2018-055 - Approving Commitments of Fund Balance Under GASB 54RESOLUTION 2018 -055 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING COMMITMENTS OF FUND BALANCE UNDER GASB 54 WHEREAS, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued its Statement No. 54, Fund Balance and Governmental Fund Type Definitions with the intent of improving financial reporting by providing fund balance categories that will be more easily understood and to improve the comparability of governmental fund financial statements; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos has established a General Fund Reserve Policy providing for minimum fund balance dollar target amounts for Budget Stabilization and Catastrophic fund balances and outlines policies and procedures for use and restoration of the these balances; and WHEREAS, GASB 54 provides that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos classify governmental fund balances as restricted, assigned, or committed fund balances; and WHEREAS GASB 54 provides that restricted reserves are funds that are restricted for externally imposed constraints such as legal contracts or state law, assigned amounts are constrained by the Town's intent to use them for specific purposes, and committed amounts are dedicated for specific purposes under constraints and formal action taken by the Town Council and these committed amounts cannot be used for any other purposes unless the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos removes or changes the specific use through the same formal action to establish the commitment; and WHEREAS, there exists an excess balance of $4.2 million as of June 30, 2018 from year -end surplus beyond the minimum dollar amount required under the approved Town Council General Fund Reserve Policy; and WHEREAS, the Budget Stabilization and Catastrophic Reserve should be maintained at the required minimum 12.5% of FY 2018/19 general fund budgeted operating expenditures of $5,037,243 as specified in the Town Council General Fund Reserve Policy. This would increase both Budget Stabilization and Catastrophic Reserves from $4,969,847 by $67,396 from available year -end savings; and WHEREAS, per Town Council General Fund Reserve Policy, $690,000 will be placed to the CaIPERS /OPEB Reserve from available year -end savings; and WHEREAS, the remainder of the available year -end savings will be placed to the Capital Project Reserve according to the Town Council Reserve Policy; and loft Resolution 2018 -055 December 18, 2018 NOW, THEREFORE, THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that the following fund balances as of June 30, 2018 as restricted, assigned, or formally committed as follows: Committed to Budget Stabilization $ 5,037,243 Other 5,037,243 Catastrophic 5,037,243 Nonmajor Total CaIPERS /OPEB Appropriated Governmental Governmental Almond Grove Street Project General Fund Reserves Funds Funds FUND BALANCE Restricted for: Capital Outlay $ 606,933.0 $ 6,187,130.0 $ 6,794,063.0 Repairs and Maintenance 198,684 198,684 Committed to Budget Stabilization $ 5,037,243 5,037,243 Catastrophic 5,037,243 5,037,243 CaIPERS /OPEB 2,878,913 2,878,913 Almond Grove Street Project 5,571,087 5,571,087 Assigned to: Vasona Land sale Open Space 562,000 562,000 PERS Unfunded Liability Parking 1,460,210 1,460,210 Susta i na bi I ity 140,553 140,553 Strategic Planning 129,090 129,090 Capital Projects 14,421,203 4,613,202 19,034,405 Carryover Encumbrances 99,927 99,927 Comcast PEG 50,000 50,000 Compensated Absences 2,122,512 2,122,512 Special Revenue Funds 237,991 237,991 Total Fund Balances $ 30,428,684 $ 12,301,432 $ 6,623,805 $ 49,353,921 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 18th day of December 2018 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Marcia Jensen, Rob Rennie, Marico Sayoc, Barbara Spector, Mayor Steve Leonardis NAYS: None. ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None. MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMiiJIST ATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 2of2 Resolution 2018 -055 December 18, 2018