Ordinance 1149 - AMENDING PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE CONCERNING PARKINGORDINANCE NO. I I49 ORDIMNCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GAT OS AMENDING PROVISIONS OF T}TE ZONING ORDTNANCE CONCERNING PARKING. THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORNAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECT]ON 1. Sections 21.3, 21.4 and 21.17 of the Zoning Ondinance of the Tortrn of Los Gatos are repeafetl. SECTION 2. Section 2I.f5 of the Zoning Ordj.nance of the T ordn of Los Gatos is amended to nead: SEC. 2f .I5: PARKI NG RE0UI REI,IENTS FoR DOWNTOWN CORE AREA. lhe rninimum numbe n of off-strEet parking spaces nequired for uses on pnopenties in the rlownto{rn core area shaff be one (I) panking space for each three hundre rI twenty -five (325) square feet of gross floo:: area if the use is housed in a bUilding or structure, or one (I) parking space for. each thrEe hr:nrlre cl twenty-five (325) squane feet of gross space occupied by a use establisherl in an unenclosed a:rea, subject to the following exception. Whe zre a building or structurE existed on January 1, 1974, the minimum numbe r of aclditional off -str:ee t panking spaces tequired because of post January L, L974 increases in the floor arEa of such building or strlucturE shall be one (I) parking space fon each thr€e hundred twenty-five (325) square feet of the gross floor area of the incre ase . -t- SECTION 3. Section 27.27 of the Zoning Ondinance of the Torun of Los Gatos is anende d to re atl : SEC. 21.27: SAME -- RETAIL SH0PS. Retail and conrnenciaf stores and shops: one (1) parking space fon each two hunrlred thirty-five (235) sgua:re feet of gross floon area. SECT]ON 4. Section 21.28 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Torun of Los Gatos is arnende cI to re ad : SEC. 21 .28: SAME -- BUSINESS OFFICES. Business and professiona-I offices, banks, financial institutions, insurance cornpanies, social sen/ice agencies and studios: one (1) parking space for each tr^ro hundred thirty-five (235) square feet of gnoss ffoor area. SECTION 5. Section 21.29 of the Zoning Ortlinance of the Town of Los Gatos is ane nrle d to read: SEC. 21.29: SAME -- FURNITURE STORES. Householcl furniture, appliances and funniture repain shops: one (1) parking spaee for each thnee hr:ndre rl fifty (350) squane feet of gnoss floor area. SECTION 6. Section 21.30 of the Zoning Orclinance of the Town of Los Gatos is -2- arEnded to read: SEC. 21.30: SAME -- ENCLOSED MACII NE RY SALES. Enclosed automobile or machinery sales: one (1) parking space for each fottr hundred seventy (470) square feet of gross floor area. SECTION 7. Section 2f.34 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 21.34: SAME -- WHOLESALE BUSINESSES. I,tlholesale establishments and warehouses: one (1) parking space for each two thousand three hundred fifty (2,350) square feet of gross f1oor. arta, plus one (I) space fon each company vehicle used in the operation of such establishrnent or warehouse. SECTION 8. Section 2l-36 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is arne nde d to re ad : SEC. 2I.36: SAME -- MORTUARIES. Euneral hones and mortuaries: one (1) parking space for each seven hundred (700) square feet of gross floon area, plus one (1) parking space for each employee and one (1) parking space for each company vehicle used in the operaticu:r of such hone on mortuary. SECTION 9. Section 2L.37 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is anenfud to nead: -3- SEC. 2I.37: SAME -- LIBRARIES. Conmrmity center?s and libraries: one (1) parking space for each five hr:nclred nine ty (590) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (1) parking space for each employee. SECTION 10. Section 2I-38 of the Zoning Ordinance of the anende cI to re aal : SEC. 21.38: SAME -- POST OFFICES. Post offices: one (I) parking space for thirty-five (235) s quare feet of gross floor parking space for each employee, and one (I) Tonrn of Los Gatos is each two hundre d area, plus one (l) for each official vehicle - SECTION If. Section 21 .39 of the Zoning Ordinance of the T otrrn of Los Gatos is anende d to read: SEC. 21.39: SAME -- CLUBS. Private clubs and loclges: one (1) parking space for each three hr:nclre d fifty (350) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (I) parking space for each three hr:ndzed fifty (350) sguare feet of outside areas employed for purT)oses of assembly and nreeting by the members and guests of such clu.bs and lotlges, plus one (1) parking space for each five hundrerl nine ty (590) square feet of outside are as developed for" recz€ ational pullposes, such as gandens, swimming poo1s, park ar"eas antl assembly areas, excepting golf counse playing area and similan field sports. -tt- SECTION }2. Section 21.40 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is anencle d to re ad : SEC. 21.40 : SAME -- SCHOOLS. a. Elementarv schools: one (l) parking space for each employee and if such schoof has an auditorium there sha1l be one (1) parking space for each three and one -half (3-L/2) fixecl seats in such auclitorium, plus one (1) parking space for each six (6) linear feet of fixed benches therein, or one (1) parking space for each thirty-five (35) square feet of gross floor area in such autlltorium. b. Internediate or iunior high schools: one (1) parkirg space for each employee, and if such school has an auditorium there shall be one (1) parking space for each three and one-half (3-1,/2) fixed seats in such auditorium, plus one (1) parking space for each six (6) tinear feet of fixetl benche s therein, or one (1J p arking space for each thirtyJfive (35) square feet of gross floor ar€a in such auditorium. c. High schools: one (1) parking space for each employee, plus one (1) parking space for each seven (7) stuclents in such high school anti if such school has an auditorium there shafl be one (f) parking space for each thre e and one-haff (3-l/2) fixecl seats in such auditorium plus one (1) parking space for each six (6) linear feet of fixe ct benches therein, or one (I) parking space fo:r each thirty-five (35) square feet of gross floor area in such auditorium. -5- d. Colleges: one (I) parking space for each employee, plus one (1) panking space for each three (3) stutlents in such college, and if such college has an auclitorium, the ne shall be one (1) parking space for each three and one -ha1f (3-1,/2) fi)€d seats in such auclitoriurn, plus one (1) parking space for each six (6) linear feet of fixe cI benches therein, or one (1) parking space for each thirty-five (35) squane feet of g:ross floor: anea in such auditorium. SECTION 13. Section 2f .t+3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amende d to read: SEC. 21.43: SAME -- ASSEItsLY AREAS. Auditoriums, theatres, sports arenas, stadiums ancl assembly ha1ls, with or without fixed seats: one (1) parking space for each three and one -ha1f (3-l/2) fixed seats on such pnemises, plus one (1) parking space for each six (6) Iinear feet of fixed benches on said premises, or one (I) parking space for eaeh thirty-five (35) square feet of gross floor area. SECTI ON I4. Section 21 .45 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amende d to read: SEC. 21.45: ALERNATING USES. Ttre Architecture and Site Corunittee may approve a conditional use permit for alternating use of off-street parking spaces in lieu of the provision of panking spaces othenise requirerl by this Article -6- ' where certain uses served by the common off-street parking spaces generate parking demands primarily during hours when the remaining uses are not in operation. The C ommi free shall first find that the alternating use of such spaces will not result in the effective provision of fewer off-street parking spaces than required by this Articfe anil may impose such conditions upon its appnovaf as arE necessary to guarantee such finding, including the following: a. Submission of satisfactory staternents try the party or parties providing the proposed aI te rnating parking, describing the uses and their times of operation, and showing the absence of conflict between them; b. Wrifren agreements between the parties setting fonth the terms and conditions rmder which the off-street panking spaces will be openated; c. Documents showing maintenance provisions; and at. Other docrxnents or comnitments deenred necessary by the C ommission. Wheneven off-street parking spaces arE authorizecl to serve alternating uses, the nr-rnbe r of spaces re quirc aI shall be based upon the use which generates the largest nunibe r required. SECTION 15. Section 21.46 of the Zoning Ordinanee of the Town of Los Gatos is anrende d to re ad : SEC. 21.t+6: PROPERTIES IN PARKI t\E DISTRICTS. a. For any building situated on a lot which is within a public -7- parking rlistrict, the numbe r of off-stree t parking spaces requirecl to be provifud shal.I be as follows: 1 . trtTtren the gross floor aru a of the truiltling doe s not exceed the area of the buildable portion of the zoning plot upon which the builtling is or will be situated, no off-street parking spaces shall be nequ-ined. 2. When the gross floor area of the building does exceecl the area of the buiftlable portion of the zoning plot upon which the builtling is or wifl be situatecl, the numbe r of off-street parking spaces nequired for the building shafl tre the difference between the total nurnber of spaces which woufd be required for said builcling without regard to the exemption providect for herein, and the mrnbe r of spaces exempted pursuant to subsection (1) of subparagraph (a) , above. As to buildings situated on fots which are not within the do{^rnto{dn core area the number of off-street parking spaces exempted pursuant to subsection (1) of subparagraph (a) sha1l be ascertained by attrilruting as the exempt use or uses those uses which are proposed to be mafu of the first story of the building plus such other use or uses within the building as arE specified by the Architecture and Site Committee for exempted anea remaining after considering the area of the proposed first story. b. For purposes of this section the following definitions antl regulations shall apply: -8- a f. When only part of a parcel upon which a building is situated is within a public parking district and another part is not, that portion situated within the district shall be treated as the zoning plot for purposes of this section. 2. The te zm "builclable portion of a zoning plot" shal1 include alf that anea of a zoning plot which unde r the ordinances applicable at the time of development, and the exercise by any T own planning agencies of tliscnetion pursuant thereto, is authorized to be covered by buildings. 3. The Planning Director shalI maintain records describing those lots or portions thereof upon which exemptions under this section have been utilized. Thereafter, exemptions pursuant to this section for future developnent of such lots or portions thereof shal1 be authorized onfy to the extent that area remains for which off-street parking space exemptions have not been or are not being utili zecl. SECTION f 6. Section 21.48 of the Zoning Ord.inance of the Town of Los Gatos is anende d to read: SEC. 2I.r+8: LOCATION OF REOIIIRED OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES. Off-street panking spaces establishecl in support of uses fon which such spaces ane reguired by this Article may be within the rnain builcling or structure to be served, within an accessory builcling, or open spaces may be pnovicletl thenefor. Except as -9- 'l ' : -: otherwise provided in this Articfe, all such off-street parking spaces shal1 be situated on the sane zoning plot as the use for which they are provitle tI. A11 off-strEet parking spaces shaff be at least ten (10) feet clistant from a street or five (5) feet ciistant fnom an a11ey :right-of-way 1ine. fhe Anchitecture and Site C onrnittee may by approving a conditional use permit authorize the location of off-street parking spaceg required by this Article in suppont of uses on a separate zoning plot from that on which the use for which they are provifud is situatetl; provided that said 1ot or pancel shall not be furthe r than three hundretl (300) feet alistant from buildings, structures or use for which the parking spaces are provided. Such spaces and the driveways there for shalf be designed, developecl and maintained in accordance with the stanclards contained in this Articfe. If such off-site panking spaces arE to provide comnon facilities for two (2) or more buildings or uses, the total mlnbe r of re quire rI spaces shalf not be less than the total sum of the various individual uses computed sepanately. The Committee may, as a condition of approval , :re quire agreernents, c orrni trnents or otherrpise impose such conditions as it deems necessary to insur€ that the off-site parking spaces arE utilized in accordance wi th the pur:pose for which they hre rE approved, and fuveloped and maintainetl in accordance with the requirernents of this Article. -f0 - THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT anil shall be in force thirty (30) days after the clate of its adopticm. Ttre Town Clerk of the Torpn of Los Gatos sha.ll cause this onclinance to be publishecl once within fifteen (15) tlays after its acloption, in the Los Gatos TirEs- Sar:atoga Observer, a ner\rspaper of generaI circul-ation, published anil circulated in the Tonrn of Los Gatos. The above and foregoing or.dinance ieas aluly anal regularly introaluce d at a regular neeting of the Torun Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on 15. lSth clay of March ' 19 7'+. PASSED AND ADOPrED as an orclinance of the Torrrn of Los Gatos ' Califor,nia, at a regular meeting of the Tourn Cormcil , held on the rst day of ApriI , L97+, by the fol1ot^ring vote: Ruth CannonAYES:C OLINC I LI"IE N NOES :COUNC ]LMEN ABSENT:COUNC ILMEN Mark B. DiDuca Albert B. smith John B- Lochner None. Egon Jensen THE TOWN F LOS GATOS /-/ -11- - S]GNED: ATTEST: