M05-16-17 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/06/2017 ITEM NO: 2 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2017 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Marico Sayoc, Vice Mayor Rob Rennie, Council Member Marcia Jensen, Council Member Steve Leonardis, Council Member Barbara Spector. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Haley Clawsie led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Sayoc presented a Small Business, Big Applause Commendation to Black Cat Hats. Aileen Larson thanked the Town for their support. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Robert Schultz, Town Attorney, stated Council met in Closed Session as duly noted on the agenda and there is no report. COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters - Council Member Steve Leonardis stated he attended the West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) Board of Directors meeting, and the Council Finance Committee meeting. - Council Member Marcia stated she had nothing to report. - Mayor Marico Sayoc stated she attended the US Service Academy graduation with Vice Mayor Rennie, the Leadership Los Gatos graduation, and the Cities Association meeting. - Vice Mayor Rob Rennie stated he attended the Council Finance Committee meeting, the Business of Local Energy Symposium, the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority (SVCEA) Risk Oversight Committee meeting, the Youth Commissioner interviews, the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Policy Advisory Committee meeting, the Cities Association meeting, the SVCEA legislative workshop, and a presentation on Housing for the Middle hosted by the City of Mountain View; chaired SVCEA Board meeting; and met with Assemblyman Low. - Council Member Barbara Spector stated she attended the Leadership Los Gatos graduation and represented the Town at the West Valley Solid Waste Authority meeting. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 16, 2017 DATE: MAY 17, 2017 Manager Matters - Introduced the new Assistant Town Manager, Arn Andrews. - Invited all to the Big Truck Day in front of the Library on May 20, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., which will kick off the summer reading program with the theme Build a Better World. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve Council minutes of May 2, 2017. 2. Adopt an Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos requiring the licensure of tobacco retailers and adding Section 18.60.020 to the Town Code of Los Gatos entitled Permits for Retailers of Tobacco Products and/or Electronic Smoking Devices. ORDINANCE 2259 3. Receive the Third Quarter Investment Report (January through March 2017) for Fiscal Year 2016/17. 4. Auditing Services a. Authorize Town Manager to execute agreement with Badawi and Associates, Certified Public Accountants to provide auditing services for the Town of Los Gatos with annual audit fees not to exceed $29,870 for fiscal year ending 2016/17, $30,760 for fiscal year ending 2017/18, and $31,665 for fiscal year ending 2018/19; b. Authorize Town Manager to execute agreement with Badawi and Associates for optional services not to exceed $2,145 for fiscal year ending 2016/17, $2,415 for fiscal year ending 2017/18, and $2,600 for fiscal year ending 2018/19. 5. Adopt an update to the Town’s Investment Policy as recommended by the Council Finance Committee. POLICY 4-02 6. Authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement between Town of Los Gatos and the County of Santa Clara for Tobacco Retail Permit Administration Services. Phil Koen pulled Item #4. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to approve Consent Items #1 through 6, exclusive of Item #4. Seconded by Vice Mayor Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Pulled Consent Item #4 4. Auditing Services a. Authorize Town Manager to execute agreement with Badawi and Associates, Certified Public Accountants to provide auditing services for the Town of Los Gatos with annual audit fees not to exceed $29,870 for fiscal year ending 2016/17, $30,760 for fiscal year ending 2017/18, and $31,665 for fiscal year ending 2018/19; b. Authorize Town Manager to execute agreement with Badawi and Associates for optional services not to exceed $2,145 for fiscal year ending 2016/17, $2,415 for fiscal year ending 2017/18, and $2,600 for fiscal year ending 2018/19. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 16, 2017 DATE: MAY 17, 2017 Pulled Consent Item #4 – continued Steve Conway, Finance Director, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Phil Koen - Commented on the selection process. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia to approve the staff recommendation contained in the staff report. Seconded by Mayor Marico Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Angelia Doerner - Commented on the Winchester Blvd. and Alberto Way projects that were denied by the Planning Commission, and requested extended community outreach if a study session with the Planning Commission and Town Council is held regarding downtown gateway projects. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Operating and Capital Budgets a. Consider the Town of Los Gatos Proposed Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2017/18. b. Consider the Town of Los Gatos Proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2017/18-21/22. Laurel Prevetti (Town Manager), Steve Conway (Director of Finance), and Matt Morley (Director of Parks and Public Works) presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 16, 2017 DATE: MAY 17, 2017 Public Hearing Item #7 – continued Angelia Doerner - Commented that street maintenance line items should be clearly called out to delineate elements that are not actual street maintenance (such as bike lanes), and commented on the staff costs that are allocated to certain projects. Ed Lozowicki - Commented in support of the proposed heavy pruning and other work to the eucalyptus trees on Hilow. Lisa Oakley and Tyler Taylor, Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, and Josh Selo, West Valley Community Services - Thanked the Town for their support of the senior transportation service pilot program. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Attest: _____________________________________ /s/ Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator