1979-011-Reversing A Decision Of The Town Planning CommissionRESOLUTION NO. 1979 -11 A RESOLUTION REVERSING A DECISION OF THE TOWN PLANNING,_COMMISSION WHEREAS Mildred Garth appealed to the Town Council, from the following decision of the Planning Commission: Denying Subdivision Application M -78 -29 requesting approval of a 9 -lot subdivision easterly of Foster and Tourney Roads. WHEREAS on January 15, 1979 the Town Council held a public hearing to determine the appeal and concluded that the decision of the Planning Commission should be reversed. RESOLVED: 1. The Town Council finds that the Planning Commission erred in not considering the topography when it determined where the precise boundary of Sub -area 5 of the Hillside Specific Plan is located, and that the proposed subdivision is simply an infilling of the same type of development that is surrounding it and it will help the circulation pattern in the area. 2. The decision is reversed: a. The Council makes the Negative Declaration recommended by the Planning Director. b. The Council finds that the project is consistent with the General Plan and Hillside Specific Plan. C. This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant (property owner) shall dedicate the following, to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer: a. Foster Road. Right-of-way shall be 20 feet from the existing centerline. b. Interior streets. 40 -foot right -of -way. 2. The applicant shall guarantee, by contract and bond, the following to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer: a. Foster Road. Curb and gutter (12 feet from centerline), 4 -foot A.C. walkway, street lighting, storm and sanitary sewers. -1- b. Interior streets. 24- foot -wide streets with curb and gutter (both sides), a 4 -foot A.C. walkway, street lights, storm and sanitary sewers. C. Storm and sanitary sewers as required. d. Water system as required. 3. The applicant shall provide a soils engineering report specifying grading, foundation and pavement design criteria, to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer. 4. The existing house on Lot #1 shall be connected to the sanitary sewer. 5. The developer shall install two (2) hydrants that meet Central Fire Protection District's specifications and deposit $390.00 to cover hydrant rental for a period of five (5) years. Hydrants shall be installed and accepted prior to construction of any building(s). When the hydrant rental fee is paid, submit two (2) sets of plans for hydrant locations. The developer is responsible for all hydrant and main installation costs. The development is within the service area of San Jose Water Works; coordinate hydrant installation with that water company. 6. Minimum required fire flow for the subject facility shall be 500 gallons per minute per hydrant flowing with 20 psi residual. 7. Provide a safe and adequate driveway not less than twelve feet (12') wide with adequate passing turnouts for each site as required. Grade should not exceed fifteen percent (15 %). Inside radius of turns should be forty -two feet (42') or more. Provide adequate parking and turnaround area for four (4) emergency vehicles at each site as required. All road surfaces and bridges must sustain 35,000 pounds loading. Precise driveway plans for each lot will be reviewed by the DRC upon specific applications for development of each. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos this 15th day of January, 1979 by the following votes: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Ruth Cannon, John B. Lochner and Mardi Gualtieri NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas J. Ferrito and Peter W. Siemens ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS None SIGNED: ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS, ATOS -2-