M08-20-07 1 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUGUST 20, 2007 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Mike Wasserman. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - LED BY FUTURE LEADER Alex Nedde, Arch Bishop Mitty Senior serving on the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Emergency Response Team, and Youth Citizen of the year, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. CLOSED SESSION REPORT CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54956.8) Property: Vasona Property Negotiating parties: Town of Los Gatos (Negotiator: Pamela Jacobs, Interim Town Manager) County of Santa Clara (Negotiator: Pete Kutras, County Executive) Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Government Code Section 54957) Title: Town Attorney Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken. 2 PRESENTATION Proclamation - Pascagoula Day - August 26, 2007 Mayor Joe Pirzynski  Proclaimed August 26, 2007 as Pascagoula Day.  Commented that the Katrina Consortium will host a fund raiser called "Los Gatos has Heart," selling bracelets to raise funds for the residents in Pascagoula affected by Hurricane Katrina. TOWN COUNCIL CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Ratify Accounts Payable for the month of July, 2007 2. Accept Treasurer’s Reports for May and June, 2007 3. Adopt ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending the Town Code effecting a zone change from CH to CH:PD for property located at 15200 Los Gatos Blvd. ORDINANCE 2153 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 4. Ratify Accounts Payable for the month of July, 2007 TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5. Approve Council/Agency minutes of August 6, 2007 Mr. Davis pulled Consent Items #3 and #5. Mayor Joe Pirzynski stated pulled Consent Items #3 and #5 will be heard after Other Business. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to approve Consent Items #1,#2, and #4. Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 3 VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Davis  Commented on the Town Manager recruitment and selection process.  Commented that he feels that the possible sale of Town property located in Vasona Park should be discussed in public. Closed Verbal Communications PUBLIC HEARINGS No Public Hearings were scheduled for this evening. OTHER BUSINESS 6. Discuss transportation priorities in preparation for a presentation to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency’s (VTA) Policy Advisory Committee in September, 2007 Mayor Joe Pirzynski requested that Council Member Steve Glickman provide a status report. Council Member Glickman  Clarification on the role of VTA’s Policy Advisory Committee.  Clarified that the Policy Advisory Committee encourages discussion on the transportation needs of member agencies  Commented that this is an opportunity for Los Gatos to inform the committee about the community’s needs. Staff report made by Kevin Rohani, Interim Director of Parks and Public Works. Council Comments  Commented that statistics related to the community bus pilot project show that Los Gatos residents are using light rail, particularly during peak traffic hours.  Commented about the funding opportunities to extend the Light Rail from the Campbell Station to the proposed Vasona Station.  Commented that the Morgan Hill community bus is based on the successful pilot project done in Los Gatos.  Commented that the Town should promote and encourage VTA to complete the proposed Vasona Station project. 4 Other Business Item #6 – Continued Mr. Rohani  Commented that the cost of the extension to the proposed Vasona station is feasible relative to other projects.  Commented on the September 14, 2007, presentation to the VTA Policy Advisory Committee. 7. Adopt resolution opposing SB 375 and authorizing the listing of the Town on "No On SB 375" coalition materials Staff report made by Jenny Haruyama, Administrative Programs Manager. Council Comments  Commented that there is not enough information relating to SB375 to make a decision at the present time.  Commented that land use decisions should be made at the local level.  Commented that emissions requirements should not be mandated by the state without local input.  Questioned if the language in the resolution could be amended.  Inquired if the wording in the resolution (related to “declaring SB375 a two year bill") would mean that Council would oppose the bill in its current form.  Questioned if the League of California Cities is in favor of a two year bill. Ms. Haruyama  Stated that the two year bill would allow time for the League to work with the sponsors to change any language. Council Comments  Suggested amending the resolution to read: “Now therefore, be it Resolved, that the Los Gatos Council opposes SB375 in its present form and urges the Honorable Senator Steinberg to declare SB375 a two year bill.” Mr. Korb  Clarified that the California League of Cities urges it to be a two year bill to allow for further amendments, but if it is not made a two year bill, the League urges that the bill in its present form should be opposed. 5 Other Business Item #7 – Continued MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to adopt resolution opposing SB 375 and authorizing the listing of the Town on "No on SB 375" coalition with an amendment to the resolution that states:  “Now therefore, be it Resolved, that the Los Gatos Council opposes SB375 in its present form and urges the Honorable Senator Steinberg to declare SB375 a two year bill.” Seconded by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed 4/1. Council Member Diane McNutt voting no. PULLED CONSENT ITEMS Consent Item #3 Adopt ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending the Town Code effecting a zone change from CH to CH:PD for property located at 15200 Los Gatos Blvd. Mr. Bawden  Commented about the project’s impact on his family.  Requested that the dumpster be moved to the north side of property.  Requested that the hours of construction be Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. and Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excluded. Mr. Davis  Commented project will jeopardize his family’s quality of life.  Commented that the dumpster should be on the north side and that a sound wall should be built.  Would like to see the Conditional Use Permit changed to reflect the Planning Commission's recommendations during the Architecture and Site process. Council Comments  Inquired if hours of operation, dumpster location, and hours of construction are determined through the Architecture and Site process.  Asked if the hours of construction for the project are standard for the Town. 6 Pulled Consent Item #3 – Continued Mr. Korb  Clarified that the hours of operation would be addressed by the Planning Commission during the Architecture and Site process.  Commented that the dumpster area is determined in part by the official plan, and the location would be addressed during the Architecture and Site process.  Commented that the construction hours are set by Town ordinance.  Clarified that shortening construction hours results in a longer construction period.  Commented on the process for trash hauling and hours of operation relating to trash.  Commented that the Police Department and the Community Development Department are sensitive to the violation of established construction hours, and excessive noise MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to adopt ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending the Town Code effecting a zone change from CH to CH:PD for property located at 15200 Los Gatos Blvd. Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Consent Item #5 Approve Council/Agency minutes of August 6, 2007 Mr. Davis  Commented that he felt that his statement about an alleged donation to Council Member McNutt from Ken Rodrigues was not reflected properly in the August 6, 2007 Minutes. Council Member McNutt  Commented that there are disclosure forms filed with the Clerk Department listing donations accepted by all candidates and elected officials, and that these forms show that she did not receive a donation from Mr. Rodriques. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Mike Wasserman to approve Council/Agency minutes of August 6, 2007. Seconded by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 7 COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS 8. Council Matters Verbal Overview of Town Hall in the Neighborhood - 2010 General Plan Update - Library Development Project - Los Gatos Prepared Mayor Joe Pirzynski  Commented on the Town Hall in the Neighborhood meeting to be held on August 27, 2007 at Shir Hadash.  Commented that the meeting would provide an overview of the General Plan Update, Library Development Project, and Los Gatos Prepared efforts. Council Member Steve Glickman  Commented that he would like to discuss Town priorities as it relates to recreation needs and what the Town should provide. Vice Mayor Barbara Spector  Suggested that partnerships between the school districts, other organizations and the Town could address the community’s recreational needs.  Commented that the General Plan Update should address the issue of climate control. Mayor Joe Pirzynski  Commented that the Town will be more informed on community recreational resources after the inventory has been completed.  Commented that he has toured new local library facilities and noted their vibrancy and ability to provide services to the community.  Commented that individuals need to understand how to be prepared i n the event of an emergency  Commented that a Los Gatos Prepared event will be held on October 17, 2007. 9. Manager Matters None this evening. ADJOURNMENT Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator