Attachment 1 - Green Monday sample materials greenmondayus.org This city observes Green Monday. The program has two components – making plant- based menu choices at least one day per week and raising public awareness of the impacts of our food choices. WHY GREEN MONDAY? CAFOs Today, in the US alone, nine billion land animals are bred and slaughtered each year, 99% of them in factory farms, called Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). CAFOs contain at least 1,000 large animals such as beef cows, or tens of thousands of smaller animals such as chickens. Many are much larger—with tens of thousands of beef cows or hogs or hundreds of thousands of chickens. Over the last two decades, the sector has been transformed by a handful of massive multinational corporations that control the inputs, production and processing of most farmed animals. Climate Farmed animals are a major source of climate change. They emit more greenhouse gases than the entire transportation sector. Animals, especially cows, directly emit greenhouse gasses. Cows burp methane, which is 20 times worse for the climate than carbon dioxide, and their poop emits nitrous oxide, which is up to 300 times worse. We can dramatically reduce our carbon footprint by reducing or eliminating our consumption of meat and dairy products Natural Resources Eating animals is extremely inefficient. For every 100 calories of corn or soy we feed a farmed animal, we get 3 calories of beef or 12 calories of chicken. Livestock is the world's largest user of land resources. Although meat and dairy supply only 17% of calories and 33% of protein, 77% percent of the world’s agricultural land is used for livestock. Half of all water use in the US goes to animal agriculture. It takes 1800 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef as compare to 300 gallons to produce a pound of tofu. Attachment 1 Workers The people most directly impacted by industrial agriculture are workers in factory farms and slaughterhouses. Slaughterhouse employees endure some of the most dangerous working conditions in the country. Amputations of fingers, hands, and arms are common, and the furious pace of the work causes repetitive stress injuries and musculo-skeletal disorders. Despite these conditions, most workers don’t have health insurance or the protection of unions. Companies recruit people who are undocumented because they won’t be able to speak out against these conditions. In addition to being physically dangerous, slaughterhouse work is psychologically traumatic. Workers are forced to kill thousands of innocent animals day after day. Many develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These employees don’t have access to basic health care, let alone mental health care, so often they self- medicate with drugs or alcohol. Rates of addiction and domestic violence are significantly higher than in other industries. Communities of Color Communities surrounding CAFOs, overwhelmingly Black and/or poor, have to contend year-round with the stench of animal feces and urine. Livestock produce 130x as much waste as humans in the US. The waste from factory farmed animals is collected in vast open-air pits known as lagoons. Runoff from the lagoons makes its way into rivers and streams, drastically raising nitrate levels, which are linked to autoimmune diseases and birth defects. The lagoons are periodically pumped out and the waste sprayed as fertilizer onto fields surrounding the factory farms, forcing local residents to stay inside and keep their windows shut. People living in the vicinity of these factories experience significantly higher rates of asthmas, high blood pressure, eye irritation, and depression than those in surrounding areas. World Hunger Eating more efficiently is critical. World population has grown from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7.5 billion in 2017 and is projected to be 9.1 billion people by 2050. Unless we change course, there simply won’t be enough food for everyone. Animals-Other-Than-Humans Animals in factory farms spend their entire lives in deplorable conditions and die in horrific ways. Breeding sows are crammed into crates so small they can’t turn around, let alone nestle their babies. Dairy cows are inseminated year after year, their calves taken from them within days of their birth. The dairy cows cry inconsolably, typically for days, and the calves search in vain for their mothers. When they no longer produce enough milk to be valuable, they’re slaughtered. And according to government estimates, over 10,000 broiler (meat) chickens are boiled alive every single day. So anytime we eat chicken, we have no way of knowing whether that chicken was one of the millions boiled alive every year. SELECTED BOOKS FOR ADULTS Cowed: The Hidden Impact of 93 Million Cows on America’s Health, Economy, Politics, Culture, and Environment (2015) By Denis Hayes and Gail Boyer Hayes The authors, globally recognized environmentalists, analyze how our centuries-old relationship with bovines has evolved into one that endangers the planet. Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (2017) by Paul Hawkin and Tom Steyer One hundred steps ordinary people can take to reduce their carbon footprints. Excellent antidote to the prevailing sense of doom. See Drawdown website. Eating Animals (2010) By Jonathan Safran Foer Foer uses storytelling as his primary vehicle for examining the ethics of eating meat. Eat for the Planet: Saving the World One Bite at a Time (2018) By Nil Zacharias and Gene Stone Extraordinarily clear infographics illustrate the devastating impacts of livestock. The End of Factory Farming (2018) By Jacy Reese An overview of factory farming and a roadmap for ending it with a focus on institutional change. Accessible and comprehensive. Food, Animals, and the Environment: An Ethical Approach (2018) By Christopher Schlottmann and Jeff Sebo What do we owe animals, plants, ecosystems, and future generations? What are the ethics of supporting harmful industries, and what are the ethics of resistance? Food Choice and Sustainability (2013) By Richard Oppenlander Oppenlander makes the case that we have no choice but to adopt a plant-based diet to preserve the earth’s rapidly dwindling resources. The Reducetarian Solution (2017) Edited by Brian Kateman A collection of short essays from influential thinkers on how cutting 10% or more of the meat from one’s diet can transform the life of the reader, animals, and the planet. SELECTED BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Gwen the Rescue Hen; Sprig the Rescue Pig (2018) By Leslie Crawford, Illustrated by Sonja Stangl Ages 4-7 Charming books about animals who discover how wonderful life can be off the farm. Children learn that every animal is an individual, deserving of respect and compassion. Delightfully illustrated. My First Vegan Cookbook (2019) By Stine Sidsner Garside, Illustrated by Michael Daniel Garside Ages 2-10 Easy-to-follow vegan recipes parents can make with their younger children and older children can make themselves. Whimsical drawings accompany each recipe. Not a Nugget (2015) By Stephanie Dreyer, illustrated by Jack Veda Ages 2-5 Shows the similarities between animal and human families. Gently introduces veganism. Gorgeous pictures. Forward by Gene Bauer, founder of Farm Sanctuary. That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals (2009) Written and Illustrated by Ruby Roth Ages 6-10 A classic. Contrasts animals happily living with their families in their natural habitats with those suffering in factory farms. Describes the devastating impacts of animal agriculture on the environment and biodiversity. Beautifully illustrated. V Is for Vegan: The ABCs of Being Kind (2013) Written and Illustrated by Ruby Roth Ages 3-7 Introduces young children to the basics of animal rights and veganism through charming rhymes and illustrations, beginning with “A is for animals – friends not food.” That’s Not My Momma’s Milk! (2017) By Julia Barcalow, Illustrated by Kayleigh Castle Ages 1-3, a board book A sweet book showing animal mothers feeding their babies. Loving and age- appropriate. Gently promotes compassion for animals. Delightful drawings.