RA 07-18-94TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY July 18, 1994 Minutes REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of Town Hall, 110 E. Main St., at 7:38 p.m. Monday, July 18, 1994, in regular session. ROLL CALL Present:Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck and Vice Chairman Patrick O'Laughlin. Absent:Joanne Benjamin and Chairman Randy Attaway. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all in attendance. APPOINTMENT TO AGENCY COMMITTEE/RANDOL MACKLEY (00.20) Vice Mayor O'Laughlin announced that there was one application from Randol Mackley for one of the three vacancies on the Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee. Voting was held and Mr. Mackley was reappointed to a term which will expire August 1, 1998. PAYROLL/JUNE 1994 (01.V) Motion by Mrs. Lubeck, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that the Agency ratify the accompanying check register in the amount of $4,009.70, for payroll of June 19 through July 2, 1994, paid on July 8, 1994. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mrs. Benjamin and Mayor Attaway were absent. MINUTES OF JULY 5, 1994 (02.V) Motion by Mrs. Lubeck, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that Council accept the Minutes of July 5, 1994 as submitted. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mrs. Benjamin and Mayor Attaway were absent. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mrs. Lubeck, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that the Agency adjourn this evening's meeting at 7:44 p.m. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mrs. Benjamin and Mayor Attaway were absent. TC:D6:RA071894 ATTEST: MarLyn J. Rasmussen Executive Assistant to the Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency TC:D6:RA071894 TC:D6:RA071894