M11-03-08 Study Session1
NOVEMBER 3, 2008
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Study Session on
Monday, November 3, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.
Present: Mayor Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman, Council
Member Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member
Joe Pirzynski.
Absent: None.
VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (Three-minute time limit)
Mayor Barbara Spector opened and Closed Verbal Communications.
Conceptual Design Alternatives for New Los Gatos Library
Staff report made by Pamela Jacobs, Assistant Town Manager and Chris Noll,
Noll and Tam Architects.
Council Discussion
Questioned the access to Pageant Park for both design options.
Requested clarification on the process for Council input this evening.
Commented on the sub-committee’s decision for presenting Option B to
the Council.
Commented on the idea of the parking behind the building.
Commented that the design for both Option A and Option B is welcoming
to the public.
Study Session – Continued
Open Public Comments
Mr. Miller
Commented on integrating the design for the new Library with the Civic
Center and that Option A does this best.
Commented on retaining the greenery and trees as part of the project.
Commented on the use of natural light and patios as part of the design.
Ms. Dallas
Commended the Town for exploring more than one option for design, and
supported Option A due to its integration with the Civic Center.
Would like to see the wooded trees of the Civic Center be included in the
design of the new Library.
Questioned if there is need for a new Library due to projected budget short
falls in the future.
Mr. Davis
Commented about the temperature in the Council Chambers.
Commented that our present Library is adequate and that the Town
should not be funding a new library.
Commented that the new Library will end up costing about $40 million.
Closed Public Comments
Council Discussion
Commented that the setback for Option B is 60 to 80 feet.
Questioned cost comparisons for both options.
Questioned if both options are within budget.
Ms. Jacobs, Assistant Town Manager
Clarified that there would be a slightly higher cost associated with grading
for Option A, but both options were within budget.
Commented on the need for a retaining wall for either option.
Noll and Tam
Clarified that Option A would have a higher price due to excavation costs,
but these costs would not be significant.
Study Session – Continued
Council Discussion
Expressed concerns about ensuring sufficient parking spaces for either
Commented that Option A is a preferred plan and a more subtle design for
the building.
Questioned the impacts on Town Hall parking during the building phases.
Commented that the project is too expensive and that the funding should
be used to upgrade the current Library.
Commented that Option A may require cutting into the hillside, which is
not consistent with the Hillside Standards and Guidelines.
Questioned if Options A and B should be brought to the public meeting for
Commented on the increase in population in Town and the need to
increase the Library size to accommodate the needs of the community.
Commented that the setbacks for both options are desirable.
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman to approve
Council preference for Option A.
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion carried 4/1. Council Member Steve Glickman
voted no.
Ms. Jacobs
Invited the public to join the community meeting to be held on November
13, 2008.
/s/Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator