Staff Report PREPARED BY: Lisa Petersen Assistant Public Works Director/Town Engineer Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Director of Parks and Public 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/17/2019 ITEM NO: 12 DATE: December 11, 2019 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive the Report on the Permanent Installation of Traffic Calming Devices for College Avenue Between Jones Road and Pageant Way RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report on the permanent installation of traffic calming devices for College Avenue between Jones Road and Pageant Way. BACKGROUND: Residents of College Avenue between Jones Road and Pageant Way submitted a petition in 2016 to be considered for a traffic calming project. Staff reviewed the petition, then collected speed and traffic count data and determined this street qualified for the traffic calming program because of vehicle speeds. This project request was placed on a waiting list while other traffic calming projects were being processed and/or completed. Staff conducted neighborhood meetings on May 18, July 20, and December 6, 2017 and residents, including residents of other segments of College Avenue, College Terrace, Jones Road, Reservoir Road, Prospect Avenue, Oak Grove Avenue and Euclid Avenue were mailed notices of the meetings. Staff presented the data on the traffic speeds and the Los Gatos - Monte Sereno Police Department (LGMSPD) and Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) were present at each meeting to provide feedback on the impact of the traffic calming devices on the neighborhood’s streets and to answer residents’ questions and concerns. The attending neighborhood residents, including residents of College Terrace, Prospect Avenue, Oak Grove Avenue and Euclid Avenue, discussed their concerns regarding speeding, traffic enforcement, the behavior of bicyclists and pedestrians on College Avenue and other traffic issues in the neighborhood. Reducing vehicle speeds on College Avenue was deemed the highest priority of the residents in attendance. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Accept the Report on the Permanent Installation of Traffic Calming Devices for College Avenue Between Jones Road and Pageant Way DATE: December 11, 2019 BACKGROUND (continued): The neighborhood voted on and approved a proposed solution to install two speed humps along College Avenue between Jones Road and Pageant Way and a short double yellow centerline along the curve near 59 College Avenue. On April 3, 2018, the Town Council approved the temporary measures. DISCUSSION: Staff gathered traffic data to assess the effectiveness of these temporary traffic calming devices approximately seven months after the speed hump installation was complete. The posted speed limit in this neighborhood is 20 mph. The traffic data collected shows an improvement in slowing down vehicle speeds. The 85th percentile speed data shows a reduction in traffic speeds of 2 to 3 mph from 28 to 26 mph and from 26 to 23 mph. The data collected demonstrates that these temporary traffic calming devices have been effective in slowing down vehicles on College Avenue although the reduced 85th percentile speed near 105 College Avenue is still slightly over (one mph over) the desired threshold speed per Town’s Traffic Calming Policy. These results are similar to how speed humps have reduced speeds on other residential streets in Los Gatos. This fall, a neighborhood vote was conducted to see if residents supported changing the project status from temporary to permanent and 12 responses were received from 31 residents polled, a return rate of 39%. The outcome of the vote exceeded the required super majority support rate of the Town’s Traffic Calming policy, with 83% approving of the proposal and 17% disapproving. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Town Council receive the report on the permanent installation of traffic calming devices for College Avenue between Jones Road and Pageant Way. ALTERNATIVES: Alternatively, the Town Council could direct staff to: A. Remove the improvements. B. Extend the evaluation period by a defined timeframe. Staff does not recommend either of these alternatives as the response from the neighborhood demonstrates the desirability of the improvements. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Accept the Report on the Permanent Installation of Traffic Calming Devices for College Avenue Between Jones Road and Pageant Way DATE: December 11, 2019 COORDINATION: This project has been coordinated with the College Avenue residents between Jones Road and Pageant Way as outlined in this memorandum and with the Los Gatos Monte Sereno Police Department and Santa Clara County Fire Department. FISCAL IMPACT: The improvements have been installed and there is no additional cost for this project . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed.