10a - Los Gatos Library Project.pow a o,~ MEETING DATE: 04/05/10 _ ITEM NO: ~~,.,~,<<,~ 1 ~ ~g ~,~ ~o"'a.~os COUNCIL/AGENCY AGENDA REPORT DATE; MARCH 22, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER/EXECUTIVEbIRECTOR SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 09-06 -LOS GATOS LIBRARY PROJECT 411-821-2104 and 411-281-2501 ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER/ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITII PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC (PG&E) TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC AND GAS SERVICE TO THE NEW LOS GATOS LIBRARY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $144,750. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution (Attaclunent 1) authorizing the Town Manager/Executive Director to execute a professional design and construction agreement (Exhibit A) with Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) to provide electric and gas service to the new Los Gatos Library in an amount not to exceed $144,750. BACKGROUND: The construction of the new Los Gatos Library is scheduled to start in July 2010. The design work for this project was completed in March 2010 and the project is currently advertised through the Town's formal bidding process. The new Los Gatos Library site has no existing utility service connections. Additionally, the construction of the new Library will require relocation of a number of utility facilities to accommodate the new building. Staff has been working with various utility companies to design and provide services to the new Library. ~ C~~.~ ~ ~~ PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parlcs and Public Worlcs Reviewed by: ' ~ Assistant Town Manager/Deputy Director wn Attorney/General Counsel Clerk Administrator/Secretary eJ Finance Community Development N:\PPW\MANAGEMENT\COUNCIL\COUNCIL REPORTS\2010 Reports\April 5\09.06.new,library.PGE.doc .ws..~ .wwrt...m .,,~a.. ~..,an,..., PAGE 2 MARCH 22, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUBJECT: PROJECT 09-06 -LOS GATOS LIBRARY PROJECT 411-281-2501 DISCUSSION: One of the major utility needs of the new Library is electric and gas. Construction of the new main electric and gas lines are scheduled to take place prior to the start of the Library building construction. The cost for design and construction of the new electric and gas service to the new Library by PG&E is $144,750. It is standard process for PG&E to enter into an agreement with the property owner for such service requests. The above amount covers the cost for the following: • Income Tax Component of Contribution (ITCC) on electrical equipment • Conductors, and engineering by PG&E • Tie work of underground facility to the new building by PG&E crews • Engineering and Administrative time for PG&E to manage the project • PG&E inspection cost • Removal of existing overhead facilities by PG&E. The Town entered into a similar agreement with PG&E for electrical and gas service to the new Police Operations Building last year. The Town as part of a separate project will be installing a joint trench for underground conduits for electric, gas, telephone, and cable around the Library building site. Each utility company will pull their own cables and associated system through this joint trench and energize their system and provide utility service to the new Library. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the Town Manager/Executive Director to execute an Agreement with PG&E to provide design and construction for electric and gas services at the new Los Gatos Library project. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Sections 15301 (c), and 15303 (e), and 15304 (b) of the State CEQA guidelines. PAGE 3 MARCH 22, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUBJECT: PROJECT 09-06 -LOS GATOS LIBRARY PROJECT 411-281-2501 FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are available for this agreement as demonstrated in the table below. Lis c,A~ ros L> BiznxY rRO.I I;cT F'Y 2007/08 F'Y 2008/09 PY 2009/10 Cxpended/ Proposed Remaining l;xpenditnres Expenditw•es Available Encumbered Cm~tract Future Budget P'Y 2009/10 l+isc~l Lnpact Budget To DTte Amount Commitments If Approved Project4ll-821-2501 $ 28,669 $ 677,778 $ 17,775,417 $ 1,655,105 $ 144,750 $ 102,977 $ 15,872,585 TOTALS $ 144,750 $ 102,977 TOTAL. L\PrNDiTUR>/S BY CA'1'LUO1ZY: Design & Construction $ 144,750 $ 102,977 TOTALS $ 144,750 $ 102,977 Attachments: Resolution authorizing Town Manager/Executive Director to execute a professional design and construction agreement with PG&E (Exhibit A) in an amount not to exceed $144,750. Attaclunent 1 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC AND GAS SERVICES FOR PPW JOB NO. 09-06 -LOS GATOS LIBRARY PROJECT WHEREAS, the 2009-10 Capital Improvement Program budget includes funding for the for PPW Job No.09-06 Los Gatos Library Project; and WHEREAS, electric and gas lines need to be relocated to accommodate the construction of the Library project; and WHEREAS, electric and gas service is needed for the Library project; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency to secure the services of PG&E to provide design and construction service for the Los Gatos Library Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos hereby approves the attached Agreement (Exhibit A) with PG&E to provide design and construction services in connection with the Los Gatos Library Project in an amount not to exceed $144,750. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager/Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the Sty' day of April, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL/AGENCY MEMBERS AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR/SECRETARY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTI®N: REFERENCES: ~~~ ~~ ~ Applicant (copy) Notification # 103864086 i ,l r ~ Division (copy) CfM (Original) Contract # 1107742 o, _M ,~ /~~~ +~ ~~ T&CS E-PM # 30717527 a; ?~ G-PM # 30718089 DISTRIBUTION SERVICE AND EXTENSION AGREEMENT Prior MLX E IG 1979 1973 DECLARATIONS ~ Customer # 791735 EXHIBIT A Submitted to App\icantby•. JEFF B. BEAMS Date of issuance'. February 2 5 , 2 010 1, TOWN OF LOS GATOS, A Government Agency (Applicant), has requested PACIFIC GAS &~ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation (PG&E), to deliver Gas & Electric energy to the property situated at FIESTA WAY, LOS GATOS, 95030 and shown on the attached drawings. 2. Applicable Documents. The cost summary for the facilities to be installed is attached hereto as Exhibit A. These facilities shall be installed in accordance with the applicable rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission (which may include Gas and Electric Rules 2, 13, 15, 16, and 20), as well as the requirements set forth in the Provisions and the General Terms and Conditions for Gas and Electric Service by Applicant. These documents are located online in PG&E's Tariff Book, which is available at http://www.pge.com/customer_service/new_construction_services/. Should you require hard copies please contact your PG&E Representative. 3. Construction Options. The responsibility for providing line extension work is divided between PG&E and the Applicant. However, Applicant may choose to have a qualified contractor perform some of the work that is PG~E's responsibility, and may choose to have PG&E perform some or all of the work that is the Applicant's responsibility. PG&E will reimburse or collect money based on its estimate of the costs, subject to the applicable rules. Based on Applicant's request, the contract costs are based on the following construction options: 1 To Be Performed By PG&E Responsibility PG&E A licant Main Trench ~ 0 Gas Main Pipe installation 0 Service Pipe Installation Electric Distribution Wire and Equipment Installation Service Wire Installation ~ 0 z To Be Performed By Applicant Responsibility PG&E A licant Gas Service Trench 0 Distribution Trench ~ 0 El t ic Service Trench ec r Distribution Substructure Installation Service Substructure Installation 0 0 1. PG&E's responsibilit(es per Rule 15.b.1.b and Rule 16.D.2 2. Applicant's responsibilities per Rule 15.b.1.a and Rule 15.D.1 I Page 1 of 2 III Form 62-0980 Advice No. 2687-GI2754-E 10~3B4086D 1 Revised December 2005 Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A ~4. ~ N/A Refund/Discount Option Selection Applicant, in accordance with PG&E's extension rules, must select one of the following options for each commodity you are requesting service (gas and/or electric). Once the selection has been made, it cannot be changed. Gas .Electric 10-Year Subject to Refund Option ~ ~ 10-Year Subject to Refund Option - or - or ®Non-Refundable 50% Discount Option ONon-Refundable 50% Discount Option ACCEPTED: APPLICANT; TOWN OF LOS GATOS, A Government Agency sy: (Authorized Signature) KEVIN ROHANI TITLE: (Type or Print Name) TOWN ENGINEER .DATE: MAILING ADDRESS:- 41 MILES AVENUE LOS GATOS , CA 95030 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY: ~y: . Oar\r\y M\\\er (Authorized Signature) Danny Miller TITLE: (Type or Print Name) Service Planning Supervisor DIVISION: De Anza DATE: I II Page 2 of 2 III Form 62-0980 II I Advice No. 2687-GI2754-E 1038640860 Revised L7ecember 2005 Pacific Gas and Electric Company DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE EXTENSION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A -COST SUMMARY REFERENCES: Notification # Contract # E-PM # G-PM # Applicant: TOWN OF LOS GATOS, A Government Agency Project Location/Name: FIESTA WAY, LOS GATOS, 95030 SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS The total cash payment you need to make depends upon your selection of the 10 Year Refundable Advance Option or the Non-Refundable Discount Option for your gas and/or electric extension under Rule 15. Since you may elect one option for the gas extension and a different option for the electric extension, several different cash payments are available. Each payment option is summarized below. These payments include all billing under this Agreement including payments subject to refund, and non-refundable payments. To determine what is refundable or non-refundable, or to see full detailed billing information., please see the attached cost summaries. Even if you have no payment due for your gas and/or electric extension (Rule 15), you must still elect the 10 Year Refundable or Non-Refundable Discount Option for each extension on the second page of the Declarations. 10 Year Refundable Advance Option - Gas ~ Electric (1) $167,554.26 (2) -- OR (3) Non-Refundable Discount Option - Gas ~ Electric (1) $142,276.66 -- OR 10 Year Refundable Advance Option - Gas I (1) (2) Non-Refundable Discount Option -Electric $153,719.11 -- OR 10 Year Refundable Advance Option -Electric / (1) (2) Non-Refundable Discount Option -Gas $156,111.80 (1) Amounts shown do not include reimbursements for facilities that are normally the responsibility of PG&E per our tariffs. Seethe Reimbursement Summary for a total of all Reimbursements to be paid upon acceptance of facilities. (2) The payment amount shown on this line includes both refundable payments under Rule 15 for the gas and/or electric extension, plus other non-refundable payments. The total payment is not subject to refund. Please see the attached detailed Cost Summaries to determine the portion of this payment that may be subject to refund. (3) The payment amount shown on this line Includes only non-refundable payments under Rule 15 for the gas and/or electric extension, plus other non-refundable payments. None of the payment shown is subject to refund. 1a~s~4~s~D Page 1 of 1 103864086 11D7742 30717527 30718089 62-4527 (Rev 1199 ) Service Planning .Advice No. 1633-G/1342-E Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A Effective 4/02191 Pacific Gas and Electric Company DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE EXTENSION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A -COST SUMMARY ! ~~ ~ ' ApplicantTOWN OF LOS GATOS, A Government Agency Project LocationlNam~FIESTA WAY, LOS GATOS, 95030 REFERENCES: Notification # 103864086 Contract # 1107742 PM # 30717527 MLX # ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION LINE .AND SERVICE EXTENSION COST SUMMARY Cost of Ownership charges as described in the rules and in the Unsupported Extension Cost section of the Provisions ~ Agreemer Apply Total number of residential lotslunits for this project: 0 Total number of non-residential lotslunits for this project: 1 Ca\cu\at~ons to determine excess res\dent~a\ sere\ce a\\owance to be app\\ed to d~str\but~on \\ne refurdab\e amount on a per \odunit basis. Cost of Services: c5~ Ehgineering & Administrative Costs $0.00 Value of Applicant Design Work (+) $0.00 Service Tie-In Cost (Energized) by PG~E (+) $0.00 Electric Metering (+) $0.00 Others (N/A) (+) $0.00 Inspection Fees (+) $0.00~4~ Service Cost - PG&E installed # Services 0 (+) $0.00 Service Cost -Applicant installed # Services 0 (+) $0.00~5> Total Estimated Cost of Service Subject to Allowance (_) $0.00 Cost of Service Within Allowance: less Total Residential Service Allowance $1,918.00 x 0 = (-) $0.00~~~ Excess Service Cost ~ (_) $0.00 Estimated Service Cost Within Allowance (Total less Excess) (_) $0.00 Average Cost per Lot or Unit Within Allowance $0.00 / 0 = $0.00 Excess Service Allowance Applied to Distribution Line Extension Refundable Amount per Lot or Unit: .,~ $1,918.00 - $0.00 = $0.00 Allowance Ave. Cost./ Unit Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2552-G-B/2517-E-B /038640860 Page 1 of 4 Decision 04-05-055 * Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A Effective; July 26, 2004 Allowances Residential: $1,918.00 Allowance plus ITCC @ 34% SUB TOTAL Residential Allowance x 0 (_) Lots /Units Residential Allowances (+) Non-Residential: $250.00 / 0.1680 (_) Net Annual Revenue Cost-of-Service-Factor plus ITCC @ 34% Non-Residential Allowances SUB TOTAL Non-Residential Allowances less Residential Service Allowance: ( 0 x $0.00 ) + 34% _ Lots/Units Ave. Cost./ Unit ITCC Total Distribution Line Extension Allowance Amount Subject to Refund Engineering & Administrative Costs Value of Applicant Design Work Tie-In of Distribution Line Extension by PG&E Electric Metering .(Non-Residential Projects) Other Taxable Charges: N/A PG&E installed - Cost of Distribution Line and Non-Res Svcs. Applicant installed - -Cost of Distribution Line and Non-Res Svcs. Value of Distribution Substructures Inspection Fees SUB TOTAL plus ITCC @ 34% Total Refundable Amount Less Total Allowances (not to exceed Total Refundable Amount) Balance: Net Refundable Amount 10 Year Refundable Advance Option Balance: Net Refundable Amount Less Credit for Value of Applicant Design Work Less Cost of Dist. Line Ext. and Non-Res Svcs. installed by Applicant Less Distribution Substructures by Applicant Net 10 Year Refundable Advance Option Payment Non-Refundable Discount Option Balance: Net Refundable Amount less Discount $27,670.29 x 0.50 = Balance ®iscount Rate Less Credit for Value of Applicant Design Work Less Cost of Dist. Line Ext. and Non-Res Svcs. installed by Applicant Less Distribution Substructures by Applicant $1,152.00 $10,885.25 c5> $0.00 $1,994.05 $15,633.04 cz~ Net Non-Refundable Discount Option Payment (-) $1,797.89~2~ Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance .Advice 2552-G-Bl2517-E-B 103854086D Pace 2 of 4 Decision 04-05-055 * Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A Effective: July 26, 2004 (+) (_) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) ~_) (-) (_) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,488.10 $505.95 $1,994.05 $0.00 $2,936.72 $1,152.00 $5,771.37 $1, 392.23 $0.00 $0.00 $10,885.25 ~5~ $0..00 $0.00 c4~ $22,137.56 $7,526.77 $29,664.33 $1,994.05 $27,670.29 $27,670.29 (_) $1,.152.00 (_) $0.00 (_) $27,670..29 (-) $13,835.14 Non-Refundable Payments Rule 16 Non-Refundable Payments Excess Service Costs $0.00 Service Costs Beyond Preferred Service Location (+) $0.00 Service Riser (+) $0.00 Value of Rule 16 Land Rights Costs (+) $0.00 Value of Service Trench, Conduits & Substructures in the (+) $0.00 Franchise Area or on 3rd Party Property Inspection Fees (+) $409.31 Rule 16 Trench Permits Obtained by PG&E (+) $0.00 Other Taxable Charges: N/A (+) $0.00 Cost of Additional Rule 16 Applicant Design Plan Checks (+) $1,252.07 SUB TOTAL (_) $1,661.38 Plus ITCC @ 34% (+) $564.87 Other Non-taxable Charges: N/A (+) $0.00 D.04-05-055 Line Extension Costs -Residential (+) $0.00 D.04-05-055 Line Extension Costs -Non-Residential (+) $250.00 Inspection Fees (not subject to ITCC) (+) $0.00 Plus Service Trench, Conduits, & Substructures installed by (+) $0.00 ' PG&E on Private Property Less Excess Service Facilities Installed by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Service Costs Beyond Preferred Location by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Service Riser Installed by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Service Trench, Conduits, & Substructures in the (-) $0.00 Franchise Area & 3rd Party Property installed by Applicant Less Rule 16 Applicant Design Work Associated with Excess (-) $0.00 Total .Rule 16 Non-Refundable Payment (_ ) $2,476.25 Rule 15 Non-Refundable Payments Inspection Fees $0.00 Re-engineering /Composite Fees (+) $0.00 Cost of Additional Applicant Design Plan Checks (+) $0.00 Value of Distribution Conduits (+) $0.00 Distribution Risers Installed by PG&E (+) $0.00 Value of Distribution Trench (+) $0.00 PG&E Land Rights Costs (+) $0.00 Rule 15 Trench Permits Obtained by PG&E (+) $0.00 N/A ~ (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL (_) $0.00 Plus ITCC @ 34% (+) $0.00 Less Distribution Conduits Installed by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Distribution Trench Provided by Applicant (-) $0.00 Total Non-Refundable Electric Rule 15 Payment (_) $0.00 Relocation / Rearrangement of PG&E Facilities Value of Relocation/Rearrangement Facilities $0.00 Value of Relocation/Rearrangement Conduits & Substructures (+) $0.00 Value of Relocation/Rearrangement Trench & Excavation (+) $0.00 Engineering & Administrative Costs (+) $0.00 Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2552-G-B/2517-E-B 10386~088D Page 3 of 4 Decision 04-05-055 * Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part. A Effective: July 26, 2004 Value of Relocation Applicant Design Work (+) $0.00 Cost of Additional Applicant Design Plan Checks (+) $0.00 Tie-In of Relocation/Rearrangement by PG&E (+) $0.00 Relocation/Rearrangement Trench Permits Obtained by PG&E (+) ~ $0.00 Relocation/Rearrangement Land Rights (+) $0.00 Relocation/Rearrangement Inspection Fees (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL (_) $0.00 Plus ITCC @ 34% (+) $0.00 Plus Relocation/Rearrangement -Non Taxable (+) $0.00 Less Relocation/Rearrangement Facilities Installed by Applicant (-) ~ $0.00 Less Conduits & Substructures Installed by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Trench & Excavation Provided by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Value of Relocation Applicant Design Work (-) $0.00 Less Relocation/Rearrangement Salvage (-) $0.00 Total Relocation /Rearrangement of PG&E Facilities Payment (_) $0.00 Total Payment for Electric Distribution Line and Service Extension Cash Payment -10-Year Refundable Advance ®ption Rule 15 Refundable Advance Payment $15,633.04i3~ Rule 16 Non-Refundable Payment (+) $2,476.25 Rule 15 Non-Refundable Payment (+) $0.00 Relocation/Rearrangement of PG&E Facilities Payment (+) $0.00 Total (_) $18,109.29 --OR-- Cash Payment -Non-Refundable Discount Option Rule 15 Non-Refundable Discount Option Payment $1,797.89~3~ Rule 16 Non-Refundable Payment (Not Subject to Discount) (+) $2,476.25 Rule 15Non-Refundable Payment (Not Subject to Discount) (+) $0.00 Relocation/Rearrangement of PG&E Facilities Payment (+) $0.00 Total (_) $4,274.15 Value of Electric Facility Reinforcements by PG&E: $0.00 based upon Applicant's estimated demand of: 0.00 kVa (Reference: Payment Adjustments. Excess Facilities section of the Provisions) (1) Total Service Allowance not to exceed the Cost of Service (2) 10 Year Refundable and Discount Option credit amounts will be paid upon acceptance of facilities. Credit amounts are subject to future deficiency billing in accordance with the tariff. (3) 10 Year Refundable and Discount Option credit amounts do not offset Other Non-Refundable or Relocation Fees. See Reimbursement Summary for a total of Reimbursements and Credits to be paid upon acceptance of facilities. (4) Inspection Fees (Only Refundable if Applicant's Actual Cost is Used. Applicant's Actual Cost + Inspection Cannot Exceed PG&E's Estimate) (5) The lower of PG&E's estimated costs or the Applicant's Contract Anticipated Costs (as documented on Form 79-1003 "Statement of Contract Anticipated Costs") will be used to establish the cost of Service and Distribution Line Extension subject to Allowance ** PG&E USE ONLY Excess service allowance applied to distribution refundable amount per lot/unit $0.00 + $0.00 (_) $0.00 Allowance 34% ITCC Refund per Residential Lot/Unit Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2552-G-B/2517-E-8 103S1'a408BD Pacje 4 of 4 Decision 04-05-055 * Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A Effective: July 26, 2004 Pacific Gas and Electric Company REFERENCES: DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE EXTENSION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A -COST SUMMARY i ~; ~ ~' REFERENCES: Notification # 103864086 Contract # 110%742 PM # 30717528 Applicant: TOWN OF LOS GATOS, A Government Agency Project Location/Name: FIESTA WAY, LOS GATOS ELECTRIC RULE 20C Non Refundable Payments Engineering & Administrative Costs $9,961.29 Value of Applicant Design Work (+) $4,777.24 Cost of Additional Applicant Design Plan Check (+) $963.13 Value of 20C Underground System (+) $33,317.39 Tie-In of 20C by PG&E (+) $52,573.98 PG&E Land Rights Costs (+) $0.00 Inspection Fees (+) $2,455.84 Value of 20C Trench & Excavation (+) $0.00 Value of 20C Conduits & Substructures (+) $17,836.72 Rule 20C Trench Permits Obtained by PG&E (+) $280.00 less Salvage & Depreciation for Overhead Facilities (-) $0.00 SUB TOTAL (_) $122,165.59 plus ITCC @ 34.0% (+) $41,536.30 plus Cost to Remove Overhead Line by PG&E $19,151.26 less 20C Underground System Installed by Applicant (-) $33,317.39 less 20C Trench & Excavation Provided by Applicant (-) $0.00 less 20C Conduits & Substructures Installed by Applicant (-) $17.,836.72 less Value of Applicant Design Work (-) $4,777.24 1 SUB TOTAL (_) $126,921.81 Electric Rule 20C Cash Payment $126,921.81 Total Rule 20C Non-Refundable Payment (1) For Contractor Installed Projects (Option 2A), credit amounts will be reimbursed upon acceptance of facilities. See Reimbursement Summary for a total of Reimbursements and Credits to be paid upon acceptance of facilities Page 1 of 1 Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2458-G-CI2379-E-C 103864Q880 Decision 03-03-032 * Automated document, Preliminary Staten~~~~ fly 1, 2004 Pacific Gas and Electric Company REFERENCES: DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE EXTENSION AGREEMENT Notification # 103864086 EXHIBIT A -COST SUMMARY * Contract # 1107742 ') ~~ G-PM # 30718089 GRR-PM # - MLX # Applicant TOWN OF LOS GATOS, A Government Agency Project LocationlNam~ FIESTA WAY, LOS GATOS, 95030 GAS DISTRIBUTION LINE AND SERVICE EXTENSION COST SUMMARY Cost of Ownership charges as described in the rules and in the Unsupported Extension Cost section of the Provisions AgreemenlApply Total number of residential lotslunits for this project: 0 Total number of non-residential lotslunits for this project: 1 Ca\cu\ati~ons to deterrri~r\e excess resident~a\ service a\\owance to be app\\ed to dlstribut~or\ \\r\e refundable amour\t or\ a per \odunit basis. Cost of Services:t5~ Engineering & Administrative Costs $0.00 Value of Applicant Design Work (+) $0.00 Service Tie-In Cost (Pressurized) by PG&E (+) $0.00 Gas Metering & Regulation (+) $0.00 Not Available (+) $0.00 Inspection Fees (+) $O.OOt4~ Service Cost - PG&E installed # Services 0 (+) $0.00 Service Cost -Applicant installed # Services 0 (+) $O.OOte> Total Estimated Cost of Service Subject to Allowance (_) $0.00 Cost of Service Within Allowance: Residential Service Allowance Water Heaters:. $439.00 x 0 units $0.00 Space Heaters: $586.00 x 0 units (+) $0.00 Oven /Range: $27.00 x 0 units ~+) $0.00 Dryer Stub: $34.00 x 0 units (+) $0.00 Total Residential Service Allowance (-) $O.OOt'> Excess Service Cost (_) $0.00 Estimated Service Cost Within Allowance (Total less Excess) (_) $0.00 Average Cost per Lot or Unit Within Allowance $0.00 / 0 = $0.00 Excess Service Allowance Applied to Distribution Line Extension Refundable Amount per Lot or Unit: $0.00 - $0.00 = $0.00"~ Allowance Ave. Cost /Unit Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2552-G-612517-E-B 103864086L~ k Automated documenotf Preliminary Statement, Part A Effect vie J ly 265 2004 Allowances Residential: $439.00 x 0 $0.00 Water Heaters: Lots /Units $586.00 x 0 $0.00 Space Heaters: Lots /Units $27.00 x 0 $0.00 Oven /Range: Lots /Units $34.00 x 0 $0.00 Dryer Stub: Lots /Units SUB TOTAL Residential Allowance $0.00 plus ITCC @ 31 % Residential Allowances (+) $0..00 TOTAL Residential Allowances (_) $0.00 Non-Residential: $250.00 / 0.1668 = $1,498.80 Net Annual Revenue Cost-of-Service-Factor 63 $464 plus ITCC @ 31 % Non-Residential Allowances (+) . SUB TOTAL Non-Residential Allowances (_) $1,963.43 less Residential Service Allowance: ( 0 x $0.00 ) 31 % _ $0.00 + Lots/Units Ave. Cost /Unit ITCC Total Gas Distribution Main Extension Allowance (_) $1,963.43 Amount Subject to Refund Engineering & Administrative Costs $7,225.06 Value of Applicant Design Work (+) $577.38 Tie-In of Distribution by PG&E (+) $5,730.98 Gas Metering (Non-Residential Projects) (+) $759.85 N/A (+) $0.00 PG&E installed - Cost of Distribution Main and Non-Res Svcs. (+) $0.00 Applicant installed - Cost of Distribution Main and Non-Res Svcs. (+) $2,910.93 t5> PG&E installed - Cost of Distribution Main Trench. (+) $0.00 Applicant installed - Cost of Distribution Main Trench. (+) $1,764.00 c5~ Inspection Fees (+) $0.00 ~4> SUB TOTAL (_) $18,968.20 plus ITCC 31% (+) $5,880.14 Total Refundable Amount (_) $24,848.34 Less Total Allowances (not to exceed Total Refundable Amount) $1,963.43 Balance: Net Refundable Amount (_) $22,884.91 10 Year Refundable Advance Option Balance: Net Refundable Amount $22,884.91 Less Credit for Value of Applicant Design Work (-) $577.38 Less Cost of Dist. Main Ext. and Non-Res Svcs. installed by Applicant (-) $2,910.93 ~5~ Less Distribution Main Trench by Applicant (-) $1,764.00 t5> Net 10 Year Refundable Advance Option Payment (_) $17,632.60 c2~ Non-Refundable Discount Option Balance: Net Refundable Amount $22,884.91 $22,884.91 0.50 = (-) $11,442.45 x Balance Discount Rate Less Credit for Value of Applicant Design Work (-) $577.38 Less Cost of Dist. Main Ext. and Non-Res Svcs. installed by Applicant (-) $2,910.93 c5i Less Cost of Distribution Main Trench by Applicant (-) $1,764.00 c5~ Net Non-Refundable Discount Option Payment (_) $6,190.14 c2> Form. 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2552-G-BI2517-E-B Page 2 of 4 Decision 04-05-055 103864088D Automated document, Prelim Effective: July 26, 2004 inary Statement, Part A Non-Refundable Payments ' Rule 16 Non-Refundable Payments Excess Service Costs $0.00 Service Costs Beyond Preferred Service Location (+) $0.00 Value of Rule 16 Land Rights Costs ~ (+) $0.00 Value of Gas Service Trench in the Franchise Area (+) $0.00 or on 3rd Party Property Inspection Fees (+) $301.18 Rule 16 Trench Permits Obtained by PG&E (+) $0.00 Other Taxable Charges: N/A (+) $0.00 Cost of Additional Rule 16 Applicant Design Plan Checks (+) $962.29 SUB TOTAL (_) $1.,263.47 Plus ITCC @ 31 % (+) $391.68 Other Non-taxable Charges: N/A (+) $0.00 D.04-05-055 Line Extension Costs Residential (+) $0.00 D.04-05-055 Line Extension Costs Non-Residential (+) $250.00 Inspection Fees (not subject to ITCC) (+) '$0.00 Plus Gas Service Trench installed by PG&E on Private Property (+) $0.00 Less Excess Service Facilities Installed by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Service Costs Beyond Preferred Location by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Gas Service Trench in the Franchise Area or (-) $0.00 on & 3rd Party Property installed by Applicant Less Rule 16 Applicant Design Work Associated with Excess (-) $0.00 Total Rule 16Non-Refundable Payment (_) $1,905.15 Rule 15 Non-Refundable Payments Inspection Fees $301.18 Re-engineering /Composite Fees (+) $0.00 Cost of Additional Applicant Design Plan Checks (+) $0.00 Value of Distribution Main Substructures (+) $0.00 PG&E Land Rights Costs (+) $0.00 Rule 15 Trench Permits Obtained by PG&E (+) $0.00 N/A (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL (_) $301.18 Plus ITCC @ 31 % (+) $93.37 Less Distribution Main Substructures Installed by Applicant (-) $0.00 Total Non-Refundable Gas Rule 15 Payment (_) $394.55 Relocation /Rearrangement of PG&E Facilities Value of Relocation/Rearrangement Facilities $143.60 Value of Relocation/Rearrangement Conduits ~ Substructures (+) $0.00 Value of Relocation/Rearrangement Trench 8~ Excavation (+) $0.00 Engineering & Administrative Costs (+) $627.00 Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2552-G-BI2517-E-B Page 3 of 4 Decision 04-05-055 1 aS364a8BD Effective: July 26, 2004 * Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A Value of Relocation Applicant Design Work (+) $0.00 Cost of Additional Applicant Design Plan Checks (+) $0.00 Tie-In of Relocation/Rearrangement by PG&E (+) $1,015.60 Relocation/Rearrangement Trench Permits Obtained by PG&E (+) $0.00 Relocation/Rearrangement Land Rights (+) $0.00 Relocation/Rearrangement Inspection Fees (+) $301.18 SUB TOTAL (_) $2,087.37 Plus ITCC @ 31 % (+) $647.09 Plus Relocation/Rearrangement -Non Taxable (+) $0.00 Less Relocation/Rearrangement Faoilites Installed by Applicant (-) $143.60 Less Substructures Installed by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Trench & Excavation Provided by Applicant (-) $0.00 Less Value of Relocation Applicant Design Work (-) $0.00 Less Relocation/Rearrangement Salvage (-) $0.00 Total Payment for Gas Distribution Line and Service Extension ~ (_) $2,590.86 Total Payment for Gas Distribution Main and Service Extension Cash Payment -10-Year Refundable Advance Option Rule 15 Refundable Advance Payment $17,632.60t3~ Rule 16Non-Refundable Payment (+) $1,905.15 Rule 15 Non-Refundable Payment (+) $394.55 Relocation/Rearrangement of PG&E Facilities Payment (+) $2,590.86 Total (_) $22,523.16 Cash Payment -Non-Refundable ®iscount Option Rule 15 Non-Refundable Discount Option Payment $6,190.14t3i Rule 16 Non-Refundable Payment (Not Subject to Discount) (+) $1,905.15 Rule 15 Non-Refundable Payment (Not Subject to Discount) (+) $394.55 Relocation/Rearrangement of PG&E Facilities Payment (+) $2,590.86 Total (_) $11,080.70 Value of Gas Facility Reinforcements by PG&E: $0.00 based upon Applicant's estimated gas load of: 0.0 Mcfh (Reference:.Payment Adjustments. Excess Facilities section of the Provisions) (1) Total Service Allowance not to exceed the Cost of Service (2) 10 Year Refundable and Discount Option credit amounts will be paid upon acceptance of facilities. Credit amounts are subject to future deficiency billing In accordance with the tariff. (3) 10 Year Refundable and Discount Option credit amounts do not offset Other Non-Refundable or Relocation Fees. See Reimbursement Summary for a total of Reimbursements and Credits to be paid upon acceptance of facilities. (4) Inspection Fees (Only Refundable if Applicant's Actual Cost is Used. Applicant's Actual Cost + Inspection Cannot Exceed PG&E's Estimate) (5) The lower of PG&E's estimated costs or the Applicant's Contract Anticipated Costs (as documented on Form 79-1003 "Statement of Contract Anticipated Costs") will be used to establish the cost of Service and Distribution Line Extension subject to Allowance ** PG&E USE ONLY Excess service allowance applied to distribution refundable amount per lot/unit $0.00 + $0.00 (_) $0.00 Allowance 31 % ITCC Refund per Residential Lot/Unit Farm 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice 2552-G-B12517_E-B 10.~864086D * Automated docgmenotf Preliminary Statement, Part A Effect v'e J ly 26,E 2004 REFERENCES: Notification # 103864086 Pacific Gas and Electric Company DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE EXTENSION AGREEMENT. Contract# 1107742 EXHIBIT A -COST SUMMARY E15-PM # 30717528 l '~ E16R-PM # 30717527 E20C-PM # G15-PM # 30718089 G16R-PM # 30718089 Applicant: TOWN OF LOS GATOS, A Government Agency Project Location/Name: FIESTA WAY, LOS GATOS, 95030 REIMBURSEMENT SUMMARY Reimbursements are provided for facilities that are installed by the Applicant which are normally the responsibility of PG&E per our tariffs. Reimbursements will be made after the facilities are accepted by PG&E, operational and ready to supply service. Reimbursable payments made for services will be reimbursed at the average rate shown as each service is connected. All reimbursements will be based upon PG&E's estimated costs. Electric Rule 15 (1) 10 Year Refundable Advance Credit Amount $0.00 -or- (1) Non-Refundable Discount Option Credit Amount $0.00 Joint Pole Credits (+) $0.00 PG&E Betterments (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL: w/ 10 Year Refundable Advance Credit Amount (_) $0.00 -or- w/ Non-Refundable Discount Credit Amount (_) $0.00 Electric Rule 16 Joint Pole Credits $0.00 Applicant Design Work within the Allowance (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL: (_) $0.00 Reimbursements per Service Completion -Electric Energized System $0.00 /service c2~ Non-energized System $0.00 /service c2~ Electric Rule 20B Joint Pole Credits Rule 20B Payment Credit SUB TOTAL: Electric Rule 20C Joint Pole Credits Rule 20C Payment Credit SUB TOTAL: InIVflYVI~InIII~VIAIIIVi $o.oo (+) $0.00 (_) $0.00 $o.oo (+) $0.00 (_) $0.00 * Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A Effective: July 1, 2004 Page 1 of 2 Form 79-1004 Tariffs and Compliance Advice ?_458-G-CI2379-E-C Decision 03-03-032 Streetlights LS-1 Standard Luminaries $0.00 Standard Poles & Arms (+) $0.00 Protective Tubes (+) $0.00 Internal Wiring (+) $0.00 Overhead Conductor (+) $0.00 Underground Conductor (+) $0.00 Connections (+) $0.00 LS-2 Connections (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL: (_) $0.00 Gas Rule 15 10 Year Refundable Advance Credit Amount $0.00(1) -or- Non-Refundable Discount Option Credit Amount $0.00(1) PG&E Betterments (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL: w/ 10 Year Refundable Advance Credit Amount (_) $0.00 -or- w/Non-Refundable Discount Credit Amount (_) $0.00 Gas Rule 16 Stub Services $0.00 Applicant Design Work within the Allowance (+) $0.00 SUB TOTAL: (_) $0.00 Reimbursements per Service Completion -Gas (z> Pressurized System $0.00 /service (2) Non-Pressurized System $0.00 /service Total Reimbursement 10 Year Refundable Advance Option -Gas & Electric (3) $0.00 •- OR (3) Non-Refundable Discount Option -Gas & Electric $0.00 -- OR (3) 10 Year Refundable Advance Option -Gas /Non-Refundable Discount Option -Electric $0.00 -- OR 10 Year Refundable Advance Option -Electric /Non-Refundable Discount Option -Gas (3) $0.00 (1) 10 Year Refundable and Discount Option credit amounts will be paid upon acceptance of facilities. Credit amounts are subject to future deficiency billing in accordance with the tariff. (2) This Reimbursement will be paid on a per service basis as each service is completed. (3) Excludes service completion reimbursements made under Rule 16. Service completion reimbursements will be made as each service is connected, on a per service basis. Page 2 of 2 Form 79-1004 I Tariffs and Compliance II Advice 2458-G-C12379-E-C 1a3864a86a Decision 03-03-032 * Automated document, Preliminary Statement, Part A Effective: July 1, 2004