JUNE 16, 2008
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on
Monday, June 16, 2008 at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman, Council
Member Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member
Joe Pirzynski.
Absent: None.
Steven Zierk, A 9th grade student from Los Gatos High School led the Pledge
of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate.
Government Code section 54956.9(a)
Hunter v. Town of Los Gatos, Case No. 1-06-CV-074414
Mr. Korb, Town Attorney stated that direction was given to settle the matter.
Government Code section 54956.9(b)
Claims of State Farm Insurance for Ciampossin/Stephanie MacLean
Mr. Korb, Town Attorney stated that direction was given to settle the matter.
(Government Code Section 54957)
Title: Town Manager
Mr. Korb, Town Attorney stated that direction was given and no action was
Planning Commission (3 applicants, 1 vacancy)
Marcia Jensen was appointed to the Planning Commission.
General Plan Advisory Committee (23 applicants, 10 vacancies)
The Following Applicants were appointed to the General Plan Update Advisory
Melanie Hanssen
Dan Ross
Kevin Kelly
Deborah Weinstein
Perry Hariri
Tim Lundell
Gordon Yamate
James Foley
Libby Lane
Thomas Spilsbury
Commendations - Community/Business Recognition
Mayor Barbara Spector presented commendations to Mary Ann Cook, George
Sakkestad and Leigh Weimers for their dedication to the community.
1. Ratify payroll for the month of May 2008
2. Ratify accounts payable for May 2008
3. Approve the 2008 Council/Commission Retreat Issue Matrix
Consent Items - Continued
4. Adopt resolution granting an appeal of a Planning Commission
decision and approving applications to demolish a single family
residence build prior to 1941, and a 3,250 square-foot office building,
merge two existing parcels and construct a new 15,510 square-foot
office building on property Zoned O. RESOLUTION 2008-078
5. Adopt resolution supporting "Extended Producer Responsibility" a
state-wide effort aimed at shifting responsibility for producer waste
from government to industry. RESOLUTION 2008-079
6. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manger to enter an
agreement with Design, Community and Environment (DC & E) to
prepare the General Plan Update. RESOLUTION 2008-080
7. PPW Job No. A08-017 - Los Cerritos Drive Storm Drain Project 816-
0406. RESOLUTION 2008-081
a. Authorize establishment of the Los Cerritos Drive Storm Drain Project
No. 816-0406.
b. Authorize project budget in the amount of $27,500 payable from Storm
Drain Basin #1.
c. Adopt resolution declaring MSI Underground Improvements, Inc. to be
the lowest responsible bidder on the project and award a construction
contract in the amount of $27,500.
8. Adopt resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute an
agreement with the County of Santa Clara, "Joint Exercise of Powers
Agreement and Cooperation Agreement to undertake or to assist in
the undertaking of essential activities pursuant to Title I of the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, for
the period of October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2011"
Consent Items – Continued
9. Ratify accounts payable for May 2008.
10. Approve Council/Agency minutes of June 2, 2008.
11. Debit/Credit Card Acceptance
a. Approve new Town cash and credit card policy
b. Authorize Town to execute a Merchant Services Agreement with Wells
Fargo Bank through a Master Service Agreement (MSA) with the State
of California
Mr. NcNeill pulled Consent Item #4.
Mr. Davis pulled Consent Item #3.
Mayor Barbara Spector stated that the pulled Consent Items would be heard
after Other Business.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to approve
Consent Items #1, 2, and #5 -11.
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Davis
Stated that the Monte Sereno City Council rejected using park funds to
upgrade the Town Plaza fountain.
Suggested that Monte Sereno use funds to build a parking lot at Baggerly.
Commented against the sale of the Town-owned property at Vasona Park.
Closed Verbal Communications
Mayor Barbara Spector and Mr. Larson, Town Manager, advised the audience
that staff is recommending a continuance on Item #14.
12. Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation (Brush) Adopt resolution
overruling objections and ordering hazardous vegetation
abatement(brush) RESOLUTION 2008-083
Staff report made by Todd Capurso, Director of Parks and Public Works.
Open/Close Public Hearing
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to approve
Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation (Brush) and adopt
resolution overruling objections and ordering hazardous
vegetation abatement (brush).
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
13. Consider whether to approve a General Plan Amendment from
Medium Density residential (5-12 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to High
Density Residential (12-20 Dwelling Units Per Acre) and Introduce an
ordinance making a Zone Change from RM:5-12 to RM:5-20:PD for a
fifty-six lot residential subdivision to convert the existing apartments
to condominiums. Planned Development Application PD-07-02 APN
510-14-004. Property location: 347 Massol Avenue. Property owner:
Lyon Baytree Apartments LLC. Applicant: Lyon Realty Advisors
File#GP-08-01 & PD-07-02. RESOLUTION 2008-084
Staff report made by Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development.
Council Member Glickman recused himself from Item #13 due to the location of
his residence.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Council Comments
Questioned the monthly principle payment of a condo and if the
homeowners dues and taxes were included.
Questioned the number of vehicles restricted to owner occupied units.
Questioned the proposed tandem parking at the location.
Stated that all five Council Members had visited the location and spoke
with the owners.
Mr. Korb, Town Attorney
Commented that he would have to research the questions relating
to restricted parking.
Mr. Larson, Town Manager
Suggested that the homeowners association could limit the amount of
parking permits given to the owners.
Open Public Hearing
Mr. Cole, Applicant
Commented that his team has been working on recommendations on the
project provided by staff.
Commented about the Below Market Priced units (BMP) and affordable
housing issues.
Commented that the parking plan for the new development would improve
the parking situation on Massol Avenue.
Commented that the current apartment complex has not had any parking
Commented on the buyer profile for Los Gatos and that there is a need for
smaller homes.
Commented that the existing residents will receive relocation assistance at
no charge and have been introduced to the relocation coordinator.
Commented that more than 70% of the current residents received a notice
when they moved in notifying them about the process.
Commented that 7 residents at the location qualify for the BMP program.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Council Comments
Questioned if the estimated mortgage cost for BMP
units include association maintenance fees.
Questioned if current residents will receive priority status for BMP units at
that location.
Questioned if the applicant would be willing to use 360 degree
Questioned the phasing plan for converting the units.
Questioned the relocation options for the current tenants.
Mr. Cole
Clarified that a 1% property tax fee and a $300 Home Owners’ Association
(HOA) fee was included in the estimated BMP cost.
Commented that he is not aware of any 360 degree architecture
requirements or proposed plans for the project.
Commented on the phasing process for conversion of the units.
Clarified the percentage of residents that typically leave the premises
when a conversion takes place.
Mr. Lortz
Clarified that the 360 degree architecture would be reviewed during the
Architecture and Site process.
Clarified the point system associated with the BMP application process.
Council Comments
Asked for clarification as to when to expect the BMP requirements to take
Mr. Cole
Clarified the anticipated timing of the process to allow the BMP
requirements to take effect.
Ms. Robin
Commented that she chose Bay tree Apartments because the complex is
close to her family.
Commented that there are not many apartments in the community that fit
her needs.
Mr. Davis
Commented about condo conversions and stated that the industry fell
apart about 15 years ago because developers did not do a proper job
remodeling the properties.
Commented that the Town needs a system to evaluate condo
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Ms. Porter
Commented that she is the relocation coordinator who will be assisting
residents with their relocation process.
Mr. Houde
Commented against the condo conversion.
Commented that parking is a problem around the Bay Tree Apartments
and on Massol Avenue.
Commented that there would be more cars with the new development.
Mr. Trapani
Commented that the real estate market is strong in Los Gatos and that
condo conversions would be received favorably.
Commented that the demand for smaller homes in Town is increasing.
Mr. Schloh
Commented on the architecture of the Bay Tree Apartments.
Commented that the complex could use an uplift and that the architecture
should blend with the neighborhood.
Mr. Silva
Commented that the neighbors approved the project.
Mr. Forbes
Commented against the condo conversions.
Commented that he is on a fixed income and does not qualify to purchase
a condo.
Council Comments
Questioned if Mr. Forbes has had the chance to look at other apartments
in the community.
Mr. Kaschub
Questioned vacancy rates for apartments in Los Gatos.
Questioned the Town’s requirements for multi-family homes.
Commented that there are no plans for a parking structure in the proposed
Questioned the 360 degree architecture for the proposed development.
Ms. Kaschub
Questioned the proposed parking and 360 degree archite cture for the
proposed project.
Recommended that the applicant use their capital to repair existing
structures and invest in providing significant resident parking.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Ms. McGrath
Commented against the condo conversation project.
Commented that she would have to move from the Bay Tree Apartment
complex if the project is approved.
Ms. de Mos
Commented against the condo conversion process.
Commented that she can not afford to purchase a condo and does not
want to move.
Mr. Bohm
Commented against the condo conversion.
Stated that there is a need for rentals in the community.
Mr. Knowles
Commented on supporting the condo conversion project.
Mr. Kane
Commented that the Planning Commission stated that the existing
residents would be made a priority and relocated.
Ms. Smith
Commented on supporting the condo conversion project and read a letter
from Ms. O’Laughlin supporting the condo conversion project.
Ms. Ferguson
Commented on alternative housing for residents who would need to
relocate and want to stay in the immediate area.
Council Comments
Questioned if Maison Massol apartments would want to turn their
apartments into condos.
Questioned the price comparisons for Maison Massol verses Bay Tree
Questioned the vacancy rate at the Maison Massol apartments.
Ms. Grabill
Commented on supporting the condo conversion project.
Commented that there is a shortage of affordable housing in the Town.
Mr. Jillo
Commented in support of the condo conversion project.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Ms. Lynner
Commented in support of the condo conversion project.
Mr. Whitter
Commented in support of the condo conversion project and that the
applicants have done a great job with other rental locations.
Commented that the Town would benefit from the 8 BMP units.
Mr. Cole, applicant
Commented that the Lyon Corporation will make the relocation of
residents a priority and that the project will be key in providing additional
affordable housing.
Council Comments
Requested that the applicant address the parking issues raised by the
Questioned green building alternatives associated with the proposed
Recommended that the Lyon Corporation look at a more restricted parking
Mr. Cole
Clarified that the proposed parking for the project is ample and that
parking in the area was never at capacity.
Commented that 1.4 parking spaces per unit were required for the project
and that the project has proposed 1.6 spaces per unit.
Commented that a reduction in parking would be a good idea and could
be achieved by reducing the amount of vehicles for the one bedroom
Commented on the design for enclosed bike lockers at the location as a
green alternative.
Clarified that they are not looking to off-set parking on Massol Avenue.
Commented that the applicants are open to working on the architecture for
the proposed project.
Council Comments
Commented that the ordinance requires 3 parking spaces per unit and
inquired why the applicant stated that 1.46 parking spaces per unit are
sufficient for the project.
Expressed concern about the relocation.
Questioned if there are any conditions of approval for the relocation
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Mr. Cole
Clarified the process used by the Lyon Corporation for relocation of
Council Discussion
Requested clarification about the process for approving the ordinance.
Questioned if approving the condo conversion at Bay Tree apartments
would encourage other apartment complexes to do the same.
Mr. Lortz
Clarified the Planned Development process and stated that the
development does not set a precedence for other properties to follow the
condo conversion process.
Mr. Larson, Town Manager
Requested clarification from the applicant about State requirements
governing the relocation of residents.
Closed Public Hearing
Council Discussion
Concerned that there would be an overflow of parking onto Massol
Questioned preferred parking as an alternative on Massol Avenue.
Mr. Lortz
Commented that the Transportation and Parking Commission would
recommend alternatives for parking along Massol Avenue.
Commented that the existing residents be participants in a relocation
program if they choose and that issue would be referred to the Community
Services Commission with a recommendation back to Council for
Council Discussion
Questioned the timeline for the Commission recommendations to come
back to Council.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Mr. Lortz
Suggested that one option would be to continue the item to a date certain
to allow time for the commissions to address outstanding issues.
Another option would be to approve the project as it is with the two
bedroom units receiving two parking spaces and one bedroom units
receiving one parking space.
Commented that staff and the Commissions would be able to recommend
options for the on-street parking issues.
Suggested that the Community Service Commission can help clarify the
relocation process and provide assistance on availability rentals.
Council Discussion
Questioned if the applicant could come up with the additional parking
spaces requested by staff.
Questioned if the conditions of approval allocates parking spaces for
home-owners associations.
Questioned if the Community Services staff could assist with the
relocation issue in lieu of the Community Services Commission.
Mr. Lortz
Commented that the applicant could come up with additional spaces if
they build a large retaining wall.
Suggested ideas for the reduction of parking spaces for the proposed
Commented that bike lockers are strongly encouraged as part of the
proposed project through the Architecture and Site process.
Commented that staff would be able to provide direct assistance through
the BMP program.
Council Discussion
Suggested a condition that states that the HOA limit resident parking to 92
spaces and the HOA could allocate the spaces.
Suggested that Community Service staff involvement may help expedite
the process.
Mr. Lortz
Clarified the process for evaluating tandem parking spaces.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Council Discussion
Questioned the value of condo conversions in the community.
Commented that there is a demand for the smaller-sized homes and
Commented that the applicant has fulfilled the BMP requirements at the
Commented that the architecture could be solved through the
Development Review Committee and Planning Commission.
Commented on the open parking spaces along Massol Avenue and that
there have been no complaints about parking in the area.
Suggested capturing a majority of parking within the location of the condo
Commented that there are currently 56 parking spaces at Bay Tree
apartments and that the project suggests that there should be about 90
spaces with the condo conversion.
Commented that some Bay Tree residents did not receive a notice.
Commented in favor of the architecture going back to the Development
Review Committee.
Suggested slowing the process down and requesting more studies on
parking and the relocation of its residents.
Expressed concern about expanding the permit parking area to Massol
Council Member Diane McNutt made a conceptual motion to approve
the project.
Council Member Pirzynski seconded the conceptual motion.
Council Discussion
Questioned if the 360 degree architecture would go to the Development
Review Committee or to the Planning Commission.
Commented that if the studies were done with a date-certain timeframe,
Council may have more information and clarification about parking and
Requested more information about the required parking spaces.
Commented that the studies conducted by the Transportation and Parking
Commission should help the decision-making process.
Mr. Larson
Commented that with the summer recess, Council could expect
information from the Commission within 3 to 4 months.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
Mr. Korb
Stated that the action before Council tonight would only approve the zone
Suggested that staff report back to Council in August 2008 about the
concerns addressed by Council.
Mayor Barbara Spector called for a recess at 10:20 p.m. Meeting resumed at
10:30 p.m.
Mr. Korb
Commented that staff is proposing to add two conditions and to modify a
third condition.
Commented that Condition 8(a) would direct the applicant to prepare a
tenant relocation assistance program to the satisfaction of the Director of
the Community Development.
Commented that Condition 8(b) would direct the applicant to prepare a
residential parking allocation plan to the satisfaction of the Director of
Community Development.
Commented that the modification would be to Condition 24 which would
add a second sentence stating that the CC&R shall be consistent with the
Residential Parking Plan required in Condition 8(b).
Clarified the type of restrictions enforced by the HOA relating to common
areas within the developments.
Council Member McNutt withdrew the conceptual motion from the table and the
seconder agreed.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to adopt a
resolution approving the General Plan Amendment
(Attachment 4) with the findings as recommended under
Environmental (Attachment 3):
a. Find that the proposed project is categorically
exempt pursuant to Section 15301 (k) of the State
Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town
because there is no expansion of the existing use and
there are no physical changes involved that would not
otherwise be exempt.
b. Make the required findings for the General Plan
amendment and zone change (attachment 3).
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
Public Hearing Item #13 – Continued
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to wave the
reading of the ordinance (attachment 5).
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Barbara Spector directed Jackie Rose, Clerk Administrator to read the
title of the ordinance.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to introduce an
ordinance making a Zone Change from RM:5-12 to RM:5-
20:PD for a fifty-six lot residential subdivision to convert the
existing apartments to condominiums. Planned
Development Application PD-07-02 APN 510-14-004.
Property location: 347 Massol Avenue. Property owner:
Lyon Baytree Apartments LLC. Applicant: Lyon Realty
Advisors File#GP-08-01 & PD-07-02.
with conditions as follows:
Condition 8(a) - applicant to prepare a tenant relocation
assistance program to satisfaction of the Director of the
Community Development.
Condition 8(b) - applicant shall prepare a residential parking
allocation plan to the satisfaction of the Director of
Community Development.
Condition 24 - add a second sentence stating that the CC&R
shall be consistent with the Residential Parking Plan
required in Condition 8(b).
Condition 5 - the Architecture and Site plans go directly to
the Planning Commission.
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearings - Item #14
Council Member Steve Glickman re-joined the meeting.
14. Update and merge the pre-1941 Design Guidelines and the Residential
Development Standards for all single family and two family dwellings
in all zones except the Resource Conservation and the Hillside
Residential Zones Zoning Ordinance Amendment A-08-01. Historic
District Designation Applications HD-08-01, HD-08-02, HD-08-03 and
HD-08-04. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos - STAFF RECOMMENDS
Staff report made by Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development.
Open/Close Public
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to continue the
update and merge of the pre-1941 Design Guidelines and
the Residential Development Standards for all single family
and two family dwellings in all zones except the Resource
Conservation and the Hillside Residential Zones Zoning
Ordinance Amendment A-08-01 to the August 4, 2008 Town
Council meeting.
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
15. Accept staff report on evaluation process for Town Code Ordinance
2155 regarding the regulation of massage therapy establishments and
massage therapy practitioners.
Staff report made by Pamela Jacobs, Assistant Town Manager.
Council Comments
Commented that the goal for the education requirement is to make sure
that the therapists are properly trained.
Questioned if the 300 hour requirement is realistic for therapists.
Questioned the cost for the education classes at West Valley College.
Other Business Item #15 – Continued
Ms. Jacobs
Clarified that the classes would be at no cost to the therapists.
Captain Alana Forrest
Commented that the 300 hours of education is a best practice throughout
the County.
Opened Public Comment
Mr. Atwell
Commented that massage therapists in the community need a voice and
that the Town needs to have a complaint process.
Ms. Granger
Commented on the courses offered by West Valley College and that a
grant was awarded to West Valley College to implement the curriculum.
Would like more input from the Town and local therapists in to better
improve the courses offered by the College.
Ms. Asplund
Commented on the art of Rolfing and how Rolfing is used as alternative
Commented on practices that touch the human body, but are not
considered massage.
Commented that many States are beginning to exempt Rolfing from their
massage ordinances.
Commented that Rolfing has been exempt from the massage ordinance in
Modesto California since 2001.
Closed Public Comments
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman to accept staff
report on the evaluation process for Town Code Ordinance
2155 regarding the regulation of massage therapy
establishments and massage therapy practitioners.
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Other Business – Continued
16. Introduce ordinance to implement the provisions of the Digital
Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (DIVCA).
Staff report made by Jenny Haruyama, Administrative Programs Manager.
Council Comments
Questioned if there are any time constraints associated with the
Opened Public Comments
Mr. Beachman
Suggested the Town delay adopting the ordinance to allow AT&T to work
with staff on the issues to refine the ordinance.
Closed Public Comments
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman to introduce
ordinance to implement the provisions of the Digital
Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (DIVCA).
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman to waive the
reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Barbara
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Barbara Spector directed Jackie Rose, Clerk Administrator to read the
title of the ordinance.
3. Approve the 2008 Council/Commission Retreat Issue Matrix.
Mr. Davis
Commented that he attended the Council/Commission Retreat
and expressed disappointment in Council’s relationship with the Youth
Commented on the Council Code of Conduct as it relates to Boards and
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Joe Pirzynski to approve the
2008 Council/Commission Retreat Issue Matrix.
Seconded by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman.
Council Discussion
Commented that the Youth Commissioners expressed concerns about
their role as commissioners.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
4. Adopt resolution granting an appeal of a Planning Commission decision
and approving applications to demolish a single family residence build
prior to 1941, and a 3,250 square-foot office building, merge two existing
parcels and construct a new 15,510 square-foot office building on property
Zoned O.
Mr. Korb
Clarified the process for Consent Item #4.
Mr. McNeill
Commented on the Architecture and Site approval for the proposed
Commented against the proposed project and stated that it does not fit in
with the neighborhood.
Mr. Whittaker
Commented against the proposed project and that the project is not
environmentally sensitive to the neighborhood.
Pulled Consent Item #4 – Continued
Mr. Mekechuk
Commented against the proposed project.
Commented that he is speaking on behalf of Colleen Marchbank and that
she is against the proposed project.
Commented that the proposed development does not fit with the
surrounding neighborhood.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to adopt
resolution granting an appeal of a Planning Commission
decision and approving applications to demolish a single
family residence build prior to 1941, and a 3,250 square-foot
office building, merge two existing parcels and construct a
new 15,510 square-foot office building on property Zoned O.
Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion passed 4/1 with Mayor Barbara Spector voting
17. Council Matters
Council Member Steve Glickman
Invited the Community to attend the Shakespeare Festival at Oak Meadow
Park in July.
Mayor Barbara Spector
Thanked staff and Council for a great job over the past 9 months.
18. Manager Matters
Mr. Larson, Town Manager
Reported on the capture of a coyote by Vector Control over the weekend.
/s/ Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator