JANUARY 16, 2007
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member
Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Mike
Absent: None.
Christina Chiocchi, 6th grader from Fisher Middle School led the Pledge of
Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate.
(Government Code Section 54957.6)
Town Negotiator (Lead): Rumi Portillo, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization: Town Employees’ Association (TEA)
Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken.
(Government Code Section 54956.9[b])
Threat of Closure of Olde Drive
Mr. Korb stated that direction was given and no action was taken.
Commendations for Outgoing Board/Commission/Committee Members.
Ms. Machado, Ms. Scheiner, Mr. DuCharme, Mr. Cartmill, Ms. Jones, and Mr.
Errico were not available to attend this evening’s meeting to receive
commendations for their dedicated service to the Town of Los Gatos.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski presented commendations to Ms. White, Ms. Entin, Ms.
Huber, Ms. Lane, Ms. Piasecki, for their years of dedicated service to the Town
of Los Gatos.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski presented special commendations to Kathryn Cusick,
Library Board, and Lee Quintana, Planning Commission, for their many years
of dedicated service to the Town of Los Gatos.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski welcomed Bud Lortz, Community Development Director,
back to work.
1. Accept Staff Recommendations on County Referrals
a. Projects Outside Urban Service Area: None
b. Projects Inside Urban Service Area: 15791 Loma Vista Avenue
c. Status of Previous Applications: None
2. Ratify payroll for the month of December 2006
3. Ratify accounts payable for the month of December 2006
4. Accept Treasurer’s Report for November and December 2006
5. Authorize the Town Manager to accept a $2,500 grant form Pacific Gas
and Electric Company to the Town of Los Gatos to be used to support
the Community Unity Effort in Los Gatos
6. Adopt resolution authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and
execute an amendment to an agreement with KCAT 15 to cablecast
Planning Commission meetings for an additional amount not to
exceed $20,000. RESOLUTION 2007-001
Consent Items Continued
7. Adopt resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an
agreement with the City of Campbell Police Department to formalize
the creation of a regionalized special weapons and tactics (SWAT)
and hostage negotiations team (HNT) and to authorize staff to execute
future amendments and agreements. RESOLUTION 2007-002
8. Adopt resolution amending agreement between the Town of Los
Gatos and the Town Attorney and authorizing the Mayor to sign
amendment on behalf of the Town of Los Gatos.
9. Adopt resolution amending agreement between the Town of Los
Gatos and the Town Manager and authorizing the Mayor to sign
amendment on behalf of the Town of Los Gatos.
10. Adopt resolution granting an appeal of a Planning Commission
decision denying a request to operate a restaurant in conjunction with
retail sales (Powell’s Sweet Shoppe) on property zoned C-2.
Conditional Use Permit U-07-4. APN 510-44-032. Property location: 35
N. Santa Cruz Avenue. Property owner: Richie Asset Management
Co. Applicant/appellant: Knott Family Restaurant/Neil Knott
11. 16961 Placer Oaks - Property owner: Howell and McNeil
Development. Applicant/appellant: Greg Howell
a. Adopt resolution granting an appeal of the Planning Commission
decision to grant an appeal denying a two lot subdivision (lot line
adjustment) on property zoned R-1:8. Subdivision Application M-06-
b. Adopt resolution granting an appeal of the Planning Commission
decision to grant an appeal denying demolition of a single family
residence and construction of two new residences on property zoned
R-1:8. Architecture and Site Application S-06- 016 (Lot #1);
Architecture and Site Application S-06-17 (Lot #2)
Consent Items Continued
12. Project (410-0601) - PPW Job No.05-09 - Award of Construction
Contract for College Avenue Walkway Repair and Resurfacing
a. Adopt resolution declaring Duran and Venables, Incorporated to be
the lowest responsible bidder on the project and awarding a
construction contract in the amount of $48,882
b. Authorize staff to issue change orders to the construction contract up
to an amount of $ 5,000
13. Project 410-0724 (PPW Job No. 03-55) Award of Construction Contract
for Oak Meadow Park Restroom Facility Repairs
a. Adopt resolution declaring Alliance Roofing Company to be the
lowest responsible bidder on the project and awarding a construction
contract in the amount of $21,195. RESOLUTION 2007-007
b. Authorize staff to issue change orders to the construction contract up
to an amount of $3,000
14. Project (0608) - PPW Job No. 04-60 Balzer Field Restroom Remodel
and Expansion
a. Adopt resolution approving plans and specifications for the Balzer
Field Restroom Remodel and Expansion project and authorize staff to
advertise the project for bid. RESOLUTION 2007-008
b. Authorize budget revenue adjustments as follows for the Balzer Field
Restroom Remodel and Expansion project (0608):
(1) $11,174 in state proposition 12 park bond funds
(2) $6,900 from reserve for future year’s capital projects fund
(3) Up to $6,926 from operating program budgets 5050 and 3140 for
staff labor and equipment
c. Authorize project budget expenditure adjustment of $25,000 for the
Balzer Field Restroom Remodel and Expansion project (410-0608)
Consent Items Continued
15. Ratify accounts payable for December 2006
16. Approve Council/Agency minutes of December 18, 2006
Consent Item #11 was pulled by Ms. Greene
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to approve Consent
Items #1-10, and #12-16.
Seconded by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector.
VOTE: Consent Items #1-7, #9, #10 and #12-16 passed unanimously.
Consent Item #8 passed 4/1 with Council Member Steve
Glickman voting no.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski commented on the process regarding the pulled Consent
Item #11.
Mr. Korb clarified the process relating to pulled Consent Item #11.
11. 16961 Placer Oaks - Property owner: Howell and McNeil
Development. Applicant/appellant: Greg Howell
a. Adopt resolution granting an appeal of the Planning Commission
decision to grant an appeal denying a two lot subdivision (lot line
adjustment) on property zoned R-1:8. Subdivision Application M-06-
b. Adopt resolution granting an appeal of the Planning Commission
decision to grant an appeal denying demolition of a single family
residence and construction of two new residences on property zoned
R-1:8. Architecture and Site Application S-06- 016 (Lot #1);
Architecture and Site Application S-06-17 (Lot #2).
Pulled Consent Item #11 Continued
Ms. Greene
Requested reconsideration of the decision made at the December 18,
2006 Town Council meeting relating to 16961 Placer Oaks.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski
Asked if there was Council support to reagendize Item # 11.
Council Member Spector showed support to reagendize the item.
Mr. Davis was given a first warning for disrupting the meeting.
Mr. Greene
Commented regarding reconsideration of the decision made by Council at
the December 18, 2006 Town Council meeting.
Ms. North
Requested that the developers of 16961 Placer Oaks be responsible for
trimming the tree roots to her fence line to avoid further problems in her
Mr. Argello
Commented on supporting the request for reconsideration of the Council
decision made at the December 18, 2006 Town Council meeting.
Mr. Davis
Commented regarding his freedom to speak.
Commented regarding the previous decision made by Council relating to
this item.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski asked if any Council Members were interested in re-
agendizing Item #11.
Council Member Spector and Council Member Wasserman showed support
to reagendize Item #11.
Council Comments
Commented regarding new facts relating to 16961 Placer Oaks which are
significant to allow reconsideration.
Commented regarding the height of the single story home.
Mr. Korb clarified the process to reagendize Item #11.
Consensus by two Council Members to request that staff reagendize Item #11
16961 Placer Oaks.
Staff will schedule this issue as the calendar permits.
Mr. Dallas
Commented regarding the new Los Gatos Observer available online.
Mr. Davis
Commented regarding his views relating to honesty and integrity.
Closed Verbal Communication.
17. Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation (Weeds) Adopt resolution
ordering abatement of hazardous vegetation (weeds)
Staff report made by Mr. Rohani, Interim Parks and Public Works Director
Open/Close Public Hearing
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector to adopt resolution
ordering abatement of hazardous vegetation (weeds).
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
18. Consider an appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying
modification of an approved Architecture & Site application relating to
grading and landscape improvements on property zoned HR-2½. APN
537-24-013. Architecture and Site Application S-06-066 Property
location: 15350 Suview Drive. Property owner/applicant/appellant:
Charles Hackett (continued from 10/16/2006)
Council Member Spector recused from Item #18 due to her acquaintance with
the Hackett family and any perceived conflict of interest.
Staff report made by Mr. Lortz, Director of Community Development.
Open Public Hearing.
Mr. Killian, Attorney for the applicant/appellant
Commented that they are in agreement regarding the statements within
the staff report.
Public Hearing Continued – Item #18
Mr. Bedouin, Landscape architect.
Commented regarding the quality of the finished product.
Commented regarding the Hillside Standards relating to the stucco fences.
Commented on supporting the widening of the proposed driveway.
Commented regarding shrubs to absorb water and prevent erosion.
Commented regarding the proposed pergola, and stated that the
neighbors are in support of the pergola.
Commented regarding the change relating to the wall shift to reduce
Mr. Bondonno
Commented regarding the concerns of the retaining wall channeling water
onto the private road.
Commented regarding his neighbor’s view shed.
Mr. Gorovitz
Expressed concern regarding lack of permit approval.
Commented that the Town’s procedures should have been followed.
Commented regarding the differing levels of retaining walls along his
Commented regarding the pergola which blocks his view shed.
Mr. Felix
Commented regarding the stucco fence which borders his property.
Commented on supporting the proposed project.
Mr. Davis
Commented regarding the definition of a retaining wall versus a fence.
Commented that rules must apply to all applicants.
Commented regarding view shed issues in relation to descriptions from
the General Plan.
Mr. Killian, Attorney for the Applicant/appellant
Commented regarding the view shed from the pergola.
Commented regarding the neighbors privacy issues and stated that they
support the pergola.
Commented that the fence was approved sometime ago and should not
be an issue before Council this evening.
Suggested sending back to the Planning Commission only issues that
need more review.
Closed Public Hearing
Council Discussion
Questioned which of the neighbor’s views are impacted by the pergola.
Questioned concerns relating to drainage and storm water run-off from the
Clarification regarding a retaining wall versus a fence.
Commented on the process to grant an appeal.
Suggested that new information has come forward to support granting the
Clarification regarding the drainage concerns and requested that staff look
into the issue.
Clarification regarding rules and regulations relating to construction
without a permit.
Mr. Rohani, Interim Director of Parks and Public Works
Commented regarding the view shed issues with the pergola and
vegetation which blocks the views of the valley.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to grant an appeal of a
Planning Commission decision denying modification of an approved
Architecture & Site application relating to grading and landscape
improvements on property located at 15350 Suview Drive, and to
return modifications to the Planning Commission for review.
Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman.
Mr. Korb clarified the process for rules relating to construction without permits.
Council Discussion – Continued
Commented on addressing the issues at the Planning Commission level.
Commented regarding the issue relating to the Hillside Standards and the
Questioned the direct view of the pergola from the neighbor's home.
VOTE: Motion passed 4/0. Council Member Barbara Spector recused.
Council Member Barbara Spector returned to her seat.
Public Hearings Continued
19. Consider an appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying a
request to construct an addition that exceeds the allowable floor area
ratio on property zoned R-1:8. APN 523-12-039. Architecture and Site
Application S-02-33. Property Location: 980 Cherrystone Drive.
Property owner/appellant: Joan Hinkin
Staff report made by Mr. Lortz, Director of Community Development.
Open Public Hearing
Ms. Hinkin, Appellant
Commented on addressing the water damage issues with her home.
Commented regarding the neighbor’s concerns relating to a two-story
Commented regarding the larger size homes in the neighborhood.
Commented regarding the rumors relating to opening an adult care facility
at the home.
Commented regarding the goals for the proposed application relating to
alternative energy.
Commented that she would like to accommodate her large family when
they visit.
Council Comments
Questioned the flood issues relating to her current home.
Questioned the General Plan and neighborhood compatibility.
Commented regarding the proposed FAR verses the FAR of other homes
in the neighborhood.
Would like to hear why the applicant’s proposed application exceeds the
FAR guidelines.
Ms. Schwartz
Commented regarding the square footage of their home.
Would like to see the current application sent back for re-design.
Mr. Davis
Commented regarding permitting applications which exceed the FAR
Mr. Reinhold
Commented regarding the impact of views from their backyard.
Public Hearing Item #19 Continued
Ms. Hinkin, Applicant
Questioned why the FAR guidelines were reduced in Los Gatos.
Commented on compromising with the neighbors.
Commented on privacy values relating to the neighboring backyards.
Closed Public Hearing
Council Discussion
Commented on concerns relating to the square footage of the cellar.
Commented regarding the total square footage of the proposed home.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to uphold an appeal of
a Planning Commission decision denying a request to construct an
addition that exceeds the allowable floor area ratio on property
zoned R-1:8. APN 523-12-039. Architecture and Site Application
S-02-33. Property Location: 980 Cherrystone Drive. Property
owner/appellant: Joan Hinkin
Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman.
Council Discussion – Continued
Commented on concerns regarding the application exceeding the FAR.
Commented on neighborhood compatibility.
Commented that there has been no desire to reduce significantly the
square footage by the applicant.
Suggested that applicant revisit the plans to reduce the mass of the home.
Commented that the mass cannot be justified within the neighborhood.
Commented that the intent of the basement policy was to reduce the
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
None this evening.
20. Council Matters Jewish Community Center Health Fair - Saturday,
February 3-Wednesday, February 7
Commented regarding the focus on emergency preparedness issues at
the Jewish Community Center Health fair.
Consensus to help promote the Jewish Community Center Health Fair.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski
Commented regarding the San Jose Water Company logging issues and
asked for clarification relating to the Town’s jurisdiction.
Commented on issues which have come forward relating to the potential
for landslides and fire.
Requested that Council Member Diane McNutt and Mayor Joe
Pirzynski continue to monitor the issues relating to the logging.
Commented that studies are being conducted and documentation is
coming forward to inform the Council’s position.
Council Comments
Clarified that the documents that are coming forward are being monitored
by several agencies.
Questioned a case from Santa Cruz County which gave the county rights
to impose logging restrictions.
Commented regarding consultant reports relating to environmental
Suggested that staff engage in directing any new information to Council.
Consensus was given to direct staff to compose a letter to San Jose
Water and Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging (NAIL) relating to the
logging issues.
Ms. Figone clarified that Geier and Geier has been retained as the
environmental forestry consultant for the Town.
Mayor Joe Pirzynski
Mayor Joe Pirzynski suggested that Council Member Mike
Wasserman, appointee to the Santa Clara Valley Water Commission
keep the Council abreast on issues relating to the logging.
Council Matters Continued
Mr. Glickman
Commented regarding the Council retreats and suggested that the
retreats be held in the Council Chambers where the meetings are
Mr. Wasserman
Commented on the process relating to the annual Council retreat.
Reminded the audience that the retreat is open to the public and that no
action is taken during the meeting.
Council Member McNutt
Commented on the fund raising events relating to the fire at the Los Gatos
High School Girls Softball shed.
Requested that staff work with the softball team to assist with the
Mr. Wasserman
Commented regarding the fire at the Field Hockey shed a few months
Would like to see the Town and community help the softball team in any
way they can.
21. Manager Matters
Ms. Figone, Town Manager
Clarified that consensus was given to direct staff to compose a letter to
San Jose Water and Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging (NAIL)
relating to the logging issues.
Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator