Exhibit A to Attachment 11 12/10/2019 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Plan Scope of Services Task 1: Project Management Kimley-Horn will participate in a kick-off meeting with the Town to finalize project procedures and expectations and refine the project schedule. Kimley-Horn will prepare the meeting agenda and distribute meeting minutes within one (1) week of the meeting. Kimley-Horn will attend up to two (2) additional project meetings at Town offices throughout the project to discuss project progress and findings. One meeting is assumed occur in each of Tasks 4 and 6 for workshops with the Town to discuss the conceptual designs. Kimley-Horn will hold approximately bi-weekly conference calls with the Town project manager to coordinate on project progress, data collection needs, upcoming meetings, and deliverables. It is anticipated that the project will last up to 8 months, and the fee corresponds with up to 15 coordination calls. The Kimley-Horn team will maintain an online sharing document that will be used to document action items from coordination meetings, to track deliverable progress, and to document key decisions or needed input. Task 1 Deliverables: •Project Schedule and updates (PDF Format) •Meeting agendas and minutes (PDF Format) •Monthly Status Reports and Invoices (PDF Format) •Online sharing document (Electronic Format) Task 2: Preliminary Evaluation Task 2.1: Existing Conditions Documentation Kimley-Horn will assemble and summarize information on existing conditions and opportunities and constraints along the study corridor. The study corridor is defined as Winchester Boulevard between Knowles Drive and Blossom Hill Road, including up to 100 feet on the streets that intersect Winchester Boulevard. Kimley-Horn will assemble the following data assuming to be readily available from the Town and other agencies: •Collision data for a recent 5-year period (assumed to be pulled from SWITRS and supplemented by any additional collision history provided by the Town within that period) •Roadway geometry and lane configurations •Existing traffic signal timing sheets •Historical traffic volumes (including auto, bicycle, and pedestrian) •GIS shapefiles (if available: roadway network, sidewalks, parcel/ROW info, utilities) •Existing transit service levels, ridership, and travel time from VTA (assumes access to the Swiftly platform) •Aerial photograph and topography Kimley-Horn will also perform field observations of the corridor during typical weekday AM and PM peak period conditions. We will collect roadway widths using aerial photography and public mapping, and review with field observations. Uncontrolled modal conflicts, congestion points, and undesirable activity (speeding, jaywalking, illegal parking, etc.) will be observed and noted. for No traffic analysis is assumed in this task. This task will be documented in a Draft Existing Conditions Memo. Upon receipt of one round of consolidated comments from the Town, Kimley-Horn will prepare and submit a Final Existing Conditions Memo. Task 2.1 Deliverables: •Draft and Revised Existing Conditions Memo (PDF Format) Task 2.2 Topographic Survey LCC Engineering and Surveying will be performing the topographic survey as a subconsultant to Kimley-Horn. They will perform EXHIBIT A 2 12/10/2019 the following tasks: Arterial Topographic Survey: Collect topographic survey for the signing and striping improvements along Winchester Blvd. between Blossom Hill Road and Albright Way. The topographic survey will be collected from face-of-curb to face-of-curb and will not include any roadway surface features other than a crown line (if apparent) and raised medians. The survey will also not include any points within the sidewal k areas (e.g. back of curb, back of walk, etc.) adjacent to the roadway. The survey will include: •Gutter Flowline at face of curb (including transitions/tapers and at beginning and end of curves, points of compound curvature, etc.), noting curb height & gutter width •Roadway Crownline •Raised medians (shots at pavement, noting curb height) At intersections, the survey will capture the following points along the face of curb at all four corners: •Beginning of curb return •Mid Point of curb return •End of curb return Cross sections will be taken in 100-ft increments along curb (or shorter increments as appropriate per the existing alignment). GPS data may be utilized for this Task, understanding that elevations will be accurate within +/- 0.15 feet. Utilities and striping features may not be collected. Detailed Topographic Survey at Two Intersections: Collect topographic survey at up to two intersections, to be selected by Kimley-Horn and the Town. The survey will include: •Cross sections at 25-ft intervals •Curb, gutter, and sidewalk, including curb ramps •Driveways •Landscape areas, vegetation, and trees •Walls and Fences (height and type) within 5 feet of the back of sidewalk •Signs, Poles, Lights, etc. •Striping, pavement markings •Above ground utilities (boxes, valves, irrigation facilities, street lights, manholes, etc.) •Grade breaks •Invert elevations of all accessible storm drain manholes, sanitary sewer manholes, and curb inlets within survey limits. It is assumed that a Traffic Control Vehicle will not be required by the Town for field work; however, LCC will continuously use standard safety precautions (cones and “Survey Party” warning signs) for all work in and adjacent to the roadway. Survey control shall tie into Town of Los Gatos listed survey monuments and Horizontal and Vertical System. Surveyor will provide a location and description of existing survey monument(s) used. Electronic survey points to be delivered in AutoCAD Civil 3D release 2013 format with separate point file (.csv, .txt, .ASC, etc.). Electronic files shall include survey control information including basis of bearings. Surfaces will be created with break lines to generate smooth contours and accurate triangulation. This scope does not include: Setting of boundary corners; performing and preparing a Record of Survey or Corner Record; preparation of plat and/or legal descriptions; obtaining Title Reports; contracting with a subconsultant to locate existing underground utilities; construction staking or services; or Civil Engineering services. Services not included may be provide d by request at our then-current rates. Task 2.2 Deliverables: •Topographic Survey File w/ Surface (AutoCAD 2018) 3 12/10/2019 Task 2.3 Utility Base Mapping Kimley-Horn will obtain readily available utility facility maps from the Town and utility providers operating within the project area and create an existing utility base map to be used as a basis of design. Kimley-Horn will work with the Town to obtain appropriate contact information utility providers within the area and will send utility request letters as needed throughout the project site. It is assumed the Town will provide available as-built records related to the project. Subsurface utility investigation is not included as part of this task. Kimley-Horn will create a master base file of the survey and utilities. Two Kimley-Horn staff will field verify the base map and utility locations based on field conditions. Field notes and pictures will be taken to supplement design and document discrepancies. Task 2.3 Deliverables: • Utility Base Map (AutoCAD 2018) • Facility Maps obtained from Utility Providers available upon request • Utility notification letters (and responses) available upon request • Site photos and field notes available upon request (OPTIONAL) – Right-of-way Surveys and Research Within the Detailed Topographic Survey Area only, LCC will research County and Town record maps (subdivision, parcel maps, records of survey, corner records, and right-of-way maps) for information about the right-of-way (ROW) and property lines within the limits of survey. LCC will locate and tie in existing property corners and monuments found in the field, and we will determine the existing ROW and property lines from title, record map, and field information. If this effort is selected, this ROW data will then be incorporated into the project base map. Task 3: Draft Conceptual Design Alternatives Utilizing the feedback received in the initial round of public outreach and the existing conditions analysis performed in Tas k 2, Kimley-Horn will develop conceptual design alternatives. The study corridor may be broken into two segments: (1) Knowles Drive to Albright Way and (2) Albright Way to Blossom Hill Road. The improvements in each alternative may include signing and striping changes, geometric changes, different types of vertical separation for the Class IV bike lanes, changes in intersection control, closure of sidewalk gaps, enhancing existing pedestrian facilities, stormwater treatment elements, and landscaping treatment elements. Kimley-Horn will first develop the improvements as annotated Adobe Illustrator graphics supported by illustrative cross-sections to receive one round of input from the Town on the proposed alternatives. Up to three (3) alternatives will be developed for each segment. Based on discussions with Town staff, up to two (2) alternatives will be selected for each segment for which Kimley-Horn will develop CAD layouts on scaled colored aerial photographs. The concepts will be configured in accordance with Town and Caltrans roadway design standards, as well as other industry best practices. The concepts will be developed to an approximately ten percent level of design, which will consist strictly of a plan view on an aerial. Through the development of concepts, Kimley-Horn may identify locations where changes to lane geometry and signal operations may be particularly beneficial to providing the desired project outcome. For those locations, Kimley-Horn will perform traffic operations analyses to determine the effects of the desired modification on auto, bicycle, and pedestrian movements. It is anticipated that some new traffic data collection may be necessary to properly assess the effects on these locations. For the purposes of this scope, the following data collection is assumed: • Weekday AM (7 – 9 AM) and afternoon/PM (2 – 6 PM) peak period traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian turning movement counts at up to five (5) study intersections • Weekend (8 AM – 2 PM) peak period bicycle volume counts at up to two (2) study intersections or segments 4 12/10/2019 • Three-day average daily traffic (ADT) counts at up to two (2) locations Proposal for Traffic analysis at up to five study intersection will be performed using Synchro software (version 10). The traffic analysis may be performed on both the existing condition and for up to two (2) build alternatives for the AM and afternoon/PM peak periods. No future volumes scenario is assumed. The concepts will be provided to the Town for review and comment. Kimley-Horn will address one round of consolidated comments from the Town. Following revision of the concepts based on Town comments, Kimley-Horn will prepare extruded cross-sections, photo- simulations, and/or 3D renderings of each of the concepts. Up to two (2) total images are assumed for each of up to two (2) build alternatives. Task 3 Deliverables: • Illustrator-based Improvement Concepts, up to three (3) alternatives (PDF Format) • Draft and Revised Conceptual Improvement Plans, up to two (2) alternatives (PDF Format) • Up to two (2) visualizations, for each of up to two (2) alternatives (JPEG Format or Similar) Task 4: Public Outreach Round #1 Kimley-Horn will support Town staff for Public Outreach Round #1. Up to 55 hours of effort are included for support to the Town in Public Outreach Round #1. This may include a project factsheet, meeting boards, and meeting attendance, to be agreed upon by the Town and Kimley-Horn. Public Outreach Round #1 is anticipated to include feedback on the conceptual alternatives. Task 5: Refinement of Preferred Conceptual Design Concept & Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) Utilizing feedback from Public Outreach Round #1 and input from Town staff, a preferred alternative will be derived from the two alternatives developed in Task 3. It is assumed that the preferred alternative will represent refinement of one of the alternatives developed in Task 3 and does not represent an entirely new concept. Kimley-Horn will address one (1) round of non-conflicting comments from the Town on the preferred alternative. Following revision of the preferred concept based on Town comments, Kimley-Horn will update the visualizations created in Task 3 to reflect the preferred concept. Kimley-Horn will prepare a conceptual opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) and identify significant implementation steps and phasing for the proposed concept. This information will be summarized in the Complete Streets Plan in Task 7. Task 6 Deliverables: • Draft and Revised Refined Conceptual Improvement Concept (PDF Format) • Up to two (2) visualizations for the refined conceptual improvement concept (JPEG Format or Similar) Task 6: Public Outreach Round #2 Kimley-Horn will support Town staff for Public Outreach Round #2. Up to 55 hours of effort are included for support to the Town in Outreach Round #2. This may include a project factsheet, meeting boards, and meeting attendance, to be agreed upon by the Town and Kimley-Horn. Public Outreach Round #2 is anticipated to include feedback on the preferred alternative and phasing of the near -term project. 5 12/10/2019 Task 7: Complete Streets Plan The efforts performed as part of Tasks 1 through 6 will be summarized in a Winchester Complete Streets Plan. It is assumed that the report content will consist of existing conditions, summary of public outreach and engagement, the preferred conceptual improvement concept, associated planning level costs, and implementation strategy. Additional project material may be included in appendices. A Draft Complete Streets Plan will be submitted to the Town for one round of review and comment. Kimley-Horn will address one (1) of consolidated comments from the Town and provide a Final Complete Streets Plan. Task 7 Deliverables: • Draft and Revised Complete Streets Plan (PDF Format) Task 8: Public Outreach Round #3 Kimley-Horn will support Town staff for Public Outreach Round #3. Up to 40 hours of effort are included for support to the Town in Outreach Round #3. This may include a project factsheet, meeting boards, and meeting attendance, to be agreed upon by the Town and Kimley-Horn. Public Outreach Round #3 is anticipated to include distribution of the Plan. Optional Supplemental Tasks (OPTIONAL) Task 9: Supplemental Public Outreach Upon written notice to proceed, Kimley-Horn will assist the Town with the preparation of outreach materials or attendance at outreach events beyond the scope above. As an optional task, we have identified $8,551 in additional outreach support to lead or support the Town on additional outreach activities.