M 04-08-91TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY April 8, 1991 Minutes TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:35 p.m., Monday, April 8, 1991, in adjourned regular session. ROLL CALL Present:Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Eric D. Carlson and Mayor Brent N. Ventura. Absent:None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. MOMENT OF SILENCE Mayor Ventura asked that those in the audience give a moment of silence in recognition of our service men, women and civilians in the middle east at this time of crisis. APPOINTMENTS/RENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Five applications were received from Jourdan Clish, William Errico, John Kunis, Clovis Mirassou, and Sean Sullivan for five vacancies on the Rent Advisory Committee. Interviews were held and Jourdan Clish, John Kunis and Clovis Mirassou were appointed. Council requested that the Clerk re-advertise for the two positions that were not filled this evening. The applicants that were not in attendance for interviews will be noticed concerning the re- advertising for Commission openings. Terms of new appointees to be determined. TERRENO DE FLORES LANE 14960\REFUND OF FEES\MEYERS Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Town refund $1,080 or 40 percent of the Planning application fees paid pursuant to Town policy as adopted by the Council under the Planning Department Fee Resolution. Also, refund $1,750 deposited for environmental assessment services that were not used. Carried unanimously. ROUTE 85/SOUNDWALL/HEIGHT AND STEP DOWN DESIGN Informational item regarding "Visual Design Guidelines City Preferences Checklist" as TC:D1:MM040891 recommended by staff was received and filed. SARATOGA-ALBERTO/BUS STOP LOCATION/LOS GATOS COMMONS Informational item regarding moving the present bus stop closer to Alberto Way and the Los Gatos Commons location for senior citizen residents was received and filed. TC:D1:MM040891 April 8, 1991 Los Gatos, California HIGHWAY 17/SOUNDWALL AESTHETICS/FARLEY TO LARK Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway,that Council direct staff to prepare a letter to CalTrans for the Mayor's signature incorporating the ideas contained in staff report and that Council contact Town's State Representatives and the CalTrans Authorities and the Traffic Authority reminding them that the Town had been assured control over the soundwall aesthetics and request help from all agencies. The sentiment from the neighborhoods has been to construct the soundwalls but include the trees in the design and construction. Carried unanimously. HEARING NORTH SANTA CRUZ 19/REEDY/EU-90-66A/RESTAURANT USE/HEARING Mayor Ventura announced that this was the time and place so designated for a public hearing to consider a request for approval of a conditional use permit for a nonconforming restaurant on property in the C-2 Zone. Conditional Use Permit Application: EU-90-66A. Property: 19 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Owner: Randy Reedy. The following person from the audience addressed this issue: Randy Reedy, property owner, requested Council's support in conditions listed in the staff report, specifically the need to replace the word "meals" with the word "food" in Planning Director's section. There was no one else from the audience to speak to the issue. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council close the public hearing. Carried unanimously. Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Carlson, that Council make the findings as required by Section 5.20.210 of the Zoning Ordinance for the granting of a Conditional Use Permit as delineated in the staff report and incorporating the change to number 3 of the Planning Director's section changing "meals" to read "food". Carried unanimously. Motion by Mrs. Benjamin, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that Council approve Conditional Use Permit Application EU-91-2, as recommended by the Earthquake Restoration Committee and that the Town Attorney prepare the appropriate resolution. Carried unanimously. Mr. Attaway commented on Central Fire District requirements and requested that Town's Building Department ensure all plans are in compliance to Fire District's concerns. LOMA ALTA AVE/TRAFFIC SAFETY/RESIDENT PETITION TC:D1:MM040891 April 8, 1991 Los Gatos, California Mrs. Benjamin requested permission for the neighbors, who were in the audience tonight, to have the opportunity to address the Council on the traffic safety issues on Loma Alta Ave. The following people addressed Council: Ben Maubry, 156 Loma Alta, asked for Council's help in addressing the many traffic safety issues in this area. He recognized the many neighbors who had come this evening to represent the district. There was no one else from the audience who addressed Council. TC:D1:MM040891 April 8, 1991 Los Gatos, California LOMA ALTA CONT. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council approve a neighborhood survey be done including Loma Alta, Johnson, Cypress, Alta Heights and Cross, and to schedule a public hearing at an appropriate time after the survey has been returned. An estimate of hearing time is the month of July, 1991. Carried unanimously. ROUTE 85/HIGHWAY 17/INTERCHANGE/BASCOM CORRIDOR Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, that Council direct staff to forward a letter to the Traffic Authority, the City of San Jose and the Congestion Management Agency, incorporating the comments in the staff report stating Town's position that Los Gatos should have equal access to the Bascom and Route 85/Highway 17 Interchange and Intersection. This motion includes having the Congestion Management Agency review the Good Samaritan proposal at this time and before other development occurs and a request that the agencies recognize the Town's position that if the intersections maximize their level of capacity Los Gatos will still be able to implement development of the Yuki properties. Carried unanimously. WILDER 128 & 145/EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE Motion by Mr. Attaway, seconded by Mr. Carlson, that a letter be drafted by the Town Attorney to the earthquake damaged homes owners stating the Town's intent to take abatement action if the owners do not specify current status and intent to move forward on their permits. Carried unanimously. MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1991 Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council approve the Minutes of April 1, 1991 as submitted. Carried by a vote of three ayes. Mrs. Benjamin and Mr. Carlson abstained due to previous absence. ABSTENTION Mrs. Benjamin abstained from the next two items stating that she had not received her packet in time to review them. She stepped down from the dias at 8:20 p.m. SANTA CRUZ N. 21/CRALL ESTATE/LONG/EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE Mayor Ventura announced that this was the time and place so designated for consideration of a request for approval of plans to partially demolish, restore and construct an addition to an earthquake damaged commercial building in the C-2 Zone. Architecture and Site Application: ES-90-66A. Property: 21 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Owner: Crall Estate. Applicant: Ted Long. The following people from the audience addressed this issue. TC:D1:MM040891 April 8, 1991 Los Gatos, California Ted Long, 17563 Via Sereno, requested additional square footage for the development of this project. Peter Duxbury, 16700 Topping Way, spoke of the historic restoration and the need for the additional interior space. There was no one else from the audience to speak to this issue. TC:D1:MM040891 April 8, 1991 Los Gatos, California SANTA CRUZ CONT. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council deny the appeal and request that applicants submit their plans to Town's regular process for project review. This denial is in keeping with Council's previous decisions to allow fast tracked earthquake damaged restoration to the identical structure that stood before the earthquake or one that would be identical to the original building. Carried unanimously. HOLLYWOOD AVE 220/EARTHQUAKE RESTORATION/LETTUNICH/APPEAL Mayor Ventura announced that this was the time and place so designated for consideration of an appeal of the Earthquake Restoration Committee denial of exterior modifications for a new single-family residence under construction in the r-1:10 Zone, ES-89-71B. Property: 220 Hollywood Ave. Owner/Applicant: Martin Lettunich. The following person from the audience addressed this issue. Mark Lettunich, 220 Hollywood Ave, requested Council's consideration of changes to his original plans and an upholding of Council's decision to allow some previous changes. There was no one else from the audience to speak to this issue. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that Council uphold the decision of the Earthquake Restoration Committee and deny the appeal for modifications to the previous approval and for the applicant to bring his plans back through the DRC; pay the established fees for the requested changes (but not for those approved under Council's earthquake restoration policy); and continue through the normal process for the four discussed changes as follows: 1.exterior modifications (Planning Commission would follow normal procedures and in respect to any recommended changes would document same by motion and be consistent with established policy) 2.additional square footage in the basement 3.additional square footage on the second floor 4.additional square footage in the attic Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ventura voted no for reasons stated in previous record. Mrs. Benjamin abstained as previously stated. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway, that this evenings meeting be adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Carried unanimously. ATTEST: TC:D1:MM040891 April 8, 1991 Los Gatos, California Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk TC:D1:MM040891