1983-200-Approving The Quit Calm Deed With Shell Oil CompanyRESOLUTION No. 1983 -200 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE QUIT CLAIM DEED WITH SHELL OIL COMPANY RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the Mayor is authorized, and hereby directed to execute the attached Quit Claim Deed in the name and in behalf of the TOWN OF LOS GATOS. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on 17th day of October 1983 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Joanne Benjamin, Eric D. Carlson, Terrence J. Daily, Thomas J. Ferrito and Mayor Brent N. Ventura NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS None SIGNED: ATTEST: CLERK OE THE TOWN JE LOS GAT� PLEASE RECORD AND RETURN TO: Town Clerk P.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, California 95031 Government Code 6103 NO FEE QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged. TOWN OF LOS GATOS, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereby quit claims all rights, title and interest in that certain agreement recorded on March 11, 1957 in Book 3743, pages 319 -326, Santa Clara County Records. Dated: ; i g j 1, 0 p 0 t d 'e e°u z °f Y �y� y i 7, E:dr 146 = 00 q n a 41,X37 1 :.• rba�,�o6�ap�� ri {, rm: �C�j}�pg',. ao4 �iAYge gr < iY i y ,lax of Pt, e�do and Owe@ / t r„ $� 145)?i e a eoC7+rrsb.Yesa zz r- . G9tLaSa Bi x + €. Y Paj °prporstid C° C4as or Lft i P if E �laws tl for the ocsstaystica teed P.Lst yjeas /ra f _"7j"7�' ' ` C.o Cxw f 6 / g x f r srchltectttra YasYc,a a f the j ®p &as Gsg ®s Sala praparty MAIrrahss¢d Q �� o€�gs� +yry ehaaat corner a€ BOreta ad arjy k�r�.y ss- j a'st Town a s Talc d ° c Loo ws, amd � ?@rtSn C C etas " �Rta of F LOT 10 suC s_M1tL�. rp'massai. cexrtsq�grttaa of L. a`�;:�`;r"5, �ilcd fie „ba.Yg"loa at La. AatltLed Ya tjwetQ �uc'r cg rant. Cho ag ®COs, r„ajon of ties' tic 2 §. I is C' - S f$c¢ of C°�a. �O s p k Caj o x`r +.L¢rZF da'arrf ” fallc'use Par- 35, � tFea Co XI^s at a tsev f^rr_ J y a 8s toad, dl Mint � a®Q€tae age 19 t sCeri 1 <,d,g ¢f ° iltect i..oZarmactggaa a e ssi6 f -1th ib, a 6a- �gt»awaAtffi�y f rc+ieeYe+..aaat lass W+sist�x'r ly v. i 0 m6 1. &3G C Ls�3f i.„s , ua Ask ' *`�''.a' Marc a Ew sea pp ar for ja X°ts Oaf °'Cy and lld ffigy tiba di�/x 18 a „,,•.�, �`4 "'a�`;h semrig asl�€€Yc{.ys£9Se Add xBC the etraio 3&S, g� z. EAe� js jYSZm of - G6• /JcN /eb:N 4� a r .. [ 9& g T f 0 F I (a GGkk F� z I f? to 55 i 1 ?§ t 3 K a r r� a t+ 1 � i I .f . . 4 vase *rld to Pa rd, 14'0 foot to a point oa thes Saoth- and ally ne o. Sazaroga Zoad; thanoe Sowthoasterly an faetnt ®the S Yh° >astmz2v 11aa of 3m:etega g to the point of linaving, g '7 Lf7 11 and paztion of Lot 12c in block 3 upon that cae.niu nap antitle� yq, at ntthe office afoth® which hasp vat fita�3 for - record Clara, State of FU1e °Yt$ar of too Coenty of Sdnta Cal!fornie, on Dec¢ as `ollowa ps' PmBa 35, and room pmrrc1ccln:la9dea<:Ybai toga Road, fu Cao thexeoaa Sw Chtroatcrly line of Sara - t4s a0 oa[ far'thmesteslr frna Point of is [erne loon o L"ba Sot's th"Steriy Smratogm head, with eb¢ FE.ihstaatarly line of Toit Sastot' of ra`-0& ak+rt�'; ® >atocl and along N.fm Soc:h- vmaersiy Tins of Sar ®toga LZ 49. Z0 fame; the ling So tbemat Lerly and peraliej +rite zga .oca ruzs- of Tait Street 140.00 feet to tl e 3io terlp for Lot 2, 3 10 and 11 is &Inc& 3 as s coal," Kap above tetaza-ed t ®• t$eaee coo tb. pe_eFIa1 With the Soothimaatoet sooth"aterly and 44.00 feet to the c y E1� of Saratoga latad® F2 in said 61ock 3; tbaaseaoraea'+ far Lott 1, 2, 11 acrd 25 -ng the ditidi t °o8 SottbaaaterFy cod 06 feet; thaocg Iius baeaaan said Lott 11 and 12, with the Savthw¢ster�i$S Soatbemaatsrly and parallel feat to n point an the lint of Seznts�;� mod, SO.Yo thane¢ n ni bOTrha aatoiYy Yiexa ai Twit Sttroat, lime of TaiiSttaatheaxTarly and along the and parallal M_th 13 £sat; the 0 Carly 6aad, the Strachaas tt FS- of 5tze tacit' 50 feet; thaace Not- thaaxtcrl and parmllaE gy, tba Korth�aaterly line of Tait Streak 102 fact W Lira point of begiouing, pRXICL FR3REE METIOY 6W LOT 12, In t, 3, at ahoeas K p entitled '• - o. the M t00% gy' eopao that cortaio Map was Filed for m,; in C$.e oa endlvitiac -, which Of the C, of of Santo Clara, .Lattice of the Ssoordar ax cxabasr ®yg, 1892 ink o&. G of tea, ®; -so13, etb �.Yra es follows. trcl,mlm at the irtartaocfon of the SaathweaCwzlP `ti no S`of Saratq good with the &artbeaaearly E2so of Tatt raet; thence 3otithweea -lv along the &lizo na Of .eft Street along feat; ti cat 1t' 30C001fine pama,Ial Mrh laid ,,cc t ri,arhr armlet anr' ppst,;Il¢I with said liaa o oc yea MthZmatarlr co :ba Souehvatearl i! t &[watt 102.0o feet 5 s of .ors Gaga Soso; thacxo at N .c s Y f fff a d y 7 � La 4 - t Pee AM, WZ H. 8 a Y l� Y a .f . . 4 vase *rld to Pa rd, 14'0 foot to a point oa thes Saoth- and ally ne o. Sazaroga Zoad; thanoe Sowthoasterly an faetnt ®the S Yh° >astmz2v 11aa of 3m:etega g to the point of linaving, g '7 Lf7 11 and paztion of Lot 12c in block 3 upon that cae.niu nap antitle� yq, at ntthe office afoth® which hasp vat fita�3 for - record Clara, State of FU1e °Yt$ar of too Coenty of Sdnta Cal!fornie, on Dec¢ as `ollowa ps' PmBa 35, and room pmrrc1ccln:la9dea<:Ybai toga Road, fu Cao thexeoaa Sw Chtroatcrly line of Sara - t4s a0 oa[ far'thmesteslr frna Point of is [erne loon o L"ba Sot's th"Steriy Smratogm head, with eb¢ FE.ihstaatarly line of Toit Sastot' of ra`-0& ak+rt�'; ® >atocl and along N.fm Soc:h- vmaersiy Tins of Sar ®toga LZ 49. Z0 fame; the ling So tbemat Lerly and peraliej +rite zga .oca ruzs- of Tait Street 140.00 feet to tl e 3io terlp for Lot 2, 3 10 and 11 is &Inc& 3 as s coal," Kap above tetaza-ed t ®• t$eaee coo tb. pe_eFIa1 With the Soothimaatoet sooth"aterly and 44.00 feet to the c y E1� of Saratoga latad® F2 in said 61ock 3; tbaaseaoraea'+ far Lott 1, 2, 11 acrd 25 -ng the ditidi t °o8 SottbaaaterFy cod 06 feet; thaocg Iius baeaaan said Lott 11 and 12, with the Savthw¢ster�i$S Soatbemaatsrly and parallel feat to n point an the lint of Seznts�;� mod, SO.Yo thane¢ n ni bOTrha aatoiYy Yiexa ai Twit Sttroat, lime of TaiiSttaatheaxTarly and along the and parallal M_th 13 £sat; the 0 Carly 6aad, the Strachaas tt FS- of 5tze tacit' 50 feet; thaace Not- thaaxtcrl and parmllaE gy, tba Korth�aaterly line of Tait Streak 102 fact W Lira point of begiouing, pRXICL FR3REE METIOY 6W LOT 12, In t, 3, at ahoeas K p entitled '• - o. the M t00% gy' eopao that cortaio Map was Filed for m,; in C$.e oa endlvitiac -, which Of the C, of of Santo Clara, .Lattice of the Ssoordar ax cxabasr ®yg, 1892 ink o&. G of tea, ®; -so13, etb �.Yra es follows. trcl,mlm at the irtartaocfon of the SaathweaCwzlP `ti no S`of Saratq good with the &artbeaaearly E2so of Tatt raet; thence 3otithweea -lv along the &lizo na Of .eft Street along feat; ti cat 1t' 30C001fine pama,Ial Mrh laid ,,cc t ri,arhr armlet anr' ppst,;Il¢I with said liaa o oc yea MthZmatarlr co :ba Souehvatearl i! t &[watt 102.0o feet 5 s of .ors Gaga Soso; thacxo at N .c s Y f fff a d y 7 � La 4 - t Pee AM, WZ H. 8 a rr As' 3 7 4S d ling of McatvS& L04d, 50.00 feet to the place of bnjMdjng; and ............ WgIfy-AS, the Planning Comission on Ja"Sr' 1 S", zPprcv'd said Plane for said "rVill station subject to the following conditions, to witl ThAt in the truant of the •idaning of the snotharly line of Saratoga Avence to the extant Of the proposed forty- f00c Highe'41 Videniag Line shown on the above mentioned plot planx dated jan,:a r' 28 19 57 , and on file in the Office of the Town Cjgg Of the Town of Log Catoa, all of FIRST PARTY'S facilities &WDr Etructurea.whathar above or under the groundtlodatne within said forty -foot Highway Widen- ing Line, shall ba r—v*d by FIRST PArTT at its sole cost and exPonsO, and, in addition, ritsy ?ART, shall bear the cost Of any relocation of its facilities &adjor st�turaa located "told* said Line which may ba occasioned by such ettvat Vi4aning. 4", �*W, MRM'ORS, for and in consideration of s8CON0 PAZ°- granting in favor Of FIRST PARTY all license& and Par- Z 1xitz anceaeasy to wutwr�.Le =c clwarnz Of T -he Ect1b" Promises and the cone true t_i.on. in eecordeace 11 th FIRST PARTY' A Plana and specifications, and operst t jDa thereon of an 'cOwnb'IQ service station and vithodt which it would not have done to, FIRST FAj= hereby egre,as that, in the Avast it is dotornined by s=xn MET- or any other 7 fttguoy that Saratoga Avaan®, between the West&rlw Tme limits 4 And T-11 A—­. 10 the Town of Los Gt,,, h=ld be widgoad the southerly side A. aforesaid, FiuT ?a.rTr' uPnn not 1.60 then x third 00) day writt" dtwend from SCCMZ pAg,,7 to do If xenaer ®enK eaa.r,N so, at its sole coat srw "se arrd .(thwp cost to SE'CR® Pkm, dll rxrn.d s!1 rf a.a Ye.I E. the ground, leaped ithin said fce :Y-feot H14tmey ai6enln9 -lne, rnd, in aadit len, FIST Pa -,y shr!i «az the wa; of my rei cca tion of its Fseiiitiee andior se roc tares outside said Line M1,, ery Ce PCCd Si M @d ty a4Ch street vi dpn!ng, THIS AGPEE %k T Sa bihdin4 anon the reslyne as and avCc..sa ra Sn !merest of the Pa .TES h".m. Is Y! ASS c,Eee, sate Fs3TIES have heze.ta sr the9i hrnd as a. :he day and yea: n ;clnaA a first .rft tan, O j e6c 7ora ci „s i,¢t oa 'Tz S!£LL OIL C(Pi W 7. CF :x ;.'-06 Ey —LL4 A6avor of the Tosm or Loa 0¢toa E, 4 i =' ckm �b t ` F P.' . 9 a sr x r 1R p S 4 H per. v t i, . t e ' • ##tt S i B v nY has b¢ee e ue tee under v L } It e h c ary R�r a. Suiew Gl,ivm.( C $I 1 r.:dutey d- Y i f t' � t d Y • ._. �...���a TA)) � i ?CORD ; T 6F [ 7gv(�s 1357 �7 v �zf� so, at its sole coat srw "se arrd .(thwp cost to SE'CR® Pkm, dll rxrn.d s!1 rf a.a Ye.I E. the ground, leaped ithin said fce :Y-feot H14tmey ai6enln9 -lne, rnd, in aadit len, FIST Pa -,y shr!i «az the wa; of my rei cca tion of its Fseiiitiee andior se roc tares outside said Line M1,, ery Ce PCCd Si M @d ty a4Ch street vi dpn!ng, THIS AGPEE %k T Sa bihdin4 anon the reslyne as and avCc..sa ra Sn !merest of the Pa .TES h".m. Is Y! ASS c,Eee, sate Fs3TIES have heze.ta sr the9i hrnd as a. :he day and yea: n ;clnaA a first .rft tan, O j e6c 7ora ci „s i,¢t oa 'Tz S!£LL OIL C(Pi W 7. CF :x ;.'-06 Ey —LL4 A6avor of the Tosm or Loa 0¢toa E, 4 i =' ckm �b t ` F P.' . 9 a sr x r 1R p S 4 H per. v t i, . t e ' • ##tt S i B F •. l QA .a i i 7H TS 25 TGCER;YIPY that I, Yhs und3re igrwd t�7r D7 40'4 :F)�.3 as Aasl6tant Secretary of Shell 011 Company, a Delaware corporation, and that ih¢ e,. following Is x true and correct copy or a resolution Culp 'dopta9 by the goat`' of Directors Of 3911 Corporation at a areting held in New York City, On :'hurt. '.nY, Segtecber 22, 19,49, and that saki revolution ie now In full force and offect: /w.o� R2SGivcD, that the Dieu Son 'renegers and s^ t Division Sales p4an.A ge r'L of this Company, new or f hereafter appointed, be and each of them is hereby authorized, in the name and on banal, of the C =parry to execute, deliver, accept, easier:, at,f od, extend or cancel: (a) losses and subleases or real or poi -Donal ••.. � property, In the us u" course of Cusl.neas of the Karketin„ Dl.ls!sn, whether the Conpanl• be letter Or lessee or sublessor or subleaaee; prav tiled that r ary such lease or sublease shall not Include an Option to purchase real Property owned In fee by the Coapuny; i Under any nor lvubloase tWa i such lease ano &r.rveclnntts th aeeignean a9 to the rental so aselgned; ! (c) agreettants subonllneting any such least or sublease to env =rtgage affecting the prapertq described therein; (d) right of ray, unloading ana r¢Slwey aide Crack agree9antx; (e) tllla of sale, sand Stlonal sale contract. and Other lnat: cents tr 4naf6 -.—i g Lt'e to bulldinrs, ➢M tO. 1616, Improvepents e ^d ° ^•' -- , wF hsr arM ICs station, bulk depot or �I auto,, lve7 p; :+v to ®d L'nst iuch bills of sale and other inetr nta autO- motive eQuip^: nt 3:911 t: ant Pa rr!n„ es, r ` each rte¢ of Huth cv gl^ing sof ( ") releases, dl9chargcs and satisfaction .y chattel mortgages or conditional tale contractsi .k (S.) bids. Proposals and contracts, In the usual t course or the buelne6a of the Aarket /ng Divizlon, for th6 tale and delluary of any pmd uc to cold by this Corgpany, Including such bids ark; , ropo sold to, and contrxcta wltr�, any Prde r¢l, mate, county, munlClpal or other ccve mavntel °y Eumthaq orl ch bonds and ^u g o [he ttrleh; b.e raGulred in connection a .� (h) lOntrac°t ' in the 'Zbal cou YeQ or buainoaa or the LSvlcior„ with d'atrlbutcrs or agrnte for the , 4y sure of Product' 1, parfora,a nOp of Jtnar des lea& 1 f ^r t": :a :OP_+y E;;p on d C:lIIp Ielio't t't&is; 1 : ✓ �_ (1) conat rue elan, ralntc banks or pains s f a "^ re i' "ting tp se rle aYationt, bak wa rehoudes r^ 3 g � tm-F { ✓ P4. `r i ti ti g ' w v.• _ e,. R: @I 1 /w.o� s^ t f dee..d o.' xr ••.. � teas., -.., K t4Yr ,, r D,Id Itc.Q V -r „ i i dtin..wr .. g 1 /w.o� .r �, gyV 1 3 i 1 g< i 8 k C Y I � i I Y I + c s 1 , , x >_ �.. an: atlier 4len with the lwArke tainns d operations teo : this eor.nec- 1, ' Cccmpa. ^.y; („ Cush reports and ra,u,,z as way be req j, It by any gaeerryantzi authority I:: Correction with texca iev led by try each 5cihority Sn rmspect tz Pry. eta rcndlad Gy this ;.ar„ °ry. And It is ryrther certirled tlat H. S. HAIGHT Is Manger, San F- aneiaco Divlelo^ of said ; Co:roration. k r7+ Fv WrrK -SS V} —REC?, I have h,ercur.to sat ab hand 5nd arrixed the sea, or said co,,,ra -Im thin ISth ley or Bebruary i m 1, 1 r r "a 1 y'oS �2c and Ths,Y Yh o--wMr T, ummmr 5: On. ry S+ StA^ w a: a: ltt:e 1 Qd pascuric4l' IF &:07413 To.' co'm'a 0. LLe T-.,n cr :,,a f--nd'v ttgl- 1. .cold to f.r tha gene .rci ,.•,rare C' the —a.,. 'r L 6 Cam..-. tr ar_ and corg5jtjoz in that -ertlr, rILLtn Airec=cn-,. Later Fv'rLa.—, 76th , ty anc t�,.een SKELL 011L CCuFANFY, & ana '^c Ic . " , ITS ^_._,.,. The Mayor ow T..n C'.crV f the lven of L" Gatos authorlr(d arw directed to eztcute an accc7txnce ,,f said AFree.^ht. FA`SM AND ADOPTIFD AT A 9ErVL4R KXETISv vF 7,G C=—'L nF 79EF TO-': .7' L,03 CAT0.S thin 4th day .1 IPa15ht 1p57. ti the fojl..Il�E. Vote: AYE,', crvNc'lylz!: -'S C- 4 5;i S-T Ai. liz wBm na frN wii�w 3-11B —l')25 A,SE?TAXCF —h* dote ht, toy a'• ep. t6'e' 19 7, by Mid between SE-.LL ,:L GC'k'FAgv' C-r z ra"'.cn, FItS7 FAR• , and the TOWN OF LSG GATOS, & Col`Pcr--1011, SOSOKM PART', to ., .he a'--Ole and a-.lactOd r:e"to up.n the terze and t7e.efii ttattO. CATER: 4tR 1 1957 MAYOR OF 'Tr— TO-N OF LOS OATtIS Ole,- 7 —�G A F. I-A Ole,- 7 —�G A I-A AA N ------------- a'4 CERTIFICATE ACCEPTING GRANT DEED This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by that Grant deed dated August 16, 1983, which is attached hereto, from Shell Oil Company, • Delaware corporation (herein called "Grantor "), to the Town of Los Gatos, • Municipal Corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos pursuant to authority conferred by Section 2 -7, Subsection (b) of the Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos, adopted by the Town Council on February 20, 1973, and the grantee con- sents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: By: Director o lic Works Town of Los Gatos ATTEST: TOWN CLERK , TOWN OF LOS GA S