The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on
Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member
Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Mike
Absent: None.
Isabela Presedo-Floyd, 4th grader from Alta Vista Elementary, led the Pledge of
Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate.
(Government Code Section 54956.8)
Property: Lark and Winchester
Negotiating parties: Town of Los Gatos (Negotiator: Pamela Jacobs,
Interim Town Manager)
Northern California Partners I, LLC (Negotiator: Robin B. Kennedy)
U.S. Development Partners, Inc. (Negotiator: Grant Sedgewick)
Boccardo Management Group (Negotiator: Jim Rees)
Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment
Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken.
Closed Session – Continued
(Government Code Section 54956.8)
Property: 123 E. Main Street
Negotiating parties: Town of Los Gatos (Negotiator: Pamela Jacobs,
Interim Town Manager)
Los Gatos Saratoga Community Education & Recreation District
(Negotiator: Steve Rauwolf, Executive Director)
Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment
Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken.
(Government Code Section 54957)
Town Negotiator: Rumi Portillo, Human Resources Director
Title: Town Attorney
Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken.
Mr. Korb stated that Council directed him to inform the public that Council has no
interest at this time in selling either property.
1. Adopt resolution authorizing the Town Manager to accept a donation
from the Los Gatos Police Foundation of an enclosed firearms and
range cargo trailer. RESOLUTION 2007-100
2. PPW Job No. 07-02 - Villa Avenue Retaining Wall Replacement Project
0406 Adopt resolution accepting work of Casey Construction
Company and authorizing the Interim Town Manager to execute
Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion for recording by
the Clerk Administrator. RESOLUTION 2007-101
3. PPW Job No. 07-03 - Johnson Avenue Storm Drain Improvement
Project Adopt resolution accepting work of Casey Construction
Company and authorizing the Interim Town Manager to execute
Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion for recording by
the Clerk Administrator. RESOLUTION 2007-102
Consent Items – Continued
4. PPW Job No. 08-07 - Bachman Park Irrigation Project (410-0607)
Adopt resolution approving plans and specifications for the Bachman
Park irrigation project and authorize staff to advertise the project for
bid. RESOLUTION 2007-103
5. PPW Job No. 07-05 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk
Repair and Replacement Program.
a. Adopt resolution declaring CB Construction to be the lowest
responsible bidder on the project and award a construction contract
in the amount of $105,800. RESOLUTION 2007-104
b. Authorize staff to execute future change orders to the construction
contract as necessary up to an amount of $15,000.
6. Approve response to Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury Report -
Disaster Preparedness in the County: Improvements Needed.
7. Approve Council/Agency minutes of August 20, 2007.
Mr. Davis pulled Consent Item #7.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski stated that the Pulled Consent Item #7 would be heard
after Other Business.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to approve
Consent Items #1-6.
Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Hoffman
Commented that she feels that the Apple Store’s modern store front does
not fit with historic downtown.
Commented that the downtown area should be kept as a historical district.
Mr. Carroll
Commented about the Council meeting held on June 4, 2007 relating to
swapping property with the County.
Expressed disappointment about a letter from Mayor Joe Pirzynski and
Council Member Mike Wasserman asking that the County reconsider its
offer to purchase the Town’s property.
Suggested working with the County to meet both Town and County needs.
Mr. Davis
Commented on the need for youth sports facilities in the community.
Questioned the Council about a $20,000 dollar donation from Sobrato for
soccer fields and requested documentation regarding the location of the
Expressed disappointment about the August 7th letter to the County
regarding the Vasona property.
Ms. Wellington
Commented on the lack of sports fields for youth in the community and
that other communities around the bay area have sports fields.
Mr. Ross
Expressed concerns about the Town’s letter dated August 7th regarding
the Vasona property.
Mr. Cole
Expressed concern that money is motivating the Town to sell its property
in Vasona Park.
Suggested that Council take into consideration the need for sports fields in
the community.
Ms. Meulman
Commented on the poor condition of Los Gatos fields and that teams are
leaving the Town to play in other communities.
Verbal Communications – Continued
Mr. Byron
Commented that the community has made a point of not wanting to sell
the land located within Vasona Park.
Stated that he was unaware that the property located at Lark and
Winchester and 123 East Main Street was for sale.
Commented that he feels Council wants to use the money from the sale of
the properties to fund the Civic Center project.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski
Clarified that the Attorney had already reported from Closed Session that
the Council had no interest in selling the properties located at Lark and
Winchester and 123 East Main Street.
Mr. Laccabue
Commented that he feels that the Town wants to sell the Vasona property
to acquire money.
Suggested that an exploratory committee consisting of citizens and real
estate professionals be included in the process.
Mr. Piazza
Expressed interest in volunteering his professional experience to
confirm the value of the property located in Vasona Park.
Commented that the offer from the County should be counter-offered with
a land-swap.
Ms. Barclay
Expressed concerns about an increase in drug activity on Millbrae Lane.
Commented that drug activity is occurring in Vasona Park and that a task
force should be implemented by the Police Department.
Closed Verbal Communications
8. Massage Ordinance
a. Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending Chapter 14 of the Los
Gatos Town Code regarding the regulation of massage therapy
establishments and massage therapy practitioners.
b. Adopt resolution amending Resolution 2007-026 certain department
fees, rates and charges.
Staff report made by Alana Forrest, Captain, Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police
Council Comments
Requested clarification as to whether a business license fee is required in
addition to the annual fee for the proposed massage permit.
Questioned if the current massage ordinance has authority to address
possible illegal activity.
Questioned how the privacy of businesses and clients would be protected.
Suggested that the ordinance should be changed to specify who would
have the authorization to inspect the records of massage establishments.
Requested clarification about the cost to the practitioner, including
malpractice insurance costs.
Requested clarification on the use of the dressing/massage room by the
client and practitioner at the same time.
Mr. Korb
Stated that the intent of the section in question was to allow the client to
change clothing privately in a dressing room.
Clarified exemption language related to the entity managing the
Clarified which Town officials are responsible for code enforcement and
investigation and stated that the section allows inspection in the course of
an investigation to determine if there is a crime and obtain evidence for
legal proceedings.
Open Public Hearing
Mr. Dragosavac
Expressed concern that the ordinance criminalizes the industry.
Commented that massage therapy is a healthy positive experience and
should be treated with respect.
Commented on the penalties associated with the proposed ordinance and
that exceptions should be made.
Would like to see a de-criminalization of the whole process relating
to massage therapy.
Suggested that there should be exceptions for forms of massage that
occur in open places.
Ms. Christman
Commented that massage therapy is a well-respected profession within
the community.
Supports the schooling requirements in the proposed ordinance and
asked if the Town would allow more time to complete the required 300
Ms. Ranger
Concerned that the ordinance misrepresents the massage therapy
Requested that Council not pass the ordinance, but solicit more feedback
to better clarify the ordinance.
Suggested researching "best practices" of other cities that have massage
Ms. MacInnis
Expressed support of the changes in the proposed ordinance.
Questioned if the proposed ordinance grandfathers the educational
requirements for people who were already practicing massage.
Concerned with the records inspection process and the confidentiality
rights of her customers.
Commented on the HIPPA law and related privacy issues.
Questioned if there would be a cap on the number of massage businesses
allowed in Town.
Ms. Deane
Expressed support for the proposed ordinance.
Ms. Rice
Commented that the education requirement of 300 hours is very
Commented that the inspection of records would not affect her business.
Public Hearing Item #8 – Continued
Mr. Gustafson
Questioned the enforcement of business licenses.
Suggested that the proposed ordinance language should be further
refined, particularly provisions related to educational requirements for
those currently practicing massage.
Public Hearing Closed
Council Discussion
Council Member Steve Glickman requested that the Public Hearing be
re-opened to ask Ms. Rice about the impact of the record inspection
provisions on her customers.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski re-opened the Public Hearing.
Ms. Rice
Clarified that she feels that the proposed provisions would not affect her
Commented that she understood that the inspection of records would
occur if illegal activity was suspected or occurring.
Public Hearing Closed
Council Discussion
Clarified the transition time needed for practicing massage therapists who
do not have the 300 hours.
Questioned if the Chief of Police could accommodate therapists that have
a hardship.
Suggested that the HIPPA restrictions should be re-examined as part of
the proposed ordinance.
Captain Alana Forrest
Clarified the transition time to meet educational requirements and the
grandfather clause for existing therapists.
Clarified that granting approval or denial is at the discretion of the Police
Clarified that the recordkeeping information obtained is first and last name
Public Hearing Item #8 - Continued
Mr. Korb
Clarified that the provision to inspect records in the proposed ordinance
does not violate HIPPA.
Clarified how existing massage therapists would be grandfathered in the
Clarified how violations would be enforced.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to continue to a
future meeting to allow staff time to address:
HIPPA requirements
The inspection of the records process
Language relating to criminalization
Transition time for existing therapists
Language relating to the separation of
dressing/massage rooms for the client and the
Language on Page 5, sub-section b (1) relating to
personally giving massages verses the exemptions.
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski called for a recess at 8:30 p.m. The meeting resumed at
8:40 p.m.
9. Introduce ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos pursuant to recently
enacted Health and Safety Code Section 33342.7, adopting a
description of the program for the acquisition of real property by
eminent domain for the Redevelopment Plan of the central Los Gatos
project area, and approving related actions.
Staff report made by Orry Korb, Town Attorney
Council Comments
Questioned the requirements and wording for the revised statement
relating to eminent domain.
Suggested that the ordinance in Section 5 be revised to include the
words”to be prepared.”
Other Business Item #9 - Continued
Mr. Korb
Clarified that the wording for the revised statement would be exactly as
stated in Exhibit A of the ordinance.
Commented that the only additional information required would be to
identify the properties in the Redevelopment project area affected by the
Open/Close Public Comments
Council Discussion
Council directed Jackie Rose, Clerk Administrator, to read the title of the
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to waive the
reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to introduce
the ordinance with the revision to the language as follows:
Add "to be" before prepared as part of Section 5 in
the ordinance.
Seconded by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
10. "Green" Initiatives.
a. Accept report regarding "Green" Initiatives.
b. Authorize $15,000 budget transfer from Manager’s Productivity
Reserve to the Solid Waste Management Fund.
Staff Report
Staff report made by Regina Falkner, Community Services Director
Other Business Item #10 - Continued
Open Public Comments
Ms. Currie
Requested clarification about the type of projects associated with the
$15,000 dollars for green initiatives.
Suggested purchasing solar garbage cans to help with the overflow of
garbage in the downtown area.
Ms. Quintana
Commented that she is very impressed with the Town's desire to impact
climate change and that more could be done by the Town.
Mr. Rennie
Expressed support of the allocation of funds for the Green Initiative
Closed Public Comments
Council Discussion
Commented that climate change needs to be addressed from a regional
Ms. Falkner
Commented on the Joint Venture Silicon Valley’s climate protection Task
Force, Sustainable Silicon Valley, and the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives.
Commented that these groups work together with other cities to measure
green house emissions.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to accept report
regarding "Green" Initiatives and to authorize $15,000
budget transfer from Manager’s Productivity Reserve to the
Solid Waste Management Fund.
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
7. Approve Council/Agency minutes of August 20, 2007.
Mr. Davis was not present to speak to Consent Item #7.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to approve
Consent Item #7 - Council/Agency minutes of August 20,
Seconded by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Council Matters
Vice Mayor Barbara Spector
Commented on the upcoming September 27, 2007, special
meeting organized by the cities of Saratoga, Monte Sereno and the Town
of Los Gatos, at the Saratoga Community Center.
Indicated that the intent of the meeting is for residents to identify actions
they can take to protect the environment.
Council Member Steve Glickman
Commented that there would be an upcoming Council meeting to discuss
“Hard to Serve” areas designated by Green Valley Collections.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski
Commented on Town Hall in the Neighborhood at Fisher Middle School on
September 24th.
12. Manager Matters
None this evening.
Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator