Attachment 2A-BEXHIBIT "A" SHANNON ROAD NO. 28 ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Rev. June 5, 2017 April 26 , 2017 HMH 4130.50 .122 Page 1 of 1 REAL PROPERTY in the unincorporated area of the County of Santa Clara , State of California , being all of that parcel of land described in the grant deed , recorded March 16 , 2010, in Document No. 20641964 of Official Records , Sant a Clara County Records , situate in a portion of Section 23 , Township 8 South , Range 1 West, M .D.M , described as follows: BEGINNING at an angle point in the Town of Los Gatos Limit Line as established by Shannon Road No. 16 Annex ation , being the northeasterly corner of said annexation ; Thence along the general northerly line of said annexation , the following five courses : 1. Thence North 84°02 '00" West, 334 .30 feet ; 2 . Thence South 08 °53'00" West, 215.36 feet; 3. Thence South 83 °43'00" West, 122.55 feet; 4 . Thence North 89 °05'00"" West, 276.00 feet; 5 . Thence North 81 °21 '00" West , 62.45 feet , to the northerly Town of Los Gatos Limit Line as established by Shannon Road No. 13 Annexation; Thence along the northerly and easterly lines of said annexation , the following three courses : 6 . Thence North 81 °21'00" West, 215.05 feet; 7. Thence North 77°17'00" West , 279.2 0 feet; 8. Thence North 20 °42'00" East, 438. 70 feet , to the southerly Town of Los Gatos Limit Line as established by Blossom Hill Number One-A Annexation ; 9 . Thence along said southerly line , East, 1,060 .11 feet, to the southerly Town of Los Gatos Limit Line as establ ished by Blossom Hill Road No . 20; 10. Thence along said southerly line , East, 217 .69 feet , to the easterly line of said parcel of land ; 11 . Thence along said easterly line , South 20°34'00" West , 348.94 feet , t o the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 12. 95 acres , more or less . For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer for sa l e of the l and described. 413050LD04 6-TOWN ANNEXATION.docx 1570 Oakland Road I San Jose, California 95131 I (408) 487-2200 I (408 ) 487-2222 Fax I www.HMHca.com EXHIBIT A This Page Intentionally Left Blank APN 527-17-006 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD NO. 20 • I --~r--:.'-111111¢. I 0 100 200 1 IN . = 200 FT. APN 527-12-002 BLOSSO M HILL NO . 1-A DISCLAIMER: •FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DESCRIPTION OF LAND IS NOT A LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINED IN THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND MAY NOT BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR AN OFFER FOR' SALE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED: LEGEND POB POINT OF BEGINNING _ _ EXISTING TOWN OF LOS GATOS LIMIT LINE PROPOSED ANNEXATION BOUNDARY LINE REVISED 2017-06-05 Dote: 2017-04-26 Des ed: Drown: RF Ch ecked: TG I I l l 1 1 ·~ ID l ~® ..... l ~ BLOSSOM HILL RD. NOTTO SCALE POB =-@ soa ·s3 •00 .. ~ 215.36' " \\ S83'43'00"W @ 122.55' DOC 2 0641964 PROJECT AREA ±12.95 ACRE S APN 537 -25 -002 N81 '21 '00"W _ ___,, ® 6 2 .45' ® COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ~ APN 537-25-016 ~ APN 537-25-021 SHANN ON ROAD NO. 16 TOWN OF LOS GATOS APN 537-25-022 ~"'<o<t. ® ~OO'f: ~ APN 537-25-031 SHA NN ON ROAD NO . 13 SHEET 1 OF 1 EXHIBIT "B" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION SHANNON ROAD NO . 28 Pro. .: JC OW 1570 Oakl and Road (408) 487-2200 SITUATE IN A PORTION OF SECTION 23 T.8S., R.1W., M.D.M . 41 3050PL0 46 Sa n Jose. CA 95131 H MHca.com COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT B This Page Intentionally Left Blank