M11-21-17 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/05/2017 ITEM NO: 3 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 2017 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Marico Sayoc, Vice Mayor Rob Rennie, Council Member Marcia Jensen, Council Member Steve Leonardis, Council Member Barbara Spector. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brian Ha led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters - Council Member Steve Leonardis stated he had nothing to report. - Council Member Marcia Jensen stated she and Mayor Sayoc attended a Council Policy Committee meeting. - Mayor Marico Sayoc stated she attended ribbon cuttings for Care Now and Nor Cal Fitness, she attended the League of California Cities meeting with Vice Mayor Rennie and Town Attorney Schultz, and she attended the Santa Clara County Cities Association (SCCCA) meeting. - Vice Mayor Rob Rennie stated he attended a Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) meeting and a Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority (SVCEA) meeting. - Council Member Barbara Spector stated she and the Vice Mayor Rennie attended the Council Parking and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee meeting, and she met with members of the community and the development community. Manager Matters - Announced the Town offices will be closed Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. - Invited all to the Annual Tree Lighting at Town Plaza Park on Friday, December 1, festivities begin at 5:45 p.m., and the Annual Holiday Parade on Saturday, December 2. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2017 CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve Council Special Meeting minutes of November 7, 2017. 2. Approve Council Meeting minutes of November 7, 2017 . 3. Adopt an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending Los Gatos Town Code Chapter 14, Article X. - Special Events. 4. 105 Newell Avenue – Planned Development Application PD-14-002, Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-16-002. Property Owner: Tango Pappa. Applicant: Camargo & Associates Architects. Adopt an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance effecting a zone change from R-1:12 to R-1:12:PD at 105 Newell Avenue. APN 409-24-026. ORDINANCE 2266 5. Hazardous Vegetation Abatement (Weeds) a. Adopt a resolution declaring weeds a public nuisance and providing for their abatement. RESOLUTION 2017-063 b. Set January 16, 2018 as the public hearing date for this annual program. Item #3 pulled by a member of the public. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to approve Consent Items 1, 2, 4, and 5. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Pulled Consent Item #3 3. Adopt an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending Los Gatos Town Code Chapter 14, Article X. - Special Events. Monica Renn, Economic Vitality Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Ginger Taylor McDonald, representing Los Gatos Service Clubs - Requested Council revisit the language and intent of the proposed ordinance change , include the service clubs as part of the discussion, and set a date in January to discuss. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2017 Pulled Consent Item #3 – continued MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Leonardis to set a date and advertise for a new public hearing for the matter to be reconsidered . Seconded by Council Member Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed 4/1. Council Member Marcia Jensen voting no. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OTHER BUSINESS None. APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR AND VICE MAYOR MOTION: Motion by Mayor Marico Sayoc to appoint Vice Mayor Rob Rennie as Mayor of the Town of Los Gatos. Seconded by Council Member Marcia Jensen. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously Mayor Elect Rennie - Commented on his goals for the upcoming year as Mayor. MOTION: Motion by Mayor Elect Rob Rennie to appoint Council Member Steve Leonardis as Vice Mayor of the Town of Los Gatos. Seconded by Council Member Marcia Jensen. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously Vice Mayor Elect Leonardis - Commented that he looks forward to supporting Mayor Elect Rennie in the coming year. Mayor Elect Rennie presented outgoing Mayor Sayoc with a plaque and introduced a video commemorating her year as Mayor. Assembly Member Evan Low, on behalf of the State of California, presented outgoing Mayor Sayoc with a certificate of recognition. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2017 Appointment of Mayor and Vice Mayor – continued Supervisor Wasserman, on behalf of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, presented outgoing Mayor Sayoc with a commendation. Outgoing Mayor Marico Sayoc thanked the Town for their support during her year as Mayor. Supervisor Mike Wasserman, County Board of Supervisors, administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Rob Rennie. Supervisor Mike Wasserman, County Board of Supervisors, administered the Oath of Office to Vice Mayor Steve Leonardis. Mayor Rennie thanked all for attending and invited those present to the reception in the Council Chambers Lobby. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m. for a reception. Attest: _____________________________________ /s/ Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator