M 03-04-91TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY March 4, 1991 Minutes TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 100 East Main Street, at 7:42 p.m., Monday, March 4, 1991, in regular session. ROLL CALL Present:Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Eric D. Carlson and Mayor Brent N. Ventura. Absent:None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. MOMENT OF SILENCE Mayor Ventura asked that those in the audience give a moment of silence in recognition of our service men, women and civilians in the middle east at this time of crisis. PRESENTATION/COMMENDATION FOR SERVICE/CHRISTINE FISCHER Mayor Ventura presented a commendation for service to the Town to Christine Fischer, former Town Engineer. Ms Fischer accepted the commendation and thank the Town an its employees for their commitment and support during her time with the Town. PRESENTATION/11TH ANNUAL/TREE CITY U.S.A. AWARD Mayor Ventura accepted the 11th Annual Tree City U.S.A. Award from Steve Scott representing the Department of Forestry. Mr. Scott also presented a new Tree City U.S.A. flag to the Town. Also noted by the Mayor were Mike Bomberger of the Parks Commission, and members of a new citizen's committee formed with Rotary Club, which will be engaged in reforestation efforts for the Town; Ray Cobb, Roy Mullin and Jim Howarth. CLOSED SESSION Natalie West, Acting Town Attorney, reported that Council had met in Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to discuss Pending Litigation regarding Kang Ming Ho vs Town of Los Gatos Town Council, et al. at the end of the Council meeting TC:D1:MM030491 February 19, 1991, continued the Closed Session on February 25, 1991 and met again prior to this evening's meeting. The Town Council has authorized the Town Attorney to file a petition for rehearing in the Court of Appeal and a petition for review in the Supreme Court. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Council met to discuss Pending Litigation regarding Town vs Jenny Lynn Pitman. There is no report from that discussion at this time. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Council met to discuss a Personnel matter regarding recruitment of Town Attorney candidates. There is no report from that discussion at this time. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California SCHEDULE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Informational report regarding currently scheduled public hearings was received and filed. PLANNING COMMISSION/PLANNING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY STATUS REPORT Informational report regarding activity of Planning Commission and Department was received and filed. COUNCIL CALENDAR OF MEETINGS Informational item presenting future Town Meetings for Council and other Town Boards and Commissions was received and filed. PAYROLL/RATIFICATION/FEBRUARY 1991 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council ratify the accompanying check registers for payroll of February 3 through 16, 1991 in the amount of $209,904.16 paid on February 22, 1991. Carried unanimously. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/RATIFICATION/FEBRUARY 1991 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council ratify the accompanying check registers for accounts payable invoices in the amount of $414,612.18 paid on February 15 and 22, 1991. Carried unanimously. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL/CIVIC CENTER USE/JUNE 1 & 2, 1991 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council approve the Eastfield Ming Quong Children's Society request to use Civic Center and Neighborhood Center facilities for the 31st Annual Strawberry Festival, subject to staff recommendations. Carried unanimously. REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE/FORMATION Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council take the following action: 1)Determine that a Project Area Committee is not required by statue and should not be formed. 2)Form a Redevelopment Advisory Committee consisting of seven members; three members representing commercial property owners and/or merchants in the Project Area, three members representing residents of the Project Area and one Planning Commissioner. 3)Direct the Town Clerk to advertise the vacant seats on the committee. Interviews to be held April 15, 1991. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mayor Ventura abstained due to a possible conflict of interest. REJECTION OF CLAIM/NATIONWIDE INSURANCE COMPANY TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council reject claim of Nationwide Insurance Company filed with the Town Clerk on January 25, 1991. Carried unanimously. ARTWORKS SELECTION COMMITTEE/ARTS COMMISSION Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that the Council accept the Arts Commission's recommendation to appoint the following persons to the Artworks Selection Committee: 1. Visual Arts: Arts Commissioner Minty Brown TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California ARTWORKS CONT. 2. Historical and Arts Coordinator: (Vacant)Position to be filled by Community Services Manager. 3. Artist from our Community: David Middlebrook 4. Citizen from Community: Dr. Jeffrey Brown 5. Arts Professionals: David Allen and Madelyn Crawford 6. Parks Department: Director or appointee Carried unanimously. RUBBISH SYSTEM REVISIONS/SAN JOSE Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council authorize the Town Manager to forward the attached draft letter to the City Manager of the City of San Jose responding to elements of the Rubbish System Revisions that the City is currently considering and to have staff investigate alternatives to incurring the increases of fees from San Jose. Carried unanimously. SHANNON ROAD 14615/TRACT 8400/ASSESSMENT DISTRICT/RESOLUTION 1991-34 OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council adopt Resolution 1991- 34 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS OF INTENTION TO FORM AN OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF TRACT 8400 SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, LOCATED AT 14615 SHANNON ROAD, and designate the Town Engineer as the Engineer who will coordinate and prepare the necessary reports and documents. Carried unanimously. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE/COLLECTION DAY PROGRAM/RESOLUTION 1991-35 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council adopt Resolution 1991- 35 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, TOWN OF LOS GATOS, CITY OF MONTE SERENO, CITY OF SARATOGA, AND COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, SPECIFYING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION IN A HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION PROGRAM AND TO NEGOTIATE AND ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, TOWN OF LOS GATOS, CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SARATOGA, AND COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, AND GREENFIELD ENVIRONMENTAL FOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES. Carried unanimously. HISTORIC DISTRICT LANDMARKS/ORDINANCE 1815/RESOLUTION 1991-36 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council adopt Resolution 1991- 36 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CORRECTING A CLERICAL TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California ERROR IN ORDINANCE 1815 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE APPROVAL FOR MINOR PROJECTS AND TO REQUIRE ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPROVAL AND APPROVE APPLICATION FEES FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE HISTORIC DISTRICT FOR DESIGNATED LANDMARKS. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mayor Ventura abstained due to a possible conflict of interest. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California MAIN ST E 110/LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION/U-90-12/RESOLUTION 1991-37 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council adopt Resolution 1991- 37 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT U-90-12 REQUESTING APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY (110 EAST MAIN STREET/TOWN OF LOS GATOS), which incorporates the Council's findings and decision at its meeting of January 22 continued to February 4, 1991 and closed on February 11, 1991. Carried unanimously. CAMINO DEL CERRO 15945/EARTHQUAKE DEMOLITION/HISTORIC DESIGNATION RESOLUTION 1991-38 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council adopt Resolution 1991- 38 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DENYING APPEAL OF THE EARTHQUAKE DEMOLITION COMMITTEE'S DECISION TO DENY A DEMOLITION PERMIT FOR A HISTORICALLY DESIGNATED SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE (15945 CAMINO DEL CERRO/EVAN JUDD), which incorporates the Council findings and decision at its meeting of February 19, 1991. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Carlson voted no due to previous absence. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS MOBILE HOME PARK VACANCIES Jack Cole, 14685 Oka Road, asked for Council's support for mobile home park vacancy control. Staff responded that the Rent Advisory Committee has been meeting on this issue and should have a report by the end of April 1991. Mary Alice Blice, 484 Woodland Ave. #43, spoke regarding the need for vacancy control in mobile home parks. BUILDING CODE RESTRICTION TO BUSINESS Charles Perrotta, 270 East Main St., requested a hearing from Council regarding his appeal of Building Services' decision to require accessibility features to his place of business. Mayor Ventura noted that this item would be agendized for March 18, 1991. MARIA'S BERRY FARM RELOCATION Laura Taylor Moore, 14 N. Santa Cruz Ave., representing Los Gatos Heritage Preservation Society, 136 Via Santa Maria, asked for continued support from the Council in the preservation of these buildings. Staff will assist in mailing the appropriate letters and grants for the Preservation Society. HEARINGS TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California SAN BENITO AVE 645/BUSINESS LICENCE FEES/HUSAIN/HEARING Mayor Ventura stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider appeal by licensee regarding penalty fees imposed upon business license for business located at 645 San Benito Ave. Appellant/Owner: Ishrat Husain. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California HEARINGS CONTINUED SAN BENITO CONT. The following person from the audience spoke regarding this subject: Ishrat Husain, 13643 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd, Saratoga, asked for relief of penalties due to resent purchase of tri-plex, not realizing there were business fees associated with the property, and the previous owner not mailing the statements to him. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council close the public hearing. Carried unanimously. Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that Council deny the appeal and uphold the fees imposed stating that the previous owner and real estate agent had an obligation to disclose the business licence requirement in Los Gatos. Carried unanimously. CDBG/FY 1991-92/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT/ALLOCATION OF FUNDS Mayor Ventura stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the allocation of Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) granted to the Town for Fiscal Year 1991-92. The following people from the audience spoke to this issue: Donna Donahue, Director for the Long Term Care and Ombudsman Program in Santa Clara County, stated the need for the program and the fact that this was in many cases the only agency that did advocacy work with the elderly in long term care facilities in the county. Leta Friedlander, Executive Director, Live Oak Adult Day Services, addressed the need of the elderly to remain in their own homes for as long as is practical. Phyllis Connolly, Coordinator of San Jose State University Health Place, asked that the Council continue support to this service. Mary Ellen Hysling, Executive Director of the Second Harvest Food Bank, Operation Brown Bag, has been successful over the years with this program and appreciates the continued support from the Town. Mary Alice Blice, Chairman of the Community Services Commission, explained the process for the commission's recommendations, and stating food, health and housing as priorities. John Bouguette, 117 Fancher Court, spoke for the Food Bank of Santa Clara County and the continued need for this activity. Bill Cilker, 16075 Matilija Dr., addressed the needs of the Food Bank to raise funds for a TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California 60,000 square foot warehouse and distribution center and requested $25,000 be allocated from the Town toward this project. Chris Wiley, representing the Community Services Committee, requested the Council to adhere to the committee's recommendations as addressed in the staff report. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council close the public hearing. Carried unanimously. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California HEARINGS CONTINUED CDBG CONT. Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council allocate Community Development Block Grant Funds granted to the Town for Fiscal Year 1991-92 as shown in "Table I, Public Services" and in "Table II, Housing and Other Projects" of the staff report and recommendations of the Community Services Commission. Carried unanimously. WEED ABATEMENT/HEARING/RESOLUTION 1991-39 Mayor Ventura stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider weed abatement resolution overruling objections and ordering abatement of weeds. There was no one from the audience to address this issue. Motion by Mr. Attaway, seconded by Mr. Carlson, that Council close the public hearing. Carried unanimously. Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that Council adopt Resolution 1991- 39 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS OVERRULING OBJECTIONS AND ORDERING ABATEMENT OF WEEDS AS A PUBLIC NUISANCE. Carried unanimously. NATIONAL AVE 15400/MEDICAL OFFICE/S-67-58A/HEARING Mayor Ventura stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider appeal of Planning Commission's approval of Architecture and Site Application S- 67-58A requesting approval for the construction of a new medical and general office building on property located at 15400 National Ave. Appellant: Ludwik Bednarz, et. al. Owner: Zennie Gonzalez. The following people from the audience spoke to this issue: Lee Sanner, 305 DeSoto Dr., spoke of the concern for the number of trips generated by this project and what guidelines were to be used to define "overwhelming benefit" to the community. Ludwik Bednarz, President of the Cordova Woods Association, is not in favor of the large amount of traffic that will be generated and the troublesome parking situation. Sara Fischer, 15465-B National Ave., would like to see only one entrance and one exit on National Ave. Michael Henehan, 2430 Samaritan Dr., spoke in favor of the project for Sports Medicine TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California Resources and addressed possible mitigation measures such as no parking on National, permit parking on DeSoto, cross parking agreement with Samaritan Oaks Hospital and a stop sign at DeSoto and National. Mark Engstrom, Facilities Development Manager at Good Samaritan Hospital and responsible for Samaritan Oaks Health Care Center. He spoke to the shuttle that is now functioning between both facilities and how it will alleviate some of the traffic and parking problems in the area. Ken Stein, 281 DeSoto Drive, is in favor of the project at this time since a great deal of thought has gone in to the mitigation of traffic and parking problems. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California HEARINGS CONTINUED NATIONAL AVE CONT. Jack Fischer, 15475-B National Ave., addressed the number of cars impacting the area due to this project. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, to close the public hearing. Carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Attaway, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that Council uphold Planning Commission's decision and approve Architecture and Site Application S-67-58A with the intent of approval for deletion of one driveway (the entrance only that is closest to the corner), the second driveway becoming an entrance only and egress rights being obtained to pass through Samaritan and that large growing evergreens such as conifers will be used on the perimeter for screening and along DeSoto frontage. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Carlson voted no stating for the record that to allow such a traffic impact the Planning Commission should have cited directly from the General Plan the benefits to the community this project will make and that without this requirement there is a violation of our ordinance. Mr. Ventura voted no stating that the hours of operation, number of employees, therapists, and doctors were not addressed as has been done in the past when a large matter of concern has arisen from the neighborhood. Mayor Ventura requested that staff prepare a report for the March 18, 1991 Council meeting regarding the possibility of banning parking along the frontage on National Ave. WINCHESTER BLVD 15350/VILLA FELICE/BERSANO/RESTAURANT DEMOLITION/HEARING Mayor Ventura stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider appeal of Planning Commission denial of request for approval of a Planned Development Application (Zone Change Application Z-77-6A) for the demolition of an existing restaurant and the construction of 24 detached single family residential units on lots less than the minimum allowed by ordinance on 4.31 acres in an existing R-1:8,000-PD zone, for property located at 15350 Winchester Boulevard. Appellant/Applicant: James H. Sisk Development. Property Owner: Richard Bersano. The following people from the audience spoke to this issue: Virginia Fanelli, representing James Sisk Development, asked that Council find that TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California Planning Commission erred in denying this project based on density of traffic and negative impact of the motel on the proposed new residents. James Sisk, 10060 Pasadena Ave., Cupertino, spoke in favor of his project and will consider alternative use of the motel, such as lower priced affordable housing and to use the overlooking bluff location as a common open space area for the development. Dick Ribas, 15400 Vasona Terrace, states that the general consent of the neighbors is in favor of the residential use. Jim Tuttle, 15300 Winchester Blvd., President of the Homeowner's Association for the town houses next door and express their approval of this residential development. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California HEARINGS CONTINUED WINCHESTER CONT. Virginia Fanelli, questioned Council's consensus on alternate residential uses for the motel. Mrs. Benjamin would consider it. Mayor Ventura would be interested if it was lower or moderate income type housing such as rentals. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway, to close the public hearing. Carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council find that the Planning Commission did not err because of the finding of the motel and residential use are in juxtaposition as per Ms Morgan's motion however since the applicant has indicated willingness to work with the Town on the issues raised by the Planning Commission we send this project back to the DRC, allowing the applicant to propose elimination of the motel and consider alternative residential uses for that location. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Attaway voted no stating that the Villa Felice is a resident serving business and has played an important role in our community and the history and setting of the Villa Felice will be gone forever with approval of this project. Mr. Ventura asked that single family neighborhood appearance be considered; to design more open space around each structure; incorporate native species of landscaping in design; and to use no masonite siding. Mrs. Benjamin asked that the chimneys be modified. COUNCIL RECESS Mayor Ventura declared a short recess at 10:50 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 10:58 p.m. HEALTH DEPARTMENT/SANTA CLARA COUNTY/HEALTH TRENDS PRESENTATION Mayor Ventura asked for consensus to reagendize this item to a meeting when the presenters can be heard at an earlier hour. SMOKING BAN/WEISSMAN Mayor Ventura announced that this was the time so noted to consider a report regarding a request from David Weissmann on a complete ban on smoking. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California The following person from the audience spoke regarding this subject: David Weissman, 15431 Francis Oaks Way, asked Council support a complete ban on smoking in all enclosed public places, including workplaces, restaurants, bars and shops. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California SMOKING BAN CONT. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that Council direct staff to write a letters to the State Legislature in support of Senate Bill 93 and request the sponsors of Assembly Bill 16 bring it more in line with the Senate Bill. Also, that return to Council with an ordinance that is more restrictive or in line with SB93, and which includes the workplace, the restaurants and is similar to San Jose's. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Attaway voted no stating he has never smoked but would desire to see this type of action start from a more active community involvement. MOBILE HOME LEASING/SB 132/RESOLUTION 1991-40 Mayor Ventura stated that this was the noted time to consider adoption of a resolution supporting SB 132 regarding leasing of mobile homes. The following person from the audience spoke regarding this subject: Jack Cole, 14685 Oka Rd., requested a correction to the Town's resolution in the resolved section to read as follows: "To authorize the Town Manager to convey our support of Senate Bill 132 to the Senate Judiciary Committee." Further this bill will come up before the Judiciary Committee tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow. Mayor Ventura suggested that the resolution be signed and faxed to Sacramento tomorrow. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council adopt Resolution 1991- 40 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SUPPORTING SENATE BILL 132. Carried unanimously. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 4, 1991 Mr. Carlson requested correction to page 4 under verbal communications as follows: "Vice Mayor Carlson requested staff to agendize this subject and prepare a resolution in support of this project to raise funds for the purchase of art work which will be donated to the Town. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council adopt the minutes of February 4, 1991 as amended. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mayor Ventura abstained due to previous absence. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 19, 1991 Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mayor Ventura, that Council adopt the minutes of February 19, 1991 as submitted. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Blanton and Mr. Carlson TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California abstained due to previous absence. TREASURER'S REPORT Informational report submitted by the Treasurer to the Council for the month of January 1991, received and filed. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California NEW YORK AVE/A SPACE FOR TEENS/CONSTRUCTION Motion by Mr. Attaway, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that there is a general agreement among Council members that they would like this project to progress, therefore the Town of Los Gatos will contribute $75,000 toward a Teen Center at New York Ave. with the sole intent to provide a complete shell of mutual design within a specified time frame after architectural site approvals have been received and a contract has been selected by staff; the teen group will provide designs, specifications and a construction contract for the structure; the teen group will submit plans through the normal processes; the Town will retain ownership; the Town will negotiate a long term lease with the teen group; the Town will disperse all construction funding; the Town will put the Architecture and Site Approval package to bid and approve the contractor; if the teen group has trouble finding a contributor to a particular phase of the construction project they can delete that portion from the bid document provided that the selected contractor and the staff believes it's workable; at minimum level there must be a completed shell of mutual design built in a time frame acceptable to the Town; any funds remaining after the completion of the shell can be used by the teen group toward the interior improvements; if the contractor's bid for the shell is over the allocated $75,000 the teen group will be obligated to advance the additional funds to the Town prior to starting construction of the project. Carried unanimously. John Lein, speaking for the Board of Directors of the Teen Place, accepted the motion as it was made having had an opportunity to consider these points with Mr. Attaway earlier. PARKING LOT 4/PROGRESS REPORT Motion by Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council request that staff proceed as soon as possible with the steps to complete Parking Lot 4 in order to open by the holiday season starting at November 1, 1991 and if this is not possible the interim parking lot will be reopened before the holiday shopping season. Carried unanimously. Mayor Ventura noted for the record that he would like to use a November 15, 1991 date for completion of the lot. URBAN FORESTRY TASK FORCE APPOINTMENT/SANTA CLARA COUNTY Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that a member of staff be assigned to represent the Town of Los Gatos on the newly formed Urban Forestry Task Force for Santa Clara County. Carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ventura announced the adjournment of the Town Council meeting at 11:40 p.m. TC:D1:MM030491 March 4, 1991 Los Gatos, California ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk TC:D1:MM030491