2001-058-Corrected - Reorganization Of Territory Linda Avenue No. 2RESOLUTION 2001 -58 (CORRECTED) RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ORDERING THE REORGANIZATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS LINDA AVENUE NO.2 TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS WHEREAS, the proposed reorganization to the Town of Los Gatos consisting of all that unincorporated territory designated as Linda Avenue No. 2, located generally North of Blossom Hill Road, on the West side of Linda Avenue in the County of Santa Clara is proposed for reorganization to the Town of Los Gatos pursuant to Division 3 of Title 5, commencing with Section 56000 et seq. of the Government Code; WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos is authorized by Section 56757 to act as the conducting authority with exclusive power to approve reorganizations within its urban service area; WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos has received a petition signed by all the owners of land within the territory to be reorganized, and pursuant to Section 56663 of the Government Code, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos may initiate proceedings to reorganize said territory without notice, hearing or election, in the manner described in Section 57002 (d) of the Government Code of the State of California; RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California that the following findings are true and correct: 1. The project is exempt from C.E.Q.A. under the provisions of the California Administrative Code, Title 14, Section 15061(b)(3). 2. The territory is "Uninhabited" as defined in Section 56046 of the Government Code of the State of California 3. The unincorporated territory is within the Town's urban service area as adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission of Santa Clara County. 4. That the County Surveyor has determined that the boundaries of the proposed reorganization are definite and certain. 5. The proposal does not split lines of assessment or ownership. 6. The proposed reorganization does not create islands or areas in which it would be difficult to provide municipal services. 7. The proposal is consistent with the Town's adopted general plan. 8. The territory is contiguous with the Town's boundaries. 9. The reason for the proposed reorganization is to properly plan and provide municipal services to the area that is contiguous to the Town. 10. All of the owners of property within the territory proposed for reorganization have consented to the reorganization. FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 57075 of the Government Code of the State of California, the reorganization to the Town of Los Gatos of that territory designated as Linda Avenue No. 2, and described in real property description and map attached hereto, marked Exhibits "A "and "B ", respectively, is approved, and that the same be annexed to the Town of Los Gatos. FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon completion of these reorganization proceedings the territory reorganized will be taxed on the regular county assessment roll, including taxes for existing bonded indebtedness. FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon completion of these reorganization proceedings the territory reorganized will be detached from Santa Clara County Library Service Area. FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is authorized, and is hereby directed, pursuant to Section 57200 of the Government Code, to prepare under seal a certified copy of this resolution, giving the date of passage, and immediately transmit same along with a remittance to cover the fees required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Santa Clara County. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 6 of May, 2002, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, Joe Pirzynski, Mayor Randy Attaway. NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR OFT E TOWN 090S GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LO ATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 0 0 EYCUIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS LINDA AVENUE No . 2 TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS All that certain property situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at 'the Northwesterly corner of that certain annexation to the Town of Los Gatos known as Blossom gill No. 1 4, said point being on the Easterly rights of way line of Linda Avenue (60 feet wide) thence South 21 Degrees 47 Minutes 00 Seconds West a distance of 60.24 feet along the Westerly Jimit of said annexation to the Northerly limit of that certain annexation known as Linda A It thence South 68 Degrees 13 Minutes 00 Seconds West a distance of 60.00 feet along said annexation to the Westerly rights of way line of .Linda Avenue; thence along the Westerly rights of way Zine of Linda Avenue North 21 Degrees 47 Minutes West a distance of 168.00 feet ;'thence leaving said rights of way line South 68 Degrees 13 Minutes Wrest a distance of 176.65 feet; thence North 12 Degrees 45 Minutes West a distance Of 38.05 feet; thence North. 22 Degrees 00 Minutes West a distance of 21.39 feet.; thence North 68 Degrees 13 Minutes East a distance of 171.23 feet to the Westerly rights of way line of Linda Avenue; thence along said rights of way line North 21 Degrees 47 Minutes West a distance of 204.23 feet; thence North 12 Degrees 30 Minutes West a distance of 20.04 feet; thence North 68 Degrees 13 Minutes East a distance of 60.81 feet to the easterly rights of way line of Linda Avenue; thence along said rights of way line South 12 Degrees 30 Minutes 00 Seconds East a. distance of 25.06 feet; thence South 21 Degrees 47 minutes 00 Seconds East a distance of 6U . g3 feet to the Northwesterly limit of annexation known as Rochin Terrace No. 2; thence South 21 Degrees 47 Minutes 00 Seconds East a distance of 85.x.0 feet along said Westerly .limit to the Southwesterly corner of said annexation; thence South 21 Degrees, 47 Minutes East a distance of 217.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.84 acres more or less. 84 X t No. 4M ��res 12�# -Ot Revised May 1, 2001,x` LAND * W49M ! t s � s s s ROCHIN TER me- ma., a3� N 22' W L OF ME?R is ti AM 626 -23 -24 y t ' I9' 11 1.7x5.65' t s:� t , � DA A A � SCALE t w - dV * 8L 0650M HIL NO. 14 EXHIBI T B FRaPOSED AAWEXAT ON TO TOW OF UL9 QF TDS F VTI TEED L IA0A A VENUE AQ7. 2 AAAEWA TJDN DATEr FEBRUARr 2, 2001 Br. HARRY BABIMA YS7' IAT TY BAP Rer�sed 3!' 1 J 0, 697 ACRES t o t i i t tt i i t 6 � WES7fALL ENSIAEERS, PVC. SARA TOCA , CA L IFOR/VIA N 12' ;?o. 04 At 468* 1 3`E �t btl. 61 t i 8 12 25. 95 L9W rND PROP ERTY TO BE AAWYED —� --� t M rV W OF LOS CA TdS t B01MAR r --�-- - i fYISTING Tv1✓/Y s /MrT r�ivE - _ LAND * W49M ! t s � s s s ROCHIN TER me- ma., a3� N 22' W L OF ME?R is ti AM 626 -23 -24 y t ' I9' 11 1.7x5.65' t s:� t , � DA A A � SCALE t w - dV * 8L 0650M HIL NO. 14 EXHIBI T B FRaPOSED AAWEXAT ON TO TOW OF UL9 QF TDS F VTI TEED L IA0A A VENUE AQ7. 2 AAAEWA TJDN DATEr FEBRUARr 2, 2001 Br. HARRY BABIMA YS7' IAT TY BAP Rer�sed 3!' 1 J 0, 697 ACRES t o t i i t tt i i t 6 � WES7fALL ENSIAEERS, PVC. SARA TOCA , CA L IFOR/VIA RESOLUTION 2001- 58 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ORDERING THE REORGANIZATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS LINDA AVENUE NO.2 TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS WHEREAS, the proposed reorganization to the Town of Los Gatos consisting of all that unincorporated territory designated as Linda Avenue No. 2, located generally North of Blossom Hill Road, on the West side of Linda Avenue in the County of Santa Clara is proposed for reorganization to the Town of Los Gatos pursuant to Division 3 of Title 5, commencing with Section 56000 et seq. of the Government Code; WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos is authorized by Section 56826 to act as the conducting authority with exclusive power to approve reorganizations within its urban service area; WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos has received a petition signed by all the owners of land within the territory to be reorganized, and pursuant to Section 56837 of the Government Code, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos may initiate proceedings to reorganize said territory without notice, hearing or election, in the manner described in Section 57002 (c) of the Government Code of the State of California; RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California that the following findings are true and correct: The project is exempt from C.E.Q.A. under the provisions of the California Administrative Code, Title 14, Section 15061(b)(3). 2. The territory is "Uninhabited" as defined in Section 56046 of the Government Code of the State of California 3. The unincorporated territory is within the Town's urban service area as adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission of Santa Clara County. 4. That the County Surveyor has determined that the boundaries of the proposed reorganization are definite and certain. The proposal does not split lines of assessment or ownership. 6. The proposed reorganization does not create islands or areas in which it would be difficult to provide municipal services. 7. The proposal is consistent with the Town's adopted general plan. The territory is contiguous with the Town's boundaries. 9. The reason for the proposed reorganization is to properly plan and provide municipal services to the area that is contiguous to the Town. 10. All of the owners of property within the territory proposed for reorganization have consented to the reorganization. FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 57075 of the Government Code of the State of California, the reorganization to the Town of Los Gatos of that territory designated as Linda Avenue No. 2, and described in real property description and map attached hereto, marked Exhibits "A "and "B ", respectively, is approved, and that the same be reorganized to the Town of Los Gatos. FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon completion of these reorganization proceedings the territory reorganized will be taxed on the regular county assessment roll, including taxes for existing bonded indebtedness. FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon completion of these reorganization proceedings the territory reorganized will be detached from Santa Clara County Library Service Area and Santa Clara County Lighting Service Area. FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is authorized, and is hereby directed, pursuant to Section 57200 of the Government Code, to prepare under seal a certified copy of this resolution, giving the date of passage, and immediately transmit same along with a remittance to cover the fees required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Santa Clara County. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 4th of June, 2001, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, Mayor Joe Pirzynski NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST CLEF: OF THE TOWN OF OS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT " A " DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS LINDA AVENUE NO. 2 TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS All that certain property situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of that certain annexation to the Town of Los Gatos known as Blossom Hill No. 14, said point being on the Easterly rights of way line of Linda Avenue (60 feet wide); thence South 21 Degrees 47 Minutes 00 Seconds West a distance of 60.24 feet along the Westerly limit of said annexation to the Northerly limit of that certain annexation known as Linda Avenue No. 1; thence South 68 Degrees 13 Minutes 00 Seconds West a distance of 60.00 feet along said annexation to the Westerly rights of way line of Linda Avenue; thence along the Westerly rights of way line of Linda Avenue North 21 Degrees 47 Minutes West a distance of 168.00 feet; thence leaving said rights of way line South 68 Degrees 13 Minutes West a distance of 176.65 feet; thence North 12 Degrees 45 Minutes West a distance of 35.05 feet; thence North 22 Degrees 00 Minutes West a distance of 21.39 feet; thence North 68 Degrees 13 Minutes East a distance of 171.23 feet to the Westerly rights of way line of Linda Avenue; thence along said rights of way line North 21 Degrees 47 Minutes West a distance of 204.23 feet; thence North 12 Degrees 30 Minutes West a distance of 20.04 feet; thence North 68 Degrees 13 Minutes East a distance of 60.81 feet to the easterly rights of way line of Linda Avenue; thence along said rights of way line South 12 Degrees 30 Minutes 00 Seconds East a distance of 25.06 feet; thence South 21 Degrees 47 minutes 00 Seconds East a distance of 60.93 feet to the Northwesterly limit of annexation known as Rochin Terrace No. 2; thence South 21 Degrees 47 Minutes 00 Seconds East a distance of 85.10 feet along said Westerly limit to the Southwesterly corner of said annexation; thence South 21 Degrees, 47 Minutes East a distance of 217.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.84 acres more or less. Revised May 1, 2001 Lr" it� a �a No. 4953 � 12- 31 -01�� O G a �� � N 12 1/ 20.04' �l1/ 68_13' z F 60.81' S 12 25.06' LEGEND PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED - -- -�-- TO TO NN OF LOS GA TOS BOUNDARY I - EX /STING TON'S L /HirL /N.E - -- LAND No.4953 . n_ Expires 12 -31-01 0 N 22' u 21.39\ 1 1 Z 1 1. h o e � ROCHIN 1 J M 2 h 1 1 WI w LANDS OF MEYER h N APN 525 -23 -24 yl w � Z S 69'13'W 176.65' I h ,s0.Oo 5 OA AVENUE NO. f TERRACE NO. 2 SCALE 1 BLOSSOM HILL NO. 14 EXHIBIT B PROPOSED ANNEXA TION TO TOWN OF LOS GA WS ENTI TLED L INDA A VENUE NO.2 A NNE EA TI ON I DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2001 1 W01NI TY tW Rerise4� J/ / /0/ I BY: HARRY BABICKA WESTFALL ENGINEERS, INC. SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 0.897 A CRES 0 1 1 1 ti i � 1 al l 6 o v Q o ?E�l�a - —