1987-019-Concerning Amendments To The Downtown Specific Plan For The Downtown Parking Improvement ProgramRESOLUTION NO. 1987 -19 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN PARKING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 65453, the Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a public hearing for consideration of amendments to the Downtown Specific Plan on February 23, 1987. WHEREAS, during this hearing the Town Council considered Downtown Specific Plan Amendment GP -87 -2 as recommended by the Planning Commission in Resolution No. 87 -3. RESOLVED: The Town Council finds that the amendments will not have a significant impact on the environment and makes the Negative Declaration, FURTHER RESOLVED: The Town Council finds that Los Gatos Downtown Specific Plan Amendment GP -87 -2 (a) meets the requirements for a specific plan, (b) is consistent with the Town of Los Gatos General Plan, and (c) that all proceedings have been conducted in compliance with the provisions of Government Code Section 65453 et seq. FURTHER RESOLVED: The Town Council hereby amends the Downtown Specific Plan as setforth in the following sections: SECTION I Land Use Implementation Section II.A is recommended to read: A. Commercial Area Boundari Changes in the boundaries of commercially zoned areas shall be made to better define and separate commercial and residential uses. The land use plan in Figure II -1 provides a generalized description of future land use designations. Areas which are largely commercial already shall remain zoned commercial and zoning in adjacent areas shall be changed to residential. Ordinance amendments shall be adopted to preserve existing commercial uses that may be isolated in residentially zoned areas so as to avoid future non - conforming status. SECTION II Land Use Implementation Section II.B is recommended to read: B. Commercial Stab -Areas Within the Downtown 1. Los Gatos Central Business District (CBD) A revised C -2 zone is recommended for the CBD area of downtown Los Gatos. This includes the downtown commercial areas south of Saratoga Avenue and west of Church Street. This area has a a predominantly retail orientation, is developed intensively at a pedestrian scale, and has many of the Town's oldest commercial buildings. The C -2 zone shall recognize and encourage the preservation of the unique functions and character of the downtown. The C -2 zone would include the following items: a. The CBD parking standards recommended in this plan (see Section IV, Parking) would be incorporated into the zoning ordinance for this area. b. The community design standards and review procedures in this plan (see Section VI, Community Design) shall be incorporated into the zoning ordinance for this area. These would include the urban design standards for lighting, signs, street furniture, plant materials, facade design, and building materials. c. The new C -2 zone shall include the same permitted and conditional uses in the existing C -2 zone, and shall include residential uses among those permitted within the zone. d. Traffic capacity standards shall be adopted by June 1, 1487 and shall be incorporated into the zoning ordinance for this area. SECTION III Figure II -1 Land Use Plan is recommended as shown on attached Exhibits A and B SECTION IV Figure II -2 Recommended Zone Change is recommended to be. deleted. - 2 - SECTION V Policies Section IV is recommended to read: IV. Parking Policies A consolidated parking program shall be established within the CBD /East Main Street area of the downtown. A similar approach shall be considered for other areas of the downtown. 2. A funding and management plan for a CBD /East Main Street parking program shall be created. 3. The parking management plan shall consider the differing parking needs for daytime and nightime uses. 8. To the extent possible, parking facilities shall be located in relation to the primary approach direction of users in order to minimize internal circulation within the CBD /East Main Street area. 9. Parking structures may be acceptable in downtown Los Gatos with no more than two levels and with the surface of the top level no more than four feet above grade at any point. SECTION VI Implementation Section IV is recommended to read: IV. Parking Implementation A. Parking Standards. 1. The zoning ordinance shall be amended to include the following parking standards for the downtown area: Retail Uses: One Parking Space per 300 square feet Office /Services One Parking Space per 250 square feet Restaurant: One Parking Space per (No separate bar) 4 seats Restaurant: One Parking Space per (Separate bar) 3 seats Bar: One Parking Space per 3 seats B. CBD /East Main Street Parking Program A single unified parking district shall be formed for the CBD /East Main Street area and membership in that Parking District shall be required for removal of non - conforming use due to parking. 3 - 2 3 The parking requirements for each business in the CBD /East Plain Street area will be computed using the Parking Standards above. A parking authority has been formed and the Town Council is this authority and shall: a. and b. no change c. Develop a revenue collection plan. Revenues collected (fines, fees, meters and permits) will accrue to the district to help pay for maintenance, enforcement, capital replacement, later phases of the parking district and parking alternatives, or programs to maximize use of parking facilities such as shuttle buses, more employee lots, bicycles, bus passes, etc. d. Develop a phased plan for implementing all of the parking facilities listed in Section f. below. f. In order to resolve the parking deficiencies in the CBD /East Main Street area a Parking Program shall be adopted as set forth below: PHASE I Formation of an assessment district that, in conjunction with financial assistance from the Town, will pay for the construction of the following parking facilities: (Lot 3) Surface lot: Royce Street - Grays Lane (Lot 4) Double deck: Grays Lane - Elm Street (Lot 9) Surface lot: East of Park Avenue (Lot 15)Surface lot: East Plain Street - Alpine Avenue SCHEDULE: The four parking facilities described above shall be completed within two years of the formation of the assessment district. PHASE II Implement the revenue collection plan as set forth in Subsection C. above within one year of the completion of Parking Lot #4, PHASE III The revenues collected in Phase II shall be used to pay for the conntruction of the following parking facilities: (Lot 1) Double deck: Saratoga Avenue- Bachman Avenue (Lot 8) Double deck: West side of Park Avenue (Lot 11112) Surface lot: College Avenue -Villa Avenue (Lot 13) Double deck: Lot behind Mountain Charley's - 4 - SCHEDULE: The four parking facilities described above shall be completed based on an acquisition and construction schedule that will be prepared after parking revenues have been collected for one year. The specific location of the parking facilities listed above are set forth in Figure IV -l. In addition, other alternative facilities for which the cost /space is equivalent to those of Phases I and III and which are consistent with the other items in Section IV (Parking) of the Downtown Specific Plan. g. In identifying potential improvements that could increase the number of parking spaces within the CBD /East Plain Street area, the following shall be considered: (1) Make the best use of existing Town owned property. (2) Parking should not replace existing development. (3) Parking structures with two levels are acceptable only as specified in Policy #9 in Section IV. (4) The existing lot behind Mountain Charley's may be decked for parking if the design is consistent with Policy #9 in Section IV. (5) The Old Town parking lot can be decked for parking but not for commercial use. h. In support of the parking program, the Town shall: (1) Donate Town -owned land for parking. (2) Provide staff support for administrating the parking program. 4. Limit to 60% (F.A.R. .6) the amount of floor area permitted on the properties within the CBD /East Main Street parking district. The Zoning Ordinance has been amended to include a floor area ratio (F.A.R.) of .6 for the C -2 zone and should be amended for properties zoned Office and C -1 that are located in a parking assessment district. In the event a building or buildings within a parking district is /are destroyed, reconstruction to the prior floor area would be allowed. 5. The intersection of East Main Street and Jackson Street, Alpine Avenue and Pleasant Street shall be studied and a plan developed that provides safety improvements to minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts. The completion of the safety improvements shall be given the highest priority. - 5 - C. Parking Program for Other Commercial Areas For the commercial areas of the downtown outside of the CBD parking shall be provided on -site, or in a pooled area for a small number of uses (like a small complex of stores). The parking requirements for these areas are given above. Solutions to the problems of existing parking deficits and possible hardship cases for new development include: o Use of existing off -site public parking in the area to provide for parking deficiencies, possibly in return for in -lieu fees or a long -term lease arrangement. o The construction of a joint -use facility for several sites. o Parking time limits. o Modification of parking requirements in cases with major difficulties in providing parking. D. Neighborhood Parking Program A residential permit parking program on streets adjacent to the CBD /Fast Main Street area shall be considered to reduce the impact of downtown parking on nearby residential areas. Several variations of a residential parking permit program are possible. Some of the alternatives are: o Non - residents are prohibited from parking during certain hours of the day. o Non-residents are prohibited from parking moth during day and at night. o Hon- residents are permitted to park for limited amounts of time in the regulated areas. The selection of a specific program will depend on the desires of neighborhood residents and the Town Council will initiate programs for the streets listed below at the request of the neighborhood residents. The specifics of the parking plan and the particular aresas to be included will be subject to neighborhood input and public hearings. o Wilder Avenue between Bean Avenue and Bachman Avenue. o Bachman Avenue between Wilder Avenue and Massol Avenue. o slain Street from Lyndon Avenue to Bayview Avenue. - 6 - o Edelen Avenue between Mullen Avenue and Bentley Avenue. o Broadway between Bean Avenue and Almendra Avenue. o University Avenue between Mullen and Saratoga o Villa Avenue o Jackson Street (south of East Main Street) o Alpine Avenue (south of East Main Street) Other streets could be included or a CBD -wide program could be implemented. The preferential parking program shall be coordinated with the CBD parking program, such that preferential parking will begin at the request of neighborhood residents. One method for implementing a preferential parking program is given in the Technical Appendix. SECTION VII Figure IV -1 is added as set forth in Exhibit C. - 7 SECTION VIII PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos this 23rd day of February 1987 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Joanne Benjamin, Eric D. Carlson, and Mayor Brent N. Ventura NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas J. Ferrito, and Robert L. Hamilton ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS None SIGNED: � 0 0 Wr Or OS 0 ATTEST: CLERK. O7- ]HE TOWN OF LOS GA IS F: VIOL.:s /GP- 87- 2(pgs. 12 -19) 8 -