Attachment 2Attachment 2 – Project Scope 1 1. Project Description: The Town of Los Gatos, in partnership with the City of Campbell, proposes to install up to ten environmental outreach stations along the Los Gatos Creek Trail, which parallels Los Gatos Creek and related percolation ponds. The stations, spaced along approximately 5.7 miles of the trail, would include educational interpretive signs with environmental stewardship messages related to litter and the general health of riparian corridors. The primary goal is to keep Los Gatos Creek clean by preventing litter and other wastes from entering our waterways. To build on the educational sign messages, new refuse and recycling stations would be provided within approximately 25 feet of the signs, as well as pet waste stations with bags provided and a collection can. Adding additional refuse and recycle bins along the trail is intended to make it easy to properly dispose of trash, which could otherwise migrate to the creek. 2. Area maps, station site maps and photos (attached as Appendix D): Los Gatos area map Los Gatos station site maps and photos for LG#1-5 Campbell area map Campbell station site maps and photos for C#1-5 3. Tasks and Sub-Tasks, including deliverables and milestones: See Appendix B – Project Schedule and Appendix C – Project Budget Task 1, Initial Assessment: Includes documenting and assessing existing status of litter/dog waste on the Los Gatos Creek Trail and related creek banks. Sub-tasks: 1. Staff will photograph 50 feet north and south of each proposed station along the trail [trail and creekbanks] to provide a litter baseline, for future comparison purposes, and for evaluation of project effectiveness. 2. Staff will note areas of high litter concentration, for assessment regarding possible causes of littering. Deliverables: Photo documentation of litter condition on a given day prior to installation of new stations. Task 2, Planning: Includes staff coordination for research and development of the design for the sign messaging and graphics, as well as, exact evaluation for in-field placement of ten stations. Sub-tasks: 1. July 2018, kick off meeting between staff at Campbell, Los Gatos and West Valley Clean Water Program. 2. Research sign messaging, approximately one month. 3. Research potential graphic design and sign production vendors; get information on sign parameters. Work with graphic design vendor to finalize sign designs. 4. Develop draft sign messaging. Attachment 2 – Project Scope 2 5. Present to stakeholders for input (send copy to SCVW District). 6. Compile input and revise signs as necessary. Deliverables: Receive draft and final designs for ten interpretive signs Task 3, Design: Includes purchase of signs, purchase of trash & recycle cans, and dog waste stations. Sub-tasks: 1. Purchase signs 2. Work with sign production vendor to develop signs with up to ten different designs 3. Purchase trash and recycle bins 4. Purchase dog waste stations Deliverable: Receive signs, trash & recycle bins, and dog waste stations from vendors Task 4, Construction: Includes building concrete pad, installation of trash and recycle cans, install new or relocate existing dog waste stations, and install educational signs. Sub-tasks: 1. Campbell and Los Gatos parks staff define schedule to construct/install new environmental stations 2. Campbell and Los Gatos parks staff construct concrete pad. 3. Campbell and Los Gatos parks staff install dog waste stations, install garbage and recycling bins, and install signs. Deliverable: Photo document each new station Task 5, Project Management: Overseeing project, arranging meetings, tracking progress, submitting invoices, coordinating with District, etc. Sub-tasks: 1. Oversees and coordinates all tasks and subtasks identified in scope and project schedule. 2. Oversees budget, including payments to vendors, record-keeping, payment requests to SCVWD with associated documentation. 3. Data management: keep accurate records of completed tasks, invoices, milestones, deliverables, payments, construction schedule, collect data quarterly for volumes of trash, recycling and dog waste removed, etc. 4. Submits Notice of Completion to SCVWD and coordinates for final on-site project inspection by SCVWD. 5. Submits final invoice/payment request and final project costs to SCVWD. Deliverable: Presentation of final findings to SCVWD Board Attachment 2 – Project Scope 3 4. Project benefits and measurable outcomes: The project is designed to achieve two stated objectives of the Santa Clara Valley Water District: 1) Education and outreach for reducing waste and other pollutants in our waterways, and 2) Outreach on increasing trash free locations in riparian areas. The specific project benefits and measurable outcomes for this project include:  Improve waste and recycling options along a 5.7-mile length of the Los Gatos Creek Trail.  Likely decrease the amount of trash entering the creek, percolation ponds and surrounding area.  Benefit local riparian wildlife by reducing trash on the creekbanks and in the waterways.  Improve environmental awareness through interpretive signage regarding trash and other pollutants in our local waterways and the Bay.  Online survey following installation will address awareness of new stations and effectiveness of interpretive signage.  Outcomes evaluated annually based on data collected quarterly from city staff on volume of trash and recycling collected from the trash and recycle bins at the ten stations. Also, calculations of dog waste prevented from entering the creek will be calculated based on how many bags are distributed from the dog waste stations.  Visual/photographic assessment of litter along the trail, by Parks Department staff.  Signs encouraging trail users to complete a survey about the state of litter on the trail.  “Scan Codes” on the signs, allowing trail users to quickly check in and respond to survey questions about litter, and about what they have read on the signage. Estimated duration for project is beginning in July 2018 and complete planning, design and construction by approximately September 2019 with continued assessments occurring through the 3-year term to June 2021. 5: List of existing agreements with District: None 6. Project Team: The proposed project team for the Town of Los Gatos consists of the following staff: Parks Services Officer, Lead Parks & Maintenance Worker, Lead Parks & Maintenance Worker and Environmental Programs Specialist. The proposed project team for the City of Campbell consists of the following staff: Parks Maintenance Supervisor, Lead Parks & Maintenance Worker, Lead Parks & Maintenance Worker and Executive Project Manager. Attachment 2 – Project Scope 4 7. Project O&M: The Town of Los Gatos and City of Campbell currently have designated full-time park maintenance workers to provide maintenance specifically to parks and trails. The ten proposed grant sites would be maintained by these staff members. They will be responsible for ongoing maintenance of waste and recycling collection at each location. They will also record data for at least one year, including: # of doggie bags provided and volume of trash and recycling removed from cans. This will be added to their tasks, and will be included in all future maintenance staffing plans. 8. Success measures outreach: The Town of Los Gatos and City of Campbell plan to conduct online surveys following installation to obtain visitor feedback on the interpretive signage, noticeable decline in litter seen along the creek trail, and overall feedback of the ten stations. Tracking of waste and recycling volume collected at site locations will be evaluated on a yearly basis to address the effectiveness of the selected locations. Through survey feedback and trash volume tracking, effectiveness of stations will be assessed. Presentation to District Board of Directors: Staff from Los Gatos and/or Campbell will present the completed project and findings to the Board of Directors.