please specify) 3 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 20.69%36 23.56%41 12.64%22 6.90%12 9.20%16 19.54%34 7.47%13 Q4 On your block, how often are all of the on-street spaces occupied? Answered: 174 Skipped: 15 TOTAL 174 Never Very Infrequently Somewhat frequently About half the time Somewhat frequently Very frequently Always 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Never Very Infrequently Somewhat frequently About half the time Somewhat frequently Very frequently Always 4 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 23.89%43 76.11%137 Q5 Do you work in Los Gatos Answered: 180 Skipped: 9 TOTAL 180 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 5 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 54.07%93 11.63%20 34.30%59 Q6 Some Downtown employees park on-street outside of businesses in time limit spaces: Answered: 172 Skipped: 17 TOTAL 172 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 6 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 52.91%91 4.65%8 42.44%73 Q7 Some downtown employees already park on surrounding residential streets: Answered: 172 Skipped: 17 TOTAL 172 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 7 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 47.37%81 30.99%53 21.64%37 Q8 Some residential streets near Downtown can accommodate a small amount of employee permit parking: Answered: 171 Skipped: 18 TOTAL 171 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 8 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 38.95%67 18.02%31 43.02%74 Q9 As long as the permit cost is affordable, most Downtown employees will voluntarily participate in a Downtown Employee Permit Parking Program: Answered: 172 Skipped: 17 TOTAL 172 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 9 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 27.61%45 54.60%89 17.79%29 Q10 There are enough long-term parking options for customers and visitors Downtown: Answered: 163 Skipped: 26 TOTAL 163 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 10 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 46.95%77 13.41%22 39.63%65 Q11 If drivers are not allowed to repark within 150 ft in time limit spaces, more employees would be motivated to participate in a Downtown Employee Permit Parking Program: Answered: 164 Skipped: 25 TOTAL 164 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 11 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 61.59%101 21.34%35 17.07%28 Q12 If drivers could still park for free for 2 hours but also have the option to stay longer for an hourly rate, customers and visitors would have more flexibility when visiting Downtown: Answered: 164 Skipped: 25 TOTAL 164 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 12 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 51.83%85 14.02%23 34.15%56 Q13 If parking sessions longer than 2 hours are paid, this would encourage most employees to purchase an employee parking permit: Answered: 164 Skipped: 25 TOTAL 164 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 13 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 15.24%25 44.51%73 30.49%50 9.76%16 Q14 Which of the following options do you personally prefer? Answered: 164 Skipped: 25 TOTAL 164 Time Limits / No Reparking... Pay to Stay: Remove Downt... No change Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Time Limits / No Reparking: Maintain Downtown time limits and implement a no reparking within 150 ft. rule. This option would include the extension of some time limits to provide more long-term parking options as needed. Pay to Stay: Remove Downtown time limits and implement pay stations (multi-space meters/kiosks) and a mobile application that would allow drivers to park for free for 2 - 3 hours per day, followed by an hourly rate of $1 - $2 per hour to stay for longer. This option could include a merchant validation program. No change Not sure 14 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 71.43%115 2.48%4 26.09%42 Q15 Some high school students already park on nearby residential streets: Answered: 161 Skipped: 28 TOTAL 161 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 15 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 40.37%65 34.78%56 24.84%40 Q16 Some residential streets can accommodate a small amount of student parking: Answered: 161 Skipped: 28 TOTAL 161 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 16 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 67.08%108 14.29%23 18.63%30 Q17 The Town should allow residents surrounding the High School to enact residential permit parking restrictions: Answered: 161 Skipped: 28 TOTAL 161 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 17 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 44.10%71 30.43%49 25.47%41 Q18 The Town should allow a small number of students to park on designated residential streets that are spread out in various locations to mitigate parking and traffic congestion (this could be managed through a permit parking program). Answered: 161 Skipped: 28 TOTAL 161 Agree Disagree Not sure 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Agree Disagree Not sure 18 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3 Q19 Please provide your email address if you would like to receive more information on this parking study as it becomes available. Answered: 78 Skipped: 111 19 / 19 Los Gatos Resident Parking Survey SurveyMonkey ATTACHMENT 3