Attachment 12Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi Jennifer, Josine <josinesmits@msn.com> Thursday, March 23, 2017 9:52 PM Jennifer Armer 15215 Shannon Road Mudflows-from-the-Highlands-2.jpg; Mudflows-from-the-Highlands-3.jpg; Mudflows- from-the-Highlands-4.jpg; Flood Control Hillside Development Impact .pdf; Sahadi Topo Map _0001.pdf Please forward this letter with new information and attachments to the Town Council, in preparation for the next hearing on April 4th. To the Town Council, I hope you will review my letter of March 15th before the next hearing and that you will also watch the previously submitted videos. I would like to add the following images and map to the visual evidence. Mr.Sadahi's team has stated that there is no run-off impact from the proposed development. This is false . Please see the pictures of the creek below the Highlands of Los Gatos, taken from just within the gate . How will the effect ofMr.Sahadi 's proposed five lot subdivision--of 2 Yi acres each--be any different? For 30 years we have seen exactly such flows of mud come down through the creeks on our property from developments above. We have brought this to the attention of Town staff and the Town Council repeatedly! As you can see in the pictures there is a direct connection between construction in the hills and destructive torrents cascading off the natural slopes. The hydrological impact downstream is tangible; it is not negligible. The issue of run-off from building and paving should no longer be neglected by the Town. The map with dots and circles in red shows just some of the properties below the proposed development that are in danger of flooding . The citizens in the lowlands of Los Gatos and beyond do not need more mud flows. Responding to my pictures of flooding on Shannon Road and Short Road one of the engineers indicated that it was the result of exceptionally heavy storms. In reality, the storms were not that intense compared to what we experienced in previous El Nifio's. As the Stanford meteorologist Daniel Swain noted on March 18th: "Interestingly, none of the individual storms so far this season have been particu larly destructive by Californ ia's historical standards. Instead, most of the widespread flooding, mudslides, and other infrastructure disruptions that have occurred stemmed primarily from the cumulative effect of unusually frequent moderate to strong storm events." http://weatherwest.com/archives /562 1 ATTACHMENT 1 2 These moderate to strong storms are exactly the kind of events that could (purportedly) be mitigated by peak flow reduction measures such as the proposed infiltration trenches. Changing climate or not, it is the cumulative run-off from building and paving that has overtaxed the existing infrastructure. Nature cannot be out- engineered. Finally, please consider the precedent of allowing a high density, semi-suburban hillside development of 2 Yi acre lots in a zone of 15 to 20 acre properties. It is the larger properties, such as our own, that safeguard the natural beauty and environmental integrity of the hills. If Mr.Sahadi's re-zoning is approved, the (future) owners of the contiguous properties will be next to apply for a rezoning into 2 Yi acre lots. That would mean 20 more mansions. Please imagine for a moment what the approval of Mr.Sahadi's re-zoning application would unleash on people like us in the watershed below. Sincerely, Dirk and Josine Smits P. S. The Los Gatos parcel map is out of date. It does not reflect the 11 acre lot line adjustment by means of which we acquired a portion of the Murphy orchard in 1995. It was on this 11 acre strip from the ridge to Shannon Road that we placed an Open Space and Conservation Easement, which was accepted by the Town in 2003. Please ensure that Los Gatos staff is aware of the natural resources of the Town and also of its stewardship responsibilities. -\:Yood Cgrl:ndl lX\ ~ ~°'-~ UWl_O--u~ Scuj.0-CJ00>°'-~ ~ \J~J- -----41 ,,, Slow Absorbtion Groundwater Recharge Natural Cleaning More and Faster Runoff No Recharge/Absorbtion .Pollutant Washoff UNDEVELOPED Land development can affectffooding. DEVELOPED ~·· u~a ~o;cr-\Q _c;~ ... • .J 0 G s ernc tcry D lLJ ~).. :! -t R -~ Nf <\ _,., ~..., • Q: ::i T \ c ,., -. ~ ... ~ . 8 • oss -,\1 ~A £Y R < ..r VI ';:;; > :l'J .~ ~ . t..J .. :::::.. ._. I-~ ·.:.. '.;?: ~ I ~ -'• 2: "-' '.:::> ">< ------- FR~/\/( I S ,_) ~ Blossom Hill <D ~a.d.i h~ Q:> Sm~~"'·~ o.rvA kw.ti.. @ \ b~~\ ~~ ~ooA . ~n ~ ~l.-~~~ ltocJ.l""\ ( ~ ~ m<m~V:i) To : TC, for meeting of 4/4/2017 From Dave Wei ssman, 3/30/2017 Re : 15215 Shannon Road, PD -15-001 I have a proposal for a win-win-win situation for both the applicant, the neighbors, the Town's hillsides, and the citizens of this Town. I present this in writing since the public testimony part of the hearing is now closed. If this 13-acre property continues to be pre-zoned HR-5, as it has for the last 37 years , then Mr. Sahadi gets to build no more houses other than the one he already ha s on proposed Lot 2. Here's how everyone wins: 1. Rezone this parcel to HR-2.5PD and reduce the number of permitted parcels to 2. Additionally, a Performance Standard should be added to the PD prohibiting further subdivi sion of the approved number of lots. 2. Mr. Sahadi wins because he can now build 1 new house, probably most suitably on proposed Lot 5, and make a nice return on hi s 1970 purchase of this property. Under either the current County zoning of A20, or the Town's pre-zoning of HR -5, he is only permitted 1 house on his 13 acres. 3. Mr. Sahadi win s because, as Mr. Paulson told the PC on 12/14/2016, the applicant may be able to go to 2 houses and exclusively utilize the exi sting driveway off Shannon Road . Mr. Sahadi would not have to make any more improvements to that road, according to Mr. Paul son, and could still satisfy Fire Department requirements. No new easements would have to be obtained from the neighbors. Fourteen (14) or more trees would be saved . 4 . Mr . Sahadi win s because he would not have to expend significant funds to con struct a new driveway off of Santella Drive. Almost no grading would need to occur if just proposed Lot 5 was developed . A Supplemental Initial Study, comparing the benefit s/problems of the current driveway versu s a new access road, would not be necessary, a comparison that clearly should have been done in the first go-around to make the IS complete . 5. The neighbors win because the applicant would not need several exceptions, under his current application, for too narrow access road widths, too steep grades, lack of sidewalks, excessive cut and fill, and too tall retaining walls . Plus, surface storm water runoff to the south should be decreased . Environmental impacts would be minimized . 6. The Town wins because the PC visibility concerns, especially for the proposed house on Lot 1, would become moot. 7. The Town wins because a major goal of the HDS&G, PD overlay, is upheld : "The intent is to significantly reduce the amount of grading, roads, and other alterations to the existing environment, to minimize the visual impact of the development, and to retain the maximum amount of continuous open space in its natural state ." 8 . This is a fair, fiscally and environmentally responsible compromise between the PC's unanimous denial and the 5-lot subdivision that the applicant is requesting .