M 05-27-97 JTJOINT TOWN OF LOS GATOS TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY May 27, 1997 Minutes TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Town Council/Parking Authority/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 6:07 p.m., Tuesday, May 27, 1997, in regular session. ROLL CALL Present:Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Jan Hutchins, Linda Lubeck and Mayor/Chairman Joanne Benjamin. Absent:None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Benjamin announced that there had been no Closed Session meeting this evening. PRELIMINARY 1997-98 OPERATING BUDGET/HEARING PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1997-1998 (01.06) Town Manager, David Knapp, gave an overview of the budget and the budget development process of the Town. He emphasized that the Town's budget is balanced and that the Town does not run a deficit. At this time the Reserve for Economic Uncertainty is at 2.5 million. The forecasting procedures involving the Town's revenue projections were explained. He spoke of the mercurial nature of revenue projection and of the economic signs used to foretell the Town's future revenue income in anticipating the upcoming budget and preparing for a five year strategy, especially where capital improvements are involved. He mentioned the increased activity and generated revenue from occupancy tax and automotive sales. The financial activity in the bay area this year has created a favorable economic climate which has positively affected our revenues and created a demand for increased services. This increased activity requires supplemental staffing to cover the additional work involved. Due to increased revenue several positions have been reinstated. The Library has reopened on Fridays due to state funding. Street and sidewalk improvements will be ongoing in the Town's Capital Improvement Program. GRANT REQUESTS Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider TC:D8:MM052797 Allocation of Fiscal Year 1997-98 Community Grant Funds. PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1997-1998/CONT. Human Services Organizations: The following people from the audience spoke to this issue: Marion Lyon, 17200 Crescent Drive, representing Live Oak Senior Nutrition & Service Center Board. Thanked the Town for consideration in this year's appropriation. Spoke of the many people who are helped by the continuing service of the Senior Center. Leta Frye, 1289 College Ave., Palo Alto, with Live Oak Nutrition Center, and Santa Clara County Senior Nutrition Program. She spoke of the thirty-five served ten years ago compared to 46 now, and the 56 now served up from 45 ten years ago in the Meals on Wheels Program and the continued attempt to supply this service as economically as possible. Marilyn Austin, Family Service Association of Santa Clara Valley, spoke of the increasing needs of seniors in Los Gatos. Spoke of the need for additional mental health services for the aging. Lori Birch, case manager in Los Gatos for Family Services, spoke of the growing needs in the community and the working together of other social agencies in supplying help to seniors. Pat Lake, 15330 Kittridge Road, Saratoga, Director of Administration for Teen Counseling Center of the West Valley, thanked Council for its continued support and spoke of the other agencies that contribute to this program. Dale Hill, 150 Robin Way, addressed the services supplied by Live Oak Adult Day Services, and thanked Council for its continued support. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Arts Organizations: The following people from the audience spoke to this issue: Susan Buxton, 118 Robin Way, Art Docents of Los Gatos, in its 25th year asked for continued support for this worthy organization. Glady Rabitz, representing A Place for Teens, had called council and requested an additional $80 to raise their grant to $1,000. This amount makes the requests for grants from other agencies more viable. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Mayor Benjamin asked that a work shop concerning funding of Community Services and obtaining grants be scheduled and include representatives from all those organizations servicing Los Gatos. Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mrs. Lubeck, to fund the Human Services Organizations at $71,370. The additional $80 being taken from the Discretionary, leaving that fund at $1,170. Carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway, to move approval of the recommended amount of $20,000 for Arts, Culture and Education. Carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1997-1998/CONT. Departmental Expenditures: TC:D8:MM052797 Council reviewed the Proposed Operating Budget page by page and made the following comments concerning the format and clarity of the budget. Review of Budget by Page: Page 2:Clarify concept of consolidation of CDBG funds in one location for easier readability. Page 3:Change the name of North Forty to something more less colloquial. Page vii:The estimated Balance in the upper right hand column should be changed from $8,630 to $27,700. Page x:Add an asterisk to explain the Vehicle Maintenance fund accounting procedure. Page 1:Ms. Lubeck noted that the Town Council was the only department with a budget that actually decreased from last year. Page 4:Add the explanation of the need for the additional 50% Assistant Deputy Clerk indicating that the additional #s 25, 26 and 27 in the performance indicators represent the additional staffing in Clerk's office. Page 15:Add justification for moving positions within the Manager's office. Page 26:Asked that a footnote explain the large salary increase reflected in the proposed budget due to annual cash outs, and also the reason for the decrease in the benefits from last year. Page 27:Request for breakdown of item 61004/Contract Services-and what type of services are provided. Planning:Mrs. Lubeck requested that Planning be funded for a full time Code Compliance Officer. This was not agreed to by other council members but staff will review this position. Page 29:Advance Planning needs a footnote on the reason for the increase. Page 30:Land & Lighting has been moved to special revenues. Page 30:Clarify that the Redevelopment Deputy Director and the Redevelopment Manager are the same bodies as the Planning Director and the Senior Planner. Other location where dual hats are being worn should be footnoted. Page 37:The increase in Materials should have a footnote explaining the General Plan Update as a one time program. Page 41:Item 3b. Estimated Value needs a footnote explaining the zero in the first column. Page 43/44:Use footnote to explain the increase in salaries as they reflect in the FTEs. Overview:--of increases in staffing during the mid-year budget should be reflected in each department and in the beginning of the budget document. Commendation:--from Council to the Police Department for the excellent Budget Overview. Page 60:Footnote AVA as being Abandoned Vehicle Program. Page 81:Throughout Library document remove the words "thanks to" and insert "due to". Page 94:In the Overview have an explanation of Circulation Indicators. PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1997-1998/CONT. Review of Budget by Page, cont.: Page 95:Parks, Forestry and Maintenance Department needs an overview and explanation of the reorganization plans. Page 95/96:Volunteer Programs, Committees and Commissions will be undergoing reorganization also. Page 98/99:Explanations will be shown in the overview. Page 104:Indicator #2 could be worded differently. TC:D8:MM052797 Page 110:This program also needs staffing explanation. Page 113:Housing needs should be added to this page. Page 118:An asterisk explaining that the housing has been moved to another location. Footnotes needed for the increases and decreases in solid waste management. Footnotes explaining the changes in CDBG funds and how they relate to Page 158. Footnotes for the change in FTE's and materials on Page 158. Add the missing line for Grants on Page 158. Page 125:Footnote explaining that the application tracking process is new. Page 129:Will reflect the changes made during the Community Grant Hearing. Page 133:Footnote explaining that the Santa Clara Valley Transportation funding for 225 thousand is tied to the CNG Station. Page 135 A1-A29: Needs further work concerning age and type of equipment. Page 170:Explanation as to why Materials budget was high last year. COUNCIL REPORTS Joanne Benjamin spoke of West Valley Sanitation District hiring a consultant who had reported on the needed repairs, replacements and changes needed to our sewer system. She made the report available to those who wanted to read it. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that this evening's meeting be adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Carried unanimously. ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk TC:D8:MM052797