M 06-13-89TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY JUNE 13, 1989 TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of Town Hall, 110 E. Main St., at 7:43 p.m. in a continued adjourned session. ROLL CALL PRESENT:Eric D. Carlson, Thomas J. Ferrito, Brent N. Ventura and Mayor Joanne Benjamin. ABSENT:Robert L. Hamilton. MANAGER'S BUDGET REVIEW Deborah Swartfager, Town Manager, gave an overview of the Town Budget and addressed the following concerns and observations: 1)This year's Budget can be described as one of cautious status quo, and actually reflects a decrease compared to last year's operating and capital budget. 2)Major revenue sources are not currently matching growth rate of Town's expenses. 3)Sales tax and property taxes are largest sources of Town revenue. 4)1989-90 sales tax revenue is estimated at the same amount as 1988-89 due to the impact of the closure of two car dealerships. 5)The Town staff will focus on enhancing revenue sources and finding creative ways to supplement the decrease in sales tax revenue. 6)The Community Development Block Grant Funding has been reduced by $25,000 this year. 7)The Council policy to guarantee $161,000 in non-profit funding, has caused the Town to contribute $25,000 more from property taxes to finance the grants to these human services programs. 8)This year's budget is extremely conservative but realistic inlight of the current restraints, quarterly budget reports will be studied so as to keep abreast of immediate financial status. 9)Tonight Council is looking at $88,800.00 to be allocated to Human Services Organizations. 10)Another $22,200.00 is earmarked for Arts Programs. 11)However within the total Town budget are other allocations totaling $150,000.00 devoted to arts programs, and $620,000 for human service programs. 12)In comparison to other municipalities of our size, Los Gatos has the highest percentage of human services funding. BUDGET HEARING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM/1989-90 Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the Capital Improvement Program for 1989-90. This program is for repair of streets, parking districts, sewer maintenance and playground equipment. There was no one from the audience who wished to speak to this issue. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to close the public hearing. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. REQUESTS FROM THE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE ANNUAL FUNDING Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place for anyone from the audience to speak on funding of the Community Grant Programs. She stated that Council had received information from the various groups and that Council appreciated the input. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Ellen Graff, representing the Community Services Commission, thanked Council for their help in the funding process. ANIMAL SOCIETY OF LOS GATOS/SARATOGA Dixie Lee Porter, President of "The Rescuers", spoke in support of the animals of Los Gatos and the need for support for abandoned animals. Sue Herson, spoke as a volunteer supporter of this program. Betty Wildon, a "rescuer" spoke infavor of the group and all the good this organization is doing. Mary Grace Copely, submitted for the record a basketful of letters in support of this program. Don DeMantini, stated that the many bills generated by this activity has been fully covered by the many volunteers and supporters of this service. Request is for $40,000.00. LIVE OAK ADULT DAY SERVICES Leta Friedlander, Executive Director of Adult Day Services, thanked Council for its continued support, and spoke of the organization's expansion. Request is for $3,000.00. SJSU/THE HEALTH PLACE Susan Woods, SJSU Heal Place, 208 E. Main St., speaks to the issues of the great needs of the beneficiaries and the lack or volunteers during the vacation months. Request is for $12,056.00. SENIOR NUTRITION AND SERVICES PROGRAM Bruce Padella, spoke of the continued need for the elderly for this program. Request is for $33,471.00 SENIOR COORDINATING COUNCIL Dr. Debra David, Senior Coordinating Council, 208 E. Main St., expressed the need for additional space in the Neighborhood Center. Ben Nurenberg, spoke for the growing number of seniors living in Town, their increasing needs as this trend continues, and the important job the Senior Services are accomplishing at present. Jean Moore, 221 Vista Del Monte, spoke in favor of full funding for this organization and the removal of charge of space costs for their room in the Neighborhood Center. Request is for $21,000.00. TEEN COUNSELING CENTER OF THE WEST VALLEY Beky Giordano, Executive Director of the Teen Counseling Center. Introduced people in the audience who had come for support of the organization. Joanne Rogers, spoke of the success of the program and the need it serves with the lack of current counseling in the schools. Ellen Chamberlain, treasurer of the group, spoke to the finances. Request is for $35,000.00. TRANSIT ASSIST Mr. Ventura asked if the cities of Saratoga or Monte Sereno contributed to this Service. Ms. Swartfager explained that Saratoga was now providing the liability insurance and Los Gatos provides the office space and staff supervision. No one from the audience wished to speak to this issue. Request is for $5,883.00. Motion by Mr. Ferrito, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to close the public hearing for Public Agencies. Carried by a vote or 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ferrito, seconded by Mr. Ventura, to fund the SENIOR NUTRITION AND SERVICES PROGRAM FOR $32,471.00. Carried by a vote 3 ayes. Mr. Carlson abstained. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ferrito, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to fund the TEEN COUNSELING CENTER OF WEST VALLEY for $35,000.00. Carried by a vote 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to fund the TRANSIT ASSIST for $5,883.00. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ventura abstained. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to fund the SENIOR COORDINATING COUNCIL for $15,446.00. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ferrito voted no. Mr. Hamilton absent. ARTS COMMISSION Nancy Burbank, representing the Arts Commission, thanked Council for their help and support in annual funding. ART DOCENTS OF LOS GATOS Lynn Mullen, President of Art Docents of Los Gatos, spoke to the beneficial services to the schools and community of this organization and the request for continued support from the Town. Request is for $12,000.00. CHAMBER ORCHESTRA OF LOS GATOS No one from the audience wished to speak to this issue. Request is for $2,000.00. PHOTOGRAPHIC GUILD OF LOS GATOS No one from the audience wished to speak to this issue. Request is for $438.00. SAN JOSE WIND SYMPHONY Janet Lettang, President of the San Jose Wind Symphony, 1044 Wunderlich Drive, San Jose. Explained that this organization is one of the top ten groups in the country and has played with the local school bands in the past. The request is for funding a professional entertainer to perform with the group within the community. Request is for $2,500.00. SAN JOSE SYMPHONY/MUSIC IN THE SCHOOLS Linda Spencer, representing the San Jose Symphony, 476 Park Ave., San Jose stated that this organization reaches 1,250 students within the local school district. Request is for $6,000.00. VITA/VALLEY INSTITUTE OF THEATRE ARTS No one from the audience wished to speak to this issue. Request is for $18,000.00. YOUNG AUDIENCES Fred Sharkey, Director for young Audiences, 1450 Koll Circle, San Jose, spoke of the over 500 performances put on in Santa Clara county and of the over 10,000 students reached. Request is for $1,200.00. YOUTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE David Johnston, Youth Science Institute, 296 Garden Hill Drive, Los Gatos. explained the financial situation of the organization and the need for additional funding. Request is for $6,000.00. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ventura, to close the public hearing for Arts and Cultural funding. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mayor Benjamin, to fund ART DOCENTS OF LOS GATOS for $12,000.00. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to fund PHOTOGRAPHIC GUILD OF LOS GATOS for $438.00. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Carlson seconded by Mr. Ventura, to fund YOUNG AUDIENCES for $1,000.00. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ferrito, seconded by Mr. Ventura, to fund SAN JOSE SYMPHONY/ MUSIC IN THE SCHOOLS for $5,500.00. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Carlson abstained. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ferrito, to fund SAN JOSE WIND SYMPHONY for $500.00. Motion failed for lack of second. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to fund YOUTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE for $3,262.00. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. KCAT No one from the audience wished to speak to this issue. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to close the public hearing. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mayor Benjamin, to fund YOUTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE for an additional $2,738.00 and decrease KCAT by the same amount. Carried by a vote of 2 ayes. Mr. Ferrito and Mr. Ventura abstained. Mr. Hamilton absent. This motion made the total for KCAT $50,262.00 and the total funding for Youth Science Institute $6,000.00. Mr. Ferrito makes clear that the effect of this increase to Youth Science does not remove additional funds from the Town but reallocates funds already preliminarily budgeted in Community Services. MUSEUM COMMISSION Dr. George Neukman, representing the Museum Commission and the Los Gatos Museum Board. Spoke to the increasing needs of the Museum and the various fundraisers being used to augment these needs. Bryan VanHuystie of the Museum Board addressed the operating budget and the financial organization implemented by the Museum Board. No one else from the audience wished to address this issue. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to close the Public Hearing. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to fund LOS GATOS MUSEUM COMMISSION AND LOS GATOS MUSEUM ASSOCIATION for $5,000.00. subject to subsequent Council action after having had the opportunity to meet with the Board of Directors and having this discussion brought back on a regular agenda. The funds in the meantime being allocated in the budget for the association. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Carlson voted no. Mr. Hamilton absent. ART COMMISSION Nancy Burbank, Arts Commissioner, addressed several alternate methods to funding the Arts in Los Gatos and of evaluating all cultural arts requests for funding from one source. Emerald Hathaway, Arts Commissioner, spoke for the program of Music in the Plaza, and requested additional funding this year. No one else from the audience wished to address this subject. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to close the public hearing. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to fund MUSIC IN THE PARK for $5,300.00. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ventura, to fund LIVE OAK ADULT DAY SERVICES for $2,000.00. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to fund SJSU/HEALTH PLACE for $2,500.00. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM/COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION No one from the audience wished to address this issue at this time. Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mayor Benjamin, to delete from KCAT the amount of $1,000.00, making KCAT's total funding $49,262.00. Carried by a vote of 2 ayes. Mr. Ferrito and Mr. Ventura abstained. Mr. Hamilton absent. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. Ferrito, to fund the SENIOR NUTRITION AND SERVICES PROGRAM for an additional $1,000.00. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Carlson abstained. Mr. Hamilton absent. PUBLIC ARTS ORDINANCE/PUBLIC ART PROGRAM/COMMUNITY VISUAL ARTS Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider introduction of a Public Art Ordinance which would establish a program of public, visual arts projects in the Town. The following people from the audience spoke to this issue: Jeff Brown, Arts Commissioner, spoke in support of the two percent for the arts ordinance and mentioned the need for 2% of any municipal construction costs be reserved for public art placement on that particular site, and asked that that particular portion of the ordinance be separated from the rest and be addressed at this time or at least at some time in the near future. Beverly Bryant, Executive Director of Silicon Valley Chapter of National Association of Industrial and Office Parks, spoke of looking into the many alternatives to funding the project of public art, and pointed out the municipalities that have used various methods of acquisition of public art. Steve Friedman, representing the Chamber of Commerce, spoke against the 2% for the Arts and mentioned various other alternatives that might be satisfactory for our community. Sara Anderson, 150 Los Gatos Blvd., spoke for the need of an established art fund in Los Gatos whether or not it is funded by a 2% for the arts ordinance. Helen Oliver, speaking for the Arts Commission, asked for a professional outlook on arts for the Town and the establishment of an art endowment which would fund all of the Arts within the community for public enjoyment. Anne Lamborn, Arts Commissioner, would like to implement a system of national competition and establish attractive sites for the placement of the art works. Lucille Hogan, asked for support on 2% for the arts whether with this ordinance or another form of funding. Deborah Swartfager, Town Manager, explained the need for a nexus to require compliance of developer to pay for mitigation methods to offset what the development has taken from the community and how this ordinance establishes that nexus. This matter, after audience input and a great deal of Council discussion, received a decision of "No Action" at this time. Motion by Mr. Ventura, seconded by Mr. carlson, to have resolution adopting the budget for the fiscal year of 1989-90 return to Council for acceptance June 19, 1989. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Ventura, to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 p.m.. The next regular meeting will be held June 19, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Hamilton absent. ATTEST; MARIAN V. COSGROVE TOWN CLERK