M07-24-17 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/01/2017 ITEM NO: 3 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 24, 2017 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Monday, July 24, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Marico Sayoc, Vice Mayor Rob Rennie (participating remotely), Council Member Marcia Jensen, Council Member Steve Leonardis (arrived at 6:03 p.m.), Council Member Barbara Spector. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Sayoc led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. North Forty Phase 1. Architecture and Site Application S-13-090, Vesting Tentative Map Application M-13-014. Property Owners: Yuki Farms, ETPH LP, Grosvenor USA Limited, Summerhill N40 LLC, Elizabeth K. Dodson, and William Hirschman. Applicant: Grosvenor USA Limited. Requesting approval for the construction of a new multi-use, multi-story development consisting of 320 residential units, which includes 50 affordable senior units; approximately 66,000 square feet of commercial floor area, which includes a market hall; on-site and off- site improvements; and a Vesting Tentative Map. This project is within the scope of the Specific Plan program approved earlier and the Specific Plan program EIR adequately describes the project for the purposes of CEQA. APNS: 424-07-024 through 027, 031 through 037, 070, 083 through 086, 090, and 100. The public hearing is being held pursuant to a court order directing the Town Council to set aside the denial of the North Forty Development Applications and reconsider the Applications under the provisions of Government Code §65589.5(j) known as the Housing Accountability Act. Robert Schultz, Town Attorney, presented the staff report. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 24, 2017 DATE: JULY 26, 2017 Opened Public Comment. Andrew Faber, applicant - Commented on the project. Nicole Montojo - Commented in support of the project. Michael Lane - Commented in support of the project. Anne Fisher - Commented on behalf of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition in support of the project. Stacey Hatfield - Commented in support of the project. Angelia Doerner - Commented in opposition of the project. Jeff Loughridge - Commented in support of the project. Arya Barirani - Commented in opposition of the project. Sam Weidman - Commented in opposition of the project. Dr. Rosaline Vasquez - Commented in opposition of the project. Jeffrey N. Aristide - Commented in opposition of the project. Kevin Zwick, CEO of Housing Trust of Silicon Valley - Commented in support of the project. Ken Arendt - Commented in opposition of the project. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 24, 2017 DATE: JULY 26, 2017 Roy Moses - Commented in opposition of the project. Jayne Sonnenschein - Commented in opposition of the project. Rod Teague - Commented in opposition of the project. Tony Alarcon - Commented in opposition of the project. Diane Fisher - Commented in support of the project. John Eichinger - Commented in opposition of the project. James Macleod - Commented about moving the existing trees from the development area to places in the Town. Diane Dreher - Commented in opposition of the project. David Weissman - Commented in opposition of the project. Lucille Weidman - Commented in opposition of the project. Recess at 7:28 p.m. Reconvened at 7:35 p.m. Brent Ventura - Commented in opposition of the project. Andy Wu - Commented in support of the project. Peter Curtis - Read a letter by Tom Timo in opposition of the project. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 24, 2017 DATE: JULY 26, 2017 Markene Smith - Commented in opposition of the project. Edward Morimoto - Commented in support of the project. Jak Van Nada - Commented in support of the project. Woody Nedom - Commented in opposition of the project. Andrew Faber, applicant - Addressed comments on the project. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter and requested additional information. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to continue the matter to August 1, 2017. Seconded by Mayor Marico Sayoc. ROLL CALL VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Attest: _____________________________________ /s/ Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator