M02-12-07 study session
FEBRUARY 12, 2007
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on
Monday, February 12, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member
Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Mike
Absent: None.
Council Member Steve Glickman was present via a conference call during
tonight's Study Session.
(Government Code Section 54956.8)
Property: 15900 Los Gatos Boulevard (Verizon)
Negotiating parties: Town of Los Gatos (Negotiator: Debra Figone, Town
Owner’s Representative, Jeff Hardy, CB Richard Ellis Under negotiation: Price
and terms of payment
Mr. Korb stated direction was given and no action was taken.
Mr. Davis
Commented regarding the building of oversized homes in Los Gatos.
Study Session and direction on the vision, conceptual costs, funding sources,
and phasing options for the Civic Center/Library Master Plan.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski
Commented regarding tonight’s study session on the vision of the Civic
Center/Library Master Plan (CCMP).
Presentation Continued
Debra Figone, Town Manager
Commented regarding:
o The great work produced by staff and the consulting team.
o The history of the CCMP dating from the early 1980s.
o Why planning for the future is valuable.
o The elements of the CCMP to-date.
o The key principles shaping the CCMP.
o That space estimates are based on the services desired by the
community and technical analyses, and that the targeted square
footage represents basic space needs.
Pamela Anderson-Brule, Brule Architects
Commented regarding the vision for the Civic Center site, including:
o A police facility on the west side of the site, with a parking garage
(one level underground).
o A library/community center on the east side, with an underground
parking garage.
o A one-floor library with views to Pageant Park.
o The realignment of Fiesta Way to the eastern edge of the site.
o Renovations to the existing Town Hall with a one stop shop
Community Development Center.
o The extensive amount of green spaces.
o Public assembly spaces and conference spaces
o Protection of the majority of significant trees on the site.
Commented on a phased vision for the Civic Center site, allowing phased
build-out of the CCMP through a separate two-story Library and separate
two-story Community Center.
Ms. Figone
Commented on the highlights of the conceptual cost model to implement
the CCMP, including:
o Estimates based on concepts, not actual buildings.
o The high cost of underground parking.
o The parking analysis which is still being developed.
o Escalation over time will increase cost estimates.
o The cost for furniture, fixtures and equipment not included in the
conceptual cost model.
Commented regarding potential financing sources for the CCMP, including
reserve accounts, capital campaigns/fundraising, property sales, joint
partnerships, Redevelopment Agency bonds, or General Obligation
Presentation Continued
Pamela Jacobs, Assistant Town Manager
Commented regarding a public opinion poll conducted to obtain
benchmark information about voters opinions related to public facilities
and potential support for a bond measure, including:
o Voters feel positively about Town services
o 61% had not heard anything about the CCMP
o Support for a bond measure fell below 2/3 majority needed
o Support for a new library was slightly higher than support for other
o Public outreach and education is needed before undertaking a
bond measure.
o The Library should be a central focus of any potential bond
Ms. Figone
Commented regarding deficiencies pertaining to the facilities of the current
Civic Center.
Suggested Council feedback relating to the site vision and phasing and
financing options for the proposed CCMP.
Commented regarding direction and next steps for the Civic Center/Master
Council Comments
Clarification regarding the vision for the Civic Center site.
Ms. Anderson-Brule
Clarified the elements in the site vision, the phasing possible, and the
uses of the existing pods.
Council Comments
Questioned if the garage on the west side and the library could be built
without affecting the existing facilities.
Clarification regarding the phasing option relating to Fiesta Way.
Questioned the use of the existing buildings for administrative services.
Questioned the option of adding new buildings versus utilizing the existing
Questioned the cost impacts to property taxes for the residents.
Questioned the funding options if the project were phased.
Ms. Figone
Commented on the costs associated with bonds relating to property taxes
on assessed values.
Public Comment
Mr. Davis
Commented on supporting an off-site police facility.
Commented that he feels that the Town is built out, and there is no need
for a new Civic Center.
Ms. Baum
Commented regarding the critical needs for the library.
Commented regarding the green spaces and the a reas for community
Commented that the library has outgrown the current space and would
benefit with a larger space to accommodate all the needs of the
community who use the library.
Ms. Olsen
Suggested extending the bond measure to the residents in the county
Questioned if the green space in the proposed plan is smaller than the
current green space.
Ms. Figone
Commented on the options for bonds reaching to the unincorporated
Clarified that the green space is larger in the site vision than current green
Closed Public Comment
Council Discussion
Commented regarding the preservation of the current structure.
Commented regarding the deficient library and police facilities.
Commented regarding more green areas and parking in the proposed
Commented regarding phasing the project to accomplish what can be
Commented that the option to move police off-site is worth pursuing.
Commented that the plan has had significant community input.
Commented that the vision for the CCMP is a sensible plan.
Commented that the library should be the first phase.
Commented that the police facility should be the first phase.
Commented that the facilities should be pursued concurrently.
Presentation Continued
Council Discussion – Continued
Would like to see more creative options to meet the needs of parking.
Would like to explore an off-site police facility.
Commented regarding lower parking demand if the police department is
located off-site.
Commented that downtown merchants may be concerned if a new garage
is built at the Civic Center.
Suggested expanding the library after the police department has moved
Commented regarding the higher costs for adding on or retrofitting existing
Town Hall for the library relative to building a new facility.
Commented regarding the lack of support from the community relating to a
bond measure in the initial public opinion poll.
Commented regarding the 70% support in the public poll relating to the
need for a new police facility.
Commented regarding the 70% support in the public poll relating to the
need for a new Library.
Suggested supporting these needs with Redevelopment Agency bonding
and the “pay as you go” option.
Commented regarding the community support needed to fund a new
Commented regarding the vision for the CCMP as a very appropriate look
into the future.
Supports the idea of phasing and community education relating to the next
steps for the CCMP.
Supports the idea of a bond measure to fund facilities rather than using
Town reserves.
Commented regarding Council majority to move forward to the next
steps with the direction given tonight.
Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator