MARCH 5, 2007
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on
Monday, March 5, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member
Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Mike
Absent: None.
Brittany Nelson, Vice President, and Katie Lamson, Class Historian, both
from Blossom Hill School led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited
to participate.
(Government Code Section 54956.8)
Property: Vasona Property
Negotiating parties: Town of Los Gatos (Negotiator: Debra Figone, Town
County of Santa Clara: (Negotiator: Pete Kutras, County Executive)
Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment
Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken.
Project Cornerstone - "Community Values Youth Award"
Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation Department
Mayor Joe Pirzynski presented the commendation to the Los Gatos-Saratoga
Recreation Department.
Mr. Loya and Mr. Rauwolf accepted the "Community Values Youth Award" on
behalf of the Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation Department and the Venue/Teen
Mr. Loya and Mr. Rauwolf
Commented regarding the community projects hosted by the Venue/T een
Center which values the teens in the community, and regarding the
Town’s support of teens.
Proclamation Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Mayor Joe Pirzynski read the proclamation regarding the awareness of
colorectal cancer and proclaimed March, 2007 as Colorectal Cancer Awareness
1. Approve Council minutes of February 12, 2007 Study Session
2. Ratify payroll for the month of January 2007
3. Ratify accounts payable for the month of January 2007
4. Equipment Purchase - Adopt resolution authorizing the Town
Manager to execute an agreement with Victory Auto World Dealer
Group for the purchase of one new 2007 Dodge Sprinter Van in the
amount of $38,128 from the equipment replacement fund.
5. Project 06-33 - Tree Pruning and Removal.
a. Adopt resolution declaring Valley Crest Tree Care Services to be the
lowest responsible bidder on the project and awarding a tree pruning
and removal contract in the amount of $32,890.
b. Authorize staff to issue change orders to the contract up to an
amount of $5,000.
Consent Items Continued
6. Approve Council/Agency minutes of February 20, 2007 .
7. Ratify accounts payable for January 2007.
Council Member Steve Glickman pulled Consent Item# 1
Mr. Davis pulled Consent Item #6
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Mike Wasserman to approve
Consent Items #2-5, and #7.
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Davis
Commended the Council regarding the construction of the sidewalks along
Blossom Hill Road.
Commented that he feels there was a discrepancy relating to the amount
of the Town’s Reserves and the amount stated by the Mayor at the State
of the Town Address.
Commented regarding the DeSantis project.
Closed Verbal Communication
8. Consider a request to modify a Conditional Use Permit (I Gatti’s) to
allow the service of full liquor on property zoned C-2. APN 529-28-
037. Conditional Use Permit U-06-005. Property location: 25 E. Main
Street. Property owner: Hoo Gee Hom. Applicant: I Gatti Italian
Bistro, Inc.
Staff report made by Randy Tsuda, Assistant Director of Community
Public Hearings Continued – Item #8
Open Public Hearing
Neda Voyles, Applicant
Commented on trying to keep up with the times and changes in the
restaurant industry.
Commented regarding her family’s history in the community.
Commented that the approval would be a nice addition for the restaurant
and community.
Council Comment
Questioned the timeframe for the renewal of their ABC license.
Closed Public Hearing
Council Discussion
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to approve a request
to modify a Conditional Use Permit (I Gatti’s) to allow the service of
full liquor on property zoned C-2, and to add the required findings
from the staff report in attachment #2. APN 529-28-037.
Conditional Use Permit U-06-005. Property location: 25 E. Main
Street. Property owner: Hoo Gee Hom. Applicant: I Gatti Italian
Bistro, Inc.
Seconded by Council Member Diane McNutt.
Council Discussion
Commented regarding the Planning Commission’s concern relating to the
policy for a beer and wine license being expanded to a full alcohol license.
Commented that a discussion of the alcohol policy will take place at the
Council retreat on March 9 and 10, 2007.
Commented regarding the consideration given established restaurants
when making alcohol policy decisions.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearings Continued – Item #9
9. Consider an appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying a
request for a two lot subdivision on property zoned HR-2 ½ . No
significant environmental impacts have been identified as a result of
this project and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended.
APN 527-11-005. Subdivision Application M-06-4. Negative
Declaration ND-06-4. Property location: 15500 Francis Oaks Way.
Property owner/applicant/appellant: Mike and Ann Moffat
Staff report made by Randy Tsuda, Assistant Director of Community
Council Comments
Clarification regarding the slope density formula.
Questioned the Planning Commission’s facts for denial of the proposed
Questioned if the subdivision plans were to be considered this evening.
Clarification regarding the consistency between the General Plan, Hillside
Guidelines and Development Standards, and the Town’s Zoning Code
relating to the proposed project.
Questioned if the Planning Commission considered the conceptual design
issues relating to the subdivision map.
Questioned if the applicant felt committed to a smaller design for the
Mr. Korb
Clarified the Town Code relating to the findings for the application.
Council Comments
Questioned the minimum lot size relating to the lot.
Clarification regarding the Town Code policies relating to the slope density
Questioned if the second lot would be considered a buildable site on the
Mr. Korb
Clarified how the slope density formula is determined in the Town Code.
Public Hearing Continued – Item #9
Council Comments
Questioned if the house could be redesigned smaller to fit on the second
Clarification regarding the formula for slope density relating to the second
Commented regarding the inconsistency between the Hillside Guidelines
and the Town’s Zoning Code relating to slope density formula for hillsides.
Commented regarding lot size and parcel size relating to the amount of
dwellings which could be built on a site.
Suggested that the General Plan Committee review the General Plan and
Hillside Standards and Guidelines f or clearer language relating to
discrepancies regarding the slope density formula.
Open Public Hearing
Mr. Moffat, Applicant
Commented regarding the issues relating to the General Plan.
Commented on addressing the neighbors’ concerns relating to the project.
Commented that they have followed all requests from the Community
Development Department relating to the proposed project.
Commented that the proposed project complies with the Hillside
Commented regarding the decrease in the lot size.
Commented regarding the conceptual design of the home.
Commented regarding the concerns for the large oak tree on the site.
Council Comments
Questioned slope density and setback requirements.
Questioned where the setback measurements begin.
Ms. McLaughlin
Commented against the proposed subdivision.
Commented that a previous owner was not allowed to sub divide that lot.
Commented that she feels that the proposed setbacks are inconsistent
with the neighborhood.
Mr. Mclaughlin
Commented against the proposed subdivision.
Commented regarding the Hillside Standards relating to the proposed
Commented on conflicts relating to the private roads.
Commented that he feels that the lot is not a sub-dividable lot.
Public Hearings Continued – Item #9
Mr. Harwin
Commented against the proposed subdivision.
Commented that the proposed project does not meet the minimum
requirements to qualify for the slope density formula.
Commented regarding the 2004 Hillside Standards and Guidelines relating
to the buildable sites on the property.
Mr. Weissman
Commented against the proposed subdivision.
Commented that he feels the proposed project does not meet
requirements relating to the Hillside Guidelines.
Suggested that the lot is inappropriate for a subdivision.
Mr. Davis
Commented against the proposed subdivision.
Commented that the Town Code conflicts with the slope density
Commented that there was no verbal report from the Planning
Commented that he feels that staff had made recommendations relating to
the proposed project.
Ms. Quintana
Commented regarding the discussion of log notes by the Planning
Commented regarding the 40,000 square foot minimum lot size.
Commented regarding the use of the Hillside Guidelines.
Mr. Moffat, Applicant
Commented regarding the timeframe in which the property became sub
Commented on the different setbacks in the neighborhood.
Commented regarding scenic easements.
Requested that Council give direction to Planning Commission if the
project is remanded.
Commented on the setbacks and conceptual home design relating to the
proposed project.
Commented regarding the year the current home on the property was
Questioned the 30% slopes on the property.
Commented regarding the previous owner's land use issues.
Closed Public Hearing
Public Hearings Continued – Item #9
Council Discussion
Commented regarding presentation of the conceptual design of the home
and the ability to subdivide.
Commented on the new acreage proposal and new plans submitted to the
Community Development Department.
Clarification regarding the accuracy of the slope as measured.
Questioned if the lot is buildable and sub dividable by the Town’s
Commented regarding the determination whether the Planning
Commission erred.
Commented that the Planning Commission had the facts to make the
finding under the State Subdivision Map Act "C", that the site is not
physically suitable for that type development; that the site was too close to
street, the issue of the tree, lot was too narrow, and lack of outdoor space.
Commented that there should be some idea of what the home will be like
when making Subdivision decision.
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector remand back to Planning
Commission with the new plans and new layout. Request that the
Planning Commission review the entire application with the new
plans and pursue the application with the ordinances that are in
place at this time. Motion is to include the finding that the Planning
Commission did not err.
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
Council Discussion
Suggested that every precaution is looked into relating to the parcel being
a buildable site.
Requested giving clear direction to the Planning Commission regarding
Council concerns relating to the size of the lot and creating a lot that is
Questioned the analysis relating to calculations for the slope density
Commented on sending direction to the planning Commission suggesting
that by approval of the motion, Council is agreeing that there is new
information relating to the application.
Commented that the conceptual design of the home does not
guarantee the size of the home that could be built on the site.
Commented that language relating to the proposal be completely analyzed
by the Planning Commission.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski called for a recess.
Public Hearings Continued – Item #10
10. Consider an appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying a
request to approve exterior modifications to a commercial building
and to modify an existing conditional use permit to allow expansion of
an existing restaurant (Vittoria) and a change in alcohol service on
property zoned C-2. APN 510-44-033, 034, and 035. Conditional Use
Permit U-07-09. Architecture and Site Application S-07-12. Property
location: 23-27 N. Santa Cruz Avenue. Property
owner/applicant/appellant: Santa Cruz Real, LLC
Staff report made by Randy Tsuda, Assistant Director of Community
Council Comments
Clarification regarding loss of a potential retail space to restaurant space.
Clarification regarding the available space at the time Apple Computer h ad
submitted their application.
Questioned the findings for the Architecture and Site Application and the
Clarification regarding the findings relating to the Conditional Use Permit
and the Architectural and Site Application.
Open Public Hearing
Mr. Giovannotto, Applicant
Requested approval of a liquor license and approval of a larger space.
Commented that the space in the back of the restaurant has always been
used for storage and food preparation.
Commented that the addition to the restaurant is very small.
Commented that he feels he has a unique situation relating to the space
surrounding his restaurant.
Commented that the restaurant is allowed 84 seats per the parking
Commented that there would never be a bar since the size of the
restaurant is so small and hours of operation would not be conductive to
bar operation.
Commented that the space in question has never been used for retail.
Council Comment
Questioned the public safety record relating to the restaurant’s previous
alcohol use.
Mr. Tsuda
Commented that the restaurant has a clean record regarding public safety.
Public Hearings Continued – Item #10
Mr. Arzie
Commented regarding the previous retail spaces at that location.
Commented regarding the extra seating from the previous restaurant.
Commented regarding acoustics in the restaurant.
Mr. Giovannotto
Commented regarding the space leased by Apple Computer.
Commented regarding the acoustics in the restaurant, and commented
that the only way to improve it would be to widen the space.
Council Comments
Questioned the Conditional Use Permit relating to alcohol use for the
Questioned if applicant would consider adding a phrase to the Conditional
Use Permit stating that a bar shall not be permitted in the premises.
Commented that the conditions of approval only allow alcohol with food
Questioned if alcohol could be served as customers were waiting for a
Closed Public Hearing
Council Discussion
Commented regarding policies relating to retail uses.
Commented that the request for alcohol use is consistent with the General
plan and the Alcohol Use policy.
Requested clarification from applicant regarding possible approval of
either the Conditional Use Permit for alcohol or the restaurant expansion.
Re-Open Public Hearing
Mr. Giovannotto, Applicant
Clarified that they would like to continue with application for the alcohol
use even if the expansion issue was denied.
Closed Public Hearing
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to approve the change
in alcohol service under U-07-09.
Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearings Continued – Item #10
Council Discussion
Commented that the alcohol policy is scheduled for discussion at the
council retreat this weekend.
Commented regarding the expansion of the space in the rear of the
Clarification regarding emergency exits and restrooms if the appeal was
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt approve the
Architectural and Site and Conditional Use Permit applications as
proposed with the findings as listed:
The project is categorically exempt from environmental
The proposed use of the property is essential or desirable to
the public convenience or welfare.
The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character
of the zone.
The proposed uses of the property are in harmony with the
various elements or objectives of the General Plan and
purposes of the Town Code.
The basis for reversal is that an error was made by the
Planning Commission relating to a policy decision.
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
Council Discussion
Commented regarding the change of fact relating to the Planning
Commission’s decision.
Commented regarding supporting the motion.
Commented that the issue of policy should not be the Planning
Commission’s role.
Commented regarding the successful balance of retail and restaurants in
the downtown area.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Consent Item #1
Approve Council minutes of February 12, 2007 Study Session.
Council Member Steve Glickman
Commented that he felt there was a lack of content under "Council
Comments" relating to the February 12, 2007 study session.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to approve Consent
Item #1.
Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman.
VOTE: Motion passed 4/1. Council Member Steve Glickman voting no.
Consent Item #6
Approve Council/Agency minutes of February 20, 2007.
Mr. Davis
Commented regarding the lack of information in action only minutes in
Commented that he feels written minutes are the only archival minutes.
Commented that the minutes from February 20, 2007 were exceptional.
Commented regarding the lack of information relating to the State of the
Town Address.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Mike Wasserman approve Consent
Item #6.
Seconded by Council Member Diane McNutt.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
None this evening.
11. Council Matters
Council Member Barbara Spector
Requested that the two ordinances relating to slope density and land area
and the provision in the Hillside Standards and Guidelines relating to land
use be sent to the General Plan Committee for review and consistency.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski supported the request.
Mr. Glickman
Commented regarding the approval of the Apple Store and the denial of
the American Apparel application.
Commented that both stores are formula stores.
Commented on his concerns regarding the denial of stores relating to
Questioned if Los Gatos is a teen friendly Town.
Would like to see more actions to make the Town a kid friendly one.
Mr. Pirzynski
Clarified that the downtown area has been saturated with apparel shops
and has no electronics.
Commented that Apple Computer will be popular with teens.
Commented that he feels that Council Member Glickman had overstated
his case and underestimated the community.
Commented that this is not an agendized matter.
Mr. Wasserman
Commented regarding kid related projects going on in Town.
Commented on the youth sports programs in Town.
Commented that the Youth Commission is a community benefit.
Commented that the Town’s Teen Center was recognized for their youth
Mr. Glickman
Commented that he feels the Town Government does not support teens.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski
Reminded Council that this is not an agendized matter.
12. Manager Matters
None this evening.
Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator