M 09-09-85TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY AGENDA SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 7:35 p.m. in a continued regular session. ROLL CALL PRESENT:Terrence J. Daily, Thomas J. Ferrito, Brent N. Ventura and Mayor Joanne Benjamin. ABSENT:Eric D. Carlson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance REVENUE SHARING FUND ALLOCATIONS Mayor Benjamin stated this was the time and place duly published for public hearing to consider grants to organizations requesting funding for 85-86. (October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986). Acting Manager presented report stating ground rules established by Council on August 19, 1985 and report showing request of funds from the individual organization and Community Services recommendation of funding. The report also notes the total amount available for allocation is $109,000.00. YOUTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE David Johnston, Executive Director of the Youth Science Institute, spoke on educational programs that Youth Science Institute provides for youngsters in the community. Mr. Johnston answered questions of Council on various services they perform and whether it would be logical to merge or consolidate with any other organization. YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION Stefani Schmitt member of the Youth Advisory Commission spoke on their request for $250.00 which is used for administrative costs. Cheryl Silverstein and Eric Bohl spoke on request of the Teen. TEEN HEALTH PLACE Health Place and their request of $24,000. They explained their program and how they furnish counseling services for youths with problems. In their presentation they stated that waiving of neighborhood center rental fees would help them in their budget. SISTER CITY COMMITTEE Dale Chambers member of the Sister City Committee, spoke on their request for $1,000 stating these funds cover international membership costs, copying, postage and administrative expenditures. SENIOR COORDINATING COUNCIL Nelle Handley, Director of the Coordinating Council of the Los Gatos Area explained to Council the reason for their increased request of funds. She stated various expenses such as rent and postage rates had increased. She also suggested that Council waive the rent fees for the use of the neighborhood center. Ms. Handley answered questions of Council on services furnished to seniors. Mr. John Hulme, 224 Camino del Cerro, spoke on the request and answered questions of Council re services performed by the Senior Coordinating Council. The amount requested by the Senior Coordinating Council is $36,800. PHOTOGRAPHIC GUILD Bob Hageman, spoke on the request of $548.00 for the Photographic Guild of Los Gatos and answered questions of Council on the use of the money. LIVE OAK NUTRITION Constance Dooley representing the County of Santa Clara Live Oak Nutrition Program explained to Council that during this las year the number of home delivered meals has increase and to keep up this schedule it is necessary to ask for increase of funds to continue this service. Request is for $19,134. LIVE OAK ADULT DAY SERVICES Phil Brown, Director of the Day Care Center explained to Council the services furnished by the organization. Mr. Brown stated they are requesting $15,000 and Mr. Brown answered questions of Council as to number of Los Gatos residents being served and what other services they offer. FOOD BANK INC. OPERATION BROWN BAG Jane Rauch Brown representing the Food Bank Inc. of Santa Clara County reported to Council on the services furnished by the said organization nd the number of supplemental food distributions made to seniors. These distributions are made weekly from two Los Gatos sites. Amount requested is $3,600. CULTURAL COMMISSION Mickey Benson, member of the Cultural Commission spoke on behalf of the Commission's request for 8,400. She stated the Commission requires funds associated with regular commission meetings, copying charges,postage costs and staff costs. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Tim Coughlin, member of the Community Services Commission, spoke to Council on their request for $500.00 which is for administration only. CENTER FOR CAREER AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Patti Wilson representative of the Center for Career and Professional Development introduced Board member s follows: Jim Burkhardt; Cynthia Weidlien; Robert Boschert; Judith Baliel; Carol Holcomb; Telemachos Greanias; Barbara Fahs and speaking were Mr. Greanias, Mr. Boschert, Carol Holcomb nd Dr. Jessen explaining the career guidance and education provided through their workshop, seminars and counseling. The amount requested for this year is $11,944. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES/OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM Rita Baum, Program Director of Santa Clara County/Ombudsman spoke to Council and answered questions on the request of $8,644 for the continuation of their services. Mr. Ferrito stated that due to his being a board member for the Art Docents and art Vistas he will not participate in discussion or on voting on these two requests for funds. ART VISTAS Speaking for the organization were Mary Jane whiteford, President of the Art Vistas, Lu Jenkins, Principal of Alta Vista School and Joe Marcelli resident of Los Gatos. Their request is for $4,000 nd this money would be used for supplies only. ART DOCENTS Speaking for the Art Docents was Gretchen Gregersen stating their request of funds for their year is $12.200. Tim Coughlin member of the Community Services Commission spoke on various requests as presented tonight nd explained how Community Services Commission came to a decision on their recommendations. There being no one else wishing to speak on these various request for funds, Mr. Ventura moved hearing be closed. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. RECESS Mayor Benjamin declared a recess. Meeting reconvened at 10:45 p.m. Mr. Daily announced that due to his being on the Board of Direction for the Center For Career and Professional Development he would be abstaining on that vote. Mr. Ferrito restated that he would abstain from voting on all but the Live Oak Nutrition and the Food Bank program. Mr. Ventura moved to fund the Live Oak Nutrition Center with $19,134 and Food Bank with $3,600. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried unanimously. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $250.00 to Youth Advisory Commission. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by a vote of three ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mr. Daily moved to grant $400.00 to Sister City Committee. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ventura moved to grant $500.00 to Community Services as requested. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mr. Ventura moved to grant $11,000.00 to Art Docents. Motion dies for lack of second. Mr. Ventura moved to grant $23,000 to Senior Coordinating Council and $23,000 to Teen Health Place. Motion dies for lack of second. Mr. Daily moved to grant $22,844 to Senior Coordinating Council and $20,720 to Teen Health Place. Mayor Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of two ayes. Mr. Ventura voting no and Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $1,360.00 to the Catholic Social Service. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of two yes. Mr. Daily voted no and Mr. Ferrito abstained. After some discussion this motion was withdrawn completely. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $10,200 to Art Docents. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried by vote of 2 ayes. Mr. Ventura voting no and Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $1,000 to Art Vista. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried by vote of 2 ayes. Mr. Ventura voting no and Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mr. Daily moved to grant $500.00 to Photographic Guild. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained Mr. Daily moved to grant $4,000.00 to Youth Science Institute. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mr. Ventura moved to grant $5,000 to the Cultural Commission. Motion dies for lack of a second. Mr. Daily moved to accept CC recommendation and grant $4,080 to the Cultural Commission. Motion dies for lack of second. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $3,000 to Cultural Commission. Motion dies for lack of a second. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $9,000 to Center for Career & Professional Development. Motion dies for lack of a second. Mr. Ventura moved to grant $8,000 to Career & Professional Development. Motion dies for lack of a second. Mr. Daily moved to grant $2,500 for Catholic Social Service/Ombudsman Program. Motion dies for lack of a second. Mr. Daily moved to grant $2,000 for Catholic social Service. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $10,000 to the Live Oak Day Care Services. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mayor Benjamin moved to grant $9,122 to the Career & Professional Development. Motion dies for lack of a second. Mr. Daily moved to grant $4,080 to the Cultural Commission. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mrs. Benjamin moved to grant $8,500 to the Career & Professional Development. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of two ayes. Mr. Daily and Mr. Ferrito abstained. Acting Town Manager stated that at this point the balance left to be allocated is $1,272.00. Mr. Ventura moved to grant $636.00 to Teen Health Place and $636.00 to Art Docents. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of two ayes. Mr. Daily voting no and Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mr. Daily moved to adopt the General Revenue Sharing allocations to the various organizations as follows: Youth Science Institute $ 4,000.00 Youth Advisory Commission 250.00 Teen Health Place 21,356.00 Sister City Committee 400.00 Senior Coordinating Council 22,844.00 Photographic Guild 500.00 Live Oak Nutrition 19,134.00 Live Oak adult Day Care 10,000.00 Food Bank 3,600.00 Cultural Commission 4,080.00 Community Services Commission 500.00 Career & Professional Dev.8,500.00 Catholic Social Services/ Ombudsman Program 2,000.00 Art Vistas, Unlimited 1,000.00 Art Docents 10,836.00 Total:$ 109,000.00 Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Benjamin declared the meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. ATTEST: Rose E. Aldag Town Clerk