M 12-15-03-Study-Street RepairTOWN OF LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA JOINT TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STUDY SESSION-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STREET REPAIR AND RESURFACING PROGRAM December 15, 2003 Meeting Minutes TOWN COUNCIL STUDY SESSION The Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos met at the Council Chambers at 5:45 p.m. Monday, December 15, 2003 for a joint Study Session regarding the Capital Improvement Program -- Street Repair and Resurfacing. COUNCIL ATTENDANCE Steve Glickman, Mayor; Mike Wasserman, Vice Mayor; Sandy Decker, Council Member; Diane McNutt, Council Member; Joe Pirzynski, Council Member. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM --- STREET REPAIR AND RESURFACING Director John Curtis and Town Engineer Kevin Rohani presented the status of the current Capital Improvement Street Repair and Resurfacing Program, and discussed unfunded requests for the Town's capital program. With regard to the Street Repair and Resurfacing Program, the Council expressed its support for the goal to maintain the street condition at its current level. In particular, Council would like to address streets in the worst condition in future repair programs. Council members also expressed interest in exploring the concept of cost-sharing with affected residents for sidewalk repair/replacement and tree trimming, which would allow more capital resources to be allocated to street repair and resurfacing. Staff will explore this concept further, including the practices of other cities, and bring back options to be discussed during the budget process. Staff discussed the current unfunded request from the City of Monte Sereno for further work on Winchester Blvd. Staff recommended continuing to evaluate the impact on traffic on Winchester pursuant to the recent installation of a traffic signal and to the upcoming installation of sidewalks on Winchester before making decisions about additional actions. Staff also recommended completing a Town-wide arterial study prior to making additional changes to Winchester, which is one of the Town's primary arterial roadways. All Council members agreed with this approach, and recommended that the arterial study be placed on the CIP project list even if it is not funded. Regarding the unfunded request for the Theater Improvement Project (TIP), Council asked for more details with respect to the proposed community use of the Theater before considering funding. Council expressed a general interest in having this type of venue for the community, but would like more information on how the Theater would be marketed, how much community use would be ensured, and what other venues would be available for this type of amenity. Meeting Adjourned at 6:55 p.m. ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk and Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2004\M 12-15-03-Study Session-Street Repair.wpd