RA 01-24-92TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 24, 1992 Minutes REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of Town Hall, 110 E. Main St., at 12:07 p.m., Friday, January 24, 1992, in special session. ROLL CALL Present:Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Brent N. Ventura and Chairman Eric D. Carlson. Absent:Randy Attaway PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. OPINION OF GENERAL COUNSEL Kate Anderton, General Counsel, explained that Agency Member Attaway was given notice of this meeting and has submitted a written waiver of timely notice to comply with all Brown Act requirements. This waiver is on record for this meeting. EXPLANATION FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR David Knapp, Executive Director, gave background review of Agency's previous action at the time of adopting the plan, addressing the public hearing at which time the County spoke to the plan and expressed support for the plan. There was some misunderstanding regarding the monetary cap for the plan, as the County's spokesperson addressed a two hundred million dollar cap, whereas the Town's plan delineated a two hundred and fifty million figure. This difference was brought up at the meeting and the Town reaffirmed its original intention of a $250,000,000 cap. Other issues have come up since then and the County has requested changes to the plan. After discussion with the County, Town staff has made some changes and has the new resolution and agreement before the Agency today. This contract represents a satisfactory resolution of the issues raised, both to the Agency directors as well as the County staff, including at least one Supervisor. CONTRACT REPORT FROM AGENCY PLANNING DIRECTOR Lee Bowman, Agency Planning Director, explained that the contract before the Agency today TC:D4:RA012492 is in a different form than the others prepared for the Agency in order to be more in keeping with the style used by the County. Within the first page are the normal whereas clauses used in such agreements. Under the agreement section, Allocation of Tax Increment Revenue, Exhibit A, the Town has retained the original figures as proposed last November and which assure that the Town does not lose any value by accepting this new agreement. The secondparagraph dealing with Subordination allows the Town to sell bonds, assures the bonding companies, and protects the Town. The fourth paragraph, Time Limit of Plan and Allocation of Taxes, assures the County that the Town will not carry bonds which exceed the term of the program. This section does not limit the ability of the Agency to extend itself, but if the Town TC:D4:RA012492 January 24, 1992 Los Gatos, California PLANNING DIRECTOR CONT. does extend the Agency the Town will have to renegotiate with all the parties involved but would not have to reform the Agency. This is in conformance with state law. Paragraphs five, six and seven are standard wording for redevelopment contracts. Paragraph eight states that if any party to this plan sues the Agency then the agreement is null and void until the law suit is settled. Item nine is the normal termination agreement. VOTING ABILITY OF AGENCY MEMBER Ms Anderton stated that the process of the formation and adoption of the Agency plan had now been completed and that Mr. Ventura is at this time eligible to vote on the Active Redevelopment Project Agenda. SANTA CLARA COUNTY/PASS THROUGH AGREEMENT/RESOLUTION 1992-10RA Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that the Agency adopt Resolution 1992-10RA entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33401. regarding alleviation of financial burden or detriment caused to County by a redevelopment project. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Attaway absent. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, to adjourn this meeting at 12:19 p.m. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Attaway absent. ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove TC:D4:RA012492 January 24, 1992 Los Gatos, California Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency TC:D4:RA012492