M11-07-17 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 11/21/2017 ITEM NO: 2 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 2017 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Marico Sayoc, Vice Mayor Rob Rennie, Council Member Marcia Jensen, Council Member Steve Leonardis, Council Member Barbara Spector. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Sejal Pancholy led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appoint applicants for the vacant positions on Town Boards, Commissions, and Committees Recess at 7:10 p.m. to tally the votes. Reconvene at 7:28 p.m.  Arts and Culture Commission o Maureen Cappon-Javey was re-appointed. o Kristen Kovac was appointed. o Michael Miller was appointed. o Ellis Weeker was re-appointed.  Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission o Bill Ehlers was appointed. o Cory Fuller was appointed. o Sheldon Gilbert was appointed. o Maryann Gustafson-Sawyer was re-appointed.  Building Board of Appeals o Robert Philbrook was appointed.  Community and Senior Services Commission o Jennifer Alexander was appointed. PAGE 2 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees – continued  General Plan Committee o Lee Quintana was appointed.  Library Board o Susan Buxton was appointed.  Parks Commission o James Godsey was appointed.  Personnel Board o Jennifer Lewis was re-appointed. o Larry Maggio was re-appointed.  Planning Commission o Mary Badame was re-appointed. o Kendra Burch was re-appointed.  Transportation and Parking Commission o Robert Buxton was re-appointed. o Peter Hertan was appointed. o Maria Ristow was re-appointed. MOTION: Motion by Mayor Marico Sayoc to direct the Clerk Administrator to advertise the vacancies in March 2018. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Sayoc presented Finance Director, Stephen Conway, with the Certificate Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAFR) Fiscal Year Ending 2016. COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters - Council Member Steve Leonardis stated he attended a West Valley Solid Waste Management Board meeting. - Council Member Marcia Jensen stated she had nothing to report. PAGE 3 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 Council Matters – continued - Mayor Marico Sayoc stated she and Council Member Jensen attended a Council Policy Committee meeting, she announced the launch of the new R.Y.D.E. program, she attended the swearing in for a new Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Officer, and attended meetings with the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce and West Valley Mayors and Managers. - Vice Mayor Rob Rennie stated he attended the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Congestion Management Subcommittee and Board meetings, he attended a three day conference for LAFCO, participated in the Rebuilding Together day, and announced Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority (SVCEA) is recruiting for a Citizens Advisory Group. - Council Member Barbara Spector stated she represented the Town at the Santa Clara Valley Water Commission meeting. Manager Matters - Announced the launch of the community planning meeting for Bachman Park on November 16 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers - Announced that a traffic calming meeting for College Avenue will be held in December. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve Closed Session Meeting minutes of October 17, 2017. 2. Approve Council Meeting minutes of October 17, 2017. 3. Approve Closed Session Meeting Minutes of October 24, 2017. 4. Approve Study Session Meeting minutes of October 24, 2017. 5. Adopt an ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos amending Los Gatos Municipal Code Chapter 14, Article XII, Section 14.120.010 – 14.120.030 prohibiting the establishment of any form of marijuana commerce, trade or industry, and prohibiting commercial cultivation, processing, and delivery of marijuana. ORDINANCE 2263 6. Approval of Settlement Agreement in Town Of Los Gatos, Saratoga and Cupertino vs. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). 7. Town Code Amendment Application A-17-001. Consider Amendments to Chapter 29 (Zoning Regulations) of the Town Code regarding Cellars. Project Location: Town Wide. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. ORDINANCE 2264 8. Receive the First Quarter Investment Report (July through September 2017) for Fiscal Year 2017/18. 9. Receive the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017/18 First Quarter Budget Performance Report for the period July 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017. 10. Adopt resolution authorizing the continued use of Supplemental Local Law Enforcement Services funds (SLESF) to provide funding for two (2) full-time Police officers assigned as motorcycle traffic officers. RESOLUTION 2017-059 PAGE 4 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 Consent Items – continued 11. Authorize the Town Manager to submit an application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Innovative Deployments to Enhance Arterials (IDEA) grant program for a Smart Signal project. 12. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to apply for and accept grant funds under the Clean, Safe Creeks and Natural Flood Protection Program. RESOLUTION 2017-060 13. PPW Job No. 816-0410 – Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements a. Reject all bids for the Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements project. b. Approve the plans and specifications for the Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements project and authorize the Town Manager to advertise the project for re-bid. c. Authorize the Town Manager to award and execute a Construction Agreement in an amount not to exceed $125,000, including contingencies. d. Authorize staff to execute future change orders in an amount not to exceed fifteen percent of the contract award amount. 14. Authorize the Town Manager to execute an Agreement for Consultant Services for Plan Check Review Services with CSG Consultants, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $160,000. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to approve Consent Items 1 through 14. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Angelia Doerner - Commented on the speeding problem in Town and consideration of resident testimony. Patti Rice, Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce Board President - Commented on the Town's cost recovery program and requested the Town review the cost recovery policy. Alex Hult - Commented on the frustration of the business community with the disconnect between them and the Town. PUBLIC HEARINGS 15. First reading and introduction of an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending Los Gatos Town Code Chapter 14, Article X. - Special Events Monica Renn, Economic Vitality Manager, presented the staff report. PAGE 5 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 Public Hearings Item #15 - continued Opened Public Comment. Randi Chen, Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce - Questioned the need for cost recovery for staff time. Tony Alarcon - Requested the Town consider closing Johnson Avenue on a permanent basis on Halloween. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to introduce and conduct a first reading of an Ordinance (Attachment 2), by title only, amending Town Code Chapter 14, Article X. - Special Events, and include option 1.a. and b. contained in the Desk Item to remove block parties, and and put a 60 day limit per paragraph 1.b. Seconded by Council Member Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. The Clerk Administrator read the title of the ordinance. 16. Adopt a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos amending the Town of Los Gatos Comprehensive Fee Schedule to include fees, rates, and charges for a tobacco retail license. RESOLUTION 2017-0661 Robert Schultz, Town Attorney, presented the staff report. Opened and closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Barbara Spector to adopt a resolution approving amendments to the Los Gatos Comprehensive Fee Schedule to include fees, rates, and charges for a Tobacco Retail License (Attachment 1). Seconded by Council Member Marcia Jensen. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 6 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 OTHER BUSINESS 17. Conditional Use Permit Application U-16-005. Project Location 140 S. Santa Cruz Avenue. Property Owner: Michael Mohr - COO Metwest Properties, LLC. Application: LG Hotel LLC D.B.A. Toll House. Compliance review for Conditional Use Permit modification U-16-005, allowing entertainment before 10:00 p.m. on property zoned C-2:PD. APNs 510-45-064 and -065. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to continue the item to December 5 so it may be properly noticed. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 18. Review, discuss, and consider the recommendations of the Council Finance Committee to: a. Adopt a resolution establishing the Town Council as an Oversight Committee for the Town of Los Gatos IRS Section 115 Pension Trust and California Employers’ Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT). RESOLUTION 2017-062 b. Adopt an Investment Policy for the Town of Los Gatos IRS Section 115 Pension Trust and CERBT. POLICY 4-04 Arn Andrews, Assistant Town Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jak Van Nada - Commented on the lack of progress that has been made and questioned why the Council should be the oversight committee. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to a) adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) establishing the Town Council as an Oversight Committee for the Town of Los Gatos IRS Section 115 Pension Trust and California Employers’ Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT); and b) adopt an Investment Policy for the Town of Los Gatos IRS Section 115 Pension Trust and CERBT. Seconded by Council Member Steve Leonardis. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 7 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 19. Approve the recommendation of the Finance Committee to proceed with preparing a ballot measure to place a 1/8 cent general sales tax on the November 2018 ballot for Los Gatos priorities Arn Andrews, Assistant Town Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jak Van Nada - Commented in support of a special tax that would go towards unfunded liabilities with an oversight committee. Maria Ristow - Commented in favor of the tax. Catherine Somers, Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce Executive Director - Commented on the results of a Chamber survey sent to its email database and stated the majority were against the sales tax and would not support it unless it goes to economic enhancement for the business community. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Leonardis to approve the recommendation of the Council Finance Committee to proceed with preparing a ballot measure to place a 1/8 cent general sales tax on the November 2018 Ballot for Los Gatos Priorities. Motion failed for lack of a second. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Leonardis to return the matter to the Finance Committee to proceed with further discussion with specific ballot language for both a specific and general tax. Seconded by Mayor Marico Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed 4/1. Council Member Marcia Jensen voting no. PAGE 8 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 PUBLIC HEARINGS 20. 105 Newell Avenue - Planned Development Application PD-14-002 and Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-16-002. Property Owner: Tango Pappa. Applicant: Camargo & Associates Architects. a. Consider adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting program. b. Request for a Planned Development to rezone a property from R-1:12 to R-1:12:PD, to allow for the demolition of an existing building, subdivision of one lot into four, and construction of four new single-family residences on property zoned R-1:12. APN 409- 24-026. (CONTINUED FROM September 19, 2017) Jennifer Armer, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Maurice Camargo and Kurt Anderson, applicant representatives - Commented on the project. Rick Potter - Commented in support of the original project design . Dale Miller - Commented in support of the original project design . Liat Perlman - Commented in support of the original project design . Kurt Anderson, applicant representative - Addressed comments. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Leonardis to approve the development plans included with the staff report based on the findings included in Attachment 7. AMENDMENT: remove items 5, 6, 7, and 8 from the Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 9 OF 9 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2017 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2017 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:06 p.m. Attest: _____________________________________ /s/ Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator