Ord 1726 - AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO HORSE BARNS AND SHELTERSORDINANCE NO. 1726 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO HORSE BARNS AND SHELTERS THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ORDAINS: SECTION I. Section 4.10.010 is amended to read: SEC. 4.10.010 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS In residential zones (defined by section 4.05.010), accessory buildings (excluding horse barns and shelters), located on the same site with a permitted use, including private garages and carports, studios for private use, garden structures, greenhouses, hobby shops, recreation rooms and free - standing patio covers are allowed if such accessory buildings: (1) Are not over 15 feet high, (2) Are not in a required front or side yard, (3) Are at least five feet from any other structure located on the same lot, (4) Are at least five feet from any property line, except in the R -M zone where no setback is required by this subsection (4), (5) Do not occupy more than 15 per cent of the area where there is no limitation, (6) When located on a reversed corner lot, do not project beyond the front yard line required on the lot in the rear of such lot, (7) Breezeways may be used to provide shelter between buildings. SECTION II Section 3.26.040 is amended to read: SEC. 3.26.040: LAND AREA REQUIREMENTS On parcels of land having an area of 40,000 square feet or more, a horse barn or shelter may be constructed pursuant to the requirements of this chapter and one pet horse may be kept for each 20,000 square feet of area, plus one pet horse. The foal, under nine months of age, of a mare lawfully kept on the premises is not counted in determining the number of pet horses that may be kept. SECTION III Section 3.26.052 is added to read: SEC. 3.26.052 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HORSE BARNS AND SHELTERS Horse barns and shelters must meet the-following requirements: (1) Are not over 22 feet high, (2) All exterior materials shall be non - reflective, (3) All exterior colors shall be earth tones, (4) All plumbing fixtures shall be served by a 2 -inch diameter building drain. Building drains in excess of 2 inches in diameter may be approved by the Planning Director upon good cause shown. SECTION IV This ordinance takes effect 30 days after the date it is adopted. Within 15 days after this ordinance is adopted the Town Clerk shall cause it to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the Town. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on May 18 1987 and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a regular meeting of the Town Council on June 1 1987. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Joanne Benjamin, Eric D. Carlson, Thomas J. Ferrito, Robert L. Hamilton, Mayor Brent_ N. u ntu NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS None SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATO PLN01 :TC 5/18 #6