M06-20-17 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/01/2017 ITEM NO: 2 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 20, 2017 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducte d a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Marico Sayoc, Vice Mayor Rob Rennie, Council Member Marcia Jensen, Council Member Barbara Spector. Absent: Council Member Steve Leonardis PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Tiana Torrecillas led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters - Council Member Marcia Jensen stated she had nothing to report. - Mayor Marico Sayoc stated she and Town Manger Prevetti met with Los Gatos Union School District Superintendent Diana Abbati. - Vice Mayor Rob Rennie stated he attended the LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) meeting, Cities Association Legislative Committee and Board meetings, and Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCEA) Risk Oversight Committee meeting; he and Council Member Leonardis attended the Council Finance Committee meeting; he chaired the SVCEA Board meeting; he attended the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Economic Forum as a guest of the Cities Association sponsorship; met with LAFCO staff; performed ribbon cuttings for the Butter Paddle and the Legacy Garden at Los Gatos Memorial Park; and met with various citizens on several issues. - Council Member Barbara Spector stated she attended the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) meeting. Manager Matters - Invited all to the Red, White, and Blue Block Party on July 1st. - Announced that Town offices will be closed on Tuesday July 4th. - Invited all to the Symphony in the Park at Oak Meadow Park on July 4th. - Presented the Employee Group of the Quarter Commendation to the Information Technology (IT) Team: Chris Gjerde, Beca Muniz, and Tushar Deshpande. PAGE 2 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2017 DATE: JUNE 21, 2017 CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve Closed Session minutes of June 6, 2017. 2. Approve Council minutes of June 6, 2017. 3. Authorize the Town Manager to execute a third amendme nt to the professional services agreement with Innovative Claims Solutions, Inc. to extend the contract for one year to perform workers’ compensation claims administration. 4. Receive the final report on the hazardous vegetation (brush) abatement annual program for 2017. 5. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute an agreement with the County of Santa Clara for administration of the Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) programs collectively ref erred to as the Urban County Program. RESOLUTION 2017-030 6. One Bay Area Grant Cycle II Funding a. Authorize the Town Manager to execute and file an application for funding for the design of the trailhead connection for Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 from non- competitive One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Cycle II funding; b. Authorize the Town Manager to issue a request for proposals for design of the project; c. Adopt a resolution of local support authorizing the filing of an application for funding assigned to MTC, committing any necessary matching funds; and stating assurance to complete the project; and RESOLUTION 2017-031 d. Adopt a resolution agreeing that the Town will comply with the Surplus Lands Act. RESOLUTION 2017-032 7. PPW Project Numbers 16-812-0125 Crosswalk Improvements Project and 16-812-0125 Crosswalk Lighting Upgrades at the intersections of Santa Cruz Avenue at Blossom Hill Road/Mariposa Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road at Cherry Blossom Lane. a. Approve the plans and specifications for the combined Crosswalk Improvements and Crosswalk Lighting Project and authorize the Town Manager to advertise the combined project for bid. b. Authorize the Town Manager to award and execute all necessary agreements for the combined project in an amount not to exceed $150,000, including contingencies. Item #6 pulled by the public. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to approve the Consent Items, exclusive of Item #6. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. PAGE 3 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2017 DATE: JUNE 21, 2017 Pulled Consent Item #6 6. One Bay Area Grant Cycle II Funding a. Authorize the Town Manager to execute and file an application for funding for the design of the trailhead connection for Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 from non - competitive One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Cycle II funding; b. Authorize the Town Manager to issue a request for proposals for design of the project; c. Adopt a resolution of local support authorizing the filing of an application for funding assigned to MTC, committing any necessary matching funds; and stating assurance to complete the project; and RESOLUTION 2017-031 d. Adopt a resolution agreeing that the Town will comply with the Surplus Lands Act. RESOLUTION 2017-032 Lisa Petersen, Town Engineer, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Angelia Doerner - Commented on the prioritization of the project and funding. Peter Hertan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) member - Commented in favor of the project. Bob Burke - Commented on the project and inquired about the design. Thomas Cook, Safe Routes to School (SR2S) - Commented in favor of the project. Maria Ristow - Commented in favor of the project. Diane Dreher - Suggested other projects for grant funding. MaryAnn Gustafson-Sawyer - Commented in favor of the project. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. PAGE 4 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2017 DATE: JUNE 21, 2017 Pulled Consent Item #6 – continued MOTION: Motion by Council Member Barbara Spector to approve the recommendation contained in the staff report. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Debbie Moessinger - Commented on the beach traffic impacts on the east side of Town. Bob Burke - Suggested ideas to address the beach traffic impacts. Colin Corbett - Commented on the Almond Grove Phase II underground conduit that was removed from the project due to costs. Barbara Dodson - Commented on the North 40 litigation and requirements for senior housing. Diane Dreher - Commented on the North 40 litigation. Markene Smith - Commented on the North 40 health, safety, and connectivity impacts. Robert Wormald - Commented on the traffic and suggested ways to advise the mapping companies of closed roads. Sandy Decker - Commented on the North 40 litigation. OTHER BUSINESS 8. Adopt the Policy Committee’s recommendations to amend Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Council Agenda Format and Rules to modify timelines for applicant and/or appellant submittals associated with Town Council and Planning Commission agenda items, and for applications and appeals heard by other Town Boards, Commissions, or Committees. POLICY 2-01 PAGE 5 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2017 DATE: JUNE 21, 2017 Other Business Item #8- continued Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator, presented the staff report. Opened and closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to approve the Policy Committee’s recommendations contained in the staff report. Seconded by Mayor Marico Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed 3/1. Council Member Barbara Spector voting no and Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. 9. Authorize the Town Manager to execute the Green Infrastructure Framework to implement a long-term Green Infrastructure (GI) plan for the inclusion of low impact development (LID) measures related to stormdrain infrastructure on public and private lands. Matt Morley, Director of Parks and Public Works, presented the staff report. Opened and closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to authorize the Town Manager to execute the Green Infrastructure Framework as contained in the staff report. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Landscaping and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 & 2 a. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 – Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone. RESOLUTION 2017-033 b. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 – Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone. RESOLUTION 2017-034 PAGE 6 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2017 DATE: JUNE 21, 2017 Public Hearing Item #10 – continued c. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone. RESOLUTION 2017-035 d. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Vasona Heights Benefit Zone. RESOLUTION 2017-036 e. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone. RESOLUTION 2017-037 f. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 2 - Gemini Court Benefit Zone. RESOLUTION 2017-038 Matt Morley, Director of Parks and Public Works, presented the staff report. Opened and closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Barbara Spector to adopt the resolutions contained in Attachments 1 through 6 of the staff report . Seconded by Council Member Marcia Jensen. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. 11. 106 E. Main Street - Architecture and Site Application S-17-13. Property Owner: Town of Los Gatos. Applicant: Mehdi Dalvand, the Midglen Studio. Consider a request to construct a canopy over an existing patio on property zoned C-1:D. APN 529-34-108. RESOLUTION 2017-039 Sean Mullen, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Barbara Spector to reopen public comment with a maximum 3 minutes per speaker. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. Opened Public Comment. PAGE 7 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2017 DATE: JUNE 21, 2017 Public Hearings Item #11 – continued Jeffrey Janoff, applicant - Commented on the use of the space and NUMU's understanding. Angelia Doerner - Commented on the ability of Town residents or other organizations to use the space. Barney Davidge, applicant - Commented on the intent of the project and the use of the space. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie to adopt the resolution for approval in Attachment 10, with the development plans and conditions of approval in Attachment 7. Seconded by Council Member Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to refer the Town Facilities Use Policy dated 8-3-16 (Attachment 6 of the staff report) back to the Policy Committee for consideration to include the deck/sculpture garden area per the terms that were adopted in the previous motion (Attachment 10); consider how that space should be addressed in the Policy; and whether there should be a prioritization of uses that is included in the Policy for the deck/sculpture garden area. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Leonardis absent. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Attest: _____________________________________ /s/ Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator