M 02-13-89TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY FEBRUARY 13, 1989 TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 7:33 p.m., in adjourned regular session. ROLL CALL Present: Eric D. Carlson, Thomas J. Ferrito, Robert L. Hamilton, Brent N. Ventura, and Mayor Joanne Benjamin. ABSENT: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. VASONA CORRIDOR (EIR) Mr. Ventura moved to forward a letter to Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors supporting the EIR to study the potential impacts of the light rail in Vasona Corridor. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. BUILDING OFFICIAL RECRUITMENT Mr. Ventura moved to authorize Town Manager to enter into a contract with an Executive Recruiter to fill the position of Building Official. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ventura moved to authorize an expenditure of $10,000 plus expenses from Account No. 010-230-6450. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. GUADALUPE COLLEGE ACCESS ROAD STUDY Mr. Ventura moved that the Town Council should adopt Resolution No. 1989-17 entitled, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TO PREPARE A COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS OF ALTERNATIVE ACCESS ROADS TO THE WESTERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY SITE, authorizing the Town Manager to execute the agreement with the consulting firm of Kreines & Kreines. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. ROUTE 85 PLANS ALTERNATIVES FOR NORTHWEST QUADRANT OKA AND MOZART HEARING Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to discuss alternative plans for the design of the Route 85 freeway and interchanges, including discussion of the alternatives for access to the northwest quadrant of the Route 85/17 interchange (Oka and Mozart neighborhood.) Mayor Benjamin spoke about the many neighborhood meetings and workshops that have been held, and the work of the Route 85 Committee... Mr. Carlson reported on the Route 85 Committee; the practicality of Alternative #9; the 17 over option; the 7 alternatives for Oka Road access; the impact on Monte Sereno; and the impact on car dealers... Mr. Ventura reviewed ROUTE 85 PLANS (CONTINUED) SPEAKERS the process that the Town has used for the past two years in meeting with neighborhoods and in asking for concerns from citizens. Dutch Scholte, 104 Los Patios, representing Rinconada Hills Association, supporting Winchester interchange with petition signed by 348 residents and submitted January 26, 1989...Roger Nixon, 222 Palmer, representing Courtstyle Homeowners Association, spoke against Winchester interchange...Susie Wilson, 1743 Valpico Dr., San Jose, County Supervisor, spoke to the regional viewpoint and asked for the Council to come to a decision tonight...Beverly Bryant, representing Parkside Court Homeowners Association, Parkside Court, Monte Sereno, submitted a letter for record and spoke against Winchester interchange...Jarry Mirassou, Bonnie View Park, spoke against alternative B, and alternative #7...Carol La Marre, President of Charter Oaks Townhouse Association, 204 Charter Oaks Circle, submitted a letter for record and spoke for alternative 9B or 9C, and for the need of a traffic light on Lark Ave...Jack Lucas, 17171 Zena Ave., Monte Sereno, spoke against Winchester interchange and for full interchange at Bascom...Madge Overhouse, 1243 Pollard Road, spoke for full access at Winchester...David Hendricks, 265 Carlton Court, supports full interchange at both Winchester and Bascom...Brian Taylor, 17341 Valley Oak Drive, supports Bascom interchange...Larry Sondgroth, 16500 W. Mozart, spoke for access #1 or #6 which minimize impact to the creek...Ron Denevi, 14700 Oka Road, Swim and Racket Club, favors alternative #9C, suggesting that Highway 17 curves towards the Club, and a 30' sound wall will be built on the Club's property. He'd like Highway 17 moved eastward 20 to 30' when construction begins allowing for a sloped bank that could be landscaped. Mr. Carlson asked staff to forward this request to Cal-Trans...Leonard Knott, 119 Amber Oak Court, Los Gatos Woods Association, spoke for a full interchange at Winchester, and referred to a petition of 100 signatures submitted January 30, 1989...George Feineman, 119 Millrich Drive, spoke against interchange on Winchester...Charles Coker, 14402 Oka Lane, spoke for full interchange on Bascom and none on Winchester, and submitted a survey for the record of Oka-Mozart neighborhood which indicated preference of Alternative #4 giving a residential looking access...Candy Awalt, 16469 W. Mozart Ave.,k spoke against Alternative #4 and was in favor of Alternatives #1, #6 or #7, for the safety of the children...Truman Gates, Community Hospital, 815 Pollard Road, spoke for a full interchange at Winchester to support the Hospital facilities...John Hanf, 16491 W. Mozart, and Arun Kelapure, 100 Mozart Ave., submitted a petition for the record in support of Alternatives 6 & 7, and opposed to Alternative 4...Des Wytman, 14341 Oka Lane, spoke against Alternative #1...Bruce McClish, Engineer for CH2 M Hill, 2107 N. First St., #350, San Jose, speaking on behalf of Samaritan Medical Center and the alignment of Samaritan Drive...Mary Coker, 14402 Oka Lane, speaking for Marilyn O'Neil and her concerns about bike paths and access to the creek for the public, and her own concerns about the desirability of Alternative #4 to Winchester, and the consideration of keeping excess land for open space...Suzan Beglo, 16481 W. Mozart, would like open space and park around them and the elimination of a connector road concept...Judy Hanf, 16491 Mozart Ave., feels that the Winchester industrial park access road would not be a neighborly access to Oka-Mozart area...Jim Cantore, Chairman Cambrian Community Council, San Jose, representing White Oaks Manor, supports full interchange at Winchester and access road to the creek park area...Shelly Williams, Jr., 11951 Brookridge Drive, Saratoga, Route 85 Task Force, spoke in favor of Winchester and Bascom interchanges...Judy Moore, 104 Bainter Place, in Courtside Development, does not support Winchester interchange...Mona Conn, 14795 La Rinconada ROUTE 85 PLANS (CONTINUED) SPEAKERS Drive, in favor of full interchange at Bascom...Jim McHugh, 16150 Kennedy Road, representing the Los Gatos Automobile Dealers, would support a full interchange at Bascom to support business. ACTION ROUTE 85 No one else from the audience wished to speak on this issue. Mr. Ferrito moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ventura moved for consensus for a full interchange at Bascom Ave. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Carlson moved for consensus for no interchange at Winchester. Mayor Benjamin seconded. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ventura voted no, stating the need for another connector road or a half interchange at Winchester. Mr. Hamilton voted no, addressing the difficulty of getting access roads in the future. Mr. Ventura moved for consensus for a half interchange at Winchester with an easterly service directed toward Bascom designed for Winchester service only. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Motion failed by a vote of 2 ayes. Mr. Carlson, Mr. Ferrito, and Mayor Benjamin voted no. Mr. Carlson moved for consensus for Alternative #6, residential access route. Motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Benjamin declared a recess at 10:20, in order to reassess the alternative access routes for the Oka-Mozart area. Meeting was called back to order at 10:40. Mr. Ventura moved to have staff mail out a survey, one per household, to those houses in the Oka-Mozart area, (Northeast Quadrant) who have homes not currently owned or planned for acquisition by Cal-Trans, asking for decision on Alternatives 4 & 6, or any other option residents may believe practical. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Carlson moved to formalize the consensus motions, namely Alternative 9E, for the Route 85 full Bascom interchange. Mayor Benjamin seconded with the following amendment: that we ensure there will be safety improvements on the following amendment: That we ensure there will be safety improvements on the following roads; Pollard, Wedgewood, Charter Oaks signal, Lark Ave. bridge, Los Gatos Blvd., and Los Gatos-Bascom Ave. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Ventura voted no. MINUTES JANUARY 3, 1989 Mr. Ferrito requested correction of minutes as follows: Page 3. Urgency Zoning Ordinance 1768. Minutes to reflect that Mr. Ferrito voted no, and the vote was 3 ayes. Page 5. KCAT Reorganization. Minutes to reflect that item is to be reagendized. Mr. Ferrito moved approval of minutes as modified. Mayor Benjamin seconded. Ca rried MINUTES JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) unanimously. MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1989 Mr. Ventura requested correction of minutes as follows: Page 5. The Terraces. Minutes to reflect that Mr. Ventura made a series of consensus motions as follows: direct the designers to look at reducing the size of the residential units by 60 square feet; require double rows of large growing evergreen trees around the perimeter that will screen the project; provide a buffer between Blossom Hill Road and the independent living units whether through a berm or a wall or some additional landscaping. Motions died for lack of a second. Page 5. County Referrals. Minutes to reflect that Mr. Ventura opposed the issue. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Mr. Ferrito requested correction of minutes as follows: Page 3. 761 University. Clarify refinement. "It's not a question of the LM Zone or the use, I feel that at this stage we've refined and refined and I think we're making a decision one step short of the end of the process." Page 5. Secondary Units. Clarify appropriate parties. Insure letters go to the 11 parties that have not complied. Mayor Benjamin requested correction of minutes as follows: Page 5. The Terraces. What was meant to be said was, "we have before us appeal for PD approval but if we have consensus about A&S we should discuss them now." Mr. Ventura moved approval of minutes as corrected. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. MINUTES JANUARY 23, 1989 Mr. Ventura requested correction of minutes as follows: Page 1. Hilow Road. Capital Improvement Program was not approved, and study is still ongoing. Mr. Ventura did not second the motion, Mr. Hamilton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ventura moved approval of the minutes with clarification. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT DECEMBER 1989 Council informational report approved. NOISE ORDINANCE Mr. Ferrito moved to direct staff to prepare a request for performance (RFP) to be directed to firms qualified to perform acoustical studies; and to include the acoustical study for consideration as a budget item for the 1989-90 fiscal year, with amendment that respondents report the change in ambient noise level during the year. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. TRAFFIC SAFETY RESOLUTION AND GRANT Mr. Ventura moved that the Town Council should adopt Resolution No. 1989-18 entitled, TRAFFIC SAFETY RESOLUTION AND GRANT (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION NO. 1988-233 AND APPROVING THE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY, authorizing execution of the agreement with the State of California Office of Traffic Safety. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ventura amoved that the Town Council should adopt Resolution No. 1989-19 entitled RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 1988-233 AND APPROVING AMENDMENT OF CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89, modifying the schedule of authorized positions and salaries. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOL LICENSE Mr. Ferrito noted that no action was required on this item but moved for consensus that the ABC be notified of the code violations regarding sale of alcohol associated with this applicant, "And Chili Tamale Factory. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. LEFT TURN LANE BLOSSOM HILL AT HARWOOD AND MEADOWBROOK Mayor Benjamin moved to approve report on request for installation of a two-way left hand turn lane (Blossom Hill and Westhill Dr.) and to direct staff to review Blossom Hill modification to include four lanes to Leigh then right hand turn onto Leigh; Mayor Benjamin will provide specific details. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. LOS GATOS BLVD. IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 8608 Council informational report from staff on progress of Project 8608, Los Gatos Blvd. improvements with following amendments by Council to Capital Improvement Program; of sidewalks on Los Gatos Blvd; cost appropriation to property owners; coordinate timing of project and sidewalks. FINANCE MANAGER TAX & LICENSE COLLECTOR Councilmember Carlson requested a copy of the specific financial procedures which will be implemented, therefore staff recommended continuance to February 21, 1989. STATE ROUTE 17 COST SHARING Mr. Ventura moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 1989-20 entitled, RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COST SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN AND THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA FOR THE STUDY OF STATE ROUTE 17 AT LEXINGTON RESERVOIR INTERCHANGE AND FRONTAGE ROAD, with the following stipulations; the deciding body should have one representative from our council; Los Gatos will not contribute if the private contributor sues the town over extension of their use permit and/or fails to contribute their share. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (THE DINER) Mr. Ferrito moved to authorize Planning Commission to return consideration of Conditional Use Permit for the Diner to Town Council. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ventura and Mayor Benjamin voted no. COMMISSIONERS, REMOVAL OF Mr. Ferrito moved to have staff modify Ordinance with requirement of 3/5 vote for removal and repeal of Town Code 2-30. Item to be continued to February 21, 1989. Hamilton seconded. Carried with a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Ventura voted no, stating that the commissioners were volunteers who gave a great deal of time to the Town and deserved more consideration or respect. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Benjamin declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ATTEST MARIAN V. COSGROVE, TOWN CLERK