91 and 101 W. Main St - Staff Report and Exhibits 1-10DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MARCH 3, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 03/08/2017 ITEM NO: 5 JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION U-16-008 . PROJECT LOCATION : 91AND101 W. MAIN STREET. PROPERTY OWNER: YERMONT BUILDING. LLC. APPLICANT: TERI HOPE. CONSIDER A REQUEST FORAPPROVAL OF A MODIFICATION OF AN EXISITING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (LOS GATOS COFFEE ROASTING COMPANY) TO ALLOW ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE BEER AND WINE SERVICE AND ENTERTAINMENT BEFORE 10:00 P.M. ON PROPERTY ZONED C-2 :LHP . APN 529-01-025. DEEMED COMPLETE: FEBRUARY 6, 2017 FINAL DATE TO TAKE ACTION: AUGUST, 6 2017 RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation to Town Council for approval of the Conditional Use Permit application. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Central Business District Zoning Designation : Central Business District: Landmark Historic Preservation, C-2:LHP Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan Parcel Size: PREPARED BY: 10,890 square feet LEVI HILL Associate Planner Reviewed by : Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov PAGE2 OF8 SUBJECT: 91 AND 101 W. MAIN STREET /U-16-008 DATE: MARCH 3, 2017 Surrounding Area: ! Existing Land Use I General Plan North ! Commercial i Central Business District East Commercial i Central Business District South Commercial I Central Business District West Commercial I Central Business District g.QA: l Zoning I C-2:LHP C-2:LHP C~2 C-2:LHP The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. No significant effect on the environment will occur since the project uses an existing structure with no increase in floor area. FINDINGS: • As required, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, this project is Categorically Exempt, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. • As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit. ACTION: Forward Conditional Use Permit U-16-008 to the Town Council with a recommendation of approval. BACKGROUND: The subject site is located on the south side of W. Main Street. On September 19, 2011 the Town Council approved a CUP (U-11-006) to allow a new restaurant use at 109 W. Main Street, effectively separating the space from 91 and 101 W . Main Street both structurally and in terms of land use entitlement. The approval consequently modified the conditions of approval for the uses at 91 and 101 W. Main Street which currently allows a coffee shop, espresso bar, and retail shop (Exhibit 4). N:\DEV\PC REPORTS\2017\W Main 91&10103.08.17.docx 3/3/2017 10:47 AM PAGE 3 OF8 SUBJECT: 91 AND 101 W. MAIN STREET /U-16-008 DATE: MARCH 3, 2017 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The project is located at 91 and 101 W. Main Street, on the south side of W. Main Street between Park Avenue and Montebello Way (Exhibit 1}. The adjacent properties are developed with commerc:ial buildings and ar~ located in the C-2:LHP zone with the exception of the property to the south which is located in the C-2 zone. B. Conditional Use Permit The applicant is requesting the following modifications: • Removal of the condition which restricts alcohol sales and service; • Addition of a condition which allows on-site and off-site beer and wine service; • Removal of the condition which restricts entertainment; • Addition of a condition which allows entertainment before 10:00 p.m. pursuant to the Policy for Late Night Entertainment (Exhibit 8); and • Modification of a condition to allow hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., seven days a week. When reviewing a CUP, the deciding body should consider the information in the applicant's business plan; however, the key consideration should be the explicit proposed use since the business plan can change from owner to owner. The explicit use may be, and is often, defined in the recommended conditions of approval as a "use" condition. The CUP runs with the land, and the deciding body should review applications based on the explicit use as opposed to the applicant or the applicant's business plan. c. Zoning Compliance The zoning for the property is C-2:LHP (Central Business District, Landmark Historic Preservation}. Pursuant to the Table of Conditional Uses (Town Code Sec. 29.20.185), a restaurant use is allowed with a CUP in the C-2:LHP zone. DISCUSSION: A. Project Summary The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing CUP, which currently prohibits the service or consumption of alcohol on the premises. The applicant is proposing the service of beer and wine with the purchase of a qualified meal pursuant to the Town's Alcoholic Beverage Policy. The applicant has provided a project description and sample menu N:\DEV\PC REPORTS\2017\W Main 91&10103.08.17.docx 3/3/201710:47 AM PAGE 4 OF 8 SUBJECT: 91AND101 W. MAIN STREET/U-16-008 DATE: MARCH 3, 2017 detailing the meals that would be available for pa~rons wishing to purchase beer and wine (Exhibit 5). Additionally, the applicant is proposing wine and beer tasting classes along with off-site beer and wine sales in the existing retail section of the restaurant. All beer and wine sales and service would cease by 10:00 p.m. The applicant is also requesting to modify the conditions of their existing CUP which currently limits live entertainment to a predetermined number of special events. The applicant is proposing poetry readings, literature readings, light comedy, and musical entertainment before 10:00 p.m. in compliance with the Policy for Late Night Entertainment. Additionally, the applicant is requesting to modify the restaurant's hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days a week to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., seven days a week. B. Alcoholic Beverage Policy The Town's 2001 Alcoholic Beverage Policy (ABP) requires any new service of alcoholic beverages to be reviewed by Planning Commission (Exhibit 7). Pursuant to Town Code, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Town Council and the Council has final review authority. The proposed application meets the purpose, general policy, and specific policy of the Town's ABP . General Policy The ABP's General Policy contains eight requirements. Requirements 4 and 6 are not applicable to the subject application as the applicant is not proposing beer and wine sales or service beyond 10:00 p.m. Requirement 1 states "the Town shall continue to strongly discourage new applications for standalone bars or restaurants with separate bars." The proposed use is an existing restaurant and does not include a separate bar where beer and wine will be served without a meal. Requirement 2 states "the Town shall continue to discourage applications for entertainment establishments serving alcoholic beverages." Furthermore, requirement 3 states "Entertainment in association with an eating or drinking establishment may be allowed if standards and a permit process are adopted." The applicant is proposing entertainment before 10:00 p.m., in conformance with the Town's Policy for Late Night Entertainment. Requirement 5 states "an establishment serving alcoholic beverages is subject to following five provisions related to alcohol service: N:\DEV\PC REPORTS\2017\W Main 91&10103.08.17.docx 3/3/201710:47 AM PAGE S OF8 SUBJECT : 91AND101 W . MAIN STREET/U-16-008 DATE: MARCH 3, 2017 1. Uniformed privately provided security guards may be required in or around the premises by the Chief of Police if alcohol related problems recur that are not resolved by the licensed owner. 2. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, periodic meetings will be conducted with representatives from the Police Department for on-going employee training on alcoholic beverage service to the general public. 3. All establishments shall use an employee training manual that addresses alcoholic beverage service consistent with the standards of the California Restaurant Association. 4. All licensed operators shall have and shall actively promote a designated driver program such as complimentary non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers. 5. Taxicab telephone numbers shall be posted in a visible location." The provisions are induded as conditions of approval. Requirement 7 defines a meal as "a combination of food items selected from a menu. Appetizers such as popcorn, nachos, pretzels, potato skins, relish trays, etc. are not meals." The applicant is proposing that patrons who wish to purchase beer and wine for on-site consumption (not including tastings} will be required to also purchase a qualified meal. The applicant has provided a sample menu deta i ling the available meal service in their project descri ption (Exhibit 5). Requirement 8 states "Alcoholic beverage service in approved outdoor seating areas may be permitted if adequate separation from public areas is provided ." The existing restaurant use does provide informal outdoor bench seati ng, however, the proposed beer and wine service will only occur inside the restaurant. A condition of approval has been included restricting beer and wine sales and service to the indoor portions of the tenant space . C. Late Night Entertainment In June of 2016, the Town Council adopted a Policy for Late Night Entertainment (Exhibit 8) allowing entertainment complying with the currently adopted noise ordinance by right before 10:00 p.m., and allowance for late night entertainment after 10:00 p .m . with the approval of a separate Late Night Entertainment permit. This action was consistent with the Town Council's adopted Strategic Priority to strengthen the Town's economic vitality and provide businesses with greater opportunity for customer attraction and retention. Bus i nesses that are not allowed or have limitations on live entertainment and/or amplified sound, such as the subject restaurant, are required to submit applications for a modification to their existing CUPs. The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing CUP which currently limits live entertainment to a predetermined number of special events. The applicant Is proposing N:\DEV\PC REPORTS\2017\W Main 911U0103.08.17.docx 3/3/2017 10:47 AM PAGE 6 OF8 SUBJECT : 91AND 101 W. MAIN STREET/U-16-008 DATE : MARCH 3, 2017 poetry readings, literature readings, light comedy and musical entertainment before 10:00 p.m. in compliance with the Town's Policy for late Night Entertai nment. D. Parking and Traffic The applicant is not propos i ng additional square footage or seat ing at the existing restaurant, therefore no parking or traffic related impacts are expected. E. General Plan The goals and policies of the 2020 General Plan applicable to this project include, but are not limited to: • Policy LU-9.2 -Maintain a variety of commercial uses, including a strong Downtown commercial area combined with Los Gatos Boulevard and str ong neighborhood commercial centers to meet the shopping needs of residents and to preserve the small- town atmosphere. • Polley LU-9.5-Encourage the development and retention of locally owned stores and shops . • Goal LU -10-To preserve Downtown Los Gatos as the historic center of the Town with goods and services for local residents while maintaining the existing Town identity, environment, and commercial vitality. F. CEQA Determination The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. No significant effect on the environment will occur since the project uses an existing stn,icture with no increase in floor area. G. Conditional Use Permit Findings In order to grant approval of a Conditional Use Permit, the heari ng body must make the following findings: (1) The proposed use of the property is essent i al or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; and (2) The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the zone; and (3) The proposed use would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare; and (4) The proposed use ofthe property is in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. N:\DEV\PC REPORTS\2017\W Main 91&10103.08.17.docx 3/3/201710:47 AM PAGE 7 OF8 SUBJECT: 91AND101 W. MAIN STREET/U-16-008 DATE: MARCH 3, 2017 The proposed use is desirable to the public convenience and welfare in that it will provide dining and entertainment options for residents and visitors downtown. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the zone in that the proposed use maintains an existing restaurant use in a commercial zone. The proposed use will not impact public health, safety, or general welfare as fhe conditions regarding operating hours, seating, entertainment, and alcohol service would mitigate potential impacts. The use complies with the objectives of the Gimcri:tl Plan and Town Code ;iS discussed within this report. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Written notice was sent to property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the subject property. Written comments have been received regarding the proposed project and have been included in Exhibit 9. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is proposing to modify the conditions of their existing CUP pertaining to beer and wine sales and service, entertainment, and hours of operation. No additional square footage or seating are being proposed, therefore no impacts pertaining to parking or traffic are expected. The existing restaurant use is proposed to remain and is in conformance with the Town Code and is consistent with the General Plan. B. Recommendation Based on the above information, staff recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the Town Council. If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposal, it should: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is categorically exempt, pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmentai Quaiity Act as adopted by the Town (Exhibit 2); and 2. Make the required findings as required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting approval of a Conditional Use Permit (Exhibit 2); and 3. Forward a recommendation to Town Council for approval of CUP application U-16-008 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3. N:\DEV\PC REPORTS\2017\W Main 91&10103.08.17 .docx 3/3/2017 10:47 AM PAGE80F8 SUBJECT: 91AND101 W. MAIN STREET/U-16-008 DATE: MARCH 3, 2017 C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Recommend that the Town Council approve the application with additional and/or modified conditions of approval; or 2. Recommend that the Town Council deny the application; or 3. Continue the application with direction to a specific hearing date. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings for Conditional Use Permit (one page) 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval (three pages) 4. Existing Conditional Use Permit (two pages) 5. Business Description/Letter of Justification, received November 16, 2016 (one page) 6. Supplemental Business Information, received February 6, 2017 (two pages) 7. Development Plans, received February 6, 2017 (one page) 8. Alcoholic Beverage Policy (six pages) 9. Late Night Entertainment Policy (two pages) 10. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Thursday, March 2, 2017 Distribution: Teri Hope, 212 Bella Vista Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Vermont Building, LLC, 113 Edelen Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 N:\DEV\PC REPORTS\2017\W Main 91&10103.08.17.docx 3/3/2017 10:47 AM N + 91 & 101 W. Main Street 0 0.25 -------•m:============:::::iMiles 0.125 EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION -March 8, 2017 REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR: 91 & 101 W. Main St Conditional Use Permit U-16-008 Requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow on-site and off-site beer and wine sales as well as entertainment on property zoned C-2: LHP. APN 529-01-025 PROPERTY OWNER: Vermont Building, LLC APPLICANT: Teri Hope FINDINGS: Required finding for CEQA: • The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town. No significant effect on the environment will occur since the project uses an existing structure with no increase In floor area. Required findings for a Conditional Use Permit: • As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit: The deciding body, on the basis of the evidence submitted at the hearing, may grant a conditional use permit when specifically authorized by the provisions of the Town Code if it finds that: 1. The proposed use is desirable to the public convenience welfare in that it will provide dining and entertainment options for residents and visitors downtown; and 2. The proposed use would not Impair the Integrity of the zone, ln that the proposed use Is a commercial use and would be located in a commercial zone; and 3. The proposed use would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare, and the conditions regarding operating hours, seating, entertainment, and alcohol seryice would mitigate potential impacts; and 4. The proposed use is in harmony with the General Plan an d Town Co de. EXBlBIT 2 N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2017\WMain 91-101.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION -March 8, 2017 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 91 & 101 W. Main St. Conditional Use Permit U-16-008 Requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow on-site and off-site beer and wine sales as well as entertainment on property zoned C-2: LHP . AP N 529-01-02 5 PROPERTY OWNER: Vermont Building, LLC APPLICANT: Teri Hope TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning D ivision 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director, the Development Review Committee, the Planning Commission, or Town Council, depending on the scope of the changes. 2. USE: The approved use is a coffee shop, espresso bar, and retail shop . 3. LAPSE FOR DISCONTINUANCE: If the activity for which the · Conditional Use Permit has been granted is discontinued for a period of one (1) year the approval lapses pursuant to Section 29 .20.340 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. NUMBER OF SEATS : The maximum number of seats shall not exceed 52 indoor seats and 6 seats on the outdoor benches in front of 91 and 101 W. Main Street. No additional seats w i ll be allowed outside of the coffee shop, espresso bar, and retail shop. 5. HOURS OF OPERATION: Maximum hours of operation for the restaurant shall be 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 ~ p.m., seven days a week. 6. ALCOHOL SERVICE: Neitt:ier aleet:iel serviee er eeRst:HJt~tieA is f:)ermittee at aRy time. No beer or wine shall be served without meal service. with the exception of tastings. All alcohol sales, service, and tastings shall cease no later than 10:00 p.m. No beer or wine sales or service shall take place in the outdoor seating area. 7. SECURABLE BARRIER: The applicant must maintain a securable barrier between 101 and 109 W. Main Street. The barrier RU.1st be see1:1red Et1:1riRg all St=Jeeial e'leRts ReteEt as allewed helew {see SPECIAL EVENTS eeRditieR). 8. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Ne li\'e eRteFtaiRmeRt s~all lie previeea eMeept as perfftitteli dYriRg s~eeial e'leRts iR the eeRditieR helew. Entertainment before 10:00 p.m. in conformance with the Town Policy Regulating Late Night Entertainment is allowed. EXHIBIT 3 9. SPE:Cll\L PlE:NTS: '8ACtiti8A Spe&ial &rJeAt &·teRt l)tpe # /\ M FAa:KiRU::IFR of 1~ eyents peF •1eaF. 11\FAplified FRYSie a Re open mieFeJJl:ieRe. 11\dYlt SYpeF\lisieR IJFOYieee feF eael:i YAdeF ~letJeRt. AmJJlifiee musie sl:iall Ret go 1Qa.;-[veAts fer iRdivieYals YRBeF past 9:~Q PM, SYAelatf tl:irougl:t +:RYrselatj. ~ Amplified FRYSie SRall ROt ge past lQ PM FFielatf a Rel SatYFelatts. Unser 21 eve Ats sl:iall Rot go past UPM. /\ . I"~ ma:KIFRYFR ef ig etJeA:l:s JJ@F tj@aF. GRe Peetl)'{Mysie 'A!eekeAel eYeRt peF meRtl:i sel:teduled OR a weel~eRel .wlh [tJeRiRg [veAtS eYeRiRg. Peet~1 a Rel amplifieel musie. MYsie sl:iall eAel at Q:~Q PM. :\6,(eelEltt eemmYAit11 meetiRgs {iAeh::1eliRg tl::ie Les Gates Art AsseeiatioA 8eaFel 1 ea ap .1Q&.. CommYAittf MeetiRgs AYele f.igYFe elFawiAg gFaup, anel \tliRe appFeeiatioR leetYFe group) l:tele YJi~RiR ROA ~YSiRess ROYFS . Musie a Re feoe seF\liee Aot peFmitteel. EY@AtS will AOt go past ;1,Q PM. =l=tli!O Las Gates Roasting Campantf eYents lQe . Los Gatos RoastiAg CompaAy per •1eaF, h·i ., iAYitatioR eRlj1• Amplif.ieel ARRUal E:YeAts musie permitted, Musie sl::tall eAd at Q:~Q PM, 10. WINDOW CURTAINS : Opaque window curtains must be placed in all storefront windows during nude figure drawing classes. 11. RECYCLED CONTAINERS : Any take-out food shall be served in containers made of recycled materials. 12. REUSABLE CONTAINERS : Pursuant to Town Code all on-site meals shall be served with re- usable dishware and utensils. 13. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction ofthe Jown Attorney . 14. COMPLIANCE MEMEMORANDUM: A memorandum, in compliance with standard Town practice, shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit detailing how the conditions of approval will be addressed. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE: 15. GENERAL: The restaurant is subject to the following: a. Uniformed privately provided security guards may be required in or around the premises by the Chief of Police if alcohol related problems recur that are not resolved by the licensed owner. b. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, periodic meetings will be conducted with representatives from the Police Department for on-going employee training on alcoholic beverage service to the general public. c. All establishments shall use an employee training manual that addresses alcoholic beverage service consistent with the standards of the California Restaurant Association. d. All licensed operators shall have and shall actively promote a designated driver program such as complimentary non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers. e. Taxicab telephone numbers shall be posted In a visible location. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2017\W Main St 91&10103.08.17.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL -September 19, 2011 For 91and101 W. Main Street 91and101 W. Main Street Conditional Use PermitU-11-006 Requesting approval to operate a coffee shop, espresso bar, and retail shop (Los Gatos Roasting Company) on property zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-025. PROPERTY OWNER: Sue Farwell APPLICANT: Teri Hope TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVEWPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director, the Development Review Committee, the Planning Commission, or Town Council, depending on the scope of the changes. 2. USE: The approved use is a coffee shop, espresso bar, and retail shop. 3. LAPSE FOR DISCONTINUANCE: If the activity for which the Conditional Use Permit has been granted is discontinued for a period of one (1) year the approval lapses pursuant to Section 29.20.340 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. NUMBER OF SEATS: The maximum number of seats shall not exceed 52 indoor seats and 6 seats on the outdoor benches in front of 91 and 101 W. Main Street. No additional seats will be allowed outside of the coffee shop, espresso bar, and retail shop. 5. HOURS OF OPERATION: Maximum hours of operation for the restaurant shall be 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days a week. 6. ALCOHOL SERVICE: Neither alcohol service or consumption is permitted at any time. 7. SECURABLE BARRIER: The applicant must maintain a securable barrier between 101 and 109 W. Main Street. The barrier must be secured during all special events noted as allowed below (see SPECIAL EVENTS condition). 8. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: No live entertainment shall be provided except as permitted during special events in the condition below. 9. SPECIAL EVENTS: Condition Special Event Event Type # A maximum of 12 events per year. Amplified music ~d open microphone. Adult supervision provided for each under 21event. Amplified music shall not go lOa. Events for individuals under past 9:30 PM, Sunday through Thursday. 21 Amplified music shall not go past 10 PM Friday and Saturdays. Under 21 events shall not' go past 1 lPM. EXHIBIT 4 Condition Special Event Event Type # A maximum of 10 events per year. One Poetry/Music Weekend event per month scheduled on a weekend lOb. Evening Events evenmg. Poetry and amplified music. Music shall end at 9:30 PM. Weekly community meetings (including the Los Gatos Art Association Board, co- lOc. Community Meetings op nude figure drawing group, and wine appreciation lecture group) held within non-business hours. Music and food service not permitted. Events will not go past lOPM. Two Los Gatos Roasting Company events lOd. Los Gatos Roasting Company per year, by invitation only. Amplified Annual Events music permitted. Music shall end at 9:30 PM. 10. WINDOW CURTAINS: Opaque window curtains must be placed in all storefront windows during nude figure drawing classes. N:\DEV\CONDITNS\201 l\Main91-101.docx November 1, 2016 To: Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission Regarding: Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company-91and101 West Main Street, Los Gatos. Subject: CUP Modification Application -Written Description of Project PROJECT OBJECTIVE -This project involves expanding the product lines and service s of the existing business to include artesian wine and beer tasting events, sale and service of beer and wine. The project also proposes to provide live entertainment; including poetry readings, literature, light comedy and musical entertainment inside the cafe during evening hours. Please note -No additional seating is requested. No remodeling of the existing interior or exterior is requested. ENTERTAINMENT - Coffeehouses have a long tradition as establishments offering a casual atmosphere and light entertainment. Local musicians, poets, authors and comedians would be provided the opportunity to craft their · artistry in public. The coffeehouse venue provides a great alternative to formal dining restaurants or bar serving hard liquor and cover charges. The coffee house rounds out the variety of offerings in the neighborhood for local families and friends to enjoy. Entrainment would be scheduled Wed., Thurs, Friday and Saturday evenings between 6pm and lOpm. ARTISAN BEER & BOUTIQUE WINE -This project proposes the addition of beer and wine service to with the intention to also allow for off-site sales oflocally produced boutique wines and craft beers by the bottle and the addition of a tasting area to allow for "measured-pour" for tastings of beer .and wine appreciation activities. The company already maintains a sales room dedicated to its retail merchandise offerings and plans to incorporate the beer and wine by the bottle sales to that area of the store. A Type 20 Liquor License would be acquired in accordance with Santa Clara County ABC. . This request also includes the onsite sale of beer & wine to be served by the glass with meals inside the establishment. Wines and beer will be available by the flight, glass, carafe or bottle. "Meet-the-Winemaker" (or Brew Master) events will be scheduled for customer edification. The company will provide an ample food menu for quests desiring wine or beer. A "qualified meal" will be required to accompany the service of alcohol. AType 41 Liquor Licenses would be acquired in accordance with Santa Clara County ABC. EXPANDED MENU -The project will provide an expanded menu to include savory dinner crepes and dessert crepes as well as nightly specials menu to complement the featured beer and wine. The company has a n existing infrastructure to prepare and serve food in accordance with the County Health Department. HOURS OF OPERATION -The coffeehouse will continue to open its doors at 6 :00 am daily for morning coffee, breakfast and brunch services. This project proposes the expansion of our hours of operation on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays until lOpm PLEA.SE NOTE-No additional seating is requested. No remodeling of the interior or exterior is requested. In conclusion, we ask that the Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission recommend approval of this CUP modification request to the Los Gatos Town Council. Thank you for your consideration. Submit ted by Teri Hope, business owner/operator and Los Gatos resident This Page Intentionally Left Blank /" February 6, 2017 Attn: Levi Hill,. Project Planner Cc: Monica Renn, Economic Vitality Manager Re: Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company-CUP Application u ... 16 ... 008 Follow up information requested at the Dec 14, 2016 Staff Technical Review 1.) Re: Meals served with alcohol RECElVED fEB 06 20'1 a.) Menu includes Savory Crepes, Panini's, Hearty Soups, &: Daily Entries. Please see the attachment" A" with the detailed menu items. b.) Ordering Food ... guests will place and pay for their food orders at the counter. c.) Ordering Alcohol, guests will place ~d pay for beverage orders at the counter. d) Food with Alcohol -all guests purchasing wine or beer will be required to also p~se a meal to accompany their alcohol beverage. e.) Delivery of Food&: Beverages will be delivered table side by servers. 2.) Re: Location of wine and beer tastings · · a.) Wine and beer tasting classes will he offered featuring winemakers &: brew masters for consumer edification and p~ct marketing b.) Tastings will be held in our .. Retail Department" located at the rear of the shop where small groups. See the attachment "B" with highlighted "wine tasting area" 3) Re: Operating Holirs change request (Notuurrcnt CUP is 6am -10pm daily) · a.) General hours of operation will change to 6:00 am to 11:00 pm seven days a week b.) Alcohol Sales &: Service will commence afternoon and cease promptly at 10:00 pm c.) Entertainment will commence after noon and cease promptly at lO:qc> pm ·, ..... 4.) Re: Special Ev~n; _:.. . . a.) No .. special e~ts" are requested with this application, just the addition of · entertainment in eompliance with the Town's current entrainmenfpoliey. S.) Re: NeighborhoOd Notification a.) Obtained ·tw~ JistS#om ~Town including (6) property owner~~-~~ (97) business and ~sidential neighbor addresses. . . ' .. b.) Mailed informad.Oilil flyer to all property owners · addresses and all resi~tial addresses mentioned above on Monday February 6, 2017. c.) Information.flyer/invitation offered a complementary preview of music, food and beverages on Friday, February 24th from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. See attachment "C" Flyer contained contact information by phone and em.ail for any who can't attend. EXHIBIT 6 Attachment "A" Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company Lunch & Dinner Meal Menu (Meals to accompany 1xu or wine bcvaages saved in the coffeehouse) RECEtVED FEB 06 2017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS ?LAN."ENG .GN 1SlON Savory Crepes -Savory Crepes are prepared to order with a selection of hearty ingredients including fish, poultry, beef and pork options, such as ; smoked salmon, grilled chicken, pancetta, marinated lamb or pork sausage, with the addition of sautfed vegetables and chesses and wrapped in a classic French crepe . Panini Grilled Sandwiches -Panini sandwiches are served with meat and cheese options such as; Smoked Turkey & Brie on Sourdough, or Ham & Cheese on Rhys, or Tuna Melt on Sourdough. Our Panini-grilled sandwiches are accompanied by a side salad of mixed greens with vinaigrette. Cheese ~ Charcuteri.e Platters -Assorted chesses and cured meats like Pancetta, Salami and Ham accompanied by pates, olive tapenade and sliced baguettes. Smoked Seafood Platter -An assortment of sWonal Smoked fish including Salmon, Herring, Sturgeon, Trout, etc on a platter served with sour cream, fresh dill, lemon wedges, capers, house made pickles and crusty bread. Seasonal Pri Fixe Evening Menus -Rotating menus utilizing seasonal ingredients will be offered A sampling of these menus is as follows: • Thursday Evening Pri Fixe Menu -bowl of Curried-Carrot soup, Gtjlled Lamb Sausage on a bed ·of herbed couscous grilled zucchini, and Raspberry Cobbler a la mode. • Friday Everiing Pri Fixe Menu -mixed greens salad with toasted pecans and goat cheese, Turkey & Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers with lemon mousse Cheesecake for dessert. • SatUtday Ev~g Pri Fixe Menu -crispy green salad with heirloom tomatoes and sweet onion ~tte,-C::hicken Sausage & Aartichoke Paella, and Flan"~el dessert, . . . .. ·" ; .. .. TOWNOFLOSG PV.NNlNG OMS 1!"10"1U. ~~ .... "·· -----.ii--..i: /I O l / . :· t(w~n : 'EXHIBIT 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank I --\ ' l RESOLUTION 2001-106 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE TOWN,S ALCOHOLIC ;BEVERAGE POLICY WHEREAS, the SQ}e of alooholic beverages, if not~ canjeopardiz.e public safety, ~sult in an increase of calls for poll~ se,rvices and compromise the quality of life for TOWll residents;~ WHEREAS, The Town Council wants to balance the regu1$ion of .alcoholic b~v~~ service and protection of ~sidential nm,gbhorhoods with the goal of mmnfainjng a vibrant and successful Downtown and oomtti.e:teial areas throughoUt Los Gatos; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held a study session on JUly 2, 2001 w discuss iSSUe8 relating to servic.e of alcoholic beverag,es; and WHEREAS, the Tuwn Council hss indicated a desire to review all applications for new alcohol service or change hi existing sen>tec; and a need to amend the existing Alcohol Policy, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED! the Town Council of the TOWN OF LOS GATOS does _hereby adopt the am.ended Alcoholic Beverage Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. :EXHIBIT 8 ! 1 I PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 1~ 4ay of September, 2001, by the following vote : COUNCIL MEMBERS: A YES: Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, Mayor Joe Pirzynski. NAYS: None - ABSENT: None ABSTAJN: No~ ATI'EST: )Ju~~ CLERK OF nm TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS Gl\j~s~ CALIFORNlA 2 L Purpose POLICY REGULATING TB;E CONSUMPTION AND 1 SERVICE OF ALCOHOUC BEVERAGES The consumption or service of alcoholic beverages, if not regulated, can jeopardize public safety, result in an mere.so of calls for police services and compromise the quality of life for Town residents. This policy provides paramet~ for alcoholic beverage service, particularly addressing late night service when alcohol related incideats are most likelytt> occur and when ,,- the disturbances to Town residents is least tolerable. The ICl'Vice of alcobolic beverages. With or \\lithout meals, past 10 PM is a discretionary ]lrivilege to be deto.mined on a pase by ease basia. The following PfOYisiona ~ intendeQ to baJancethe protedionof.residential~ in dose proximity to comsnercia1 districts and still o:utintain the viability of our commercial centers in which restaurants have an essential ~ l{ours of cperatiQn may be m,gnl 1 ted baSed o_n an estabijshme:nt' ~ proximlty to residential n~ghbothoods or ~oots. the co11centration ofestablishmeots in an area ~· Blcoholic beverBps or for other RlllObl that may ·mile at the public hauins-~ · The deciding body may approve a conditional use pemm to serve al~holic btverages based <m. the merits of the application and ~ect to fhe following req~: IL General pQliey 1. The ToWllbll continue to moagly discourage.new applicati.Otll.for *8nd alone ban or restaurmitB with separate bars; 2. The Town shall continue to discourage applications for entertaimnent establishments serving ~c beverages. 3. Etttettainmentinad®iation with .an eating ·or drinking establisbmefrt ma)'be dowed if' _.. __ .. _ _.;a-__ _. a -'t · ··adopted ~UIJ~ -.~fol-I.& p~~ .. . . 4: Alcoholit beVerage service.for De\\' conditional uiepermit applicatio.mor iq>plicatlons for modDication Ota conditio-.l ~ pennit shall not be allowed; A After 11 PM Sunday through Thutsday, except fut' hQlida11 and evenings before hottd& s. . . . . . . .. Ye. B. Aftec 1 AM Friday, Saturday, ·holidays 0r eveningS before-holidays. An existing establiibment w.ith a conditional use pe~ in .good Dnding allowed to serve alcoholic beverages past the hours atatecl above may cominue to operate under their existing h0urs of operation. Exhibi.t A Town of Los Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page 2of4 5. Any establishment serving alcoholic beverages shall be subject to the followins: A Uniformed privately provided security guards may be required in or around the premises by the Chief of Police if alcohol related problems recur that are ·not resolved by the licensed owner. B. At the discretion of the Chi~ of Police, periodic meetings will be conducted with r~ves from the Police Department for on-going employee training on alcoholic be\rerase savice to the general 'public. . .C. All establisbmems shall use an employee training ID8Dllal that . addresses alcoholic beverage service consistent with the standards of the Californian restaurant Association. D. All Ii~ openatQr$ shall have and shall actively promote a designated driver program such as complimentary non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers. · E. Taxicab telephone numbers shall be posted in a visible location. 6. The decidins body shall make the following findings prior to appivving an applica,tion for conditional use permit to serve alcoholic bevs;ages past I OPM: A late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential . neighborhoods. B. The applicant does not bave •history of complaints and non..compliance with local ordinances or the .Alcoholic Beverage Policy. C. The applicant h8$ demonstrated a clear benefit to the comm.unlty. 7. A meal is defined as a co~on offoo.d items sdected frcmi a menu (breakfast, lunch or dinner). A~ such as popcom, nachos, pretzels, potato skins, relish trays. etc. (hot or cold) ate not meals. 8. ·Alcoholic beverage service in approved outdoor seating areas may be permitted if adequate separation from public areas is provided as determined by the Town Manager. The separation shall clearly suggest that alcohol is not allowed outside the restaurant seating area. i I ~ I Town of Los Gatos AlcOholic Beverage Policy Page 3o/4 Ill. Speeilie Policy 1. Restautants: Alcoholic beverages may only be served with meals. 2. Reltaurant1 With Separate Bars: Alcoholic beverage service "is pennitted. in the dining area only in conjt.mction With ~. service. ·Meal service -shall be available until dosing qr 11 PM Sunday tlu'ough Thursday and until 12 midnight Friday~ Satmday, holidays aid ·eveniilgs before holiday.a, :.wmchever is e&(lia', if 1-te night bar setVice. is available. Specific hoW'i of operatiOn tor eac~ ettablilhmeitt are determined upon U..1~ of .a ~n,ditional -. permit. IV~ Review Process 1. Proposa.lS. for new baa or RStaUrBnts. with bars m.d all :requests !Qr new alcohol service or a dlangeto exist.iog service~ be reviewed by the PWlftins Commission. l'he CommissionWill ®*ea recommendation to th~ !own CQll.DCil ~d the Countil shall~ ~review authority. 2. Changes in ownership for businesses involving service of ~coholic beverages shall be reviewc:d by the· Community l>evelopment Department. The following process will be followed:: · · a ~ Director of Community DeveLopmait shall contact ·the new business OwntJ' to make them. aware of th~ conditions ofapprovat attached to the U~ Permit for the 10¢aficm. · · b. One year fblloVwing issuance of a bu~ ll9C8se, ~diiig/intpacted prnpcnty owners shall be notified and any conunents :r~ the operation of the ·business shall be solicited. c. If the Director of Community Development becomes aware of any alcohol related impacts on the surrounding neighborhood, the Director shall review the operation of the business to determine whether there is a violation of the use permit. I 1 I Town of Los Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page4of4 d. If there are violations of the use permit that have not been voluntarily correc;ted by the business owner the matter will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for public hearing pursuant to Section 29.20.310 of the Zoning Ordinance. e. Pursuant to Section 29.20.315 of the Zoning Ordinance the Planning Commission may revoke or modify the conditional use permit if it finds that sufficient grounds exist. IV. Enforcement All conditional ·use permits issued to establishments for alcoholic beverage service on-site shall be subject to Section 29.30.3 lO(b) of the Town Code authorizing the Town Manager to take enforcement actio~ if it is determined that the sale of alcohol has become a mJisance to the Town's public health, safety or welfare. Enforcement of section 29.20.3 lO(b) of the Town Code will be based on, but not limited to, the following tactors:. I. The number and types of~ for service at or near the establishment ,.mm that are a direct result of patrons actians; II. The number of complaints received &om residents ad other citiz.ens ~ the operation of an establishment; m. The number of arrests for alcohol, drµg, disturbing the peace, fighting and public nuisance violations associated with an establislunent; IV. The number and kinds of con>PJaints received from the State Alcoholic Beverage Control office and the Comity Health Department; V. Violation of conditions of approval related to alcoholic beverage service. The Alcoholic Beverage Policy is not to~ construed to be a right of development. The Town retains the right of review and approval (or denial) of each project based on its merits. ( ,,,,,,., . ...,_. Ti1'e: Pc>Hcy Reg_.lating late Night Entertainment Potrcy Number: 1-03 Effective Datei 6/22116 Pages:2 Ena . ~g Actions: . -··--~ .. A ppr I I ___ L_ -~ :I ~-.... :_.,.-/.,.,, ~-·- Btitertauunent c-o:ntributes .to .tos. 0{ltO$'' vibrancy and add~ to the r:iobness <>f e'Ven~ and gatht$3$. ~nd $hall ~l be r~~Jateci Qth·~r "tha.n by ToWJ;l Code. HQwe.ver, entertallµnent occurrlng after I 0 p.m. ("'late night entertafument'•) c.an compromise the qualtty of life for Town resi(iejlts Therefo~, this poJicy: ha.s be~n cr.¢ated to e$1bli'sh a p_6m)itt,i~ process and reg\J.lW91ls for lat~ nlgh.t ·eatei;tainm:eJt~. . Fot. ~ purposes of this· pe!Jqy, e,titct~l'(te~~ mean~ ~ny a~ivity condu~ted for the primary purpose Of diverting or entertah1.ing ~-tn a premis.es o.pen to .the gcmetal pµbHc . ·sa.cb ent~naiJUUertt ma}' •nclude, liµt _shall .not. b.e Umite.d to, live mus)ofil perfO.rD)$Jlces. i11strumental or vOG~I. d.mc~ acts,. ~neeJ.1;~ live,. ~hows, ~plified ml.ISie 0r sound; dancin$.1 DJ, karaok~~ .Jam $e5s10As, and/or e~\ler sim'illlr actly1de"$ Late n\~t ent.ertainment ia • diso~fona·ey prfjvileg~ and js :no.t to .be construed to be ~ nght .Qt developincnt nt>r run Willi the· 'land , The ·fc;>Uowing prQV!sions are in~e~d~ ~o maintain "1td cnliance tbe continuing Vibrancy and viability of tb.e. Town's public and commeteial centers while providin$ r~ascmaple,prot~tion~ to i'~~1<lentjal ncighboihOOds· ill close pr~ximify ~e th<-'se areas. 1~ J.le\iew Pro~• fot> &.•bJtsltments wtth Ltte Night Entertainment l A l~te 11i~ eJJ~iJunent · :P.P~l .shall ~ issued be the Town, ~~~r. Tile Town Manilger mat .refer 'any Jipph~lion fot a p~it t<> the D~v~loplllcmt ~e,w Conunittee for iti; con$.lde@.tion at!d detemiination.. whieh m~y be appealed to PJ,pming Commission and Town CoUocil. The Tow ·Ma.ua.ser ()t other deciding bod)' ~lits the ri$ht of appr:oval or 4enial ofo&Qt,. apjillcatitH1 based on it$ ~erits . z. lit ~tenninlng w'h¢iher t.0 ap{m)v~ or ~eny an apjill~tion fdr a ta•~ night enterrainmem pennit. the toltowing fac~rs will be-considerect · a. Th¥ PfOIJQS~ use of the property is essential or desirable to lh~ publ•c convenience or welfare; h. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the zone; £XHIBU 9 Title: Policy Regulating Late Night Entertainment Page: 2of i Policy Number. 1~03 c. The proposed use wQUJd not b.e detrimental to public ~tth, safety or general welfare; and d. The proposed us~ of the prQperty is in ~nnony with th~ ~pUcable guidelines. z~ming ordinances. andi<>r provisions of the general plan. 3. An application and pennit for la~ night eQ.terta.iNtlent shall be subject to all applicable requirements of the Town Code. and any permit issued pursuant io this policy shall inchide the fQlk1wing ooqditious: a. The appiicant shall be resport$ihle for ensuring that noise resulting from ~e ~~t~ent ~eets alJ a.pplicable provisions of th~ Town's noise ordinance. If noise complaints are received by Town Staff; the Tow.n reserve.s the right to requite tb¢ appli~ant/pe_nn.it~~ to bi~ a eonsuJtant to monitor noi$e levels t9 ensure thiit noise levels are within the parameters established by Town Code ror the zo~e in whiclt ente~nment is o,ccumng, b. Se¢urity 1'nea$yres, Which may inclµ.de th_e t~uirement ttult the .applic~nt ernplQy pri~e secµrity personnel~ ·shall be undertakt.m and establisl:ted m and· arounci the entmaJn.DJ.ent vem1e to deter unlawtur c0nduct or 4i~®·to ~dj~cein r~~den~~ neipbo~. c. Addiuo~J ~pp~ptiate condition$ n.ia:Y b~ i.qc.lud~ in aµy .~il is ro,ay be 'detennined necessary to protect the public health, safety Qf general I welfare. Any venue with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP} that ~xptessly prohibits eotertajmne;:it wiil be ~uited to obtain .an amen~ent to i.~ CUP ~P ord~ to offer ~P.~e$:in~ent pursuant to this policy. An appllcant1s reque5t to amend an existin$ CUP for the express puq>Qse of ad"di,ng pertniJ:t~ ~~rta.in.rnen,t will QOt open tbe rmJ\~in<kt of die CUP to .amendment or ali~tion unless $peetficatly reqUC$ted by the applicant. S. Any permit. ~S\l~ J>lll:sµ~t to this poli~y m~ be SU$pend~~ modifid.d ·or revoi<ed l;Jyt~e body ¢at .apprQved tbe permit Jollow·ing a public-hearing if it i$ det~in~d that $idlici~t evid~nce e~$$s tha1 the pem,Utted ~ter.taimn~t is ·ope.rating, Qr has-~t~* in a ma.mer iricQnsistent Wifh the requirement$ of 1ts permit, ~r in a manner that am$titu~S ·~ puJ>Jic nuiSallce. APPROVED AS TO FORM: . .. . ... ·:---. Oct 26, 2017 Teri Hope Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company 101 W Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95032 Dear Teri, I'm writing to express my support for having live , acoustic music at Los Gatos Coffee Roasting . Live music would add to the cultural character of our town and provide a much needed entertainment option for music enthusiasts. The community character of Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company would make for an idea setting for moderate volume, intimate music performance. If there's anything I can do to support your efforts further, please don't hesitate to ask. Sincerely, f'sl_f.c.P- Paul Kent Director Los Gatos Music in the Park 15945 Cam ino del Cerro Los Gatos , CA 05032 408 356-8585 t\OV 1 6 1015 TOV'.'N o:= :~c:.s .. ?!.:i:0 ? ::.:_r.~ ~-... :: ~ -_. . ./. :.,h _,. ' EXHIBIT 1 () fmm the of!ice of William J. Walsh President Lexington Advisors, Inc Real Estate Advisory fJ Brokerage Services Phone: 408-499-9197 bill@lexingtonadviorsinc.com BRE f 00840D77 October 4, 2016 Ms. Mary Badame -Chairperson Los Gatos Planning Commission 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: Los Gatos Coffee Roasting CUP Change Application Dear Madam Chairperson: Though only being residents for the past four and one-half years, my wife and I have become impressed with Teri Hope as a person, and LGCR as a business in the is wonderful town of Los Gatos. Both Teri and her business have exemplified the best of community relationships and commitment one could ask for as a resident. LGCR, particularly, functions as a positive meeting place for residents, if not a town-hall venue. I have read her application and support it whole- heartedly. Knowing Teri, any changes of hours or method of operation will only benefit the community and carry on the traditions she has so carefully forged. I support the approval her application. Regards, William J. Walsh Lexington AdvilOll, Inc Real Estate Advisory fJ Brokerage Services 121 Johnson Avenue. Los Gatos, CA 95030 RECEIVED NOV 1 6 ?n1fl LexingtonAdvisorslnc.com October 18, 2016 To Whom It May Concern, We have patronized the Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company for over 25 years. I have always had high respect and admiration for both Teri Hope and her business. She has always been extremely generous to the community. When visiting her Coffee Shop they are very efficient and well organized. It is always a quiet and peaceful establishment to set and visit with friends. Often in the afternoon I would like to have a glass of wine or a beer and unfortunately I am not able to go to this lovely establishment. We think it would be a fabulous addition to our town to have Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company to be able to serve wine and beer. We have lived in Los Gatos for 27 years. My husband and I both own . small business . We love our community and are very involved with the town. Please take this letter of recommendation into consideration when you make your decision regarding granting Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company a beer and wine permit. Thank you, /!;n /AjJ/~~ /?g Pamela and Tim Murphy RECEb~!ED rmv 1 6 2016 TOWN CF LOS GATOS PLAl\!N!NG DIVISION Levi Hill From: Sent: To: Mark Weiner <mark@versa-networlcs.com> Monday, November 21, 2016 11:42 AM Levi Hill Subject: Support/sponsorship for LG Coffee Roasting wine/beer and music conditional permit [Levi-can you pis send this to all Planning Commissioners?] Hello Levi and LG Planning Commission, Please accept this email as a strong endorsement of Teri Hope and Los Gatos Coffee Roasting's request for a conditional use or related permit to be able to sell wine and beer, as well as offer live music in evening hours. I have known and worked with Teri for nearly 20 years, including my time as an early board member of LGEF (that she strongly supported), as well as being a wine supplier (with my small Los Gatos wine label Twin Oaks Cellars) to her Los Gatos Gourmet several years ago. I can state with confidence that she always plans and executes her work- be it LG Coffee Roasting,.Jazz in the Plazz, or any other initiative -with much thought and carefully planned results. I have no doubt this initiative would be done the same way. Does Los Gatos need another food establishment providing wine and beer, and/o.r music? Absolutely I Wine/beer-we have very few establishments that provide low-cost, fun wine/beer to accompany similarly-priced casual' dining. Oakville Grocery and LG Gourmet were two such venues, and sadly neither are remaining today. They were both very popular with residents and Town visitors alike. Music -my family and friends regularly reflect with frustration how we have so few venues to hear music in the early-to mid-evening hours, especially outside df our (great) summer concert series. Something casual and regularly scheduled, where you can drop in for a quick bite, glass and relax for an hour. Not young people's bar scenes like Mtn. Charley's, but friendly and a casual early evening scene. I have absolutely no doubt that if Planning and Council approved this permit request that Teri would execute it properly, and Town would have another venue to draw in incremental visitors and residents alike on weekend evenings, and on the quieter E. Main/University side of downtown vs. central N. Santa Cruz Ave. If I can offer any additional thoughts or perspective, pis let me know. Cheers, MW Mark Weiner Chief !Vlarketing Officer, Versa Networks Los Gatos General Plan Committee & Task Force 1998-2005, Community Service Commission 1992-94, LGEF 2002-06 1 RECEIVED NO'J 21 ?fl 111 Levi Hill To: Sally Zarnowitz Subject: RE: Conditional use permits -Toll House and LG Roasting Co. From: Andrew Wolfe [mallto:awolfe@awolfe.org] Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 8:58 AM To: Planning SUbject: Conditional u5e pennits -Toll House and LG Roasting ~- As a long-term tenant at Lyndon Plaza, I encourage the planning commission to approve the conditional use permits requested by the Toll House and the LG Coffee Roasting company. Both ~re reasonable requests that should be accommodated. Andrew Wolfe Wolfe Consulting 20 S. Santa Cruz Ave., St 101 Los Gatos, CA 95030 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank